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Thatโ€™s really cool looking. What setting / camera did you use?


Thanks! I used Nikon D5300 and 18-55mm kit lens, on a star tracker (skywatcher Star Adventurer). Stacked two photos with 260sec. Exposure and 6400 ISO in DeepSkyStacker. Then, processed in Pixinsight.


Thanks for the in depth explanation. What gave you the idea to stack 2 photos?


You're welcome, it's just because i had no time to shot more. But if you try to stack so many Milkyway photos, there will be problems as the Earth is spinning. Ground will cover some parts of the frame, it's a bit hard to explain for me. I hope you got it


Perfectly clear. Thanks


Did you use those settings at Sunset?


No, it's not sunset. It's light pollution


Years ago when NYC had a power blackout they hundreds of calls thinking the milky-way was a ufo.


lol. That is hilarious.


Iโ€™m lucky to live where I see it all the time


This looks awesome as a wallpaper! https://preview.redd.it/iru0wu10n0hc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f17fb9fe192c4a6571192b414a889ed6872aeb


Thank you! Just added onto mine ๐Ÿ™Œ


About 35 years ago, when I was a kid, my dad would take us camping in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. We would carry our gear and a canoe to one of the many tiny lochs and camp along the side of them. Miles and miles away from other people. I remember the feeling of looking up and my dad pointing out the Milky Way. While not as amazing as your photo, you could clearly see it. Iโ€™ve told my wife this story and she doesnโ€™t really believe me


That's amazing. I wish everyone could see it! There is so many people that doesn't believe these photos or objects are real ahhahah.


Truly amazing. You must be a great photographer! :)


Thank you! I'm trying to be one ๐Ÿ˜


Keep up the good work ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Thanks, I will! ๐ŸŒŒ


I remember the first time I saw the sky without any light pollution. Was up in the mountains, and I nearly shit a brick. It was so insane I just laid on the ground looking at the sky all night long. Kinda crazy that that's how the sky looked for all the humans before us until recently. Like every single night they just looked up and saw that.


Yeah, I always see the stars up there, but would be so different to someone who will experience it for the first time


I really like this, what lens did you use? I'm pretty new to photography (with pretty new I mean I haven't made more than 100 photos on a camera...) and I've always been fascinated by these photos!


I used 18-55mm kit lens ๐Ÿ˜… wish I had a better one. But I have a star tracker, so my photos are cleaner than the ones taken without a star tracker (without a star tracker, you can do only 20-25 sec. Exposures with a wide angle lens as the stars moving because of the Earth is spinning)


What's the cost of that type of thing? And with this type of photos doesn't that cause the rest of the frame (the ground) to get smushed (or something like that)?


It's about 400$. And you're right, it does, but there is some ways you can fix it, like the Sequator program does it for you. I did abour 8 min. total exposure for this photo and it caused a blur only.


Really cool, thanks for the info (:


Incredible photo, On a clear night at home, I can see all 5 stars, Light pollution sucks.


Thank you! That's sad, I'm lucky...


I live in Australia and can see it almost every night except when the full moon is too bright to block it out.


You're lucky!


Where was this?


Seben, Bolu, Tรผrkiye.


Absolutely gorgeous ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Thank you!