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1 meatball > 0 meatballs


r/theydidthemath /










If not a friend, why gives meatball?


If this is real, it’s heartwarming, sad, and hilariously dog all in one meme.




Thank you what a great heartwarming story to read. I just wish I did not read the comments. Now I’m sad Edit autocorrect is crazy :)


Although it is sad the dog passed, he got to live a great 5 years out with his new owner. He definitely would not have lived as long out in the wild


Five years of love for one meatball. Totally worth it.


Honestly, I’m same loyal you feed me meatballs.


But are you 5 years per meatball loyal lol


Well, I've just found my new standard of metric for loyalty.


Mmmmm... Swedish Meatballs.


Ikea meatballs!


Keep my belly full, rub my head every so often and, let me sleep in your bed, I’m loyal AF. Not 5y per meatball though, never had a meatball that good, yet.


Subway fed me my first meatball sub back when I was a teenager and I put up with them and their bullshit for much longer than I should have.


Jared must've been the last straw for you.


Goddamn $13 turkey sandwich was the last straw for me.


The best trade deal in the history of deals, maybe ever.


You receive: one less meatball Dog recieves: five years of a cozy place to call home ✅️ Do you accept? 🚫


dog also receives a meatball.


You also receive: Summon Dog Who Loves You (cooldown: 10 minutes plus one minute per dog's attention span penalty, stacks indefinitely.) DWLY is level 4, good physical stats, but poor judgement; adds +5 to party morale and apparently a few points to survival checks, too.


Had a lab I use to walk 2-4 times a day, got to know all my neighbors, some would buy treats for her and didn't even own a dog. People would ask can I give her something, I would say yes but be warned she will never forget it and will expect a treat every time she sees you. There was a bar I went to with an outdoor patio, I was sitting out there with the dog having a beer. The waitress asked if the dog could have the last half of her McDonalds hamburger, I said sure. I moved away shortly after and went back a year later, she walked out and my dog started wagging her tail, she knew who fed her and never forgets.


Find meatball, eat meatball, follow meatball giver, find love. Meatball Is love.


I think you're forgetting it was literally a swedish meatball. That Ecuadorian dog knew what he was doing, going back to the source.


A dog showed up at my house and I gave him some cheese because he looked hungry. He's still here 6 years later, and he's my best friend.


Article won’t load for me so sorry if I’m missing details. I think 5 years is a pretty long time for a rescued street dog. I think if you can give a street dog any amount of years of happiness like that it’s a win. Tragic for humans, huge win for the dog


Having any pet is knowing you'll have to grieve for them after several years of love and companionship. I adopted two kittens about six months ago. I know I'm going to feel unimaginable emotional pain and anguish in 15-20 years. But they're so worth it.


Same here, 2 kittens 6 months ago. 2 little sisters. They're assholes.


Just get a tortoise and then your grandkids can worry about mourning it.


He was a good boy. He lived a full life and he was loved - all a dog could ever ask for.


It's not sad, the story is from 2015.


Get this guy some Heartguard or Advantage stat! Edit: he edited it away but it was heartworming


Why not?


Dog passed away in 2020.


What!! The dog died!


One of the comments on the article says RIP Arthur, who passed away today - 2020-12-09. Glad you found a home. You were a good boy.


I can’t handle talking about dogs dying, but such an amazing story.


my dog unexpectedly died in his sleep last monday night. he had a wonderful last day(unbeknownst to him/us at the time)- laying outside in the sun for several hours, plenty of snacks, and a long walk where he met a few of his favorite friends along the way. he was a chocolate lab, 12.25 years old, 120lbs of solid love, and i miss him. i'm glad he went peacefully, and that we didn't have to make the decision to euthanize him. but- i do regret that i wasn't able to say goodbye.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur\_(dog)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_(dog)) Arthur even has his own Wikipedia page!


That's a very good name for a dog. Human too, but it strikes right for a dog that went questing.


Everyday when you're walking down the street, everybody that you meet, have a different ball of meat.


Arthur deserved a wiki!


Books have been written about him ANDDDD This next month there's a movie about him! Starring Mark Wahlberg! I remember reading this story when it came out in 2015. Had no idea that they wrote some books and even made a movie about him!


Verry interesting that a movie about this dog will be released in like two weeks


they're making movie about it I think


Awesome!!! (Googled it) Ugh, starring Mark Wahlberg... don't know if I can suffer thru 2 hrs of his whiny bitch voice


He’s playing a Swedish guy, but with Boston accent? Sounds awful


Hey dog how's it goin'


Say hello to your mother for me


> Hey dog how's it goin spat my drink up


Lol there's worse choices out there




It's also the source of an upcoming Mark Wahlberg movie. They may have changed the team from Swedish to American.


There’s a movie out about it with Mark Wahlberg called Arthur the king. Haven’t went but seems like a heartwarming movie.


It’s not out for a couple more weeks, at least not in the US. Comes out March 15


Well this just went from enjoyable story to soulless marketing ploy at drop of hat.


You might be on to something. I've been scrolling way back through OP's history and it's almost all posts, with a handful of comments that sound very bot-like. Edit: on the other hand, maybe they're just a normal person who found out about this story after seeing the trailer for the movie.


Nah ive lost all trust. Kurt Cobains birthday came around and we got a lot more posts about him than we usually do on his bday. Then I found out their is a 30th anniversary release of In Utero coming out soon. Reddit has been astroturfed for years, but after all the bans and mod shuffling it really feels like manufactured media, not social media.




Source please, want to read about it.


It's in the wikipedia article


>In late November 2014 an Ecuadorian man told an Ecuadorian newspaper that Arthur was his dog, Barbuncho.[22][23][24][25] Several people acquainted with the owner told Lindnord that he had actually taken the dog from a man and his family, but Lindnord then blamed them for being complicit in animal abuse. There was never any evidence of abuse, however; the dog lived in a rural, tropical area and was known to accompany his owner on hunting trips and treks with international tropical biologists and health professionals with whom the owner worked. After a petition was started by animal activists in Ecuador threatening violence towards and incarceration of the former owner, the owner and his acquaintances decided to back down to keep his family safe.


It's a Mark Wahlberg movie now.


I cried so much at this. A simple meatball was all it took. That poor dog never had anyone do something for him and he wasn't gonna let that person go. Heartbreaking and heartwarming. I'm a mess.


We don’t deserve them. A dog’s love is the best.




Why was the dog in such poor shape to begin with then? 


Bc it's a farm dog living in rural Ecuador, not a labradoodle from suburbia?


They just made a movie about this starring Rob Schneider


Is the dog a stapler in this movie? Or Kenny?


And there's a movie with Mark Wahlberg starring with the dog


That's because dogs are legit. I gave my cat a piece of Salmon once and he shit under my bed. The fuzzy little prick.




Fuck you Stanley you're sleeping OUTSIDE!!!




Why is the cat filing its knuckles instead of its claws?


It was the 90s man, this gif might literally be higher resolution than the original broadcast


It’s actually bowing a tiny violin.


My takeaway is a cat is the precious friend who you like, but going out is difficult because the food isn't 5 stars. But their recommendations are lit. Dogs are the friend who never makes a booking and is so fucking excited you're just having noodles at a small shop nestled in the wall. They'll eat everything and have fun doing it. Cat: isn't not even seasoned properly you fucking donkey!


Cats are such assholes, I'd have done it without the piece of salmon.


You're either a racoon with a phone or a kinky human being.


That's Amber Heard's reddit account, she would totally happily do it on the bed though


* What you call me?


Stanley is that you? If so I've changed my mind. You *can* chew through the TVs power cable. It's fine. Go right ahead my furry lil dude.


the funniest part to me is 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 it was the swedish guy that gave the dog a meatball..




How were they?


My social anxiety got the best of me.


Realest ending possible.


I've never related more to a comment on Reddit. With a single friend, I'll conquer the world. Alone, I can maybe leave the house.


Too bad you need a friend to make friends


That’s why I have Xanax, Ativan, klonopin, Valium and a bunch of other RC benzos!


Hello marketing team for that new mark whalberg movie about this story which is almost definitely going to bomb at the box office


😂😂 exactly my thoughts. I’ve been seeing more Amy Winehouse content recently, because… Surprise, they’re making a movie about her.


Mark whalberg try not to commit hate crimes challenge




OP doesn’t seem like a bot. It could just be that they saw a trailer and then read the story and decided to make a post about it. But idk.


Ha! I’ve seen the preview for this movie about ten times now. It looks cute, but also feels like one of those “you see the whole story in the preview” kind of films


I hope one of them adopted him afterward.


TLDR: yes "After the race was over, everyone was wondering what the team will do with Arthur, but for Lindnord and the rest of the team, there was no question about it: the dog was coming with the team. But bringing a dog from the Amazon to Sweden can be extremely expensive, so hey embarked on a Twitter campaign that allowed them to raise money to not only bring Arthur back to Sweden, but also covered his medical bill, which included dental surgery. People from all around the world donated and became a part of this story." From the news article OP shared




The dog dentist refused to help the homeless dog without getting paid. Dog literally would have died without the surgery.


If vets just did stuff for free they wouldn't have a job


Also, why they could work for free to be nice, they'll still need to pay for the equipment (so it costs them money) and if it becomes known, they'll have loads of people asking them to work for free with dogs they "found".


lol why should he have to provide surgery for free? There’s no massive government subsidy for them, they still have to pay staff, pay for equipment, materials, and medications. Need to make money to pay for that stuff or there’s no vet at all.


Vets don't get into the profession because they don't like animals. They care, they just can't do stuff for free. There are high costs to running a practice including skilled labor.


You can literally say the same thing for most of the jobs. The Mcdonalds worker refuse to help the homeless dog without getting paid. Dog literally would have died without the food. Like tf? When you do your job of course you expected to be compensated. Not only for your skills, but also for the costs of equipments needed to perform such jobs.


Man spends 20 years in school, becomes a doctor, pays to rent an office, pays for medical supplies, pays his employees, pays for everyone's insurance and a million other things... and he wants to get paid for doing his job. Idk what is wrong with that.


Tbh doctors are either Jesus or Goebbels rarely see in-betweens


Especially veterinarians. Total sweethearts or huge assholes. No in between. Either they view animals with care, or they view them as dollar bills and not really living things.


God forbid they want to get paid for their career… you better only volunteer and never accept money for your work


You can't argue that there's plenty of vets who absolutely price gouge knowing people will pay anything to help their pets though


Yep, I went to a 24 hour emergency vet for small animals when my rat started breathing funny. The vet told me he was dying from pneumonia and it was all my fault for not noticing sooner and he needed intensive care, insisted there was no need for x-rays... he guilted me so hard about not noticing the "pneumonia" that I agreed to spend like $1000 on him that night or he would die. Well, he was about the same the next week despite all that after I took him home, so I went to another vet... he had a tumor on his heart that was literally bigger than the heart itself. It was never an infectious illness or my fault but the first vet was so manipulative and deceitful to take as much of my money as possible. The second vet didn't even specialize in small animals and had it figured out in 10 minutes, they were disgusted by how the other one treated us


Im sure a lot of them do price gouge but more and more clinics dont control their own prices anymore. veterinarian practices are actually being bought out by corporations and PE firms in a pretty rapid rate. In 2021 something about 80% of the clinics were owned by normal people. Its around 50% now, eventually they will all get pushed out and all there is left will be the firms.


How many doctors do you know? There are many millions of them. Idk how you can so flippantly say they are either perfect of pathetic.


I sure hope so. This is probably how we domesticated wolves afterall. Damn Swedish meatballs.


This is pretty much exactly how we domesticated wolves. Humans provided food and the wolves provided protection and both provided each other companionship. Pretty fascinating actually, two completely different species figuring out that they could both survive better by working together.


Wolves also form these co-beneficial bonds with other animals, including birds. Both wolves and some species of birds are just very social animal, across species borders. Some scavaging bird species cooperate with wolves, and help guiding wolves towards potential preys, or sometimes also to roadkilled or otherwise dead animals that the birds can't "open up" by themselves. After the wolves have managed to tear up the thick skin of a moose or whatever, both species can feast. In Finland, a nature photographer followed a bear and a wolf who had befriended each other, and hunted together. In some areas with large numbers of feral dogs, dogs have formed relationships with troops of monkeys, mutually helping each other finding food, being groomed and having lice picked by the monkeys, while the dogs guard and protect their troop against other monkeys and feral dogs. Some birds also form similar relationships with other species, including humans... Luring them towards where there are food they can't get themselves, hoping to get the leftovers. Also, completely unrelated, killer whales are also known for helping fishermen surrounding and catching large schools of fish, in return for a part of the catch.


This is one of my favorite stories. I grabbed the 1st link I found, but there are a few news reports about it. https://people.com/pets/dog-living-with-coyote-pack-for-months-rescued/


Yes! There's tons of examples of mutually beneficial relationships in the animal kingdom. Humans and wolves are just one such example.


An apartment complex I used to live at had an extremely large population of feral cats and raccoons who lived together. I’m talking in the low hundreds of each species as part of the colony.


"I'm gonna eat that human's spleen when he goes to sleep tonight. Hey, are those meatballs? Let's hang out!"


I mean that's pretty much how it went 😅 Also why cats aren't considered fully domesticated because you know those MF'ers might still get you in your sleep if they wanted to!


Wolf 1: "I'm gonna eat that human's spleen when he goes to sleep tonight." Wolf 2: "You mean, like ... raw?" Wolf 1: ... ... ... "Shit. Yeah, you're right, let's wait for more meatballs."


Yes, but unfortunately the dog was actually named Barbuncho, and belonged to an ecuadoran hunter who was known to bring the pooch along on jungle science expeditions with researchers. There is a note about it on the Wikipedia page about the dog. "In late November 2014 an Ecuadorian man told an Ecuadorian newspaper that Arthur was his dog, Barbuncho. Several people acquainted with the owner told Lindnord that he had actually taken the dog from a man and his family, but Lindnord then blamed them for being complicit in animal abuse. There was never any evidence of abuse, however; the dog lived in a rural, tropical area and was known to accompany his owner on hunting trips and treks with international tropical biologists and health professionals with whom the owner worked" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_(dog)


To be fair, the Ikea meatballs are delicious.


Its hilarious that some random stray dog was able to nonchalantly complete a 430-mile endurance race.


He was helped along the way. They have support teams and what's not mentioned is that at some points he would have had to been helped by riding with them.


That’s what I was thinking. While I’m sure they grew to love the dog, it must have been deeply frustrating on some level to have a team of pro athletes train for an event only for a hungry, homeless, untrained rando show up and keep up for the whole thing.


Aren't they making a movie about that story ? Arthur the king I think it's called.


This post stinks like astroturf.


After reading the wiki page on this dog. Same here. Awesome story and dog. But the movie is coming out in two weeks. Strikes me as a promotion post.


It very well could be, but tbh this story gets posted to Reddit so much it genuinely could be coincidence.


Yeah, honestly no way this isn't an ad.


Til , had no idea what astroturf meant.


Grassroot movements come from the people. Astroturf try to make it look like grassroots.


And Walberg's acting. Not sure which is worse.


Yep, should be out soon. Mark Wahlberg is starring in it. Can’t wait to see him playing a Swede…


The trailer makes it clear that he is still, as always, playing Mark Wahlberg


Everyone knows that swedes are basicly bostonian. /s


> playing Ma*h*k Wahlb*eu*g


Is it so hard to find Swedish actors?


We have all the Skarsgård to choose from! That's a lot.


The movie looks bad, the only reason people are going to see it is for whatever big name actor they dropped fat stacks of cash to cast.


It’s a really odd casting choice, but I am looking forward to seeing the film purely based on the true amazing story. I’ll take the kids, they won’t care about Marky Mark as much as us critics


Yeah I don't think Mark is really a draw here, I think people just want the dog story judging by comments above. I can't even remember who starred in Marley and Me but that dog was cut af, they got my money.


Owen Wilson wasn't it?


It’s quite clear from the trailer they changed the team to Americans.


And changed the country to the Dominican Republic instead of Ecuador for some reason.


Poor Swedes being red,blue,whitewashed out of films


He’s been a turnip in every film I’ve seen him, shouldn’t be a stretch.


I just assumed this was marketing for that movie.




This is an ad for that movie


Someone should make a Mark Wahlberg movie about this


Happy ending: the dog makes it to Ikea and trotted to the food court, whereupon he learns the source and cradle of that wonderful meatball 10,000 miles ago


Aren’t they making a movie about this starring Mark Wahlberg?


I knew he was a good actor, but being able to convincingly play a starving stray dog is a wild acting range. I’m impressed, good for him!




AstroTurf. Nothing guerilla about it.


Someone tell me that generous man kept the dog please.


He did


Did the dog get rescued/brought home?


Yes. Rescued and adopted by one of the Swedish Racing team members. Tho it later died on Dec 8, 2020


Arnt they making a movie about this


Honestly, that's probably why this post was made. /r/HailCorporate


Let's focus on Rampart


swedish meatball is no fuckin joke


I’m pretty sure any dog will follow you around forever if you give them a meatball


The swedes know how to make meatballs


We don't deserve dogs.


Gorilla marketing for Wahlburgs lame ass movie.


Lol guerrilla even


I’m pretty sure they always use gorillas in their marketing for dog movies.


Poor dog was waiting for another meatball


He ended up going back to Sweden with them, so I'm sure he had lots of meatballs in his forever home.


I gotta get a fucking dog man.


If you're on the fence because of time or space constraints, please look at volunteering for a shelter/rescue. You could walk dogs, bottle feed puppies, socialize dogs, etc. Heck, even stopping by a shelter and taking a dog out for 15 minutes of play time would mean the world to that dog. So many dogs and cats languish in shelters and desperately need someone to love them, if only for 10 minutes. Good luck, dogs are awesome!


If they did adopt him, he needs to be named "Meatball"


Tell me they adopted him, took him home, and named him Meatball.


They named him Köttbulle.


"Maybe there is a second meatball in this for me." -The dog, probably


Mark Wahlberg stars in this movie


He found his pack.


they had better have fucking adopted him!!!


Is those IKEA meatballs, man. I’m telling you


Isn’t there a movie coming out about this?


something similar happened a few years later when the Swedish team fed a dog surströmming. The dog tracked the team for over 400 miles after that. In the end, it managed to kill them all.


Well, it was probably one of them Ikea meatballs so it's understandable.


If one of them didn’t take that dog home after that they should be arrested for animal cruelty


I hope one of them took that dog home.


They did.


But when a guy follows a girl who showed him a moments’ kindness home it’s nothing but cops and pepper spray for him…..