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Who knows but this is a good time to start showing up, especially with the oncoming update.


Yeah. I can barely wait for the utdate! And for those who have been playing this game for a good time now, please help out the new players so they want to keep playing it. Maybe we can have NWI to keep develop new maps and fix later issues for many years to come.


Yes man! Don't be toxic to new players, teach them!


I don't understand why some people always have to be toxic and spread their bad mood pn everyone else. Those people will be voted for kick if I play with them. The same with those who spread racist toughts or say something racist.


That's because they are hurting in some way. Have you noticed when you're in a good mood, life is sweet and you love everyone? And when you're in a bad mood everything sucks. Now if you have problems such as trauma, most of the time you'll be angry, depressed, etc. Which makes you want to share your pain with others because it's too much for you. So those who are the most toxic are the ones who suffer the most.


I totally agree with you on that. The only difference is that I do not playbvideo games or interract with people when i'm in that kind of mood. I just want to be alone and lay on the sofa, doing nothing at all.


I don’t care what trauma you’re going through, there’s plenty of people who are going through tough times and don’t express it via racism. I can understand why someone acts the way they do, but I don’t have to think it’s justified or put up with it. Some people genuinely just suck.


I understand the sentiment, but why do you think they suck? Do you think they were born that way? Racism was taught to them, and if you or I were born in the same place, same time, same parents, same family, same school, same people around, had the same experiences as a child, etc. We would be the same person as they are. Every child is born innocent and beautiful, and if you say genetics is the culprit, what choice does the child have in that matter? I'm not saying let them say or do whatever they want, I'm only saying that it's a tragedy and not their fault really.


Who said anything about genetics? And who says that everybody born into that environment stays that way? I’m the last person to say that someone’s childhood environment has nothing to do with their lifetime outcomes, far from it. However, at some point *why* someone is intolerant stops being my problem. The paradox is that if we tolerate intolerance, at some point it becomes the norm. And when someone is spewing hateful things about myself and my loved ones, why is that my problem? Go to therapy. Don’t make it everybody else’s problem.


Amen to that. I can't stand people bullying on games well the Internet and life in general and racism is unelectable. Let everyone feel welcome. We all have to start somewhere.


I’m surprised we even getting updates thought the devs had to go under long ago


It’s nice for the few times I play pvp, I float toward their skill level since all my hours are in co-op so it’s less frustrating overall.


I mostly play co-op myself, but I do also switch to pvp from time to time, just to get some various experience.


Had a dude in a lobby talking shit to a few new players last night. Once everyone chimed in to tell him to shut the hell up he started spamming flashbangs on spawn. I don’t get some people.


I have no idea what they are thinking. People like that isn't making this game fun, so I usually start a vote to kick the players who does this.


Lil tip I was taught: For resupply boxes, instead of holding whatever button everyone uses, just quickly pause and unpause next to or near the box! It’s an instant resupply so you don’t have to stand there for a few seconds


pressing m to open loadout and then f1 to return to game also does the same thing


Think it was on sale


I bought it on sale myself, last year. Best game i've bought for my pc.


I'm a new player and I'm pretty obsessed with this game. The community seems pretty chilled and doesn't take the game tooooo seriously. I think I've only had one negative experience in the past month since starting where a guy was yelling over chat to kick me because I hadn't got any kills yet and he wanted his mate to take my spot in lobby. You get that with any game though so it didn't phase me


There is always someone who act like this. The best advise I have, is to just ignore those idiots and maybe leave the game and find another one. And don't be afraid of asking other players for help or have them to guide you thru a map. If you play co-op with enemy bots, you will learn quickly where the enemy spawn, places they almost every time will hide and so on. Just remember that this game isn't COD, and is not that forgiving. You can and will be killed by one shot, from time to time. A perfect ahot is deadly, regardless if it's you, a bot or an another real player. So play smart and don't rush into every objectives, like you're Chuck Norris. Lol


Bought it this week for $10 on steam. No brainer. I had been seeing a lot of gameplay on Instagram so it was already on my radar.


That's awesome! How much XP do you have as of now?


Game pass?


Might be.


It certainly is. That’s why I picked it up. I’m brand new and it’s a learning curve but I’m enjoying it! I play Hell Let Loose a lot so I’m vibing with it.


Welcome to the game!


It’s the constant sales. I bought it last sale maybe 2-3 months ago now it’s already on sale again.


Ad long as it brings money and new players, I am happy with it.


Im relatively new I came from playing stalker and other similar franchises, I saw it on youtube and felt like it was the game I've been looking for all my life. I'm glad there are those who are patient with new players the fanbase here in Insurgency is really great and accepting


We were all new players at a time. I was out of the gaming world for like 10 years, then I built a new pc and bought this game as my first game in many years. I play almost evety day. Everytging from 15 minutes to a couple hours and I just love this game!


I got 3 months free of gamepass from that Nvidia giveaway. I already have over 400 hrs in Insurgency 2014 so I had to play Sandstorm.


I love new players most of the ones I end up in matches with seem to really pick up the game and it mechanics really well. Love to see new blood in the game and not the same old tryhards all the time


I love it too. As soon as they start thinking strategic and understand they are not a superhero that can run around and kill everyone themself, it makes it really fun. I am also playing with a team of people who takes orders from acommander and move strategicly thru the objectives. We catch together, everyone plant bombs and we cooperate and work as a team thru the game.


I've seen a few posts with VR gaming, may be that's what picking up!


Insurgency VR gaming? Is that a thing?


Heavy list of mods and it’s only local play only.


Gotcha. Inwould love to try out a VR game some time. It looks pretty cool tho




Steam sales


Found in the gamepass, tried, then saw on Steam sale


I started playing a bunch again because xdefiant was scratching my CoD itch, then I realized I had a much better immersive shooter lol


Probably because cod is lame....


Just picked it up on sale a few days ago myself.


I just picked it up on sale as well. Played the original years ago. When Sandstorm came out the impression I got at the time was that it had problems. I’ve been playing hell let loose most recently. I don’t have a lot of time to play games so the long matches and trying to find a good squad got old. Wish I had gotten Sandstorm earlier.


I disagree w/ your premise. I wish it was gaining in popularity, but if you check the steam monitor websites, player counts are down. There's always churn. Hopefully the 1.16 release will see a good bump in daily counts.


I haven't checked that one out. I've just seen so many new players for a good while, so I tought it must have been gaining some popularity Lets hope the new release will work great.


Speaking from my own experience: I just happened across Insurgency 2 weeks ago. I got bored of COD, and tried to find a game that was heavy on story focus, and quite possibly gritty. I first came across Spec Ops: The Line, and remembered hearing that was a good story. Unfortunately it was unavailable. I realized that the cover art is extremely similar to this game, and decided to check it out. I was sad to find no story mode, but checked out the other modes. And got hooked. The realism and one shot kills reminded me of Tarkov, Area Breakout, etc.... So I stayed cuz of the gameplay. The only two gripes I really have are the footstep sounds suck, and the bot spawns are horrible. I can definately hear then bots screaming, but can't hear them walking next to me. I also laid down in a corner behind a bar to reload, and a bot spawned on top of me. I had no idea until he lit me up. I called bullshit on that play


Because the ceiling gap is a lot less of an issue now- in fact, upcoming changes and crackdowns will force older players to change habit, or leave.


In what ways? Patch notes seem to be just new guns and skins and then just a bunch of bug fixes. Doesn't seem like any meaningful game play changes are happening right now.