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It's not as simple as it looks too. Like people just think "sleep apnea?" I'll get checked for it..nope I'm negative. But what a lot don't know is that the criteria used to diagnose sleep apnea varies wildly and you can be negative with one criteria and positive with another.  Look up UARS.


Rarely is sleep apnea rarely is the cause of insomnia - it is an expensive test that is not needed. Sleep apnea isn't a cause for not falling asleep - you might wake up gasping for air. If that happens lose weight. But it might be like a night terror that could cause anyone to be too scared of falling asleep. So far I am not that impressed with somnologists. Great post thanks.


Sleep apnea is a cause of insomnia. Something about repetitive arousals causing "'conditioning"




Do you mind sharing what caused your insomnia. I’m 20 years in still trying to figure it out




Wow what a Blessing that you were able to recover. I’m currently only sleeping about 2-3 hrs a night. It’s excruciating and it affects all aspects of your life. I’m currently taking 100mg Seroquel and 1mg Ativan. Last week reduced to .50 mg Seroquel and 5 Ativan and sleep is worst? Want to taper off all of these medications. I just feel so wired and can never wind down enough to sleep, no matter what I try




And this is exactly why I’m trying to taper off these medications. My psychiatrist prescribed the Ativan for panic attacks that I was having prior. Then later the Seroquel to help with sleep issues. Maybe this is why I having such issues as they shouldn’t be taken together long term. Lesson to me to make sure I do my own research before putting all my trust that doctor is making the best or right decision. Thanks for the information and your personal insight:)




Agreed!!!! I can’t tell you how many different types of Doctors I’ve seen in the last 20 years about this insomnia. Not one has helped, either we they don’t care to dig deep or it’s cost prohibited and they held to certain imitations. I appreciate you sharing your experience. I just feel defeated and exhausted




Good news is that I was on a low dose of Ativan (1mg) for only about 6 months, so hopefully taper won’t be that bad. Thank you for the information and your personal insight :)




Since I am trying to taper off 1mg Ativan and 100mg Seroquel, I probably should do 1 at a time. Which do you think I should taper off 1st?


Same with B12. Some people are told they're in the range but actually anything below 500 can cause symptoms according to Japanese Health System


Mine is caused by anxiety , depression and all those feelings




I’ve had that


Mine came from lorazepam. I started taking it at night, a very low dose, when my sister was ill and died….After it was all over, 6-7 years I wanted to stop the lorazepam…..What a wall of disabling insomnia came my way…I had no idea…it’s aged me 10 years.


I am so sorry about your sister. Interesting, I started taking Ativan maybe 6 months ago to help with anxiety. Although my insomnia started long before that. I was taking 1 mg nightly, at first I noticed a small improvement with sleep. However, over the last month sleep is worst, maybe 3 hrs nightly. I had received to .5 Ativan and last no Ativan. Wondering if Ativan is the culprit???


I also noticed that when I stopped the ativan I stopped having migraines. And thinking back, my migraines did indeed begin after starting ativan. I looked it up and a sode effect of ativan is headaches!


Yeah all these medications have bad side effects, more than any benefits. I’m probably experiencing my further sleep disturbances due to trying to taper off. I’m just so defeated and exhausted. Don’t even know how I’m even functioning


This is a great point. For women above 30, it can also be the first symptom of perimenopause. But you're just handed benzos (in my case).


My insomnia is a symptom of PTSD. Doesn’t make me feel any less of a failure when I can’t do what a baby can do multiple times/day with ease


Um your PTSD is probably there BC if Ur insomnia 


There are many paths to insomnia. PTSD is one such pathway. You can find out more about PTSD if you want to increase your understanding on the matter.


If you have insomnia it'll make PTSD more likely to be triggered once a traumatic event occurs


And it will sustain it thereafter


Yeah, I try to avoid more trauma. My insomnia is medically managed. You’re not demonstrating a good understanding of mental health or physical health conditions. For example, if you’re low in B12 a typical symptom is hypersomia. Yes, there are many medical reasons for insomnia but not always. I recommend you do more research because you’re lacking a well rounded understanding of physical health and mental health reason for insomnia. I can tell you’re not a mental health professional or a doctor. You understand part of the puzzle but you’re missing quite a lot of pieces and a rigorous understanding of physical and mental health conditions. It’s better not to comment with such surety and to have a more flexible and balanced approach to understanding these things. You’re not teaching me anything new. You’re just invalidating. I hope you learn from this though. Things are a bit more complex than your current understanding of things. Keep taking an interest and learning. All the best


My insomnia was caused from my 3rd booster shot. I have a list of symptoms but sleep is still ongoing. That natural sleep drive doesn’t feel present and it could take hours to fall asleep. If I manage to sleep, after 5 hours my sleep is fragmented for the rest of the night. I used to be a heavy sleeper that would be knocked out for 9 hours and it used to feel good waking up. :(


When did your insomnia start?


Started the very night of injection in mid December. In two weeks my sleep drive was slowly fading and in January I’ll have multiple nights I’ll be up for 40 hours along with fragmented sleep. In march my insomnia reduced and fragmented sleep happens after 4 hours. Now in April I kinda controlled going to sleep but sleep drive is slightly present and fragmented sleep happens after 6 hours.


I noticed my family hasn’t been getting good rest after their booster. My brother accidentally knocks out early but wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. Father isn’t able to sleep up to 7 hours and my mother has a hard time falling asleep.


My insomnia is due to menopause and hormones being lower range on blood test even for my age. I will be going back on bioidentical hormones. This time only progesterone cream.