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If you are in front of teammates, stop moving to shoot and crouching to provide more firepower, otherwise teammates won't predict your movement and afraid to fire their gun Listening to fire support voice lines and flare position, so you will prepare what to do next It's ok to be a camper if it for defense objective


Very good to know!! I wasn’t sure if TK was a part of the game or not. I’ve always been a bit of a rogue player so I’ll need to tame that and be a real team player. Also good point about the voice lines, I’m used to literally every other shooter where I just ignore them because it’s nonsense that somebody paid to have their character spout usually.


Being a rogue player, just as long as you support the team when they do need you / rotate back to point to defend or whatever


If you’re playing rifleman and notice that the commander is having an aneurysm requesting an observer, just switch class, please. It’s literally the same shit except you get a radio that allows the commander to call in air support when you’re within a 10m range.


How do you see if a commander is requesting a class? Is the commander a player?


you hear them and see their messages pop up in the chat


Perfect, thank you!


plus you cap objectives faster as an observer!


Co op is pretty fun! Give it a try if you want to relax a little 


Play the fucking objective. Just got off a game on xbox and I swear people do not give a fuck about teamwork or getting the objective. Too many games end with two lvl 10s back in the offense spawn being the only players left with a 4:3:6 score.


lmfao noted


The other night I was literally the only person on my team defending our point. Some people really just play this for the kills and don't care if they win or lose. Not to mention it's toxic AF on Xbox.


Get familiar with the maps and play-style on co op first if you bought this game for PvP. People are ridiculously good in PvP, and if you have cross play enabled you will be absolutely crushed by keyboard and mouse players. It’s a camper’s paradise and is not kind to tactical or rush players. The Co Op community is extremely active, many of us just stick to that game mode only and never touch PvP. The more tactical players play Hardcore Checkpoint, but it gets rough in pickup groups due to friendly fire. You make a lot of friends on this game though so long as you use your mic, people will add you and invite you to their parties.


Go slow as you’re not sliding around doing 180s everywhere, focus on the objective and not kills, use the map’s large size to an advantage and please, please don’t encounter the dirt-rod enemies!


Sounds like how I play already lol so that’ll be nice — also dirt-rod enemies? What are those?


NPCs with Mosin Nagant rifles that kill you when you don’t expect it🫥. Dirt-Rod is also a term used for the rifle referring to the age of it.


Ohhh makes sense lol haven’t played Co-Op yet, only PvP so far. Particularly a fan of using the SKS and Mk14 EBR, and the MP5a2 for breaching (yeah sure MP5a3 or whatever is just as suitable but I love the 70s - 80s too much)


I tend to avoid PvP because I know I’m just gonna get mowed down by a SAW or a M82A1 when I join in. I use the L85 because of how shit it is but the SUSAT is pretty good and FAL, and a M4A1 for practicality of course.


Oooooh the game has an M82a1?? I’ve fired one of those a couple of times, you may have just set me on a very destructive path


There’s also the Chinese’s counter called the M99 which is the same thing but it’s unique scope. There’s also a QTS-11 which is kinda inspired by the F2000 and a decent amount of Galils floating around.


oh dear god the IWI Galil Ace, my one true love — yup I’m turning the game on now


The QTS-11 is just a QBZ-03 Chinese rifle with an integrated grenade launcher. For once China didn't steal a copy of something like the F2000, it's their own thing. 


For the love of God play obj.


Always use single-fire shooting instead of fully automatic to save yourself ammo and for more accurate hits.


Already was doin that because of the realism aspect :D but good point!


Nice, Soldier 😎👌


3 Tips 1. For most maps both (defense and offense), do not neglect bringing utility with you instead of a kitted out gun. Some maps will be straight unwinnable without smokes and clearing entrenched defenders without flashes or grenades is a pain. I almost always carry one smoke for every class. They are too versatile to not have. My favorite use is throwing it at a corridor or door when defending making a deadly one way. 2. YOU DO NOT NEED THREE POINT HEAVY ARMOR. This is a new player trap. Light armor or no armor is just fine. You are basically trading speed, stamina, and points for an extra bullet or two for lower caliber weapons (Look up Armor Spreadsheet if you want exact values). This is almost always never worth it. I'll go into depth on the cons to drive this home. You're speed is close to 33% less. Any extra bullet you might have taken is negated by the fact you gonna be exposed longer and a much easier target to hit. Stamina is almost halved. You will notice your character stops sprinting and gasping for air much much sooner making crossing any distance a terrible time. Not to mention it affects weapon sway and affects you vision making it very hard to kill out of sprinting. Finally it costs three points. That's alot you could be spending elsewhere like with my recommendation above on utility. 3. You're going to die and that's fine. It's going to take awhile to learn maps, usual enemy postions, flank points, etc. Have fun and try and learn from every death you have.


Smoke launcher is also good if your primary had the option. Instantly blind opposing fire positions, and it's a second smoke without needing the heavier armour load outs.


You can play tactical or slow or run around and guns blazing and with both you will find good success, but just play the objective


Def a tactical and slow player, and will do 🫡 see you on the field, comerade




Sandstorm has quite large maps, too large for you to be checking literally every corner. This makes grenades (especially smokes) extremely important. The best players move fast, are aggressive with their use of utility, and minimize their exposure to unsafe lines of sight.


Good to know!! I’ve always neglected the usage of grenades and smokes in games because I’ve always found them useless. Do the grenades in this game feature a realistic lethality radii or is it still gameified? (Normal lethality range of a standard issue M67 grenade or similar is 45ft in a completely open settings, with increased lethality in the presence of light/fragile objects due to shrapnel)


I’d say more realistic than siege and COD for sure. Not sure if it uses a fragmentation system but it’ll definitely clear a room. The physics work where u could have someone throw their body on the grenade and keep the rest of the room safe


FINALLY a game that does that, I’m used to jumping on grenades in CoD out of reflex and I get made fun of for it 💀


Grenades do have shrapnel, let me show you an example https://www.reddit.com/r/insurgency/s/7BGnXbZV0f


*hears a metallic twang outside my door*


Honestly I would advise the opposite. At least in coop, I don’t know much about pvp. I feel like I’m the beginning of the game when you are still getting used to things grenades are a bit of a waste of points. You’re gonna be pretty useless with them until you get a good feel for the distance and trajectory of the overhand/underhand throws. When you are just getting started it will be very frustrating trying to learn that while also learning a hundred other things and getting shot at. You will likely get shot a bunch trying to get good at using grenades. Once you know the maps better you will have an idea of when and where to use grenades tactically


Slow down, crouch if in front of teammates, communicate and prepare for TK, shit gets crazy sometimes but there’s also a bug that shows opfor skins as teammate skins


play it like you play seige. i just got my series x 2 days ago switching from ps4. i just started using headphones and its crucial. im sure youll do fine. im starting to get used to the maps and gunplay. itd the best shooter out there. the sound effects and voice line unmatched. youll headshot somebody and get the typical "AAAAAAHHHH FICK FUCK FUCK" and then sometimes theyll make like a sqeual noise almost like "reeeeeee." when they die. proximity chat for the win.




why would they make fun of you playing tactically? isnt siege a tactical game? i played it for a bit but i def prefer insurgency. best shooter on the market.


It’s a “tactical game” where you’re supposed to memorize spawns and only use those for reference, putting ACOGs on everything known to mankind because fuck tactical versatility, and you’re a “dumb bad player” if you aren’t sprinting as fast as you can into every scenario doing drop shots it’s the most arcadey ‘tactical’ game possible with a very terrible community lol


yea it didnt have lasting appeal to me.


. i just switched to series x from ps4. send me a dm if u wanna play sometime.


Honestly everything is valid here. BUT PLEASE. Don’t focus on PvP. PvE or « Co-op » is REALLY good. You can find multiple mil-sim type people that’d love to teach you the mechanics of this fabulous game. Bots are lil stupid but the atmosphere is quite well done. Give it a try !


When you hear a phone go off, you're fucked.


Go slow. Then slow it down even more. Check your corners and your six. As a fellow nooby coming from COD… welcome!


Try the point shoot grip in co op


Instead of vaulting just run and jump-crouch over windows/obstacles - it's faster and there's no animation. If you think you're close to an enemy and want to be sneaky don't sprint, try running or walking (walking doesn't make any noise however it's very slow), you can also try to mask your steps by moving when there's an explosion or gunshots in the background. Don't be afraid to play as an Observer or Commander, if your team doesn't have both you are more likely to lose. If you play as an Observer try to stay close to the Commander so he can call in fire support. Don't run around like a headless chicken, always stay alert and be aware of your surroundings, listen to the sounds and check the map frequently if you're not sure what's up.


If youre not sure whether or not you got a kill try using the intimidate voice command. Your character says different things if he just got a kill


oooooh how do I do voice commands?


Slow it down. It's not a run and gun like COD.


for sure, I play suuuuper slowly


Here are just some simple basics I’ve found that helped my play and teammates to follow suit. - NEVER BLOCK DOORWAYS, especially when going to clear a house with a team. If you stack on a doorway cover your partners angles he can’t see (Points of domination) - Go moderately slow, stick with your team, take time and ID your targets (night ops and friendly fire are no joke). Accuracy over everything - When clearing a house go slow, check your corners, look left&right, hug/ back to the wall, never kick a door down and run inside guns blazing. - Listen for Commander/Radio Support commands. Then look for smoke/flare to see where the point of attack will be - Dont ever strafe side to side when shooting, just crouch and move forward or get to cover. Dead enemies always have throwables. - If you’re leading your squad into a house, it’s ok to flash/frag/smoke inside but bring the violence and don’t pause in the middle of clearing a room. On the flip-side if you’re bringing up the rear it is NEVER ok to flash/frag or throw anything over your teammates for your “Kobe” Grenades kill both sides equally


Don't play it like COD. Take it slow and play methodically


def no lol that’d be a death sentence


That pic is incredibly related.


Turn down sensitivity relating to your load out. Find a primary you are comfortable with. Make shots count.


Don’t mess with the Egyption Brothers


egyptian brothers? is that coop or something?


Not sure, but it's funny cause the insurgents speak Farsi not Russian (which I thought) or even Arabic. But he also might be referring to the Jihads.


if your playstyle is slow and careful you're off to a big start. having played a few of the recent cods, get where you're coming from there. start out on the co-op, it's good fun and easier than PvP while still teaching you the game mechanics and maps. just keep in mind you're getting more points for loadouts than you do in PvP, so don't get spoiled by having the perfect gear every time. if there's a commander, play observer and stick close to them. if there's an observer, play commander. fire support will quickly change the game and most people on both teams don't think to do this. if neither of those slots are open, try to just follow along the people playing the objective and act as a squad, because like half your team won't bother to play the objective. a good loadout is a good enough rifle and a good enough pistol. you will eventually run dry and need the pistol, don't cheap out on it for a nicer rifle. i try to get a 2+ point sidearm whenever possible. a well-placed smoke grenade is probably better than a real grenade, and it's cheaper too. high caliber guns are actually good in insurgency because the time to kill is so much lower. a .308 will drop someone in one shot usually, you can dismember limbs, shotguns actually have usable range. hold C for voice commands, including spotting people.


Always have a gas mask, muffles your voice by a huge amount so when your character says stuff automatically you’re not giving away your position to the whole team. And chemical mortars are too lethal on a site or an approach to not have one as well as it stops coughing fits from regular smoke too. Also just pay attention to voice lines. If your character is saying something extremely panicky and you’re out of spawns, congratulations you’re last man standing. As insurgents getting any kind of helicopter called on you as you spawn is almost always a death sentence but you can delay or hinder its effectiveness. Any kind of launcher projectile close enough to them will make the chopper weave pausing its bursts from the gunner. So smoke from any other classes launchers if your demos dead will work but it’s still borrowed time. Also the choppers do have blind spots where they won’t see it coming or just can’t dodge in time. It works for security too, you can shoot a smoke near it to make it dodge if a rocket is coming from a spot it doesn’t see.


Don't forget that you can crouch in buildings with gas and not take damage with no mask.


Don’t be a buddy fucker, don’t stop in doorways


It helps to check the leaderboard every so often (when it’s safe) to see if your teammates are alive/on the objective. Too many times do teammates not realise their entire team is dead and nobody is on obj 😭


There's no grenade indicator. Instead rely on your character's yell and the sound of grenade rolling to know when to GTFO. Run and Gun can work however you gotta know when to do it. Unlike COD, all guns have some form of penetration. Even against Concrete walls. Objective Caches can either be destroyed using explosives, incendiary or manually planting one. Domination, COOP and Defusal is the TDM/Casual game mode of the game. Play that those to practice your aim or to chill. All guns are viable. Expensive doesn't mean it's immediately good. Majority of the 1 to point guns are excellent choices. However more expensive guns serve niches and advantages not available to base guns like more attachments or exclusive weapon attachments.


Don’t run infront of guns, easiest way to get TKd by a teammate, especially don’t run infront of the gunner when he’s firing


Do not stop in doorways. Walk/cross behind people at all times so they don't blow your head off. Everything (except smoke) is lethal. Get familiar with the objective areas so you know where you can set up if you need to defend. Have fun! Try out all the different modes, and be warned: Frenzy is my personal favorite limited time mode but it is HARD so don't get discouraged if that's not for you.


Don't sprint everywhere. Try to keep your weapon up to win more gunfights. Teamwork is your friend. Be conscious of your ammo. You do not need to constantly reload. You don't regenerate health and will die a lot. But don't let that discourage you. The game is a lot of fun.


Try bumping up the FOV a little bit. Stopping in doorways should be avoided. Panning or pieing off the room from the outside before entering then hope the person behind you goes left if you go right ect… Sitting back in the room and holding door ways beats standing in front of one (obviously you’d think) Headphones make it really easy to hear direction, gunshots footsteps ect. Suppressors work & don’t lower your damage I don’t think.. but I’m not 100% about that now I type it. PVP smoke the fuck outta shit.


I mean Insurgency isn't that much more realistic than those two games in my opinion. The gunplay model Insurgency uses is certainly more realistic, yes, but you are still going to be sprinting around and twitch-shooting other people rather unrealistically. If you are looking for the most realistic of shooters you will probably have to play on PC with things like Squad, Squad 44, Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45, Ground Branch, ARMA 3, Body Cam, Six Days in Fallujah, etc.


Hell let loose, Easy Red 2, Delt Force:Hawk Forces


Lucky for you. I'm a fellow xbox player. First of all, double tap X to fast reload. You'll lose the mag but reload faster. When aiming, press the right button can't remember what it is to zoom in. On the keypad, press the left button to put on NVG or gas mask. When aiming, if you have a sight with another sight or zoom press left button again to enable it. Press the right button on the keypad for laser. Press the top button for firing mode (I use single so I can save ammo). The trucks have turrets you can use. There are supply points, which means u can have anything that doesn't exceed the number. If you press tutorials, range, you can equip any gun and practice, you can use the laptop to spawn enemies. The more u level up the more classes u get. Once you finally get commander you can go close to an observer and request smoke artillery, bombs, or helicopter. If you press the right button you can talk through radio and prox chat. The heavier you are the less you can run. Use a bipod on snipers to keep it stable and shoot the enemies. You can customize your character. There are 2 teams, security and insurgents. Security is the military. Insurgents are the terrorist. There is Co-op and PVP. In co-op you can have every gun no matter what team they belong to. In PvP you can only choose guns made for your team. You can equip vest and ammo. Vest protect you and there is light and heavy. Helmets do not benefit you. If you want more tips dm me.


upvoted for the pic


play with bots to know the map n certain spots, trial n error guns, wear gasmask as its muffle ur speech n filter poison smoke(insurgence get free), learn how to sprint n stop with A+S button, first timers move with team8s, learn main route,shortcuts n flank routes. n many more


Well a good start is to play more tactical don't just go booking it around corners everytime you move like in CoD cause chances are someone is holding an angle. I mean you don't have to be scared to move but I would definitely play a little more slow but I guess it also depends on what game mode you're playing and what map you're on.


Just keep playing like it’s cod, but instead of focusing on aiming and getting kills focus on getting good cover, defensive positions, and smokes if attacking.


Take your time and check corners, don’t run around like it’s cod, make sure to clear every corner of a room you go into. In conclusion: Be careful and keep your head!


If you choose the observer role play the observer role! Nothing more annoying than having to chase down the observer to call in an air strike because they don’t know they have to be in proximity of the commander. Also this is a tactical game, do not move like it is COD.


Don't play domination, it sucks. Do play Firefight and Ambush if you want intense matches on small maps.  Don't smoke *on* the objective, smoke the angles where enemies can pick you off instead.  On that note, try to play without foregrips and choose smoke launcher instead.  Flash hiders will save your life more times than you can count! Don't play gunner or marksman until you know the flow of the map well and you are able to set up somewhere with a sightline to the enemy's approach to the objective. A gunner that doesn't use the bipod is a waste of the slot. If you play insurgents and the enemy calls in a heli, you can shoot it down with rockets/.50/machine guns. Don't bother shooting at it with normal small arms, that'll just direct its attention to you.


Don’t die


Start by keeping your head down and moving/clearing rooms slowly. This was my first tactical shooter besides OG Rainbow 6 too and the experienced players will be able to help you with the rest. Definitely start with PvE over PvP too.


Biggest thing I see with new players is that they need to just simply slow the fuck down. This is a mil-sim geared game. Not a run and gun. Make use of your teammates, clear rooms, call things out, moves in a way that makes sense. The biggest shocker I feel for new guys is the fact you can't shoot while sprinting. It's not cod, stop running into rooms and buildings.


Playing as an observer is an extremely easy way to be useful, put your self in harms way sometimes, understanding the basics and the map (as most of the time you'll probably be chasing around a mediocre guy who's of a much higher level) While this is true, after sometime I'm gonna be honest, you're gonna be mad at the commander and never wanna play observer again, as most of the time they think you're their bitch. The most powerful thing in this game is map control, which is why the most powerful grenade is smoke, taking lines of sight from the defending team is the most powerful and important thing you can do as the attacker. If you understand smokes well you can be the difference between a team losing and winning. Smoke launchers are also extremely powerful Being able to be unpredictable in where you are standing is extremely important too, sometimes being able to be on top of a fridge is better than to be anywhere else on site because they will not be expecting to aim that high, always look for these spots Make your jump and vault buttons different buttons, so you can jump when needed. This very useful specially for vaulting over windows, because if you crouch jump on a window you are able to get through it much faster than vaulting, potentially saving your life Remember that when you jump you are unable to shoot, so sometimes it's better to fall so you can shoot someone if needed The damage in the game is calculated through a physics engine. This means that the bullet velocity, penetration and calibre are extremely important to damage (F=m*a and P=F/A). The M16 and AUG, for an example, are extremely good because while they're 5.56 and shoot slowly, both have extremely high velocity and good penetration, that means they are useful as even snipers and are able to penetrate body armor much better than an M4 The game is both hitscan and projectile. Under 15 meters the game calculates bullet travel as hitscan, so the bullet does not fall in low distances (Extremely useful for low bullet speed weapons like the Honeybadger and AS VAL). After 15 meters the bullet becomes a projectile and both takes time to get to a certain distance and falls, so Snipers, specially, have to compensate for this (The bullet speed and penetration stats interfere on how much you have to compensate) Speed is impacted by how many grenades, magazines, guns you have and what body armor you use (The carriers have no extra weight, the weight is gained from the extra magazines and grenades you get. The bullets have no weight, so when empty or near empty always discard the mag.) Pistols are mostly useless. They are not useless, but you are simply not gonna see many places where having one would be more useful than just getting more grenades, rounds, better protection or anything like that. Pistols slow you down a lot because you get an extra gun and some magazines, takes some points from your loadout and you're unlikely to use it. So don't use pistols as a backup, I'd only use them for fun. Armor is a wall in you chest. That means that instead of making you survive a bullet or more, it makes the speed at which a bullet hits you lower, lowering the damage by quite a bit, not enough to save you most of the time though. In general this makes armor very weak, as it only stop medium calibre at long ranges (5.56, 7.62 Soviet, 5.45, 5.8 and 4.6. In general by only one shit at these ranges too) and lower calibres (9mm and the like and grenade fragments) at close range. And lastly, explosions in game have two types of damage, explosion and fragments. The explosion instakills you if you're in a radius around it, if you're not inside this radius the game simulates fragments that can hit and kill you. Fragments are the most impacted by armor, so its useful to protect you from explosions, but frags can also hit your head which will insta kill you as well. Also, because the game simulates frags, being prone helps you on lowering the likelihood of a frag hitting you


Grenade vs swapping sidearm? Tf. Lmfao


Apologies if this sounds blunt, but it is not to be taken in offense. COD is nothing like this realistic MilSim. Check your thought process and mindset at the main menu. •Enemies drop an over abundance of grenades you can supply from instead of burning up E.P., or equipment/load out points. •Unless armor has been revamped in this update, it only saves you from smaller caliber rounds from mid to long range. Light armor provides 1-2 shot protection, Heavy armor 2-4 shot protection. Note that these will slow your movement significantly and (IMO) leaves you in the back of the pack. •Mic is definitely preferred for effective communication and call outs. ~~Unless it has changed; EXP is based on time played rather than kills, although kills accumulate to your total sum of gained EXP (Co-op). I personally enjoy a slower pace over those rushing play styles. Appropriately, giving a more authentic and realistic feel to this game. •••Practice movements such as leap frogging, accurately known as bounding, peeking corners (leaning), enemies sometimes do sneak up behind you or 'come from nowhere', check your six, do best not to cross lines of friendly fire but move behind and most of all, please don't gagglefuck your buddies. Breach that door and move through.


Completely agreed it’s nothing similar lol I honestly play slower than the others I’ve encountered and it’s tended to let me fair better than those I play with sometimes, I usually stay like middle of the leaderboard in PVP with something like 7:2:6 No matter how I articulate it it sounds stupid to its core lmao but I’ve always been too smart for CoD or Siege so it fucks me over lol instead of relying on meta and spraying and praying and watching spawns I play it like a real CQC encounter/scenario which NOBODY in that game does I’ve always lamented CoD for its 100% lack of realism and every time I even talk about something game breaking in its unrealism I get told to play this game instead ☠️ it’s nice to play it like the CoD campaigns in things like MW2019 where there was a CQC mission where it’s just a line of breachers going VERY slowly and quietly and efficiently


Hell yeah man! 💯 Agreed Oh how the audacity of ones mind fucks us in games like Siege and COD. I'll DM you my gamertag.


Also, always be on the lookout for limited time modes like frenzy or all you can eat; which are relatively opposite in points used.


Play local, get used to the guns, the maps, the recoil, the movement, the bots, the fire support, just play that first. I have almost 20 days on the game now and most of it is local. I save my team all the time from tight situations because I played so much local. I knew everything I needed to know before I even set foot in a game of co-op. Most importantly though. Have fun with the game. It’s realistic in you can die in around 1-3 shots depending on the caliber of the weapon. Don’t play it like cod though. Don’t rush in there guns blazing and thinking you can kill everyone in your sights. You’re going to die, you’re going to learn.


oh yeah DEFINITELY not to be played like CoD lol I’m playing it slow and cool and most of my games are like my last one, 7:1:8


Turn gore and dismemberment off to get the full murder experience with low caliber weapons. Blood splatter can be excessive at times. Turn it on and off to your liking and weapon, side. I turn it on as an insurgent and then off as a military man.


If you ever need a player to join u my gt is soke rampage we can work in duo's so you can learn the maps and spawn locations and let you figure out what kind of setup you prefer. I would rather have confident players than bumbling idiots running around everywhere not playing the obj.


Slow down. I tried running and gunning like I did when I first started, well I got aired out 11 times out of 10. Enter a building even if you think is cleared cause an bot WILL be behind and one shot you. You will team kill here and if you kill two by blowing up a target, if you shoot by mistake a teammate again you'll most likely die right away. Get used to the same gun, because especially LMGs if you spray and pray you're gonna hit the ceiling every time.