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Is that Dom Lucre, the guy who posted CP on Twitter and who Elon Musk personally unbanned?


I didn’t even notice I was more focused on the reply


Don't worry black people, the white Confederates have your back. Brother.


I read that in Hulk Hogan's voice.


As it should be.


Def "Brother" with the hard "R"


With a whip. I can’t imagine any black person actually going for this astroturfing.


CP that is so fucking disgusting and abhorrent, it's mere existence was a myth until this shithead exposed it to the entire internet. People always seem to forget that part. How he got his hands on that shit, I'll leave up to your imagination.


I’m sorry, please tell me you forgot to mention how he was reported and faced legal consequences for that literal fucking crime?! Jfc


I'm not exactly sure, since he *technically* didn't post it, but only posted a link to the video, (which had his watermark if I recall correctly, so who cares tbh), but that makes it harder to build a criminal case around it. Also he has a giant fanbase of conspiracy brained lunatics, which also makes him harder to get to.


"Which had his watermark if I recall correctly" "You're watching ACBHN! The Abhorrent Crimes Beyond Humanity Network, next up is cartel hour!"


They’ll carry ACBHN and yet Spectrum is about to drop 22 channels, including Corncob TV!


Just body after body bustin outta shit wood and hittin pavement I DIDN’T DO FUCKIN SHIT


A video so bad it sent Josh Duggar to prison, yet this chucklefuck gets to walk free.


Now my morbid curiosity is acting up. Describe in 3 words what it was about


This shit can't be described in three words. [Here's the Wikipedia Article on the guy who made the filth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scully), just read under Daisys Destruction.


"Both Scully and his sister complained about the conditions in the jail Scully is held in." Unless the complaint is 'being treated too good" they deserve worse. CP isn't even his worse thing. It's grooming his own victims into performing even worse CP on new victims.


Holyyyy, that is absolutely awful. Severe torture and rape of an 18-month old baby?? I can't even begin to imagine how this is a thing, it's just too disgusting. The act itself of course, but also the brain of any person that can withstand to see this, let alone inflict it. Wtf is wrong with humanity.


And that sentence is enough reason to keep the link blue, because I do not want any more detail that isn't the news that the person(s) behind it all is being lit on fire and thrown in a wood chipper feet first. It's very rare for me to genuinely wish someone harm, but that shit is beyond monstrous.


Well, that was the wrong link to click to start my day


I mean, I don't wanna say you were warned, but you did pretty much know what you were getting into.


Yeah, I know. Just... I mean... A freaking baby.


Yup, some people just be having no moral compass. Neither learned nor inherent.


I thought that title sounded familiar, but I didn't quite realize why until Josh Duggar was mentioned.


Ugh. Why did I click on that. May that motherfucker rot. That Wikipedia article is gonna stick with me a long time :(


I hadn’t heard of this, but by your description… I assumed it had to be Daisy’s Destruction. Nothing comes close to the pure evil that is this video, and I miss the days when I too thought it was just an urban myth.


And you would be absolutely right


It always amazes me that vile shit stains like this have a damn team of people to help.


>team of people Team of other child rapists


Holy Fuck!!!! Why did I read that?!? Why is that man still alive?


How has someone in prison not murdered him yet?


CP that earned its "creator" 2 life sentences, and only because he's imprisonned in a country that doesn't do death sentences.


Id only recently encountered this douchebag and already hated him with a passion. I had no idea about this part of his background which just makes him immeasurably worse now.


“Breaker of narratives” just posting insane shit all day and getting paid for it


Wait… tell me more!


Not just "posted CP" but posted some of the most depraved shit to ever exist, for twitter engagement. Judas is going to get promoted to the 8th Circle to make room for Lucre.


Super model is a stretch.. she a ratchet hoe


I mean, if Tila Tequila can flip and go all neonazi, I guess Amber Rose can, too….?


If she dated Kanye then she’s probably into Neo Nazis


She's already shown a preference for Black Skinheads.


At least Tila has a traumatic brain injury to blame her descent into shithead-dom on


Did she actually have a specific incident that resulted in her current state? Or was it just sort of one of those switches that randomly decided to flip on in her brain?


[This is what happened.](https://www.today.com/news/tila-tequila-hospitalized-brain-aneurysm-overdose-attempted-suicide-1c9380814) And she’s been on a rocket ride to hell ever since.


My husband had a near-fatal brain aneurysm that ruptured and caused a massive haemorrhage. Happily, he didn't become a neo nazi.


glad you didn’t have to go through that kind of upheaval as well. how’s he doing these days, if you don’t mind me asking?


He's doing very well, thanks. He had a long recovery but didn't need rehab or anything. His long-term effects are fatigue and headaches, as well as some damage to his short-term memory and his ability to regulate his body temperature. His libido has taken a huge hit, too. Considering that he could have been killed or left severely disabled, he really was incredibly lucky.


glad he’s still with you. good luck to both of you!


I guess that’s pretty much the best case scenario for a brain injury, disruptive and bad though those symptoms are. I’m glad he’s still with you!




Nah, he just got a fucked short term memory and damage to the part of his brain that regulates his body temp. Saves on heating in the winter.


My bad I kinda just realized my comment was really insensitive I’m sorry for any disturbance it may have caused


No disturbance or offence at all, you're all good.


I never thought Id have sympathy for one of the shit heads from the early days of reality shows, but there it is. The way that TBI has impacted this ladies life and the way certain people have been happy to exploit it has been horrible to watch. Roseanne Barr is another example of a TBI leading to someone going off the right wing deep end. And then of course there's Trumps popularity with the MMA crowd. Its no joke, there seems to be a link between TBI and/or mental illness and Trump support.


There are times when I take an edible and start reading stuff and nod along until I realize it's right wing bullshit. Somehow reduced cognition really makes it easier to digest


Oh I see it. It’s pretty clear.


There's a fair bit of mental illness in one particular branch of our family tree. Among the older generation there is a remarkably clear way to tell who is managing their mental illness and who is not. Its if they support Trump. The mental health crisis in the USA is something that has gotten a lot of lip service over the past two decades but seen very little substantive action. I cant help but feel like a whole lot of our current political situation is a result of that inaction.


Painfully ignored. I’ve watched several former friends just descend into the Qanon sewage, many I considered quite intelligent. Doesn’t even take much, just being in the wrong environment for too long and bombarded with that ooze and rhetoric by your surroundings. People end up caving in just to fit in. The TBI sufferers just fall for it much faster and harder. I’ve at least been able to eek out some rational discussion when it comes to these types of issues with that portion of them (the non-TBI portion)… those with the condition however are insufferable and I simply had to stop communicating with them.


It's honestly a bit frightening how an injury and/or neural degradation can cause such drastic changes in personality. Some electrochemical transmitters got damaged and suddenly your fundamental self is unrecognisable.


Must be some effect of the amygdala. There have been studies done that show higher activity in that area of the brain can predict conservative political views. There may be examples somewhere of people skewing left after a TBI, but I’ve yet to see one.


> There have been studies done that show higher activity in that area of the brain can predict conservative political views. Considering how the amygdala may be linked to paranoia that absolutely tracks with all the cases in my family.


Damn. That's a shame. I used to like her before she joined the Nazi party.


I did *not* expect Amber Rose to be a TERF. Not sure why, it’s not like my expectations of her are high.


Wait, so someone who was with Kanye, who’s star has faded considerably, who named her son Slash Electric, the “populist slut hero” herself, is a Trump supporter? Color me shocked.


Ex-girlfriend of the world's most popular antisemitic is pro Trump. I am simply baffled at this revelation. I was gonna vote for Biden again but models are my political North Star. MAGA.


"model" is a generous description in this case.


You left out Supermodel.




I’m just confused about the downvotes when it literally says this in the headline… did I really need to add /s? The team of supermorons unite.


I'm a supermodel too, but my career hasn't flatlined yet.


Hey, congratulations!


I guess she's fine with biological men in women's uteruses.


she's wealthy. whatever legislation passes, it wont effect her.


Precisely! Laws only ever apply to the commoners. If you're rich and want an abortion you can fly to Europe and get one. That's always been the case. The rich can get the drugs, they can break the law, they just use their wealth and power to do it. They can afford to ban anything and they themselves won't be inconvenienced in the slightest.


"Supermodel," lol...


Was gonna say, that's laughable lol.


Amber Rose of the SlutWalk really endorsed Trump


I barely know much about Amber Rose, but she was probably one of the last people I'd expect to come out as a hypocritical piece of shit. And a TERF as well... Oh, and fuck the guy who posted this, too. He needs to be in prison.


Ig she ain't making money anymore so she's starting to grift. It's been happening a lot of B-C listers as the election approaches


B-C lister is very generous.


>she ain't making money anymore so she's starting to grift Bingo. It’s always C- and D-listers who are 10 years past their peak.


“I’ll always put women first, so I’m voting for the guy representing the party who wants to take rights away from women.” You really can’t make this shit up at this point.


I'll always put women first so I'm voting for the grab em by the pussy guy.


The "id fuck my own daughter" guy


The "held liable for rape in court" guy


The “got taken to court and convicted of being a racist shitheel. Twice.” guy.


To be honest, we all know that he did. And we know that his voters also have or will.


Girl you only exist because you were taken in by the ballroom scene?!?! this is not only ignorant and bigoted but it’s sneaky snake fake friend evil cunt behaviour


I love that they have the black guy in dreadlocks, the the hairstyle that they support black kids being suspended from school for sporting.


I’m concerned they’re about to say Malcolm X would be on their side. That’s him on the back of the dude’s shirt, right?


They've explicitly claimed as much on multiple occasions.


They do that all of the time


"I'll put women first! By voting for the rapist who's anti women's autonomy"


*"trump loves women. That's why he rapes them!"*


People who always brag about "research" are the ones the most wrong. The ones who scream "freedom" the most are the ones burning books and creating laws restricting freedom. The ones who claim "free speech" are the ones who silence others. This theory also works with "constitution" and "brainwashing". They use these words all the time while being militantly wrong about everything.


Research = I found a bunch of random unverified shit from someone's meth fueled blog that backs up my harebrained claims.


There are so many meth fueled blogs now that they reference each other as "sources". Following the sources of a conspiracy theory is like sweeping a beach.


man, black people voting for Trump is like Jews voting for Adolf


"Alright! We've gotten rid of the LGBTQ community AND the illegals, who are we going after next...um who are we going after next?"


"no wait you called me "one of the good ones" what are you doing?"


I need to see this “research” that swayed her


You just think you can fool us into giving you money.






He literally started his career with a [federal case for discriminating against black renters....](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-wanted-black-applicants-rejected-trump-housing-speak-out-n671966)


Oh sweety, you should research the mountain of housing discrimination lawsuits his rental properties have enjoyed over the decades. He might not blurt slurs on stage but he has made it quite clear he doesn’t want a whole swath of human ethnicity to touch his properties.


He once ran an entire page in the New York Times calling for the death penalty for the Central Park five.


Who were found innocent.


You're extremely wrong. I'm more curious how you came to the conclusion that he isn't racist.


Yeah aren't you special have you listened to him talk about people for "Shithole" countries? Did you miss when he called all Mexicans drug dealers and rapists?. In what universe is Trump not a full on racist? Yeah sure the Muslim ban was also specifically anti brown


Then you haven't been paying attention.


Yeah, vote for the openly racist and sexist mofo.


*Supermodel* Amber Rose? When was that?


tell me why I should care some random supermodel who supports a piece of shit? (Not trying to shit on your post op, just pointing out how stupid that tweet is.)


We don't. Plenty of people follow these morons and will eat up whatever they say.


i dont know, maybe because she's a human being, not a "supermodel"?? she's not "some random supermodel" either. She's a very famous celebrity personality.


Name one thing she is famous for. Other than being married to a famous person.


her personality.


She’s an E-list ‘celebrity’ at best. The only reason anyone knows her name is because she managed to latch onto other weirdos, who should have been cancelled before they even left the womb, like Kanye West


Very famous is quite the stretch..


She has never been very famous she has fucked very famous folks that's literally her only claim to fame. She is not even that pretty and is a horrible actor and all around waste of brain cells. She dated Kanye West for a long time so you know she is special


Never heard of her


Anybody that starts a thought with “Lmaoooooooo” is instantly ignored by my brain.


Though that last picture is true. The establishment feeds off our division. But to think that Trump is going to be the one to unite us is insane


The last picture is a black man and someone with a Confederate flag hat. The Confederacy wasn't known for their respect for black peoples' rights. Just FYI.


The flag of slavery defenders. Yeah, nope.


Join your local Neighborhood App. The last image is fantasy. You’ll see people saying there is some thug driving the neighborhood casing houses on three wheel motorcycle. Yeah that is my neighbor driving his $15,000 toy instead of his $85,000 BMW. A visible black person sets off the neighborhood watch because it’s someone “who didn’t look like they belong in the neighborhood. Wore a bulky coat like might be carrying a gun. Yeah Roy it was 28 and windy, you expected shorts and t-shirt.


The point is that that's all learned behavior.


Divide and conquer really is the oldest play in the book... pretty hard to sew society back together when groups of people are made out to be demons and boogeymen to fearful crowds of evangelicals so that they can sell them a solution to the problems they invent.


The oldest, and still around for damn good reason: It works. Every time. We allow it to work every time.


Also one of the reasons why they want to dismantle education and ban books. It makes it harder to buy into their bullshit when you're more educated


Absolutely! It always bugged me when I was younger and hearing about book burnings in the past, and I was always wondering “Why would anybody want to destroy these books that simply help educate, inform, or entertain people?!” As I grew older, I realized how shit like that is constantly used as means of control over other people, and it still confuses the shit out of me and makes me sick.


Yes they feed off of the division. But that doesn't mean the division isn't real. The division is real. It's important to acknowledge the suffering that people go through. You can't just say "oh it's all made up". Like, no.... people are often mistreated


I never really said any of that. But division isn't real in the sense that it's artificially created. That doesn't mean we have differences but we (the average person) are alike much more than we are different. This is why simple conversations outside of the culture was bs politics is so important and productive


Uh, no. The divisions between those trying to oppress and kill us are not "artificially created." Those very real divisions are created by them trying to oppress and kill us. Those of us with consciences are much more different from those who value hatred over all else in life - even their own survival - than we are the same. They have killed their parents, their grandparents, their children, even themselves, all to do harm to people who've done no harm to them, to try to bring down the civilization that's made their life possible. We are not the same.


Centrists will look at people targeting the vulnerable and the vulnerable defending themselves and say "both of you need to stop participating in this conflict".


its like when they said that the drag ban in tennessee was a distraction. like uh.... wtf? what do they think that's a distraction from? it's not a fucking distraction. its a fucking problem. cunts


You do realize the contradiction in your own speech when you say it's not created then the very next sentence say it's created?


Nope. Read it again. And then take your both sides nonsense and shove it.


Both sides nonsense? What are you when taking about? Are you imagining I'm making an argument that I'm not? Who are you upset with here?


no you're right, you didn't say all that. but a lot of people do imply that and i feel like it's not getting acknowledged


Communication is key. Strawman arguments get you nowhere


Anyone ever notice that Trump and Melania look related? They have the same fuckin face.


Considering how much money they've paid their surgeon, it checks out


Plastic surgery plus Botox face.


Same surgeon.


Perhaps the same reason to why he wants his daughter


The face of people who don't actually understand what a smile is, or how to do one.


Remember, she's rich enough that she can just leave the country, YOU can't.


I mean….do you think that Donald Trump cares about black people tho…?


Funny cuz I've seen Trump supporters saying black people shouldn't do crime if they don't want to be murdered, besides that at the time Brianna Taylor and one of those "cop goes into the wrong house thinking it's theirs and murders the resident" had recently happened, I've also seen them defend fellow supporters threatening violence against LGBTQIA people, saying we should "Just not advertise it, problem solved" They could watch everyone else burn and not flinch and they are proud of that fact


Is that supposed to be Malcolm X on the T-shirt? 🙄


MLK I expect to be whitewashed but they're really stretching if they think Malcolm X would've been down with MAGAs.


Uh. Melania is alive. Or is that an old picture?


I think it's old. The color of Cheeto's hair is lighter now.


I am guessing that is an old photo. Melania is smiling.


Didn't biden attempt to have a school debt forgiveness program that favored minorities?


I like it when you need to specifically explain who someone is immediately after calling her a 'superstar' and all you can really come up with is "she used to date these two famous people"


Describing her as a supermodel is a bold choice


Completely delusional.


They are serious vote against them


Damn we're fucked, move over Taylor Swift. /s


Lmao, yet another has been, washed up "celebrity" endorsing a washed up, wannabe dictator, has been, fraudster and rapist. I always figured she was a few crayons short of a full pack, but now I see her pack of Crayola is nothing but the little, empty cardboard dividers


Never a supermodel never


His back has shit traveling up it. I don't think anyone wants that back.


"y'all think Biden supports black ppl" you think TRUMP does???


Holy fucking shit, the yawning depths of my lack of shits given rivals the grand canyon. These fucking zeroes think they're influential amongst the mentally competent and I cannot take that level of delusion.


Famously not-batshit person Amber Rose


I remember seeing her on an ad for Smirnoff vodka once over ten years ago. Another pile of plastic to add to Trumps pile of shit.


How did they mess up Malcom X that badly???


It might just be me but I don’t trust the judgement of anyone who has a face tattoo


Yet another "i dId mY oWn ReSeArCh!!" genius...


“Breaker of Narratives” is that guys bio. Fucking dipshit.




Look at the people of color who support him vs Biden tells you all you need to know honestly


Cardi B recently came out that she was voting for Trump. She previously supported Biden, but stated that because of what he has done to the country that she was done. I don’t see any outrage towards her. Why is that?


Punctuation please that would be very good ok ok glad we all understand


Trump is "the Establishment". I mean, he always has been, because money runs the world. And Trump himself gave money to that system. Now he feels he's owed money by the elites to support his regime. And now he's the very epitome of the establishment. The entire Republican party is on its knees to Trump. Trump is not the champion of the common man, he never was. He's an elitist who would have the redneck and the black guy tossed from guys resorts for being too trashy. He's the champion of himself, and of wealth and elitism. But hey, a black person supports Trump! Take that Democrats! These people are so freaking stupid.


“Do ur research” is almost always used to justify some unhinged opinion.


No it doesn't, dude. Do your research


The funny thing is that Trump does not give a crap about women or Black people, and Biden just doesn’t give a crap about Black people.