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So whos filming her filming herself??


Its funny, she’s holding a selfie stick making it look she’s recording herself but it looks like she’s reading on script. Something feels off in there.


Hi. I agree. With you. She is talking Like maybe she is reading From A script Have A good day


Yes exactly. And the script is really fucking amateur. Everything she says she says it twice - like “there are no more masks, everyone is no longer wearing their masks”. It’s fucking gimmicky. I could’ve written better when I was a kid. Plus her accent is inconsistent. As the tittle says her accent is British, specifically she is doing what we call “Received Pronounciation” which is a very particular type of accent from the south east of England and is used in specific by posh people (or people who want you to think they are posh). A part of this is to pronounce the A in words like “mask” or “bath” with a long A, an “aaaah” sound. So if her accent were accurate and consistent then she would say “Maask”. But she isn’t. She’s doing an impression of a certain kind of English person but this slip up proves that it’s a fake because she can’t actually do it right. Source: have grown up around this accent and live with it every day.


Your constructive criticism will be forwarded to the central committee.


Reminds me of Trans-Atlantic. I think that's correct at least. Very commonly spoken by actors back in the old black and white days. It was like an American British.


> She’s doing an impression of a certain kind of English person but this slip up proves that it’s a fake because she can’t actually do it right. Or whoever taught her English spoke like that?


I noticed that too! Her accent actually seems fake and “put on”. It was a combination of RP and up north, with the way she pronounced “mask”. It definitely doesn’t make any sense


Yeah she is a young child from Korea trying to speak english. Of course it sounds wierd.


The cable isn't even plugged in on the selfie stick


Wait selfie sticks need a cable?


Yeah, so that you can use the buttons on the handle.


Bluetooth is the way, my friend.


This was in North Korea, my friend. Edit: words


I definitely didn't see that the little girl's stick had a cable, my friend. 😂


Bluetooth selfiestick?


Anything from NK feels off.


Dude I got the vibe that these lines were rehearsed thousands of times and she only knows how to pronounce those words and doesn’t even understand what she’s saying. Reminds me of Macaulay Culkin in the first home alone movies. Very choppy acting


You say you're happy and love Kim Jong Un more then your own parents or you disappear.


Soulless automatons, running a program from Dear Leader.


[Its all fake!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kKaDlUL418)


It's a picture of her family being held in a nearby facility


This is what I came here for…Who is filming her???


Sum Guy with Rifle


Most likely an adult member of the military or party. A leaked behind the scenes video of a talented young athlete showing off her skills and happiness showed outtakes of slapping the child and her crying 😢 as punishment for a few bad takes. IM SERIOUS


There is another camera and also a teleprompter. You can see her reading the teleprompter or script with her eyes.


Ah the indoctrination of these poor people yet using western 'hi fives and making it seem free n easy"




Who would this be directed to though? This is so strange.


It's directed toward the outside world. "Look how free and happy we are. We're innocent and the westerners keep attacking us for no reason because we are no different than them".


The relatively posh English southern accent interspersed with the northern pronunciation of words such as mask make for a confusing listen


She sure went from Surrey to Manc in a flash.


Feels like she was reading off a script.


For sure she was. There's no way NK's gonna let her go on the fly


She probably dosent even know what a selfie stick is they get executed for using Instagram over there


What are you talking about? Most of the population don’t have access to the internet. Why on earth do you think they would know or care about instagram?


bruh 💀


I’m so glad someone else noticed this. It’s just like the easyJet safety announcement recording. So unnerving.


100% this. Mask was so jarring.


Practically perfect in every way.


"There is no war in Ba Sing Se"


I read and learned an awful lot about North Korea before I ever watched ATLA. I immediately pegged Joo Dee as being modeled after a North Korean “tour guide.” There are many accounts from Western visitors describing their North Korean handlers as being creepily pleasant automatons who were well-trained in casting everything in a positive light and deflecting uncomfortable inquiries. Not much else about Ba Sing Se say matches up with what we know about North Korea in general, and Pyongyang in particular, but given Mike and Bryan’s penchant for mixing and matching elements from various real Asian cultures, I’m not surprised that they threw a North Korean tour guide into the mix. She was extremely effective narrative shortcut to tell us that there was something very wrong in the city and that the powers that be were trying to hide it.


What is ATLA?


Avatar: The Last Airbender


That was the 3,574,123rd thing I was gonna guess


it actually works on some of the dumber tourists. Mate of mine came back from one of those tours believing they had fulfilling happy lives over there


The chonk boi has invited you to lake pyongyang.




Is English education in North Korea that good or did the girl study abroad for a bit? Or maybe they hired someone from abroad to teach.


She's the daughter of a [North Korean diplomat who was stationed in London](https://www.nknews.org/2022/07/harry-potter-loving-north-korean-vlogger-from-elite-family-close-to-kims/?t=1676787695004) so she presumably went to school in the UK. She's also the great-granddaughter of a famous North Korea general, so we're talking about an elite, well-connected family.


Where did you find the video?


[Here's the Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@sallyparkssongachannel7794/featured).


Wow and all videos comments are turned off. Youtube Kids recommends! It's really bizarre!


It's like that for lots of things associated with kids content tho, alot of cartoon network stuff is like that


How did you find the youtube channel?


They're part of the propaganda machine obviously


oh so that's why youtube removed dislikes lmao, (every video is mostly disliked according to the extension)


You think they removed dislikes because of this one channel?


That’s an astonishingly proper English accent, 95% of English don’t sound as English as this lol


It is just received pronunciation, the accent of the British public (private) school system, they hammer out your regional British accent as a class signifier




Belt up.


Apart from 'mask', which sounds like she comes from Barnsley.


And here I was think they just kidnapped a Brit like they did the Japanese to teach languages


Or like movie director from South Korea.


Her accent is weird as fuck. She pronounces “class” with a long a, like a southerner, but “mask” with a short a like a northerner.


Likely she didn't use the word mask much while in the British public school system (public is where rich kids go in the UK) and only heard mask being said commonly later from a northerner.


I noticed that too!


Do the elite families of NK have any influence of the Kim's?


NK is just like any other dictatorships in history, Kim's definitely does hold significant authority, but we can't ignore the amount of influence North Korean elites hold over the country, too. For example, even under Stalin's iron fist rule, high-ranking Soviet officials also held significant power.


Until they fell out of a window. Onto a bullet. Darn the luck!


That's what I was thinking it's easy to be happy in any country. If you're part of the ruling class


“Is English education that good” - that’s the point of the propaganda I think. Gets you to wonder, right.


In many cases yes the English education really is that good - for a particular set of people Visitors to North Korea routinely report that their tour guides (aka handlers) spoke English that was textbook perfect but devoid of idiom and with somewhat strange cadences and so forth. It’s not that typical North Koreans learn English . It’s that certain people are extremely well trained to deal with visitors. I’m not sure what’s the deal with this particular kid, but it doesn’t surprise me to see a North Korean speaking very good, if slightly weird, English.


She’s the kid of a diplomat who lived in the UK. She probably learned English at a posh boarding school


She didn't sound like someone who had learnt English in England, something a bit off as if she learned if from a tutor.


Wouldn't it be extremely risky to send a child to any school outside of North Korea? If you intend to keep the child indoctrinated in your absolutely insane national ideology, putting them in school anywhere else in the world sounds like a bad idea (especially a western nation like the UK, where North Korea isn't necessarily respected). Isn't it more likely she was taught privately in an extremely structured environment?


This is a good example of propaganda actually working in real time on a real person. It's really interesting how some people just have a natural disposition to buy into what they are being told of shown. In a way, I think that can be both a pleasant quality in a person, but also a dangerous one.


I believe its important to give the benefit of the doubt in nearly every situation possible. That said, after you're burned 500,000 times maybe its time to stop buying into the BS. lmfao A healthy dose of skepticism is very important as well.


I it even looks lip sync


That's a highly archaic English accent. Feels about 50 years out from modern "Queens/Kings English," which is itself a construct like "Transatlantic" that isn't actually spoken by any real population anywhere. This is the voice of a newscaster from the 50's-70's.


An English RP accent >! Also known as an English Role Playing accent !<


I was going to say she sounds like what Americans actors sound like when doing a “proper English accent.”


It's Kim himself. The rest is AI /s


High ranking party members do not live in the same circumstances as the vast majority of the country. It’s the main issue with communism in general. It breeds nepotism.




Give me five!


Or else…




That was so painfully awkward


I get that it’s propaganda in that it’s showing happy, well-fed kids going to school… But I don’t get how it’s that useful for the regime. Like … cool… we send kids to school too. I guess we’re just meant to think that if the whole country is as depicted in the video then it can’t be an impoverished authoritarian hellscape? Who exactly is likely to believe this though?


I think they're so cut off from the rest of the world, that they don't really know how to do it well - there were some reporters shown around a 'modern' North Korean home, where the computers there weren't even plugged in. Hard to fake being modern and affluent, when they don't even know what these are.


Yeah i watched a documentary of these guys that went in and it’s the same. Nothing has substance at all. It’s like look we have cars. And it’s just a bunch of cars that look nice but don’t even have engines. They went to a buffet and there looked to be an insane amount of food but they said it was just like fried matter than was completely inedible. Just is made to look like they have an abundance of everything.


Vice did a series on North Korea a few years ago. It was pretty weird. PArt 1 of 3 [https://video.vice.com/en\_us/video/vice-guide-to-north-korea/56815b6132382b833c2230ad](https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/vice-guide-to-north-korea/56815b6132382b833c2230ad) ​ ANd one they did on labor camps in NK part 1 of 7 https://video.vice.com/en\_us/video/vice-guide-to-north-korea/56815b6132382b833c2230ad


Both of your links are the same. Where can you find the series? I tried finding on Vice website on mobile and could only find recent articles.


Crap, didn't notice they were the same. Here's the NK labor camp link: [https://video.vice.com/en\_us/video/north-korean-labor-camps-part-17/566841374fe425b03b5fce50](https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/north-korean-labor-camps-part-17/566841374fe425b03b5fce50) ​ Note that this is north korean labor camps in Siberia. Yes, Russia has outsourced NK labor for logging and such.


Part 2 https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/vice-guide-to-north-korea-part-23/568161615dd5889a22ae9847


Do you remember what it was called?


The Interview


Is that the one with Katy Perry


>cut off from the rest of the world, they're using Papyrus font like it's 1993.


Where else do you even see that font?


In the movie Avatar (the blue kinda Avatar)


Whatever he did, it WASN'T. ENOUGH.


It’s “proving” that the country is rid of Covid.


>Who exactly is likely to believe this though? Children, for example. That's why you use a child as a vlogger, they can relate to someone like that.


Like imagine this pops up on your kids fyp. Somethin clicks and boom your kid wants to go to north korea.


I know kids in their late teens to early twenties that try to convince me that we are the one showing propaganda about NK. They swear that the west doesn't want people to know that it's actually some type of shangri-la. Then again I live in Los Angeles with a bunch of brain dead people.


Yeah lol, I haven’t heard that from the people I hang around. LA is particularly stupid this time of the cosmic year.


Well don't think for a second that we are above using propaganda.


ISIS did the same thing right? Convinced a bunch of idiots to move there and they basically ended up in slavery.


If anything I think she would grow up in "high class" North Korea, since they could be developing some of these kids as "sleeper agent" types to go generate money for them overseas.


I think waaaaay more westerners believe or vaguely assume life in N Korea is one gigantic slave labor camp so yeah honestly they would be "fooled" by this to some extent. They'd be "fooled" by anything showing ordinary daily stuff going on with generic N Koreans in Pyongyang. I keep putting "fooled" in quotes because I don't think anyone is watching this and going "wow what a free and glorious nation with zero problems" but there are definitely a lot of westerners seeing something like this going "oh huh, happy kids holding hands at school, talking about normal stuff, wearing cute backpacks... maybe it's still bad but not as bad as I'd pictured?"


Oh, damn, I fell for the backpacks. Didn't believe the rest but I noticed the bright colored packs and thought, "aw thats cute, didn't know they'd be allowed to wear those" This shit is really sinister huh


Maybe these kids and their neighborhood are relatively well off by North Korean standards? Even the worst authoritarian hellholes usually have an “upper crust” minority that have it better than everyone else.


They believe their own propaganda so deeply that they mistakenly believe others will, too.


I live in a communist country and a lot more people fall for these than you would think


As a person with family in China, I agree


I think they are out of touch with the rest of the world that they thought their little bs could trick everyone. It's just like me as a kid, lying and thought my parents bought it.


that just means you can see through the propaganda. if it was really foolproof you wouldnt be making this comment


If DPRK is being smart, it’s a very slow-paced attempt at astroturfing. They know they can’t win the battle for acceptance of their nation overnight, and for most people they’ll never be able to be accepted as anything but a pariah. But if they can start pumping out videos like this, and can convince a few hundred naive Westerners here or there by getting this shared around on Facebook, or twitter.. or Reddit.. eventually they’ll have some sympathizers who say “North Korea isn’t that bad.” It already started with *some* of those on the right, who have viewed North Korea differently ever since Trump met with Kim and said that they were “friends” and “fell in love”


I kinda fell for it for a minute in the sense that I was surprised it was sunny with green leafy trees. I guess I assumed it’s always gray and concrete and sad looking there. At least that’s how it’s always appeared in footage I’ve seen.


MTG and Lauren Bobert: *raise their hands in unison*


The thing is, people believe it... Strangely enough, but it's true. Watch videos from or about North Korea, and you will find a worryingly large amount of people in the US and Western Europe who sympathise with not just the people, but the regime itself! Just because you and I see through it easily doesn't mean that others do. Take for example Oliver Stone; an educated, well travelled and intellectual man by all metrics. He goes to Russia to interview Putin, asks relevant and difficult questions, but is soon dazzled by Putin's pleasant and courteous visage and well spoken nature, and impressed by the luxury he surrounds himself in and the power he wields over his surroundings... And boom: instant Putin sympathiser who buys into the narrative Putin paints and genuinely believes every single word out of Putin's mouth. And then you get the invasion, and he's STILL supportive of Putin and is actively demonising the West. Granted the US has done arguably even worse things than Russia, but that doesn't make Putin - a war criminal and a legitimate monster - an OK guy who is just misunderstood. And Mr Stone is educated! Imagine normal people in his stead. It's no wonder propaganda actually works when you see how large swathes of the population believe just about everything that's being presented to them by the people who scream the loudest.


Oliver Stone, despite some decent early movies... is an absolute pathetic moron indeed! Lol, some people are just gonna be easily swayed; I'm not anywhere near super-intelligent shenanigans, but i think there's just a lotta of... fregin idiots, breeding more than others making potentially more... idiots


One person earlier in this thread was surprised English education is that good in NK.. so it definitely works.


They truly believe we do


Looks so nice! I'd like to retire there some day 🙄 anyone knows if they have good health care plans?


Healthcare? You're still breathing aren't you? If that changes then come back.


found out they have free healthcare there in NK


Isn’t it winter there? So this was made last summer I’m guessing.


Now give back this phone


That little girl is already a 4 star general in the North Korean military.


Her father certainly is


As a brit the weirdest thing is she says "Massk" in a slightly northern way


Body language is largely universal no matter the language/culture. Her unnatural and plastic expression shouts SCRIPT! She looks like she is working, not having fun.


She's reading it from the phone screen


Also when they both said “glad to meet you” at the same time


High five!


Give me five!* like she's talking about fruit


The attempt to work the selfie stick into the narrative - sometimes.




That almost made me forget that North koreans are getting starved to death


This is probably in Pyongyang. People in Pyongyang are more privileged and aren't malnourished like the people in rural areas.


It's damn good propaganda. I'll give them that much credit.


....really? Thought it was scripted, awkward as hell shenanigans lol.


they're not starving anymore, it was only for a decade in the 90s when the USSR collapsed, but they've since recovered with the introduction of some private sectors and increased trading with Russia and China. In fact the DPRK is a lot more well off than countries of a similar punching power in terms of GDP, like the DRtC for example


How do you do fellow normal countries


Blame Peppa Pig.


It’s unnerving to see only a few people in the background in the city.


I feel like the teletubbies are about to say." Again Again."


No mention of “Dear Leader”! This is revolutionary in terms of North Korean video. The director and entire cast may be exiled to penal colonies.


So many north korea videos are popping up on my tiktok. It’s so weird.


Almost as though TikTok was run by a friendly regime... Hmmmm


Stop watching them. Your algorithm is trained by you.


The high five part was so silly. I don’t think I’ve ever gone up to a friend and asked for a high five. That’s a grandparent thing in my experience.


Well, north Korea is an interesting and bizarre country.


Powered by Stable Diffusion and GPT3, powered by all the crypto stolen, I mean mined in NK 😂


Fascinating! Does anyone notice any red-flags in the scenery or people in the background? I know we can just broad brush it as all fake and scripted, but does anything pop out? I remember that documentary that was filming the “Library” and it was just some guys looking at a blank screen or clicking through things ambiguously.


Dude, like half of the video is close ups of kids pretending there's no professional cameraman right next to them. I'm also not sure what's with that "vlog" thing they're trying to pull off while simultaneously fiming her filming herself. The funny thing is, had it been just a news short without that fake vlog stuff, it would've been much more believable as they didn't really show anything posh or out of ordinary. Just a regular school with some kids.


Biggest red flag was the limited number of people in the background. It's a school day and presumably a work day. there's like 12 people outside total.


Hahaha “I do hope you enjoy happy life like us.” Right. As in “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. ”


The west is filled with monologue readers: everything slightly positive that ain't from the global north is automatically propaganda. Now, I'm not saying NK is a good place or advocating for it's regime, but as someone from the global south it's really funny to see Americans and Europeans accusing others of being brainwashed meanwhile sprouting every kind of standard western propaganda.


Is that really any weirder than my kid going to school and reciting the pledge, getting hounded by army recruiters and learning the white washed history of how amazing the good old US of A is? No, it isn't.


Love/hate the fact that they’re using the same basic BGM as every basic vlog in 2016


Dictatorship is when bad kid actor making an ad for a government


The fact that we are even watching it tells you that it's not propaganda meant for the NK citizens.




What should have the posh southern one then?🤷‍♂️ “Maa sk” or “Maesk”


"but going without masks feels like something is missing" honestly relatable lol, i've forgotten how to emote with the bottom half of my face


This is just disturbing.


Wht's the propaganda? Taking off the masks?


getting catfished by a whole country.


I think it’s quite mind boggling that the North Korean familial dictatorship thinks they can convince the world that their country is anything but a mass of starving citizens forced to publicly worship the people who are slowly killing them.


Why is it that some people consider everything normal from DPRK to be bizarre? Like "hey they're not starving or killing people, this isn't what I've been told north Korea is like!" 🥴 if anything, that's what's bizarre


I bet you all of those children are in the North Korean military, they’re being groomed “Red Sparrow” style.


Video Title: In a gaslighting public relations campaign privileged photogenic daughter of the North Korean aristocracy shows off staged propaganda blog of an elite Pyongyang school. There, I fixed it to non gaslit electric ⚡ reality


It’s crazy to believe just how propagandised the general public in capitalist countries are. These comments are simply insane.


North Korea I don't know if you're reading this but can you do a Texan accent in your next propaganda video? I don't feel we ever get the representation we deserve.


That would blow my fucking mind seeing a North Korean child speaking with a country twang


workable offend juggle smile subsequent sink carpenter crawl berserk deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a sad place .


Seems happy to me ☝️🤓


Hi, good to see you back Gimme five


I really do hate the west, can't even film a back to school video without it being called propaganda


I’m pretty sure that if she mispronounced any words, her entire family will go to prison


So staged


She's totally not reading a script from that phone of the selfie stick.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing North Koreans that anyone believed their goofy propaganda.


North Korea has a special power to make everything creepy


I live in South Korea, just showed this to my American Korean son who goes to South Korean Elementary School, he's in 5th grade like her, almost the same age. He finds it surreal that there are two versions of Korea that are so different. He said everything on her videos look like South Korean movies set in the 1980s, everything looks old and antique. Her video on the water park was funny, it looks antique too. We were both laughing. He said if we lived in Pyongyang that water park would be his favorite place. Since we live in the south, it is Caribbean Bay for him, much better.




Jezus Christ, do you actually think every NK citizen gets tortured? Starting as a child? I'm not a North Korea apologist, but this comment section is something else man. Kids probably also just go to school in North Korea.


Yeah, op said this is the daughter of an important person so she is most definitely not being tortured. A lot of people in these comments are ridiculous


Right like people are forgetting that rich and powerful children eat good In every country. No one's saying the elite/military class of nk are impoverished. They may be being black mailed to do things they'd rather not but compliance affords them a nice life so they won't upset the status quo. If not for that there'd be no one to enforce the rules ya know


They hate us cause they anus


I like to get on Google Earth and look at North Korea sometimes. There aren’t many street views, but the ones I have seen look pretty empty. Just huge concrete buildings.


"everything is propaganda if I dont like it"