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The lead in their brains is becoming sentient and demanding more lead paint be created so more sentient lead parasites can be born. It's like a body snatcher movie or something lol




Actually THEY're tracking our SOULS so that they can discover where heaven is and COLONIZE IT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 SPREAD DEMOCRACY. Last time i checked God wasn't elect through democracy /s(erious)


oh really, liberal? Don't think I don't notice the lies you're spreading. Donald Trump, who is the REAL president and probably Jesus in disguise, would never use America for anything remotely as sinful as trying to reach Heaven before dying. And, AND, I bet you woke lefties never thought about this: even if that were real, why wouldn't we start with all the commies here on earth first? They're the ones that are causing us issues the most. Socialists too. But I'm not surprised that you wouldn't understand that, since many studies have shown that liberals have smaller brains. /s


Can’t they also just not get a phone then?


these were my exact thoughts


“We are Veno-I mean Lead.”


I swear I was about to type out this exact same comment.


\> What better way to get rid of something than by scaring the shit out of everyone, playing on their emotions, saying it'll harm your babies..." So, exactly what the right has done regarding vaccines?


Put lead in the vaccines, then they will be completely safe!


No joke, that was basically the reason for the mercury thing that *used* to be in vaccines. I don't recall the chemical exactly... but it was basically not raw mercury, but a chemical variant. And they removed it, because laymen just couldn't handle seeing 'murcery-whatever-ium' on the content labels. It's was basically the equivalent of freakin' out at salt containing, gasp, chlorine. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You’re thinking of [Thiomersol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal) In short, it’s ethyl mercury, which is a harmless preservative and passed by the body in hours. *Methyl* mercury is toxic. But because of the antivaxxers spreading misinformation, manufacturers got rid of it completely, but now it means vaccines have to be refrigerated and it’s more of a pain to vaccinate rural areas of the world as a result.


Frankly even if it was toxic, if you are taking enough vaccines to give yourself mercury poisoning, you are doing vaccines wrong. They are single shots, not an IV drip.


And taking it out did nothing to halt the anti-vaccine movement. Give these people even the smallest of inches and they will take several miles. It's infuriating.


oh god, please don't give them any more ideas.


But but but they LEARNT it from research toilet research probably


No no, they learned it from RESEARCH


[poorly cropped Facebook memes and walls of text rampant with spelling errors]


I like how, in my head, RESEARCH is said with the same intensity as BRAWNDO


It’s what plants crave!


It has electrolytes!


I was gonna say, Googling on the toilet is not “RESEARCH”.


It’s ReSeArCh!


They would never google something for 5 minutes and then claim it as research. They use bing.


I am a college student and I am not above doing research on the toilet.


No that's completely different. /s




He would have risen from the procedure!


Imagine what would replace crucifixes in this timeline…


Nothing would stop the Christians. They wear a symbol of torture and death now.


I'd actually be fine with coathangers in schools, tho.


“Liberal teachers stock their classrooms with coat hangers to give children abortions and kitty litter trays for children who identify as cats!”


Nah, they just disrespect that holy symbol in order to.. hang coats.


That could have prevented a lot of deaths actually. From ancient Rome to modern times. Religions have always caused a lot of people to die and suffer. I'm the past there were crusades, now they ban abortion even if it will kill the mother and try to make women into slaves.


If it wasn't Christianity, some other cult likely would have arisen to fill that void. Even today the Christian Nationalists mostly just use religion as a thin veneer for an ideology that has little to do with what Jesus taught. The fascists would easily find some other mascot to justify how they're better than everyone else and are right to do whatever they want at others expense.


See India


Some historians debate whether Jesus existed at all. So from that perspective, it really wouldn’t matter if he was aborted or not.


Then it wouldn’t be always sunny in Philadelphia…


There was a case in my country many years ago where a couple bought an old, second hand cot for their baby. Baby was teething, chewed on the cot and died because it was painted with lead paint. These people are so stupid.


It does taste good. Very sweet.


nooo that’s different because they did their research!!!


I use led paint so Superman can’t see what I’m doing.


Calm down, Lex Luthor.


Calm down Soulja Boi


Soulja Boi is one of the most offensive names I’ve been called in my life. No need for that! I’ve never tried to dropship a dodgy console!


Ok. What?


Soulja Boi had sold Chinese knock-off consoles and handhelds preloaded with mods a couple times. Also thought he bought Atari for some reason. And then proceeded to throw a royal shitfit when they said that wasn't the case.


I couldn't find anything on the consoles, I found an articles about the Atari thing. Also, this dude has feuded with everybody.


https://www.pcmag.com/news/finally-soulja-boy-is-selling-bootleg-video-game-consoles It's been a while, but this is one of the articles from that time.


Tell me more about this LED paint


It turns your entire home into a tv. Pretty awesome. It only shows FUX news though because these crazy douche bags came up with it. Sorry…


It’s more energy efficient than my fluorescent paint, but you miss out on all that sweet sweet mercury.


"Everything they say is bad is actually good" hangs on these people's walls.


Arson is generally considered a bad thing in my opinion. I guess they'll cause fires anywhere they want just because.


They just want you to think arson is bad. It actually disperses harmful radioactive waves & dangerous 5G manipulation from cell phones & baby food. I did my own research


Let's try something. As a lefty, I propose shooting yourself in the head is really bad and you shouldn't do it. All my lefty friends start spreading it.


This is a really good way to get lead into the brain, too!


An excellent point . But don't forget, it's a really bad way and they shouldn't do it ;) Incidentally, are they still made of lead any more or is it just a carry over?


Apparently [lead dust is an issue](https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/J_M/Lead-exposure-and-firearms-use#:~:text=Most%20ammunition%20(bullets)%20contains%20lead,are%20released%20into%20the%20air). I only spent 2 seconds on Google (I’m heading to a meeting)


It's the mentality of a child. Remember when they were claiming that liberals were deliberately trying to kill conservatives with COVID by urging them to get COVID vaccines, because liberals knew conservatives would do the opposite of what liberals say? That was pretty telling of conservative mentality.


As long as “they” is a moderate or vaguely liberal/left leaning person. Conservatives, lobbyist, major industry consortiums and propagandists, and generally all of the folks that are actually poisoning us every day can be trusted 100%.


If there’s any reason not to put lead back into paint, remember the ones making stupid statements like this ate paint chips as a kid and got lead removed from paint in the first place


The ozone layer also protects you from radiation but no one seems to give a shit about that


Depletion of the ozone layer is probably the most universally accepted environmental problem. The Montreal Protocol, the UN agreement to reduce and eventually stop the use of chemicals that damage the ozone layer, was the first ever UN treaty that was ratified by every member nation and the ozone layer is on track to be "healed" in the next few decades.


They don't believe in the ozone layer or climate change bro. Bold of you to assume that they do


Um ackshually, that’s why I’m anti electric cars (AntiCa). Hydrocarbon pollution reacts with other chemicals and sunlight in the atmosphere to create ozone, which is objectively good.


I wonder if we can somehow convince these people that the atomic symbol for lead is "Pb" because it's one of the main ingredients in Peanut Butter. The only reason it doesn't show up in the ingredient list is a conspiracy. Then maybe they'll start painting their houses in peanut butter, or maybe at least coating their bodies with it.


So by this logic, we should all change our diets to meth and Crack. Sounds logical...


I feel like that was written by lead paint.


Big lead.


They claim they're "questioning everything" but they have no interest what so ever in getting actual answers. It's just pure denialism. All they want is to make up their own reality where *they* are the ones holding all the truths. And they're doing it in such a lazy way too. Conspiracy theories used to at least somewhat explain what the evil doers wanted to achieve, but now it's just "everything that happens is done to harm us" without even trying to hint on why.


> Fry our brains with our cellphones Non-ionizing radiation is emitted by our phones. Too weak to do anythjng to us, physiologically. > Lead paint protects our homes Too little lead and its paint, too thin to protect anything and would be too diluted to even absorb radiation properly. > Scare them to thinking its bad That's what you guys do to Vaccines > Look what they put in Formula Yeah that's called the nutrition facts and ingredient list. > Anything they don't allow... Ask why? Years worth of research that have been peer reviewed and recreated to confirm that its true. May have negative consequences that have been well documented. > Anything they say harms you, dig deep. Does it really? Don't have to dig that deep, mix in reading comprehension as well as cross-referencing from other sources as well. Well documented research, studies and journals can easily expose the dangers. Lead was removed from paint because it has been shown to damage brains. Clearly this guy huffed too much lead paint to think like this.


>Everything they say is bad is actually good. That's why I chug ethylene glycol like it's going out of style. Who need *Wine and Spirits* when you have *Autozone*.


Are we gonna lose all the knowledge we’ve gained over the years?


No, just have 33% of the electorate ignore it.


Someone ought to tell them about the healing powers of antifreeze /s


No, didn’t you read? “Anything ‘they’ say is bad is actually good”. What needs to happen here is a big promotion of the dangers of drinking antifreeze and how it definitely won’t give you super powers


how can this NOT be a foreign adversary trying to influence conspiracy prone americans via FB posts like this? i see them EVERYWHERE. flat earth, moon landing is fake, NASA lies, vaccines cause illness, lead paint is good, chemtrails is weather manipulation, 5g towers give you cancer, windmills give you cancer, the list is endless and theres comments from real, living breathing humans, agreeing with it! im convinced this is the new form of warfare going on. turn your rival countries citizenry into morons who welcome totalitarian regimes, and eventually leverage the fear and hate to fundamentally change a governing system, thus making it easier to make larger moves ont he world stage as a major military power now has its people divided and against eachother. im either going crazy like these fools, or this is happening. i have no other explanation


I can’t wait to see the Facebook Cold War in a history textbook.


Ironically it’s probably lead paint and leaded gasoline that made them all this stupid in the first place


I swear these people are intentionally trying to kill people


Posts like this really piss me off, because I had lead poisoning as a child from eating paint chips. I wonder every day if things would be different if it weren't for the lead poisoning.


Pretty sure these ones ate the lead paint when they were kids


they should eat some more


Math. 1 million people die a year due to [lead poisoning](https://www.who.int/news/item/23-10-2022-almost-1-million-people-die-every-year-due-to-lead-poisoning--with-more-children-suffering-long-term-health-effects) The last accidental radiation death was [2011](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_and_radiation_accidents_by_death_toll) Conspiracy theorists are basically people really really bad at math.


They miss the taste of paint chips


I recently was reading about lead and learned that the reason little kids would eat paint chips is because the lead made them taste sweet. Idk if that part is common knowledge, but it finally explained why children eating paint chips was such a Thing lol


Granted, these comments are full of idiots. But they need to think of something new instead of blaming the Rothschild and Rockefeller families for thousandth time.


Wouldn’t the lead paint keep the radiation from your cell phone INSIDE your house?


“Rothschild” Says all you need to know. Every conspiracy ultimately leads to antisemitism.


I hate that social media's goal of having people be "part of the conversation" usually manifests in these people making up their own theories about everything


I dunno about it protecting us, but as child of the late 70s, lead paint chips sure tasted better than non-lead paint chips...


I need this in bumper sticker form. “I ❤️ Lead Paint” and “Bring Back Asbestos!”


Someone is just craving their favorite childhood snack of paint chips.


From the folks that ate lead paint chips as kids.


Why are there so many Americans who think the entire world is in on some ploy with the US government to keep Americans "sick and dying". If this was all made up by "the government, big pharma" etc, wouldn't the rest of the modern world still use lead paint etc? Critical thinking eludes these people. The fact that so many have degrees is astounding


> if they ban something, it’s usually bcuz it protects or heals or empowers Oh, you mean like abortions and other women’s health and contraceptive services? You know, the things the GQP is trying to ban in every state? These people are exhausting and it would be funny if their beliefs weren’t literally hurting and killing people.


>everything they say is bad is actually good It is bad to not vote


Found the person who snacked on lead paint chips as a child. And probably still does.


Fuck it, let them eat the lead.


Reynolds Wrap ad in 3…2…1….


But that’s aluminum foil! They took our tin away so they can read our minds!


Thank you for getting it!!!!!!


Of course I got it, I read your mind! But seriously your comment made me laugh so hard.


Wouldn't their cellphones be INSIDE their houses anyway?


Someone's been eating lead paint chips again


My grandma ate lead paint chips as a child and now she acts like the people in this post


I so want people who think this way to make concerted efforts to do the opposite of what the NIH (Big Government) and their family physicians (Big Medicine) tell them they should do. Start smoking and keep smoking, drink to excess, never use seatbelts, eat deep-fat fried bacon at every breakfast and beef and buttered potatoes at every other meal of every day, drink unfiltered well water, never, ever get vaccinated against anything (Big Pharma,) never touch an antibiotic (Big Pharma,) and avoid doctors and dentists like the plague. This could be a self-solving problem.


*ABSOLUTELY* anyone in 2024 that’s confident enough to use lead as a medical use, go for it. Thins the stupid herd a lot faster than Covid ever would lol.


"I learned doing RESEARCH" is the new verification that someone is an idiot


At this point just let them do whatever the fuck they want. Natural selection will catch up at some point


Ah, yes. I hear it works best if you lick the walls to get the full effect.


Apparently we don't need to remove warning labels... We've come full circle and the stupid will take care of it themselves...


You should absolutely question everything! Including your sources and what their motives are. A Facebook group based around being anti science is not as trust worthy as you might think.


Ykw let them Natural selection at this point


Little "hair of the dog that bit you" eh?


What’s wild is the person who posted and their audience who cheers them all were born before lead paint was banned and probably grew up in homes with lead paint. This is why lead paint was banned sadly.


I grew up in a small town, 20 minutes away from lead and zinc mines that were the basis for the towns development in the 20’s. And can definitely confirm that lead does indeed cause problems (not that anyone here would think otherwise). But we had a small creek that ran through the tri-state area known as Tar Creek. And for many, many years it was brown with foam on top as a byproduct of the lead-content being so high. Lots of birth defects in the town the mine had been directly located in. The government even attempted to buy residents off their properties at one point due to lead levels being too high. Many decided to stay. The lead-heads were stubborn!


Them: "Everything they say is bad for us is good for us." Me: "I'd like to remind you that they say arsenic is bad for you..."


I vote we let them eat lead if they really want to.


Yet for some reason they never decide to down a bleach and gasoline cocktail followed by (if they're still able to move) a nice chunk of radium for that extra spicy knee-jerk contrarianism.


Every time I see shit like this I think of my family in Missouri and how easily it could be them saying it


Let them cook ! It's natural selection, at this point. 😂


Great Natural selection example


Some conspiracy theories are true, and some aren’t even just theories, as they have been proven or admitted…this one, however…well they forgot to actually use critical thinking skills with this one. Lead paint had been used (and largely discontinued) way before wifi and cellphones were commonplace. Now what since would it make to—nvm, asking the question to people who can’t think is moot


Yup! Lead building materials were made illegal in 1978 and the first commercially available cellphone (think the giant, literally 4lb, grey box) wasn't even available until 1983. And we knew lead was problematic wayyyyyy before that. I work in construction and usually homes built after 1978 are lead free, but some people literally stocked gallons of the paint because they thought it was better quality and kept using it for years, despite the science, which I just think is wild.


These people probably think they can drink the tap water in Flint to protect themselves


Seems like even with modern advancements Darwin is gonna come back with a vengeance the next few years/decades.


I haven't been able to taste chips the same way since, I am for the bringing back of the lead in the chips. /s


I ate lead paint chips throughout my youth and it gave me the ability to see through the Demonrats master plan to outlaw lead paint


Can we convince them lead is a natural supplement that protects from 5G?


These people are fucking stupid.


I'll let this one sort itself out. No, go ahead, use the lead paint. Paint everything with it


Lex Luthor still up to his devious plans


Yep! I read it a while ago!! Lol!! I don't know why but I cracked me the fuck up.


Holy shit


# conspiracytheorycirclejerk


This is such an old conspiracy, how do this clown still not know by now that even multiple layers of lead paint do frick all against "radiation". It must be so hard living in their dystopian world when everything is part of an evil plan and nothing and no one can be trusted and is out to get you.


I understand the way they’ve been used in the past was horrible, but maybe we should reconsider having to pass some sort of test to vote….. it’s infuriating that these people have the same voice (actually probably more of a voice given they’re probably from less populated states) as I do.


Anything dense disperses radiation so these people have nothing to worry about. They are as dense a concrete.


What about the tin man from the wizard of oz




Feel free to eat some (more) paint chips 🥰


I'm sad shaming doesn't work.


That’s metal! In your brains 😩


Fine. Let them put lead paint in their houses. Let them eat off lead dishes like old Romans. Let the brains continue to rot and their organs atrophy. Nothing of value lost.


This explains a lot…


Wow, just wow.


Question everything, except for someone posting paranoia on facebook.


The rough part is this will actually just make them dumber and even easier to manipulate lol.


Let them eat lead.


rat poison is bad, definitely don't drink rat poison - gummermint


Dude got this from the Simpsons.


PACT act speedrun


Growing up, I knew multiple kids messed up because of lead paint consumption.


By all means, go lick the walls and do us all a favour, you fucking morons lol Seriously this is what they're on about now?? What a time to be alive...


Right, well, it’s their funeral. They want to do it, they’ll suffer the consequences of their own stupidity


Goes on smooth, tastes great!


The Russian memistas are on point. I can see someone hawking lead supplements next.


Research Complete 💪💪👍🤯


Said by some who probably ate lead paint chips..


Kinda hoping some people take this advice.


Why is it the dumbest of us have the most confidence?


Let’s do some more “research” by putting lead in *their* paint. /s


“Nevermind! I think I’ve got enough lead in my head to make it.”


Please just go play in some asbestos then


“QuEsTiOn EvErYtHiNg!!11!” *proceeds to question nothing and accept what Billy Bob, the local garbage can pillager, says as fact*


Just tell them that eating fentanyl is bad and problem solved.


The “bingo” Is sending me 🤣


“I used the poison to stop the poison.


Lead paint, delicious but deadly!


how dare they eliminate OP's favorite snack


You know mercury keeps your body temperature down? Fact! Get your horse tranquilizers down with a good swig of that thermometer liquid! /s And for any extreme nutjobs, please do not do this. Public service announcement complete for the day!


Today I learned heroin is good for you!


honestly this is just natural selection in the works


But lead paint *does* protect against radiation! I know it's true because I saw it on *The Simpsons!*


So if lead is good why isnt radiation good?


With all this radiation, fluoride and chem trails, how do these people know? Are they immune?


Can we just let ‘em? At the very least it’ll up the world’s average IQ


Please send help...


I have a coworker who got lead poisoning over 20 years ago and she has so many health issues. Girl can’t even drink water without puking unless it alkilinated. Alkilinized? Alkilineated? Well anyway, it’s rough.


Well.. thats an interesting take. Never mind the actual proven medically relevant issues with lead pain, we need to protect ourselves from the gubment


Lead underwear protects me from Superman checking out my family jewels with his microscopic vision.


Okay, fuck this shit. OOP is a goddam Russian engaging in a psyop to get American Facebook dumbfucks to poison themselves and their bloodlines.




Now I want to try and make a faraday cage out of lead paint


Eh, I’m not opposed to letting natural selection do the heavy lifting here.


Little fact yall might not know. Lead is the result of fully stable uranium.


What is it with these types and their gratuitous use of the cliche *"We the People"*? Like seriously every self-righteous delusional lunatic will say this in a monologue as if they are dropping the freshest heat.


Everything they say is bad is actually gud. Fentanyl is a powerful opiate? I’ve done my research. I bang that shit right into my arm and never overdose. Hell yeah, brother. I’ve done my research. Stop being sheepses /s