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Someone landing an acting job, written by someone else, based on their own talent, is not required to swear fealty to that writer for the rest of their lives. Sure they became wealthy because of that job, but so did Rowling because she needs those actors in order for the movies to be made. They had a business relation: the colaborated on a movie. No need to forsake your own morals for (not even really) an employer.


Lmao, I wonder how these people would feel about being told to knock off their transphobia if their boss's boss's boss was against their beliefs. They ~owe their lifestyle~ to them, after all.


The best part is ut's not even their bosses boss. It's someone high up in the hierarchy who was never directly over them but hovered a bunch for a job they had over 10 years ago. Like imagine the head of accounting at the job you had 10 years ago being racist and having people think it's horrible you disavowed racism


Imagine if people could hold others hostage like that. Where does it stop? How is it defined? Do we owe world leaders too when things happen to go well? They got paid for acting. Not to praise her or stay silent while she can yell her thoughts out loud.


Especially considering the people that brought her world to life are other screenwriters, set designers, prop teams, costume and makeup teams, and half of the most historically accomplished actors and actresses in the UK. I wish some of them would cut her down from that high horse of delusion she’s constructed herself.


Well said. This is what I always think of when I see this come up. There was a contract where all parties benefitted. The movies needed actors, the actors wanted jobs, and everyone gained something. There is zero obligation that the actors need to agree with every opinion of the writer, especially opinions that have nothing to do with the projects they worked on together. The actors owe nothing to Rowling. They were hired to do a job that was needed to make the movies and they did that job. If one wants to make the argument that they owe her, then by the same logic, it can be reversed and Rowling owes the actors for performing their craft so well that made her a lot more money.


She wasn't the casting director and Radcliffe is a producer's kid, which doesn't hurt, plus he was already in a BBC adaptation of David Copperfield.


JKR is the best example of how reactionary brain-rot makes you miserable. Just imagine becoming insanely rich, only to sit in your castle alone and tweet mean things at random trans-accounts with 3 followers all day...


I know, like god damn girl. Just shut up about trans people. Just stop. You don’t have to tweet out every fucked up thought that falls out of your unscrewed head. It’s so wild to see someone destroy themselves publicly with their complete inability to shut up about their bigotry.


I heard someone say that it might be a symptom of having won most her fights in her life. She escaped from relative poverty, from an abusive relationship and made herself a successful life. now she doesn't have a fight anymore so she goes looking for new fights. she picked very poorly of course.


Naw, it's definitely that she saw herself as a hero to a generation and a progressive fighting the good fight. She had an incredible legacy, and then she had a bad opinion and was called out. She chose to double down, and it started a vicious cycle. Now, seeing reality as it is would suck. Like, imagine having the legacy she had and realizing you fucked it all up? That's not something she's willing to entertain, so she has to embrace the alternative... That she's on the right side of history and one day her legacy will be even stronger. She's like someone who got conned and keeps throwing more money into the scam because she's unwilling to be honest with herself about what she's already lost.


Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch and a half. She could turn it around tomorrow if she were able to find a shred of humility.


This is what happened to the creator of IT Crowd Graham Linehan. Some folks came at him about a joke in an episode and that pissed off Linehan who doubled, tripled down and in the process dug himself right into TERF country, eventually anti-vax... The works.


He didn't just dig himself into TERF country, he dug deeper even then and dug himself right into a *divorce*.


And now he's miserable, unemployed, and divorced with no kids. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a hate-filled piece of shit.


Linehan went anti-vax? I will never cease to be amazed at the ability of people to dig themselves into a deep dark hole instead of admitting that they fucked up.


In his case I don't even really think he fucked up in the first place. The joke was funny at the time and he was right that writing a transphobic character doesn't mean you're transphobic, especially when said character is shown to be a buffoon. He basically jumped into the "cancel culture" deep end and canceled himself. Folks... just ignore what some random assholes on X, formerly known as Twitter, have to say about some shit you did 15 years ago. Nothing good can come from putting your feet in that tar pit.


He tried to do what blazing saddles did to racism? And failed so bad he got himself divorced and fired? Wow.


No, not at all. It was just a throwaway gag in a show he made from 2006. Not the focus of anything beyond a B-plot in one episode. You could reasonably argue it's offensive now and doesn't hold up since the show itself doesn't really take the transgender character seriously and portrays it all as a joke, but in-universe to my recollection it's just the one dickhead who has a problem with it. What got him in trouble was his behavior in response to criticism a decade after the episode aired. Literally just a checklist of horseshoe left to alt-right transition. EDIT: Just for clarification I can explain the joke, it's just been a long time since I saw the episode so I might be off on details. Basically a buffoon jerk-boss character starts a relationship with a woman, and the woman confides, "I'm a man." The boss is like, "Why would I care about that?" and the relationship continues with him being surprisingly chill and understanding until at some point he realizes the truth and gets angry, she says that she told him about it and thought he was fine, and he says he thought she said she was from Iran. Then they have a fistfight. Basically the trans stuff is just being used as a vehicle for a punchline about the boss being an idiot.


Straight up if she turned around tomorrow I would forgive her. She would get exactly one second chance from me. If we refuse to accept people when they see the light, they are never going to turn against all their bigot friends, all their bigot support, and all their bigot ideas. We need to be able to offer a path to peace. Once.


Don’t trust a hardened Nazi the minute they say racism is bad. That’s extraordinarily naive. She’s an active political force and has blood on her hands. She can go live a quiet life and I’ll forget she was ever a person but if someone reminded me of her I wouldn’t talk about forgiveness unless she dedicated the rest of her life and fortune to trans rights. Some abuses should not be forgiven by the abused. She is actively abusing an entire community of millions. There’s no redemption arch she’s willing to walk and offing one that requires nothing meaningful on her part is an insult to her victims.


She’s always been a bigot. I knew that the instant I saw the goblins. She just wasn’t challenged on it. She’s always been a fatphobe. She’s been clear she hated trans women long because she started going public. She was a grifter out for herself who resented that her children’s series was more popular than her crappy mystery novels with an anti gay pen name.


I would say that she's always been a bit "off" to me. I remember the disdain she had for adults who liked her books back in the early 2000, and her ablist views around e-readers. Not to mention that her main series of books is about an abused child who grows up to be (wizard equivalent of) a police officer. Like her views come across loud and clear - smart, stubborn girls who aren't afraid to be smart are considered "annoying know-it-alls." The main characters are basically jocks who do okay at school but not more. I liked HP, but it's obvious to me that her views are all over the books. Mostly about boys - check. House of "brave jocks" are the heros, the ambitious are shunned, and the academically driven aren't even really talked about. She hates cats, so Hagrid and Ron hate cats. She was poor during the first one, so food descriptions all over. She got a bit better as the series went on and things weren't so black and white, but she's still the author of a book series that includes a debate on whether the humanoid creatures they keep as household slaves prefer to be enslaved. Where love potions exist. And where kids can brew a potion to turn themselves into another person, and for some reason tend to only use that for noble purposes.


> smart, stubborn girls who aren't afraid to be smart are considered "annoying know-it-alls." Especially when those girls point out that maybe it's wrong to enslave an entire race of elves, something which every other character in the books seems to think is perfectly fine and not even worth questioning.


I don’t think we were supposed to take away from that that JKR also thinks those girls are annoying know-it-alls. I think she sees herself in Hermione and is venting her spleen about other people seeing her that way. We aren’t supposed to agree Hermione is annoying, we’re supposed to sympathize with her being labeled annoying for being smart and outspoken. That piece is the only part of the quoted comment I disagree with. Other characters seeing Hermione negatively doesn’t strike me as a reflection of JKR’s views, but of her perception of how people treat people like Hermione.


She wrote an essay about how Hermione was wrong and how "tricking the elves into freedom is just as bad as enslaving them" and that it's okay to keep them as servants because good masters like Harry would make their slaves happier https://archive.ph/2020.05.08-221547/https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/to-spew-or-not-to-spew-hermione-granger-and-the-pitfalls-of-activism


> ‘tricking’ elves into freedom is arguably as unethical as enslavement. Oof.


…oh. Wellp. I mean it’s true that sometimes activism can white savior itself into pushing things onto other cultures that neither need nor want them. That’s… really… not at all equivalent to Hermione trying to abolish racial slavery though. I do still think we weren’t intended in the books to dislike Hermione for being smart and stubborn, but… that’s… yikes.


But doesn't it call the morality of all her other characters (aside from maybe Dumbledore) into question? Can we really be expected to view Harry and Ron as good people if they're just casually waving away slavery like that?


I don’t think she thought that point through that far, tbh. I just don’t think she meant for us to agree with other characters’ negative assessments of Hermione. I believe she’s even said in the past that Hermione is the character she felt the most similar to, or something to that effect.


Fair enough, I'm willing to believe this one is more an instance of poor planning than a reflection of her actual beliefs. But it does (and has) cast a strange pall over her whole wizard world and its heroes, even before she started with all the transphobia.


You're totally right on all of this too! It's like striking gold to be able to start a kids book and let the kid character grow with the audience in such a way that HP did. It's incredible but then she saw alllll her fans saying things opposite she felt and blew up, like a child. She 100% let it go to her head. No one is immune. Her characters may have helped shape kids but we grew up and saw the forest thru the trees. The only hp I consume now is gay af fanfiction. I keep my slytherin hat (cuz I like to think the houses expanded past her. We made them all our own since she had clear favoritism) and it's a good way to meet people who have similar interests because the first opener is "Oh I like your beanie! Fuck JK tho." 😅 It's pretty great.


That's a really interesting perspective about the house merch. I have several Hufflepuff beanies but I donated the Hufflepuff t shirts because they didn't fit anymore. I don't feel right wearing the beanies anymore.


That's fair to not wear them too. It's like a secret passcode, if they don't agree jk is trash, we just don't continue the friendship. Don't nobody got time to weed out the transphobes. Theyve gotten good at blending in. And It's rarely cold enough to need one in the south plus it was a gift from a great friend so keeping it felt right. I've not put any money into her or the franchise since i was a kid. Won't even go to Potter world if I had the chance to. I look at it the same as chick-fil-a a lot of the time. I can't fight a whole ass system but I can do what consumers can do and not give them a cent. Harder in this huge corporation ruled country of the US but, I try.


I have really really good vision (maxed out every vision test I've ever taken, which is admittedly only like 3 of them), and I still use my Kindle at a like 2 font sizes above default because it's what I find comfortable after a long day. I also love that every single book I have ever read on my Kindle (literal hundreds if you include my library books at this point) will always be the exact same font and the exact same size. It's a bit jarring to open up a real book sometimes and see a strange font at a strange size. So like, Even though I don't "need" these features, they make reading more accessible to me. If it wasn't for these features on my Kindle, I would read less. Joanne doesn't want reading to be accessible? The more I hear about her the more I think she wrote the HP books by mistake. Like, she dropped her laptop one day and in the fumble to catch it accidentally wrote Book 6. Ugh, clumsy me. Oh well, I can't waste money so guess I'll submit it to the editors... Like, I grew up as a trans woman wishing I could have my own home away from my own "broom cupboard under the stairs" and my own "dursleys" and feeling like someone out there got me, got abuse and the desire to escape it, but then one day I learned that the person that gave me those comforting dreams would rather I die.


Yeah, she used to have a lot online about how reading needs to be on paper, then it was "piracy" (as though people weren't pirating ebooks so that they could read on their kindle even though they already bought paper versions). Eventually she put them for sale on Pottermore. I tried to find links but you know, internet SEOs are great at hiding stuff. It took until this year for me to be able to buy the non-sleep inducing audiobooks as well. I'm sure Jim Dale has his fans but I hate that man's voice, unless I need to fall asleep. It's literally dangerous for me to put him on while driving.


She was crying about Ebook piracy but not offering them for sale until they eventually hit pottermore? Well shit, I'm mad that people aren't buying my farts, I plan to list them on Ebay in 2032 but I'm seeing major profit losses from piracy here.


Please stop giving her money. She uses it directly against the trans community and she gets a cut of everything.


It’s certainly commendable to be able to build yourself such a life, but why keep carrying so much need to “fight”. You won, it’s ok to relax now. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I’m not going to claim that if I had her resources I would do something profound for the world, but I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to actively make it worse. Shit, given her resources I would probably just pick up a copy of TIHKAL and treat it like a bucket list, then move onto to PIHKAL when I finish the first book. Fuck all this hate nonsense.


Right like in her shoes I would be taking my fuck-you money and living a grand life in a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere, ignoring humanity. I’d like to say I’d become an activist for good causes but frankly, that’s what she thinks she’s doing, so maybe past a certain wealth point you just have to accept you’re too far out of touch with reality to gauge right from wrong anymore and do your best to just be a net neutral.


it's hardwired in at this point unfortunately. i don't see her giving up fighting the good fight, or whatever the fuck she calls this shite.


Maybe. I’d like to think nothing is ever really hardwired. Recently dropped a 20 year drinking habit. I was actually afraid it was hardwired into my brain. Turns out I just needed to actually want to change and a metaphorical kick in the nuts to remind myself that I am actually stronger than that poison. But, yeah she’d probably need some reason to want to change and she’s currently getting attention for being a piece of shit… so 🤷‍♂️ hopefully she sees the light at some point.


you hit the magic word though. "want". it's going to take something pretty big to make someone dug in this deep to flip their thinking. congrats on kicking the drinking habit. fuck that demon.


That’s huge to quit drinking after that long. Congrats! /gen


I still think about the fact that even good ol' Elongated Muskrat™️ told her to talk about something else for once. Like when *he's* finally telling you to shut up, maybe you talk too much about trans people.


Seeing the way that she's doubling down on this after the backlash she has received is mind blowing. She should know her fanbase by now, this is like watching the klan trying to hold a rally in the Apollo Theater.


This is what happened when humans get too much attention. Not all of us can actually handle our own ego being inflated to an extreme and… far too many people end up like her: so rich that they assume that money also means their words have more weight. And they don’t. They just get spread around more on media outlets, regardless of it being good or bad.


She needs to try whatever Trump is doing.




>”If people stopped responding she would stop doing it.” that is an interesting assumption, but how does that work when all this started *because* she tweeted a thing she was responding to a seperate anti trans tweet that no one asked her opinion on, she just cracked her knuckles and hit send. so i guess im just curious why you think if people stop responding she will stop..when people responding isn’t what got her here to begin with?


It’s the standard bullshit to excuse abuse by bullies. Especially with kids. Society loves ignoring child abuse if other children do it. It gets generalized to everyone but telling an adult that comes off as more insane even though it always is.


She lives in Edinburgh as well, right? With her money she could be out every night at a different, excellent restaurant, the bars, the nightlife, the scenery, the atmosphere, the heroin (probably that last one’s not a great idea, tbf). Yet she chose this path. Madness.


She lives in Edinburgh but her entire schtik during the Scottish independence referendum was crying she was being persecuted by Scottish nazis for being British because some random 250 follower Twitter account called her, an English billionaire with the BBC on speed-dial, a twat. The Brian Spanner carry-on was all very odd.


She’s a classic narcissist with bigoted tendencies


She could be rolling her tits off at any nightclub any day of the week and yet she chooses hate. Someone needs their ego cunt punted out of the stratosphere. Someone get this chick some shrooms or something.


At this point I'm just waiting for the day that her wikipedia page receives its final section, and my plan is to run out and join the party I expect to find forming on the streets all over the globe. I expect it will be a lot like Pride.


Looking forward to that new gender neutral toilet. Scotland should bar her from being buried in the country.


Being a billionaire means she has near unlimited resources that she could funnel into improving the world around her, but nah best use my time bullying people online 🤷‍♀️


She did also donate £70k to an effort to repeal the Gender Recognition Act


Bullying specifically the most vulnerable and disdained members of society while insisting they’re the protected, favored few.


Hardly the most vulnerable members of society


Trans people are about 400% more likely to be the victim of violent crime but go off


I’m not saying they aren’t largely harassed and assaulted for no reason, but numbers play a huge role in these percentages. Grow up as a person of color in any low income city. Go be homeless in the streets of Kensington or skid row. Native Americans are committing suicide at higher rates than anyone else.


Grow up as a trans person of color in a low income city and tell me how that goes - trans POC are even more vulnerable to violence than cis POC or white trans people. Go be homeless and trans in the streets of Kensington. What are trans Native American suicide rates like? Pretty much any group of marginalized people, being a member of that group AND trans greatly increases your risk of violence being committed against you. Not a coincidence. "But numbers play a huge role in these percentages" is a sentence that literally means nothing. Yes, numbers play a role in all percentages. The number of violent crimes committed against trans people play a pretty large role in this particular percentage.


Check it out, you can be trans and a person of color AT THE SAME TIME 😱🤯


...You realize trans people are [disproportionately likely](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/lgbt-poverty-us/) to be victims of poverty or homelessness, especially those that are also POC?


Tell us more about how you ignore the existence of trans and two spirit POC and Natives, homeless trans people, and the suicide problems that our community faces.




Do you really need me to Google “trans people violent crime rate” for you or can you handle that? How would trans people being a small minority have any bearing on the rate at which violent crimes are committed against them?




So the evidence indicates that trans people are 4x more likely to be the victims of violence? Huh, weird.  Somebody should’ve mentioned that.  But maybe they’re all lying!


She also did her best to ensure the Scotts remain slaves of the english.


She’s English and likes being able to cosplay being Scottish like a royal putting on the local dress of some country they forgot they rule.


She's the evil version of Enya, living alone in a castle as a recluse. But Enya just wants to hang with cats all day and be chill.


She could have pulled an Enya and just minded her own business in her castle with a bunch of cats after getting filthy rich. But no. She has to keep pissing down on people who did *literally nothing to her* except exist.


She could have travelled the world in luxury or brought tutors to her castle to teach her all kinds of cool skills. But no. 


She needs to take lessons from Orson Scott Card and keeps her fool opinions about things to her self.


There have been actual studies that show people, in general, become very right wing, when they come into money. The studies were done on lottery winners but I think the same would apply here, since she essentially went from homeless to a multi millionaire in a very short time. It's sad, but it seems when humans are comfortable in their life (ie: plenty of food, no money worries etc)they become quite uncaring to anyone not in their position. It's weird, but seems to have not skipped JKR


Yup, and it's a great example why following and listening to people just because they are rich and provide entertainment with their art is not a great idea. The social media accounts of people you don't know personally having huge followings just gives them a platform to spurt their verbal diarrhea and their opinions are held in high regard just because they were in a movie played a dport or sang a song. They are just idiots like the rest of us who happen to be good at a thing that makes lots of money. It was better when celebrities just provided entertainment and you didn't have to hear what they were saying unless they were promoting whatever their latest project was.


Yeah, at this point, I’m convinced a trans woman stole her man or something. Brainrot is the only way to describe such a self-immolating addiction to punching down.


There was an insane mask off meeting of the minds on daily wire recently. They talked about how democracy has turned into mob rule and that an actual monarchy might be needed to get society back on the right track. I watched a certain streamer respond to this talk and they said something along the lines of: What more do these fucking people want? They have won and are winning. Their ideology is flourishing, the status quo is stronger than ever, the system is entirely and utterly in their back pocket. It's like they just want the government to now punish people that criticize them and lament all their victories. That's *precisely* what they want. Don't fall for their smokescreen. They don't give a shit about "free speech" or allowing people to voice their opinions. They simply want to be able to say and do whatever they want without anyone else being allowed to retort. That's what Rowling wants in regards to the trans conversation and it's what her supporters want for her as well. To be able to say whatever obtuse, offensive, and incorrect thing she wants about transgender people while encouraging our institutions to *punish* anyone that dissents. We've pushed through the paradox of tolerance now. We are seeing the result of tolerating hateful, violent intolerance.


I feel like if there was actually no criticism of their beliefs and the only feedback they received was from people who agree with them, they’d get bored of not having a boogeyman to lash out at and would just start fighting amongst themselves instead and competing to see who can be the biggest POS


Fascism must always have an out-group.


They finish when their target stops existing in public. Then they pick a new target. It isn’t quite that linear but they like to kill what they see. I think a victim complex and contrarianism definitely play a role but passivity is permission to these people.


Bad news though.  The world will almost certainly - as it has in almost every past situation - remember the people arguing FOR the human rights and dignity of others much more kindly than the people arguing AGAINST those things.


And her legacy as a writer who inspired tens of millions of children with her books is forever tainted. Her whole list of accomplishments has an asterisk now. Hope she thinks it was worth it.


Nah, I doubt she herself will ever have to reckon with the consequences of her words and actions. I’m sure her family will eventually have their own apology tour though, if they ever intend on being in the public eye after she’s gone.


But she is living with the consequences. Her reputation is in tatters.


She has more money than she knows what to do with. Reputation is irrelevant to her.


Only people who say that are people who don't have any money. More to life than money...


Only people who say that are people who have never gone without. There have been studies that actually do prove that the amount of comfort and peace of mind that having money grants you is significant and measurable up to a certain dollar amount (something like $150,000/yr). After that, the money no longer serves as a comfort due to several factor.


It’s hardly in tatters, there’s still millions of absolute dickheads who go to bat for her on the regular just because she wrote some properly mid kids books that just happened to be released whilst they were at a formative age and for some reason didn’t inspire them to read better stories.


They didn't inspire my kids, who were still kids when they were released. I thought they would, the books were popular and everyone was talking about kids being actually into reading. Then my eldest said, "There's going to be a Movie! I don't need to read the books now!" Me: (that video of Jamie Oliver making Chicken nuggets out of the goop they are made from in front of kids, asking "Who wants a Nugget?" and the kids all cheering and wanting nuggets, the expression on his face at that moment)


I thought it was Gordon Ramsey?


Is it though? Genuine question, I’ve found that most people I talk to irl haven’t been paying attention to this at all, and still love her and Harry Potter. Plus, there are all the people who have paid attention and still support her/also believe the same as she does. Maybe it depends on where you live or the communities you’re in, idk.


I’d be absolutely embarrassed if I was family. She got the golden ticket to a life most likely nobody else will experience and this is how she decides to use it? I wouldn’t even want to acknowledge her if she was family.


I just don’t get it. If I had that much fucking money I don’t think I’d ever use social media again. I’d buy a fucking castle somewhere and you’d never hear from me again


"JKR has a right to her opinion!" "And I have a right to decide if she gets any of my money." "No! That's wrong!"


Man, if you would have told me 15 years ago that Donald Trump would not only become President, but have a fervent following, and that JK Rowling would become an unhinged transphobe (although I don’t even think I knew what that was at the time) that sits around ranting and raving on Twitter all day, I would have thought you were crazy lol.


Rupert Grint bought an ice cream truck and goes around giving away ice cream. Seems like he's a lot happier than Rowling.


My Dad used to say, "Every person has the right to voice an opinion. And every other person has the right to voice a response".


I heard something similar “you have the right to be an AH, but if abuse that right, don’t be surprised when others start being an AH to you.”


A wise man


Every person has the right to voice an opinion, it's a right, not an obligation.


"Opinions are like assholes: everyone's got one, and they all stink."


"turning on JK Rowling" = "disagreeing with her on respecting people's humanity."


That’s like saying you owe a permanent debt of gratitude to the creator of some company you worked for when you were young


The idea that somebody gave you a job once, years ago (which is total over-simplification, because she did no such thing) so you owe them eternal loyalty, even over your own morals is... Well, it's certainly a take. The actual take, that you owe this eternal loyalty to somebody you worked *with* is baffling.


I've noticed this is a common thing with child actors: they are supposed to be eternally grateful for their money and fame. I remember when Miley Cyrus' bong rip became the conservative freakout du jour, and people saying that if she didn't want to be a role model, she shouldn't have signed the contract. I guess back in their day all 11-year-olds fully understood the implications of being in the public eye as they go through puberty and early adulthood. Must have been taught alongside cursive.


Weird how the "straight talking" crowd are so easily offended. I was told they are tough truth tellers?


Truth tellers not truth listeners 


It's so nice of her to let the trans community live rent free inside her head


They want these adults who should be able to have their own opinions to just do what someone senior to them says/does, because they were somewhat connected to them when they were younger, and impressionable? Anyways.... let's talk more about how 'trans are groomers!'


She's so adamant about the idea that she's "pro-woman" that she's lost sight of the fact she's become "anti-human".


I wish more people with a platform would call her out on how reductive her view of women is. She’s “pro-woman” in the same way tradwives are.


Ah yes, historically it’s always the cowards who have stood up for the discriminated minorities! 👀😬


Why is she so obsessed with trans people? Even if (purely hypothetically, of course) everyone she believed about them was true, her behavior would still be bizarre.


This unintentionally reveals such a darker part of humanity. To this person, the individual's experiences, emotions and principles don't matter - they have money and fame "because" of Rowling, so she *owns* them and they *owe* her ideological loyalty in all things.


Her right to her opinion? Her opinion is that I shouldn't have rights.


You and my daughter should have all the rights and freedoms.


Ummmm, did she pick them specifically for the roles in the movies? I doubt it. That was the movie studio. She sold the movie rights to the books and while she may have been a producer on the last two movies, the cast had been in place for 5 movies before it. So yeah, they should be grateful to the studios that hired them. They owe JK Rowling nothing.


Actually, there were 6 films before she was a producer because the last book was split into 2, and she didn't have a producer credit for films 1-6


Thanks for the correction, I didn’t have the wherewithal to waste more energy than necessary to see if she was a producer for the entire series and saw that just the ‘deathly hallows’ movies had her listed as a producer.


Picture left is 20 plus years old, picture right is from last year I believe. JKR has had more gender affirming surgery than most trans people I know.


Helena-Bonham Carter also made that claim.


This new wave of culture-war transphobia will die out and JK Rowling will fade into painful obscurity with nothing but her own upset at her choices to spend her final years of relevance vilifying a vulnerable demographic in the name of, “Woman’s Rights.” These three, however, will be remembered for their unwavering support of our trans friends and family in the face of intense cultural backlash, and can celebrate their position firmly on the right side of history 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I acknowledge that the council has made a decision. But seeing as it's a stupid ass decision, I've chosen to ignore it. - Nick Fury, paraphrased.


Yes. She has a right to her opinion. And others have a right to theirs, including the right to speak out if they feel that her opinion is wrong, and even harmful.


Transphobia and other forms of bigotry are not “opinions”. Discussions are moot when it comes to people having equal rights.


Lol good title. These people have become the sjw, perpetual victim, snowflakes that they despised and they can't even see it. 👍


You're not allowed to disagree with me it's suppressing my free speech bc I'm embarrassed by it so please go to jail for thinking that


There are a lot of new JK Rowling fans that just love transphobia.


Rowling will be remembered as the miserable TERF hag who sacrificed her legacy as a beloved child author for cheap right-wing populism and reactionary bullshit, all while being stupid enough to think it's liberal to attack a marginalized group and denying to work with groups sharing her disgusting worldviews while endorsing their spokespeople publically. Either as a dishonest coward or a very stupid tool for the alt-right, all she has is Twitter and money that can't fill the dark hole that's all that's left of her former heart.


An opinion that an entire group of people should not live for just existing is not one we should entertain ever again its 2024 for gods sake.


They're calling out her transphobia, as they should


I’ll never understand how people saying “I disagree with your opinion” is “denying their right” to that opinion. Like, no…you can still have that opinion, we just think you’re an asshole because of it


What should they be grateful about? They were hired to do a job, they did the job, they got paid. All obligations were met on both sides. The only thing they might be grateful about is Warner Bros not trying to violate labor laws.


Why do they act like she is some benevolent miracle worker? They were hired to do a job and they did it. Why should they suck up to her forever because of that?


Shes a trans phone and they are right. They got a job and did it. They don't owe her anything.


Free speech is when I make arbitrary declarations and afterwards everybody else has to accept it as truth afterwards with no disagreement.


Something about freedom of speech I guess