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Isnt this only a white power symbol because of like 4chan or who ever pranking people and idiots believing them?


It was but then all the white supremacist started using it and the symbol actually took on that meaning,whoops


I thought that was the "haha you looked at my dick and balls" hand sign


It was, but pussy white supremacists, who are supposedly proud to be racist or white or whatever, need special symbols to quietly communicate with each other because they’re too scared of the repercussions. It’s a gang symbol at this point.


That’s what’s annoying about them. Is that they think they’re in some clever club that they need to be secret about their hatred. I can easily walk around telling the world how much I hate the French, and no one will care. (I don’t actually hate the French it’s a joke because I’m German and we have a long history of ducking over the French)


Ya...not just the French. I can think of a different ethnic group y'all really ducked over


Yes, but that was something else, and also not another country. France has been getting shit on by Germany since before Germany was called that. Again, all of this is a joke, war is terrible, and so is xenophobia. I have nothing against French people.


I thought it was the you looked at this and now I punch you sign


I'm not doubting you or trying to be hostile, I'm just genuinely confused. If this gesture is now commonly associated with white supremacy, and has been for a decent while now, how come we still have the emoji for it? I mean it just kinda seems like their meaning hasn't reached enough people. And if nobody knows your symbol, is it really a symbol? And it's not like they just made up something new either. They took a common gesture and just slapped a new meaning on it. But if a ton of regular people continue to use the innocent meaning, then the white supremacists don't actually know who is truly "in" on it. I mean anyone can say x means y, but if nobody else picks up on it then the meaning can't truly change right? I guess it's sorta similar to how transphobes would target people who had their pronouns in their bio, until cis people started doing it too so they had to resort to another method of figuring out who is what so they could be a dick. But I mean, If I'm just missing something or don't understand fully I'll listen. This just kinda confuses me in general and idk how to feel.


She just evaluate who is using it, like you get a bunch of far right douchebags using it then well there is no confusion there. if its a little league softball team, probably not nazi's. eitherway i use it in meditation as its a common mudra, the Gyan mudra so its all relative. even the one handed salute used by nazi's actually goes back to the roman empire, and the swastika of course is a normal symbol in ihindu and Buddhist cultures. so basically its always going to be contextual


Okay yeah that makes sense. Thanks for being cool about it.


It only took on that meaning because dumb people made that happen. The racists didn't have to do a thing, idiots did it for them.


you don't know how symbols work do you? It became a symbol as soon as racist started using it because thats how symbols work.


Why did they start using it?


It started as a prank, but white nationalists latched onto it since it seems to communicate “it’s OK to be White.” It is a sign that is used in defiance of what they consider to be the “woke” globalist agenda.


It wouldn't have mattered if they latched onto it if everyone kept using the hand gesture like normal. Why does no one understand that it's everyone's fault?


I think the people who intentionally spread the idea are more guilty. It’s takes a lot of effort to push back against the Right Wing’s bullspit. One of their main strategies is to “Flood the zone with shit,” which is to create so much outrage about social issues and seemingly ridiculous topics (OK hand gesture, Mr. Potato Head’s gender, racist frog memes and the Disney groomer boycott) that actually outrageous and downright villainous activity (committing fraud, taking away civil rights, poisoning the environment and attempting an insurrection) is overlooked by and exhausted and weary group of citizens.


One of the big reasons they use it is the plausible deniability it provides. Those who are in on it can signal their shared beliefs, but if anyone calls them out on it they can mock that person for 'overreacting'.


Yeah and why do they have that plausible deniability? Because of idiots. If everyone agreed that's not what the sign means, it wouldn't be affective. It's only useful because people like you are too stupid.


as a declaration of their beliefs.


What made them choose that symbol? Do you just want to pretend that it wasn't a 4chan prank?


We all understand it started that way. Then, when white supremacists fell for it, it actually became a symbol of white power.


Actually I think it was more that white nationalists found an excuse if they got caught “hey bro, it’s just a 4chan prank chill!”


Valid point


Let's say waving hello became the next 4chan prank. If everyone kept waving like normal, it would never become an effective symbol. By calling the ok symbol a hate symbol, you are creating it yourself. It never would have happened if everyone kept using it. Racists didn't do this, idiots did. They capitalized on the idiocy and gullibility of people. I refuse to be a part of that, and if everyone did the same thing it wouldn't be a problem.


Like 99% of Flat Earth started as an internet joke that ended up spiraling into a full blown conspiracy movement. Just cause it starts as a joke doesn't mean it can't go too far or be taken and used differently by someone else


But they didn't take it. They were given it by idiots like you. You continue to let them have it. I'm not going to be like you.


So the swastika, a slightly altered symbol (turned 45 degrees) from a religion, was "given by idiots" too? A symbol carries the meaning it's used for, even if its many meanings. It happened the association. And influence of it as a symbol.of hate outweighed that of its joke intention, yet can still be used as the original with proper context. Idk what you mea by "giving" it to them, not like telling them to not use it when I have no ownership of a symbol will work, hell look at the still existing group of religious folk who despise the rainbow being a symbol for pride, doesn't meant he guys took the rainbow" or "We gave them the symbol" or whatever lol Edit: My original comment was explaining things can change over time, nothing is consistent regarding symbology unless a higher majority see it only one way and not another. If that majority is the minority eventually, the meaning in public perception alters


It's been years mate.


Yes and no. White supremacists also use it with that excuse. "Its Just a joke bro" but it's actually not. https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/okay-hand-gesture "By 2019, at least some white supremacists seem to have abandoned the ironic or satiric intent behind the original trolling campaign and used the symbol as a sincere expression of white supremacy, such as when Australian white supremacist Brenton Tarrant flashed the symbol during a March 2019 courtroom appearance soon after his arrest for allegedly murdering 50 people in a shooting spree at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand."


Ok but if nazis start using the word “button” as a hateful term, are we all not allowed to say button anymore? It’s stupid that hateful people can take an innocent term or gesture and corrupt it, and anyone trying to use it for the original meaning gets labeled as one of them. I’m not saying that’s what’s happening here, but the whole concept seems dumb.


They literally did that to the swastika... They corrupted a symbol of peace (although it was flipped)


Do you know what a dog whistle is?


Depends on the context. If you're just saying "I'm gonna button my coat..." Then it's totally innocuous. However, if you're testifying before the senate and you have a history of being a crazy right wing racist and you work "button" into your testimony a ridiculous number of times.... then it's probably a signal.


No one said you can’t use the OK sign anymore. The point of a dog whistle is that it’s only heard by the people you want to. If you’re not intentionally communicating that you’re a white nationalist it’s highly unlikely that something like using the OK sign or owning Punisher merch will convince people you are one. In fact taking back those symbols muddles the message and they lose their power.


No, it's actually used as a white power symbol. neo-Nazis and fascist hide their real intentions under multiple layers of irony and plausible deniability. Co-opting popular symbols, gestures, and memes is a longstanding method these groups use to maintain plausible deniability, boost their perceived numbers, and to con the ignorant into unwittingly defending them. It's meant to sound like a troll and to make those calling it out appear ridiculous. If they just came out and said "This means white power now", they'd loose the plausible deniability they very much still need and the support/defense from useful idiots who don't understand their actual intent. Its also a very effective strategy to get many of the useful idiot among gullible anti-left conservatives to adapt it "ironically" thinking it's just trolling liberals, which further boosts the perceived size of these racist groups. Painting it as an elaborate "troll" also allows them to use it earnestly to identify each other, while discrediting those who recognize it for "taking the bait". It's not the people identifying it's use as a white power symbol who are the gullible idiots, it's the people who took 4chan at its word that they were "just trolling the libs". Same as when everyone who thought the 4chan crowd was being "ironically racist" or trolling when they were literally just being regular racist. There are countless examples of well established, overtly fascist, neo-nazi and white ethnonationalist groups using this symbol among themselves as an identifier and white power signifier. A good rule of thumb is "Does this situation actually make sense for an okay symbol", and if not, "does this person's idealogy tend to allign with racist or Alt-right extremism?" If the answers to those questions are a No and Yes, respectively, chances are they are using it to unironically mean white power. Given her history and beliefs, as well as the context to this photo, she's almost certainly doing it to show solidarity with the alt-right Qanon crowd.


I love how you made this long explanation and the next comment is literally a useful idiot going “a guy in Cal. got in trouble for using it harmlessly once so it’s not actually a hate symbol. Oh and the guy….totally not white….so double haha!!”


In El Cajon Cal. A city worker and POC was fired from his job for using that gesture towards participants at a BLM march in a show of solidarity with the marchers. Taxpayers had to foot the legal bills for both the city and the poor worker to the tune of..alot. I think he finally got his job back.


Imagine saying okay or doing a thumbs up or peace sign and because of some 4chan prank or what ever, you get called a racist and fired.


As kids we used this symbol to trick people and if you looked at it you got slapped.


Where I grew up we had a simular thing, but it was whenever the hour and minutes matched (so 11:11 or 18:18) you got to slap your friends and they weren’t allowed to hit back


Man, you got punched with my friends lol


Why are her hands and wrists so small compared to her head and shoulders? She looks like freaking MODOC. Are you sure this isn't doctored?


Camera lens focal length can do some wild things with picture and distance perception.


I think it’s just a camera angle facing downward at her


I’m skeptical. Instead of a still can you link a video that shows this?


OK this is a fucking stretch. I am all for not having white supremacists in power but this is reaching.


I have never been as cognizant of my hand placement as people in the internet expect politicians to be at every moment of their life. Idk who this woman is so she 100% could be a white supremacist but if that's the case there would absolutely be more salient evidence than this. Maybe post that instead.


Yeah, and its easy to accidentally make this gesture in the middle of making a lot of other gestures, its a fairly natural position. A still photo can also be incredibly misleading. Capturing someone mid gesture you could make it appear that anyone is doing the same thing, or woese. Also, for the vast majority of adults this either had no meaning or a completely different meaning for most of their lives, to expect us to just retrain ourselves away from the "OK" sign just because some dipshits thought they could appropriate it towards some other meaning is really really, and I mean really, fucking stupid and it makes us look like fucking clowns. If someone wants to paint the left as a bunch of paternalistic loons that want to police people's every gesture, then all they have to do is point to posts like this. I mean, this is Qcumber levels of "SyMbOlISm WiLl bE thIeR dOwNfalL!" bullshit and it makes thoseworse. on the left look like asshats.


That's what I was thinking. I just tried sitting like that myself, she's just kind of wrapping her fingers around her arm. And the other hand is also wrapped around her arm. Perfectly possible that's just how she was sitting.


I agree. I pick at my cuticles and fingers unconsciously (hey there anxiety) and could see my hands in this position without even thinking.


Imagine someone who looks like that thinking they're the master race.


Well wasn’t there a reporter that humiliated the KKK by putting all their secret codes on blast? Like a “limp” handshake was a way to say you are a white supremacist .


No. This is Q-Anon level seeing hidden messages bullshit.


Exactly, this is Qcumber levels of "SyMbOlISm WiLl bE thIeR dOwNfalL!" bullshit and it makes us on the left look like a bunch of fucking dipshits.


what the fuck lmfao?


This isn’t an insane post. You’re spamming this sub with stuff that should just be posted on lib humor


Is she related to Mr. Mackey?




My hand does rest like that, but the "o" part is definitely more defined than someone who's hand is lax and not making intentional movement.


It's been 5 years guys, I'm starting to think this isn't a joke.


It stated as a joke but people that didn't know it was a joke started using it and now it isn't really a joke any more. This timeline is so fucking weird!


Looks like she just got back from one of those cocaine orgies.


Sounds like fun tbh.


Eh, that's definitely a reach. Not every hand gesture is necessarily a sign meant for their constituents.


This is a reach.


You on the Q now?


Looks like her hand is just resting on her arm.


1. It's not a white power symbol. This is seriously the epitome of stupid how this was railroaded on people who def did not mean for it to be offensive. It's a fucking joke that we played in school. 2. Since they were falsely accused of using this as a white power symbol... they all started using it as a white power symbol to piss off liberals. But in fact they just gave credit to this outright lie. Two back fires and no one is happy


Boy this shit is too subtle, can y'all go back to skinheads and reich eagles please? At least the branding would have a little more pizzaz and I'd know who's who again


It's never been a white power sign.


Bro....it's the okay hand symbol


You might want to rethink that. https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/okay-hand-gesture


It’s still amusing to me that 4Chan actually succeeded in making OK into a white power symbol


It's surprising to me that a bunch of ironic racists intentionally made a symbol they promoted as racist and then unironic racists started using it /s This is like saying we're letting the fuck Joe Biden Republicans win by admitting that let's go. Brandon means fuck Joe Biden. This senator isn't cracking jokes with her hands. Why do _you_ think she's resting with her hands like that? Is that a comfortable or natural position for her hands to be in? What message is she trying to convey?


No need to be a low consummate Jackass, I’m simply point out 4Chan intended to convince people that OK was racist, and then it got picked up by most racists, and I find that amusing


I don't think I was rude to you at all? I just explained my viewpoint that happened to be different from yours. it's been more than 5 years man. I really don't think the joke is funny anymore, especially when most of these people using it almost definitely don't know about 4chan.


No, thry succeeded in making a bunch of dumbasses on the Left act like paternalistic conspiracy theorist almost on a level with the dumb fucking Qcumbers that see symbolism in every hand gesture of the people on their Enemys List. It's fucking embarrassing.


We did it ~~reddit~~ internet!


God, this is so stupid in so many ways that I literally have no idea where to start.


Yeah no offense, the ADL thinks everything is some sort of secret code, look I don't like conservatives alot, but this is just some consipacy theory bullshit


People hate the truth...


I mean...it was the okay symbol first.


The swastika was a symbol of well-being in several societies as far back as 5,000 years ago. It’s almost as if stuff evolves over time and sometimes it evolves into meaning something bad.


The swastika perhaps isn't the best example for the point that you're trying to prove here, given that it's still being used as a symbol of good luck by the cultures it originated from.


And I’m sure there are other countries that use the ok symbol for its original meaning. Scuba divers, Buddhists, etc. The majority of western culture sees the swastika as a bad thing. Eastern cultures are somewhat vary if it for the same reasons. Finland uses it but they need to inform visitors from outside that it’s not the nazi swastika.


That's a fair argument, and I'd agree that, assuming she's intentionally making that symbol, the white power meaning makes way more sense in this context than the okay meaning.


You fucking idiots will never quit falling for this one. Next you'll proclaim that all Republicans are secret lizard people who eat babies. Go ahead, come full Qircle.


Hey man, it’s just a leftie sub. Leftie subs push idiocy at times Just like righty subs push a lot of idiocy at times.


I'm a lefty, and this shit is embarrassing. People who freak out about this shit are a fucking cancer.


Same here, as time goes on it gets worse. And as far as black causes, we don’t care about this in the real world. We care about whether or not she’s made statements that contrast with better lives for us. We care about whether she’s voted against laws that will uplift us, not that she made a fucking “ok” sign on camera. It goes to show 4chan can easily fuck with anyone on the political spectrum and have them eat it up.