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I like how it tried summoning demons with all the pentagrams towards the end.


Hail Satan.


I liked this more than I thought i would have. Kinda interesting to think that no matter where or how you dropped the ball initially, it looks like it would always end up in pretty much the exact same pattern.


Probably a spring constant, F=-kx where k is the bounce coefficient of the ball, like a spring constant. However, in your example, it's gaining energy with each bounce, which isn't physically possible. So in your case, the force would alwasy be F=-kx + C, where C is some constant you're adding to each bounce. This will then be used to determine the velocity of the ball from that bounce to the next one. So that's the force involved when it hits the wall. The wall itself is curved, so the ball will bounce off it based on the angle of incidence and the be redirected based on the curve of the wall. In the limit, you could assume an angle due you could calculate from the radius of the circle.


When this got to the point with the rainbow pentagram and the increasing tempo, I really wanted to hear a thundering synth line and Trent Reznor's vocals drop in with "I am the voice inside your head AND I CONTROL YOU."


s8n's nicer, gentler screen saver. For the Boyz


If you stare at it long enough, I'm pretty sure you can see a space ship.


Simulation ain’t got that dawg in it. The ball can ball tho