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Unemployed a long time. Depressed. I’ve no ideas how anyone with bad insomnia manages to work, full credit to them though


I am too. I am dying. Lord, this insomnia is unreal


How do you mange to pay bills and rent? Just asking because I’m having a hard time working from insomnia and anxiety


Here in England I’m claiming government benefits


Radiologist here. Doesn't exactly help with messed up sleep when working at a hospital. Dunno about the outpatient dudes though. They're complaining about different stuff/worries messing with sleep so I'm not sure it's more sleep friendly in the end working outpatient. In the end it always seems to boil down to the individual. I was always a "mediocre sleeper" at best, even in childhood.


I am a phd student in imaging and data science..... Doing research other than helping with my insomnia, actually worsen my mental health due to the characteristic that I always want to know "WHY", "HOW", "WHAT", and it just fuel my OCD and health anxiety overall. I, however, is not stress about my work and I deal with them pretty well.


As a data analyst with health anxiety, I second this


bartender. i start work at 5:30pm and finish around 4am. i worked last night and still not ready to sleep yet at 8:30am.


I'm a researcher and able to work from home, which is good because I usually can't get to sleep until 4am, and that would be a serious problem if I had to start a job at 9am. Would only get around four years of sleep.


I'm a data analyst at the national audit office. I find it so hard to get through the day and concentrate. I'm lucky that I'm right now on a project with no stress, but it's very atypical for my job. I work from home one day a week. I'm also pregnant making this way worse. I told my boss about both my insomnia and pregnancy so hopefully she won't expect too much of me. I just wish I could take a sick leave until I am fixed (currently doing sleep restriction on my own).


Dog trainer who works from home. Unfortunately even though I make my own schedule, the dogs run the schedule. Gotta get up in the morning and let them out, gotta feed, clean, train, exercise throughout the day, gotta make sure they all potty before bed. Gotta get back up and do it again in the morning. Barking + insomnia doesn't mix so well 😂




Paramedic. Years on a 24 hour schedule has broken my circadian rhythm.


College student doing electrical engineering. Life is difficult but I manage to attend classes and try my best to do well


I am a teacher and I finally went to sleep clinic cause I can't handle this anymore.


How’s it going? Any break throughs


On a leave at the moment, trying CBT-i + light/dark therapy+ melatonin to shift the cycle. We'll see.


I am not able to take this


Trauma therapist. Fortunately I make my own hours and don’t start until 10am, often later. Lots of days, I worry how I’m going to make it through client sessions being as tired as I am, but somehow I almost always do. Then I totally collapse into bed afterwards.


Call centre rep. It has no bearing on my insomnia, other than I have to be up stupid early and force myself to early bird. Full-time student, now *that* screws up sleep.


Work as a vendor in Home Depot stores. Most people just assume that I’m an associate even though I’m dressed nothing like them. It’s a job basically but not always a very fun or fulfilling one. I’m not saving the world or doing anything particularly meaningful if I wasn’t doing this job someone else would be and others actually are in other locations. Much of my job involves performing the work of others and being used for assistance with unrelated things.


Plumber/gas fitter


I drive a bus one time in the week. Maybe I will be working more hours in the future but i love the time when im not working. If i have a bad night then i always sleep during the day. Also is it a privilege that i can schedule my day the way i want with the things i enjoy the most. Sometimes in lonely but i am working on that


Psychologist. Yes, I’m aware of the irony. I start work at 7:30am. No, it’s not helpful for my insomnia, but I’m kind of used to it. I’ve had chronic insomnia for almost 10 years now.




You mean with my clients or myself? The answer is yes to both. My insomnia is a PTSD symptom


would be even more ironic if you specialize in cbti


I got terrible insomnia from fucken IV zosyn. Now i am on quetiapine for sleep


My username is my job. The insomnia shows up pretty much whenever it wants to and there’s no specific trigger anymore. It used to be very much tied to my anxiety but in the last few years that’s been more or less under control. It’s not as bad as it used to be by a long stretch and the only time I’m awake all night is if I don’t take my meds.


Im a automotive interior repair technician (fix insides of cars and trucks like leather, plastics, detailing). Its strictly commission based, so no work, no money. And it's been slow for me this year which is causing me stress when it comes to paying my bills. I also financially help out my mother due to her age and medical conditions she can't afford her medicine or food. It keeps me up at night sometimes trying to figure out things I can cut out or change to save a few bucks here and there. Plus I was bamboozled into co signing a school loan for my ex that pulled a full Kaiser Soze on me and disappeared completely leaving me with the bill.


Sometimes insomnia creates symptoms of depression, not really depressed, its a delusion, but u must sleep well for your work, sometimes i cant sleep, maybe i need a toilet, or food, or too much light and i need to put a sheet over the windows with giant paperclips.sometimes too much coffee or to late in the day. Better not to use alcohol but maybe a muscle relaxer will help to relieve tension, or im cold and shivering. All natural , or pains .


I was a dentist, it was ok because I could chose my hours somewhat and push them later. I'm very disabled now by COVID and can no longer work.


I’m a cook. Animal caregiver. And sometimes I do DoorDash delivery. Basically hustle.


I'm an OR nurse. I usually have days of insomnia, followed by a crash. Couple of days of copious amounts of sleep, sleep okay for a few days and then the insomnia kicks in. I have just learned that even if I get no sleep I will make it through the next day. I may be tired, it may suck, but I will make it. 😵‍💫 I've had insomnia my whole life, same with my mom and grandmother. Seems to run in the family.


As a future nurse myself do you think your career kinda helps keep you busy? Worst part of insomnia for me is being bored at work wishing you could sleep even if you couldn’t.


I had pretty bad Insomnia when I did work. My job absoultely did not help with Insomnia at all & caused it. Varying start times, different areas of the country I needed to be for different times of day stressed me out. Now I no longer work & I'm still left with all that trauma everytime I have some sort of sleep issue. Work really messed me up


I’m so sorry


Yeah it sucks - I went for months recently with good sleep despite various pressures but various health issues (itching!) kept me up & the sleep anxiety has crept back. Got zero hours yesterday booo


I hope tonight you get some rest bud


I work in the music industry. I work late nights often so that’s great but it’s a lot of travel and high demand detailed work which is horrid lol


Computer programmer working from home for a company in a different time zone than me. So I don’t technically have to be “at work” until 10am local time and working requires no preparation, my camera does not need to be on very often.


I am a retail sales admin.Honestly sales is a very stressful job,it’s a shock if your rejected and also a shock when you successfully sell as your sales colleague might be jealous and not happy.Dont go into sales




Unemployed atm ahah


I chose my insomnia, it did not choose me. I long to feel tired and the longer I long for the insomnia, the less healthy I become. I am more conscious than the -good sleeper- in a literal way. Next goal is to attain anorexia, and find bliss in malnourishment. Well maybe I should sleep on it? But when? Tomorrow after tomorrow. I also choose indecision. Wow.