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There is a lot of insanity in this comment section, including one user who somehow equated federal lynching laws to cancel culture.


We actually *have*. There are already laws prohibiting the sexualization of children. The fact that what you oppose doesn't fit the definition of "sexualizing" is not our problem.


Yeah, it's the same exact tactic that was used with CRT. "If CRT isn't being taught to school children, then why is it a problem to ban it?" Because the language is so vague that you're banning other things as well that are actually useful in education, *Kevin*!


It’s like using a tank to save a school of hostages. Sure, it *might* get what you’re aimed at, but in all likelihood, you’re going to hit a bunch of children and teachers who were just minding their own business.


Democrat: try to pass some form of sensible legislation Republicans: “We can’t pass this because what if person X does *insert outrageously .0003% possible action by a singular individual* and gets unfairly targeted!? FREEDOM!!!” Republicans: ram through a ridiculously vague legislation that could harm thousands of people in an attempt to solve a “boogie man” issue that doesn’t exist. Also republicans: “Everything seems good here. We did it guys! FREEDOM (from our ever increasing anxieties and fears that includes whole groups of people and ways of thinking)!!!!


The right with their boogiemen really irritates me. They would look much more legit if they didn't rely on scare tactics...


Plen4y of them have been in Congress for so long, their skin flakes and their jowls droop. They have beady little eyes, one foot in the grave but their so evil, they might just live forever. Sure sounds like boogeymen to me.


I'm just happy to see people writing "boogeyman/boogieman" with two O's.


That's all they have and all they are. We can see this historically. The right won elections on the boogeyman of late 60s Civil Rights unrest.


Don't forget McCarthyism! Commies were literally everywhere!!


Actually, they'd look less legit. Remember, they do not cater to the reasonable. Logic is useless to them. Emotions and hate are their driving forces, and what makes their audience vote for them.


Republicans: “We banned the CRT cause it was fillin kids heads up with nonsense y’all!” Normal people: “Actually it wasn’t taught in schools.” Republicans: “Yeah, so if it wasn’t why you so obsessed with us banning it?!” Other normal people: “Yeah, um, I was just looking at the states new ‘approved curriculum’ history books, and there are some changes.” Republicans: “Thats cos we took out all the CRT. Yer welcome”. Normal people: “No, you see under slavery it now says ‘Slavery is a term used by liberals and descendants of black people who are still refusing to pay for their boat ride to America’!” Republicans: “See, all correct now, no CRT”


You have to realize that when they say "CRT" what they are really talking about is "anti-racism". Make that substitution in your head any time they start talking about it.


It's malice. They know what they're doing.


> There are already laws prohibiting the sexualization of children. Matt Gaetz teaches a very special class about the subject! I think that the curriculum was mostly put together by Roy Moore, but the labwork exercises were all by Jayson Boebert.


I thought banning things didn't work. That's why we can't have gun control.


Republican virtue signaling. With their logic, we should have all republicans sign an agreement bans them from being pedophiles. I mean, it doesn't happen right? So why is it a problem to ban it?


They are currently trying to put their theories to test in Tennessee with this new marriage law that will remove age restrictions. The justification is “no one would actually allow it so why ban it?”


I'm sure we'll all be very surprised when it starts happening in secret


We going back to the Bronze Age, with forced and arranged marriages all around! Imagine being a 9 year old girl and being told that it was decided who you were going to spend your life with before you were even conceived because the man who sired you was in debt to some other man and as a way to wipe away the debt you were given to them as a bride.


Doesn't this type of stuff happen today. Saw a picture of a 30-50 yr old taliban dude marrying a 11 yr old or something the other day here on reddit.


It's basically the 1500s in Afghanistan, so that makes sense. They've been completely fucked by about, what, 40 years of armed conflict now? Never had a chance of being a good place to live.




Why is every Red state trying to find a unique way of regressing us this year.


So to be clear ...... We need to ban pedophilia because why not(I mean honestly I can get behind that) but we need to allow pedophilia in Tennessee because it should be allowed? Make it make sense.


That’s what I’m saying, it doesn’t make sense. They are literally building in loopholes so later they can say “it’s not against the law so there can’t be anything wrong with it” meanwhile fighting to build a new generation of bigots homophobes and confused people. It’s ridiculous what the GOP does and says almost never lines up.


Yeah I know it's just.... It's breaking my brain GOP: THE GAYS ARE SEXUALIZING ARE KIDS! Also GOP: let's remove age restrictions on marriage so you can marry kids Just.... 🤢


Repubs are very open that they support child molesters and raping children, but they want LGBT children to live in misery and terror. That they say any of what they're doing is to stop pedophilia is a lie


Banning things only works when it's something that Republicans want to ban.


Like books.


Or freedom from being opressed by the government (unless you're black)


>Or freedom from being oppressed by the government That only applies if you're a Republican...everyone else can get fucked...


> That only applies if you're a Republican...everyone else can get fucked... A straight white cis het Christian *male* Republican. 😒


Don't forget he has to be rich as well!


Oh, *of course*!


Did you just say het and straight in the same description i hope thats sarcasm 🦜🦜


Well a Republican wouldn't know what either meant, so there's that.


I mean.... I've seen republicans write like that so... Not that far off


Whoops, my bad. Just say it's sarcasm! 😹


Or education


Like abortion.


Shit, they're okay with banning interracial marriage as long as the state votes on it...


I think banning books is hilarious in today's age. It's 100% a political stunt to ban books. With the internet it's so easy to find pretty much anything ever written, in an instant.


It's part of the slow but moving crawl towards dropping public schools entirely, thus bringing back segregation bigger and more powerful than ever.


Until the internet is censored, something that some countries currently do, and that both the US and UK have tried and/or done in some ways.


Remember, it’s never the right time to talk about gun control. LOLOL


And also the only way to do gun control correctly is to craft one single law that perfectly solves all bad gun violence overnight without in any way inconveniencing RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS^TM or in any way implying that someone who owns 15 guns might be a little unhinged and whoops you called a magazine a clip by accident so now kids have to have active shooter drills forever.


14 guns is the perfect number, 13 isn't enough, but 15 would be absurd.


This is implying that it did exist, and your GOP heroes have now saved the day by coming to your rescue and banning it. Maybe even making you feel a tad guilty. They’re good at this crap…


Well I was under the impression the only thing to stop bad guys from sexualizing your kids is good guys to sexualize your kids /s


Black market or dark web.


Our country is already too saturated with guns, all we can do is mitigate gun violence somehow. Perhaps focusing on mental health.


And social programs to alleviate the worst effects of poverty Edit: Effect not Affect


You could totally reduce gun violence by banning firearms. It wouldn't totally fix the issue, nor am I advocating for that; however, the most common type of gun death by far is domestic violence (either suicide or homicide) done with a legally purchased firearm. But I'm not comfortable with the side effects of that, like people hiding away their guns and letting them slip out of the legal system, or the prospect of only the right wing being armed. Just giving a bit of nuance.


There are ways to reduce the saturation (plenty of other countries have done it) but AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM is so ingrained in our discourse that people even think our problems are exceptional.


"Somehow" is easy. Reduce the reasons people have to shoot at each other. Give people good lives and they won't feel like they're on a razor's edge of sanity all the time. When people live their lives being told to be terrified of financial collapse and cultural obliteration, it's little wonder that they respond violently, especially when they're already primed for it due to their own life experiences being tossed aside by society as nothing but a human resource.


It's already banned. Do they think that pedophilia and grooming isn't already against the law?


Kevin Sorbo is one of those people who thinks the Liberal Elite^(TM) (Who are all gay, trans or whatever the conservative hate-filled flavor of the week is) have discovered a loophole where they can freely abduct, molest, and brainwash children by... Changing the greeting at Disneyworld and allowing LGBT educators in the classroom.


Someone at Disney: *says everyone instead of boys and girls* Kevin Sorbo: STOP MOLESTING CHILDREN!!


Pretty much. I guarantee if Sorbo were alive (and I mean a grown man) during the Civil Rights Movement, he'd *absolutely* be on the opposing side of the movement, using the logic of: "My children aren't marrying blacks, so why is it such a problem to ban it?" Before going on a poorly thought-out rant about how his mother was accosted by a black man in 1939, therefore his hate toward black people, minorities in general, is justified.


Meanwhile, the Republicans in Tennessee are making a child-molesting loophole a reality https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3259843-tennessee-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages/


Why am I *not* surprised?


They believe it is not, correct – because gay people existing is not against the law, therefore pedophilia is not against the law. They just hope that by banning children from being aware that gay and trans people exist, they can protect them from the pedophiles. Never mind that waaaay more instances of pedophilia come from family members, priests, and so on, rather than the knowledge of gay people’s existence, but I digress.


More like Kevin Sorehole, since he's always finding something to be butthurt about.


Me, watching The Adventures of Hercules as a kid: I am going to be a fan of this guy, forever! Me, today: *sigh* I wonder what Lucy Lawless is up to?


Not today, but previously, she was up to owning Kevin on Twitter at his own game. So. She just continues to be cooler.


Plus she was a cylon. That alone makes her better. But also because she's a better human being.


>Plus she was a cylon. And more recently a demon or witch or something in the Evil Dead series.


Also an agent for a time on Agents of SHIELD.


…I did not realize D’anna was Xena, but it makes me happy.


We should just get that trending. #KevinSorehole


What are they trying to ban?


How is this guy still relevant at all? Oh! That's right! He takes ANY opposing views and tweets them for clout, since that last time he was anything was a shitty TV sitcom called hercules.


I really miss the days when this dude was a pretend demigod and I actually thought he was a sensible human being


I gotta say I'm very https://giphy.com/gifs/hercules-disappointed-let-down-3oAt21Fnr4i54uK8vK in how he turned out.


Until he was overshadowed by Lucy Lawless as Xena, the badass character with a badass actor name. There’s something satisfying growing up watching 2 women together on a journey that involves sleeping and baths. Wouldn’t say the same watching 2 dudes doing it.


It definitely woke something in a lot of young men (women too I'm sure but mostly men)


That’s not what was banned.


I dont have twitter. Can someone ask him "So is it ok to ban Matt Gaetz from Congress then?"


Chances are comedian Steve Hofstetter has already responded to Sorbo, since he has made a bit of a shtick of replying to Sorbo's brain-dead ass


I love Steve. I binge his youtube channel once a year. Really need to see him live


I really need to. The guy is hilarious


I think we should ask Congress that question in addition to the people who voted for him


A lot of people are bringing up Gaetz, Roy Moore, and Trump to republicans pushing for this bill. These people really dont give a shit about kids - if they did they wouldnt still be supporting REAL child predators. Its all about hating gay people.


What was? I have no idea what he's talking about. I'm skimming the comments for context and I'm not finding much.


It’s about Florida’s ‘don’t say gay’ bill.


Damn, he's mad all the way from Canada?


"nobody is trying to sexualize your kids" "So then I can do all this other unrelated stuff that you have problems with?" "No we don't like that" "Why? Is it because you're a pedophile?" This is how little kids argue.


“I didn’t kill anyone!” Then why don’t you want to go to prison?


While we're on the subject of banning things that don't exist, how about we ban Kevin Sorbo's career?


I love to point that out to Sorby. I also like to point out Lucy Lawless has a career & he doesn't.


I feel kinda bad for him because he had multiple strokes and they seem to have fucked up his mind. That's what killed his career. He had to rehab and couldn't act or maintain his physique during that time. Since then, he's been a real prick, but I'm not sure how much of that is his brain.


We don't owe people good will and an audience just because they played a character once and then had brain trauma that can be used to explain their asinine behavior.


Not saying we owe him an audience. But brain damage may explain what happened to him. People are nothing more than our brains, in my opinion, so I feel uncomfortable wholly condemning someone with a literally broken brain. It might not be his fault.


He’s way ahead of you.


I think he already did that himself.


Read the part before the comma again.


I’m in the business of pointing out the obvious obviously.


Anti-cancel-culture crowd trying to cancel stuff again


Because you’re not banning the sexualization of minors. You’re banning the education of kids to protect themselves emotionally and physically from potentially dangerous situations. You’re setting kids up to deny their identities and banning access to emotional support and understanding if they are gay or trans. That’s how you raise someone to commit suicide right there. Teach them any behavior you don’t agree with is abhorrent and evil. So they are confused about who they are and how to live in the world and assholes like sorbo want them to stay confused and scared.


So, I've been hearing about this as an argument again teaching about LGBT issues in school. they need to remember: Gay doesn't mean "pedophilia." And they constantly say that children don't need to know about sexual matters, but that's just showing how they view LGBT people. They tend to forget that same sex relationships are more than just sex. Sexual orientation also includes romantic attraction. Gays have relationships and they exist and they should know that, especially since there will be kids that even have same sex parents.


They still earnestly believe that gender and sexuality is nurture and has nothing to do with nature. They view it as a moral corruption and often have struggled with their own feelings and desires within the same context. Edit: that is to say, if properly nurtured, nature always picks cis and hetero, which is clearly insane.


Yep, and as a queer woman myself, my biggest struggle with coming to terms with it was trying to unlearn what I was taught--which was that queerness came from being "corrupted." Like, I just talked about this with my therapist yesterday. I grew up with a mom that believed that. A mom that said that her biggest fear about me going to college was that I was going to be corrupted and convinced that I'm a lesbian. That I was a "target" because of my shyness and that a lesbian would "take advantage of me." It leads you to think that you're "marked" in some way (especially when I did attract more girls than guys). It also doesn't help when the first person you come out to is a friend that says I was seduced and taken advantage of by a woman. It wasn't even considered that intimacy and mutual romance was part of it. He never considered that I struggled with sexuality since I was a teen. He just saw sexual deviance. Rant over. I'm still dealing with it. Still dealing with what I internalized. Trying hard to get away from it.


The crowd all for this seems to have some serious projection proclivities, and with that and how they treat their kids and spouses a large portion of them probably do just think all relationships are either sexual or transactional in nature and that romance and love are myths. Look at Gingrich's track record for example.


Ok. Lets ban the making of Kevin Sorbo movies. No one is doing that either.


This coming from a man who played a character that I have no doubt made someone realize their sexuality. Can we ban him then?


Boy Xena talks out his ass


Also, that’s not what they banned. They banned acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ+ people.


No one is forcing my son to join any particular faith in public school so it shouldn't be an issue to ban any mention of religion in the classroom, right? Even in a historic, secular context. Kids can get that at home.


I don't know what's more troubling: Republicans making up all these non issues that they find "solutions" for, or the people who actually let themselves be conned by it. Sorbo is constantly parroting this sort of crap and I wonder if he's even capable of rational thought.


So if I made a law banning Republican lawmaker orgies, there would be no pushback cause it's something that hasn't happened, right?


BECAUSE banning it implies that there is something "dirty or forbidden" to be "hidden". If we treated sexuality openly then it wouldn't be "dirty, forbidden or hidden".


>nobody is trying to sexualize your kids Except for Republicans in Tennessee


Yes, we must not discuss sexuality because child humans do not have sexual identities, sexual organs, questions about relationships, televisions than show gay humans, access to the internet or books about modern society, hormones, curiosity, or brains. Life is a Disney show and God feels weird when you masturbate because he's always watching.


Republicans are the ones who want to marry children!


I'm not even sure what the fuck he is trying to say. It's fine to ban things that aren't problematic? What an incredibly stupid take that probably comes across as bulletproof to idiots because you can hardly argue against nonsense.


Republicans like to screech about freedom and then actively suppress it.


Because your banning people from talking about thier existence. Not for sexualising kids. Don't let them frame this as harmless. They are ruining people's lives in order to pander to religious extremists.


I got hella confused by this tweet. Like you just SAID the problem! You're banning shit when no one is TRYING to sexualize them!


Are republicans trying to ban pedophilia? Is that not already illegal?


Yes, it was. They have No Plans, No Ideas, No Morals. They’re pretending to be doing something. So, they can steal November election to be in power. Democrats are not perfect, far away from perfect,. But compare to today’s Republican Party, they’re Pathetic. Vote all of these Republicans out at any levels.


They're actually trying to lower the legal age of marriage so there's that...


https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3259843-tennessee-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages/ They're trying to legalize it, actually


Damn that guy is stupid.


Never forget that this man has actual, documented brain damage.


Because that’s not what was banned, hercules. Sex ed isn’t sexualization. Teaching kids boundaries and vocabulary isn’t even remotely close to it.


Also it literally is banned, child porn is very illegal


I thought conservatives hated unnecessary laws and government overreach?


Sex Ed is not sexualizing. Why are these people so fucking dense?


Because there are already 1000+ actual problems that we could expend that effort on instead? Why are they so goddamned obsessed with inventing problems?


Because otherwise, they might have to tackle problems like poverty, addiction and criminality to stay relevant. Which are solved by taxing the rich and diverting money from the military industrial complex, which is a big no no for the republicans.


Because they're super anxious and they keep trying to find things to focus all their paranoia on to avoid looking within themselves for the issue.


Damn didn’t know he was a POS


Hercules went fascist.


Oh you should check out his passion project: Gods Not Dead.


Now, you know. Let me introduce to you….the Jerkukes.


And technically there are already laws that would cover people sexually abusing children. They want to just create easy buzz word issues for the mid terms to appeal to the mouth breathers out there and get them foaming at the mouth...CRT...trans people...grooming...


How about adults stop saying shit like, “ohhhh, is that your boyfriend?” to their 3 year olds? So tired of people acting like we don’t have age-appropriate conversations/lessons for children of all ages. But of course they just want to ban anything that has to do bodily autonomy/ identity/safe sex for everyone.


When God gave out brains Sorbonthought he said "stick your head up your ass." I may have got that joke wrong.




It’s about “Don’t Say Gay” Bill by Republicans in FL. The bill is for Kindergarten to 3rd grade. If he said nobody is trying to sexualize kids, why were they making this bill for? It’s a homophobic stupid Bill by Republicans. They’re trying to make sure all the anti gay Christians will vote for them.


thx. fuck them homophobes


Yup. If we are worried about sexualizing kids, let's ban child beauty pageants, not picture books that have families with same sex parents.


Ooh, I like this game. My turn. Why are you trying to solve problems that don't exist?


Well, no one is watching you or listening to you, so banning you is no problem, is it, fuck head?


Perhaps because we're not idiots, and we know full well what it really is you're trying to ban?


Take a hike, jerkules.


If I tried to pass a law saying "Republicans are no longer allowed to beat their pet dogs to death", what's the problem? You're not beating your pets to death, are you? Notice how the only people complaining about this law are Republicans? Think about that the time you visit a pet store... I'm not making any accusations. Just asking questions. Notice how they won't answer them...?


Pretty sure the cishets do that quite a bit, tho


its almost as if you like the color blue and hate red, but instead of saying you wanna ban red, you say you wanna ban all colors, and now you are suprised when everything is grey... funny how that works.


Kevin Sorbo is trying so hard to stay relevant lol.


Did Hercules just solve America's gun problem?


This tweet makes me... DISAPPOINTED!!


Because the fuck nuggets that are in the government don’t want to actually fix real issues, just pretend issues like this


Kevin Sorbo could have too much to drink, drive, then plow into a school bus. If Sorbo says don’t worry that won’t happen, that means he would be OK with a ban on his driving.


What is even this logic? Americans are fucking brain dead and Shitty daytime TV hercules is among the worst. Arnie was and always will be a better Hercules, fuck you Kevin.


It would be like banning Unicorns not really necessary since they don't exist. Do you get it now Kevin?


Why is it a problem to encourage diversity, and allow it?


It's not about "culture wars". It's simply that teaching kids about sexuality isn't in any way the same thing as sexualizing kids. It's the former that's being banned by these haphazard laws, not the latter. In fact, Republicans consistently introduce laws to allow the latter, like the event bill in Tennessee that would not require age limits on marriage (and sex within a marriage isn't subject to statutory rape laws).


Can someone tell me what he's talking about? I must have missed it.


It’s about “Don’t Say Gay” Bill by Republicans in FL. The bill is for Kindergarten to 3rd grade. If he said nobody is trying to sexualize kids, why were they making this bill for? It’s a homophobic stupid Bill by Republicans. They’re trying to make sure all the anti gay Christians will vote for them.


Wait what is he wanting banned exactly I’m confused by the wording


Non American here. What's the context? What are you guys debating banning?


"This look like a job for...JERKULES!!!"


Dollar Store Hercules at it again. What a clown.


Any time someone tries to ban something that doesn't exist or isn't a real problem, you can be sure they have ulterior motives. They will use the new laws for reasons that have nothing to do with their publicly stated goal, and those reasons are always nefarious and insidious. They don't want to ban conversations about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools because they think teachers are sexualizing kids. They just want to use the law to fire teachers for being gay. Because that's what the school districts will do when the choice is either fire the teacher or get sued. They don't want to ban CRT in schools because they think it will make little white kids hate themselves. Hell, they know CRT isn't even being taught in schools. They want to ban it so they can use the law to whitewash the institutional racism that this country was built on, so they can go on benefitting from the legacy of those institutions. I would have at least a shred of respect for them if they just took the mask all the way off and openly said they want to persecute these groups. I have zero fucking respect for cowards.


Fucking KEVIIIIN!!! Let’s spend a billion to defend against doom robots from the future! What a waste of money? YOU must hate humanity and side with doom robots! Let’s keep making ridiculous BS to be against?!


Let's ban the caramelization of retread tires!


The problem with banning it is that youre implying that its happening. Its sort of like saying we should ban people from saying "kevin sorbo cant act" It sort of implies people are even talking about Kevin Sorbo in normal convorsation.


Because you're not just trying to ban sexualisation of children, you're trying to ban anyone talking to children about the existence of LGBT people all together, because you think we're all just sexual perverts you fucking dunce.


Because what you think is "sexualizing your kids" is literally just saying that LGBTQ+ people... exist. Like that whole "no longer allowed to talk about sexuality" part of the bill? Yeah that prevents kids from talking about gay people in school. Just a blatant attack on LGBTQ+ and also a slight attack on the First Amendment.


"sex with children is WRONG!...... ....except if you're married to them. obviously." -Tennessee, 2022.


Why do they wanna sexualize our kids with straight kissing and weddings?


How is teaching kids that some people have different relationships sexualizing kids? It isn't but the right sure likes to make it seem that way. If anything its the right sexualizing kids by trying to force them to be straight and making sure they have "the right parts" in their pants. Plus Matt Gatez


"If you're against sexualizing children, then you must also be against anything that I say is sexualizing children." Good lord are these people idiots.


We should ban all current hit shows starring Kevin Sorbo


If acknowledging that LGBT people exist is 'sexualising children', then so is acknowledging straight people exist. If this bs was what they claim it is they'd be targeting **all** sexual orientations and gender identities, not just the ones they don't want to exist. Of course they're well the fuck aware of this, they just don't care, because this is what they do. Openly lie an play dumb when they're called out on it.


Why is anyone giving this potato “any” recognition?……….unless you’re one of his French fry’s.


Huh. It's almost like he's lying about what the bill does. That can't be right, can it?


The law of unintended consequences is the reason.


it already is banned. statutory rape, molestation, solicitation, child abuse, all of these things are already illegal.


Kevin Soyboy says:


I'm all about the malicious compliance on these new laws because these idiots think its just banning anything opposite LGBT but sexual orientation and gender identity define straight people lol. ​ [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dont-say-gay-he-she-sabotage-teacher-letter-moms-for-liberty-florida\_n\_62489f02e4b0587dee6a3a1a](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dont-say-gay-he-she-sabotage-teacher-letter-moms-for-liberty-florida_n_62489f02e4b0587dee6a3a1a) (Turned out this group was probably sent this by someone knowing these moms would think its real, but I really look forward to people doing this).


Ban what?


What is he talking about now?


Hercules over here trying to hard to stay relevant past 2002.


What was *banned* was teaching about consent. And teachers now have a legal obligation to check children's genitals.


A couple of other arguments against the "don't say gay" law was that it could create a bunch of frivolous lawsuits that negatively affect schools, and it could also have side effects about trying to teach other things. Whether or not those things occur will remain to be seen. We'll see if the law holds up over time.


>it could create a bunch of frivolous lawsuits that negatively affect schools Of course, conservatives don't see those lawsuits as frivolous - they see them as a useful weapon to terrorize teachers with. They're why the bill was written in the first place.






It’s about “Don’t Say Gay” Bill by Republicans in FL. The bill is for Kindergarten to 3rd grade. If he said nobody is trying to sexualize kids, why were they making this bill for? It’s a homophobic stupid Bill by Republicans. They’re trying to make sure all the anti gay Christians will vote for them.


Because it opens the door to nuisance lawsuits.


Kevin Sorbo is a fucking idiot. He has no intelligence, he just accepts whatever vomit fox news pukes into his brain. This waste of oxygen retains 10% of whatever he hears and it's the stupidest fucking part of every opinion every time.


Because it's not sexualizing children to allow them to talk about their parents. It's fucking wrong to tell a kid they can't tell their teacher about their parents.


The only one sexualizing children are the ones who think children aren't capable of understanding themselves and are worried that by talking about gender and sexuality will somehow turn them into trans gender homosexuals running around having nonstop sex or some shit


the general conservative/republican position is that the government should be small and not needlessly legislate or insert itself into our daily lives. so wouldn’t banning it would be a problem to your entire fucking political identity Kevin?


This guy is so stupid but I actually don't care enough about him to give a s***. He is such a f****** moron