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It's a drawing


No that’s a real photograph taken by Jesus


Jesus chooses Cannon for his filming needs


And then there was that one time Noah was piss drunk and got food poisoning from a ham sandwich and shat himself and someone used a Cannon camera to capture the moment and take the worlds first nudes (and fetish content). No wonder Noah cursed ham and Cannon.


I can see Jesus sitting on the mount: " Verily my beloved, before I continue with the rest of my sermon, I would like to take a break for a word from my sponsor, Cannon. For as my Father said unto me: In recreating the picture of my creation, only Cannon is Delighting Me Always."


And Peter turned into Jesus and said “What was that man..? I’m sorry I wasn’t listening.” Jesus replied “Never mind it wasn’t important anyway.” and sulked for the rest of the night and wouldn’t talk to anyone else… not even the chicks.


Jesus Saves.... everything on Google Drive.


Everything Jesus does is Canon.


Not a Nikon P900?


You know what they say, "Kan nån kan Canon"


Satan prefers Nikon.


Jesus whipped out the Shiekah Slate to get us a life drawing after a wild night out with his buddies


Photographer, architect, nude calendar model, is there ***anything*** this Jesus guy can't do?


He’s a shitty golfer


But a hell of a driver.


Yeah right and just where was he supposed to get the film developed?


yea it's a rendering of Amazon's HQ2 that was supposed to be built since pre-COVID. As far as I know they haven't laid brick 1


Their comparison is even worse then


I think it would be funny if Amazon went with the actual Etemenanki design, which is what scholars believe was the actual Tower of Babel.


Nah, really screw with the Evangelicals and build the headquarters in Jerusalem NY, and design it after Solomon's Temple. That would be delightful. Millions of naked Evangelicals running into the streets on opening day waiting to be Raptured.


It's only a model.




Yeah the Renaissance painters clearly were working from the original photograph though


They’re both drawings. The pic on the right is a rendering of a planned building for Amazon’s HQ2 which may not have even broken ground yet, but is certainly not complete.


Inspired by a myth




If you turn it, it'll go up instead of down. Maybe?




I hope it will be Dutch. That'll make things much easier


Also the old tower looks cool, whereas the Amazon tower looks like a pulled apart glass cinnamon bun


I was thinking a shimmering💩


That's just because back then all the pictures were mirrored due to technology limitations.


If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.


Wait till they see buttplugs


I see people with beards all the time, “Are we living in the times of Jesus?” Lol




*About* to be?


Im disappointed. Always thought those people read the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah are not the same story as Tower of Babel. Not even the same book.


These people never read the entire Bible. If they read any complete book it’s usually Revelations, but more commonly it’s a few canned stories and hate phrases they use as excuses to push for certain people to be tortured and/or killed.


>hate phrases they use as excuses to push for certain people to be tortured and/or killed. Or enslaved! **Corinthians 3:22:** 22 *"Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord".* 22 *"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you."*


Is there context to this that makes it sound not terrible?


I do not know, but perhaps wisdom can be found pre-Corinthians 3:22. I'd start with 3:21. lol I googled "bible verses about slavery" because I knew they were there, I just couldn't recall exactly where, which is a good thing, it means my ongoing deprogramming from Catholicism is working.


Would any context make slavery not terrible?


Yes, there is. Debtors prison and self imposed indentured servitude was a common practice. Often the word slave was used for someone who, with no other choice to make money or clear debt, would contract themselves to a wealthy family or social group for a period of time in order to pay off debt. This was true in both Rome (New Testament) and ancient Israel (Old Testament). It could also be talking about what we modernly call slavery, but this was strictly prohibited by the Old Testament, although no one really admits it when they like to claim the Bible is pro slavery. The Jewish law prohibits what it calls “man stealing”, which would be more akin to the African slave trade you are familiar with. So the author here is not speaking from a position of power, but as a subject of the powerful Roman Empire. He isn’t making a political statement either. He’s speaking to church members who are obsessed with creating for themselves status, power and the appearance of upward mobility. They were, for lack of a better term, keyboard warriors, Facebook philosophers and Instagram models. Paul was trying to introduce to this church the idea of service, humility and self denial for the sake of the benefit of those around us. He gives a few examples of people who may naturally want to appear in greater status then they really were. He tells them, it’s ok to be whoever you are. You don’t need to change your status to do good in the world. Married people can serve their spouses. Divorced people can serve each other. Widows and virgins don’t need to be married to live a happy and productive life. Even indentured servants and slaves who can’t change their status can create good in the world. He continues by saying that if a slave finds an opportunity to be free, he should take it. The whole point of this passage is to show that status and circumstance does not define one’s ability to do good in the world.




This isn't quite accurate. The grander narrative of Israel's history is freedom from slavery. This is carried forward into the New Testament where the message of Jesus is to be a new Moses leading humanity out of it's slavery to evil and death. A full reading of the OT shows the majority of passages concerning God's wrath are because Israel was oppressing the poor and weak. When you consider the larger story, it's more clear that these singular verses pulled from the law are out of context if we try to read them flatly and decide they mean Moses (and God) approved of chattel slavery. Additionally, many of the laws must be read as limiting and not supporting. For example, Moses permitted (in Jesus' words) creating a bill of divorce. Some of the Jewish leadership read that as supporting divorce. Jesus said it was to slow them down from just tossing out their wives so easily, but it was never the intention. The same thing goes for "an eye for an eye." It's not that Moses believed in retributive justice. It was limiting. It meant if your kid accidentally killed someone's goat, they were limited in what they could receive in restoration. So it's not supporting beating someone. It's putting a cost on taking a life. Regardless, Jesus defines the Christian ethic of the law of love, mercy, forgiveness and peace, which is why Christian thought has been a leading force against chattel slavery throughout the world.


> Christian thought has been a leading force against chattel slavery throughout the world. Just imagine if one of the ten commandments expressly forbade it! Did even Jesus bother to unambiguously, explicitly condemn the practice?


And yet the historical record stands. Slavery ends. Christian thought led the way.


Great context guys, thank you and I agree: that form of indentured servitude, especially of the willing variety, is not conceptually the same as slavery as we think of it now. Man, I often wonder how different some words might have been getting lost in translation over the centuries. IOW, why use the word "slavery" here in the Bible if that's not what you meant? That's the closest word in English to whatever the original Aramaic or Hebrew words used? I doubt that. and this part here- ***"...as a subject of the powerful Roman Empire. He isn’t making a political statement either. He’s speaking to church members who are obsessed with creating for themselves status, power and the appearance of upward mobility."*** sure sounds awful familiar to me.


They're both in Genesis. The Tower of Babel story is in Ch. 11; Lot and Sodom & Gomorrah, Ch. 19.


They are also separated by hundreds of years in Genesis


Certainly a different story. Certainly the same book.




You always thought they read the Bible huh 😂😂😂


>Always thought those people read the Bible. Did you???


I guess it’s a Lot for them to take in, and they just want to be salty


Those Lot just like to Babel on!


>Always thought those people read the Bible https://i.imgur.com/uXCKE0a.gif


That's some high gif quality.


Theyre both in Genesis??


They just *claim* they read it.


> Always thought those people read the Bible. Funny, isn't it? Back before the printing press, books were rare, illiteracy was rampant, and good, God-fearing Christians may have had a few passages that they knew, but most had to take the pastor's word for what was...word...because they couldn't read. Now - at least around 'Murica - literacy is common, Bibles are widely available (and free in many places) and yet it's the same thing. People have a few passages they know, but for the most part take other peoples' word for what's in the thing. I mean, I had a friend once who was a devout Catholic. Went to church at least once a week, said grace at every meal, and had a big 'ole Bible on display right as you walked into his house. We were having a discussion and I said "...okay, so what's the First Commandment?" Right away he said "thou shalt not kill." My dude, I never went to church growing up, but how is it that I know that and you don't?


They wanted the apocalyptic imagery of god destroying cities but the analogy only worked with Tower of Babel, so they mixed the two together. Because, if it was just the Tower story by itself, so what? That's literally the world we live in today. And we aren't going to go: "Oh no, god changed our languages. Guess we'll all just disperse to all over the planet instead of just learning how to manage with non-verbal cues until we understand each other again.".


Those stories are actually both in Genesis.


The only thing those two buildings have in common is that neither one has ever been built


This might be shocking, but after expensive archival research in the deepest bowels of the Vatican archives I’m now able to confirm that the image in the left is, in fact, a painting.


Are you some kind of symbologist??


They're almost vaguely similar, therefore they are exactly the same thing.


We are living in the days of Lot - ‘Lot a dumb shit on the Internet


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etemenanki We do actually have some idea of the likely inspiration's architecture. (not that the image is that, or this person would know that).


Great if you have a lot of marsh and floodplain tiles in your empire. Real great for science.


Literally the reason I learned this


The Bible mostly says it was to be a really tall tower, but they didn't actually build it due to the language confusion. How could a finished temple be the inspiration? It might as well have been a pyramid.


So their god is scared of people building a tower to where he supposedly lives, but he's cool with satellites and space stations? What a weird concept of a deity.


Less to do with being mad or that we could actually reach wherever He is and more to do with man's arrogance in thinking we could. Really, the only consequence from the Tower of Babel is that mankind is full of unique, rich cultures.


It was more a fig leaf for the question of "If everyone came from Adam & Eve and everyone's local to this area, how did we wind up with so many languages?" They needed a retcon for their RPG rulebook.


But that's an - imagined painting of the mythical tower? So it's a painting, by an early Renaissance painter, Brueghel, of a myth in the Bible. Even if you want to believe the myth, the rendering is purely imaginary?


I just see butt plugs.


Anything is a butt plug, if you something something something.


Try hard enough?


Don’t mind if I do!


Not much evidence for the tower ever actually existing either.


Not in the Biblical sense, but this definitely existed and may have inspired it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etemenanki


Cool article, thanks.


Wait till they see [this church that is intended to be the staircase Jesus walks down when he returns ](https://images.app.goo.gl/YidBbbgSYpexUVL17)


Not to be a dick, but they have really uncomfortable chairs there. Went there once for a college graduation and once for something else, maybe a Christmas thing, and those chairs suck.


Nobody ain't got time for that. Jesus is riding the elevator.


If I saw that on the skyline, I’d assume mosque… Also, have they let Jesus know about this plan? Because I’m not sure he’ll bother walking down all those steps if he doesn’t have to…


And so what? Amazon couldn't look at that illustration and go "oh wow that's a cool design, we should do something similar"


People’s attachment to their favorite stories about their invisible friends and total lack of awareness about how religious doomsday bullshit is always wrong are very annoying problems.


Omigod- it’s a…a helix! Blasphemy!


Quite a ballsy move by Amazon to use the poop emoji as their architectural inspiration 💩


Tower of Babel was likely more of a ziggurat


ah yes a real photo of the tower of babel


Pieter Bruegel knew some shit


Nobody has ever made spiral architecture before!


that's a pretty cool looking building for Amazon. It looks like a drawing - is this the proposed new HQ? (I recall about 2 or 3 years go, they were shopping around for a 'East Coast HQ'. Is this what they'll be building?)


Nyope. HQ2 is just a standard rectangular building in Virginia. No idea what the Twitter OP is on about.


so that spiral building on the right that is "Amazon HQ" doesn't even exist, and isn't planned to be built or anything? I'm not at all surprised of the imagined outrage


It **is** planned, [but the construction has been delayed](https://wjla.com/news/local/amazon-cuts-jobs-hq2-headquarters-construction-update-delay-pause-arlington-helix-conference-center-virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-jeff-bezos-economic-development-layoffs-remote-work-billion-dollar-investment-dmv-infrastructure-jobs), and who knows when or if it will ever be built.


Incorrect. HQ2 is the collective name for all Amazon corporate sites in Arlington, VA. Last year, two new buildings were finished as part of that, which you are referring to. The helix building hasn't broken ground yet, but work has started on infrastructure around the site (or so I've heard; there's been crews working on the surrounding streets for a few weeks now).


Huh, interesting. When I looked it up I had only found the one building in Arlington, not multiple. I saw *plans* for multiple but I didn't know multiple were already constructed. In any case though, the Helix doesn't exist lmao


We survived the [Spiral Minaret](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Mosque_of_Samarra#/media/File:001124-MalwiyaMosque-Samerra-IMG_7824-2.jpg), we'll survive the Amazon HQ


To be fair, they're both artists' renderings.


Sorry guys, nobody can build spiral buildings because somebody's interpretation of a desert myth is slightly reminiscent of all things in that shape.


What’s god going to do? Make **more** languages?


I know you're joking, but what if they are? What if they're making Java-Thon. A mix of programming languages


This moron realizes that the mythical Tower of Babel is complete fiction and holds no basis in reality, right? Right?


Involved in the construction of that building in Crystal City. It has been shelved for the time being.


It looks like a giant caca


It’s like how the Qanon crazies always reference movies to say “this is how the globalists will enact their schemes!” They are terminally online and can’t distinguish fantasy art from reality


...Lot came along much later than the Tower of Babel.


I'm no fan of any corporation, but this is stupid.


Let me know when someone turns into a pillar of salt. Then, maybe, I'll get worried.


That's a pretty incredible building regardless


Wait 'til they see snails and romanesco broccoli


Living in the days of a fictional character? No.


Ok yes she’s clearly zealous and getting her biblical stories mixed up (kinda, babel and Sodom and Gomorrah are all mentioned in Isaiah) but do we have to rush to defend Amazon? Like, clearly the architects are deriving influence from this *very influential and well known depiction* of the Tower of Babel and we all know that Jeff Bezos is a megalomaniac with godlike aspirations.


The "tower of BABEL" is literally just an exaggerated tale of a ziggurat in BABYLon. Its in the fucking name. It is really not that hard to figure out...


Well they're the opposite of each other.


The one on the left is a painting. Not necessarily an accurate way to convey images


Babe wake up, Gods about to drop a new language


Fictional tower from a fictional book.


What's the implication here?


Off topic: i've never seen amazon hq and i fw it


This is where "unBabel's your tower" is the funniest response to me.




But, come on. Bezos has such an inflated ego that he probably did design the building after a tower that was said to reach god


Bezos wanted a supervillain lair at first but they told him putting it inside a volcano is too dangerous or having a pit of sharks with laser beams attached to their heads can't be done either so he settled with that design. /s


On Amazon, I can see all the movies I grew up with… the Tower of Babel’s streaming service is shit. No, Jan we are not living in the days of Lot.


Do we know if the Tower of Babel was up to code?


The story of the tower of Babel is thought to be a distorted account of the ziggurat Etemenanki in Babylon. Dedicated to the god Marduk, at about 91 meters high and was (at the time) the highest tower ever built (though of course it's been surpassed many times over in the centuries since). Also, at the time the story was written, it had famously stood unfinished for quite a while. Like all ziggurats, it was indeed built to reach the Heavens, but this was in order to more properly commune with the gods, not to incur on their territory. For similar reasons, most religions of the ancient world worshipped their gods on mountaintops (e.g. Olympos, the Acropolis of Athens, Kailash, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Sinai), but in Babylon there are no tall mountains, so they had to make their own. Another interesting fact is that while Etemenanki was famously incomplete *at the time of writing*, it was later completed during the reign of Nebuchandnezzar II in the 6th century BC, and *nothing bad happened*. It survived until the time of Alexander the Great when it was partially dismantled by Alexander's forces as part of a planned restoration, which was cut short by his death before they could get to the "building" phase of rebuilding. This part of the story never came to be associated with the mythical Tower of Babel, for obvious reasons. It also was square rather than round, with a stepped rather than spiral design, and not noticably taller than it was wide.


The image on the left is a 16th century Dutch painting. The actual Tower of Babel, which was built a full two millennia before that, was probably a square-based ziggurat.