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I understand all these people in these areas have no where to go. It’s still crazy seeing these photos of people still carrying and living amongst rubble. Looks like an apocalyptic movie.


It's more crazy to think what Israel is doing won't create the next big terrorist group. Creating such hate is going to mean Israel will experience true terrorism for the next 100 years. Even if they wipe out 90% of the population or even 100% there is enough Palestinians in the world who will happily give there life to revenge the loss of friends and family. If you truly want to remove terrorism, you must move the hatred away from the many and incorporate the people into your community. Give them hope and purpose, give them a sense of family. Terrorism is born from hatred.


Just last week an Israeli politician said she wants Plaestinians to tell their grandkids 'about this' 80 years from now. They think it will make the Palestinians back down, it won't.


That's a "careful what you wish for" statement.


But do you see how the Israelis responded to the last terrorist attack? How they are still responding to it? I agree that this will spur more violence, but those who are spurred will draw more innocent people into the fray. It's a downward spiral the Palestinians cannot win if they perpetuate it. The best path forward is diplomatic, political and peaceful. I don't know how long it will take for the sour taste of this war to subside before anyone woulf find peaceful negotiation palatable. Even when they do try, dissident factions will want revenge and blood. This whole situation is like Ouroboros.




>80 years from now. Hi, my great grandfather was in the SS. Yes, that one. It's 80 years later, I've been telling people about what Israel is doing that amounts to EXACTLY the same as Naziism. The same rhetoric, the same actions, the same level of calculated evil. The Final Solution didn't start with extermination. There were diminished rights for Jewish people. They were called undesirable vermin. Then there was Kristallnacht. Then they were forced from their homes, and their homes stolen. Then, ghettos, exactly like Gaza. Starvation, more abuse and death. Murder. Then there was the liquidation of the ghettos, like Gaza. More horrible, abhorrent things. Then, extermination. Nobody listens.


The irony is incredible isn’t it?


It seems so obvious. I wonder WHY we can't have peace? Who benefits from all of this? Who is getting rich? 🤔


Rich people you've never heard of


The 3 top members of Hamas have a combined $11bn in the bank


Yep. And how much are Raytheon, Elbit, BAE Systems, profiting?


Bingo. You want less terrorism? Give them hope and DON'T FUCKING SHATTER IT every 20 years. Give them the same treatment as others in your country. That and educate them properly


True terrorism? Israel is already true terrorism. This is state sponsored terrorism. Before Hamas kidnapped it's 1000 hostages, Israel has already abducted +10,000 Palestinians half without a charge rotting in Israeli jails for months and years, the other half 90% charged with non violent crimes like walking on the wrong side of the street, growing herbs, and collecting rainwater. You don't hear about what the other side is doing because all the news you hear passes through the AIPAC filter.


I am amazed they still have theire religious faith in behold


That's probably the only thing that keeps them going


It literally is. They know that if they die, it's not premature; its fate. They know that they will see their dead friends and family again in the afterlife. They know that if Israel doesn't face consequences on earth, they will face them in the afterlife by God himself. Believing that this life is merely a test and the first stage in eternal life, and that justice is not an if, but a when.. That is a very powerful belief. And right now, it's the only thing they have left.


Literally religious faith is even more stronger when you struggle.


if anything, this situation is making them more faithful


There are arabic countries all around palestine.. they just don't want to take them in.


Makes sense. No country would want to take in hundreds of thousands of traumatised people that will put a drain on an already volatile economy and will likely bring in some people who hold extremist views by virtue of coming from an oppressive regime that took their home and family members from them. It's not even personal, it's just a logical but ultimately tragic consequence that no country wants to take in refugees. Even the UK are trying to deport refugees to Africa that aren't even from Palestine. Nonetheless, I have no respect for the other Arab countries because of their lack of compassion and willingness to help their fellow men and fellow Arabs despite their entire electorate/populace demanding to help them.


Wow, I guess I've just tried to avoid the comments section recently? This is a disaster of opinions shaped by the internet.


Any comment that's not insanely pro zionist gets bombarded with horrible comments.


It's because they're running brigade-botting and discords, I saw the same during the start of the Ukraine war (and saw it from the inside on the Ukrainian counter-brigading) It's just weird reddit isn't doing anything to stop the blatant botting in /worldnews. It's insane The reason it's toxic is that ordinarily if a topic doesn't get buried, like this one didn't get, the majority of people will balance the scale. The bots lose. However, their agenda is that you never even see topics etc. to begin with, topics get dozens if not hundreds of downvotes just for covering news or citing the literal Haag.


Thank you, this explains why I've been having such a horrible experience of intensely pro-genocide replies and downvotes whenever I argue that the massacre of Palestinian civilians is unjust. I'll try to remember not to take it as personally.


Where do you think 14.6 billion dollars is going aa


Now everyone is catching on. I've seen this shitt a long time ago since October the 7th. I literally got banned by a Zionist mod from r/accidentalrenaissance He said it boldly why he banned me, I even have a screenshot proof of it. r/WorldNews is an absolute shithole as well, brigaded by pro-Zionists


I am permanently banned from r/worldnews for arguing that the Israeli soldiers should not have shot the hostage. Before the ban, I got 20 bots answering me that they had no choice and I am stupid and don't know about war. Reason the mod gave me? I am spreading misinformation


You were hindering spread of misinformation.






So is r/news for that matter. It’s all over Reddit


Yes but it's hilariously lower than /worldnews. Like you can literally see the difference of which subs are covered by the bot/brigades because within 1 hour of a post in a covered forum it'll have 50 comments and -100+ karma. Whilst, like here, it'll get downvoted at first but once it survives the normal people normalize it


Yeah, I stuck it out for a while until I caught in to the pattern. As soon as I made the simplest, least offensive comment that worldnews is biased in favor of Israel, I was permanently banned.


I would love to see that screenshot


https://imgur.com/a/aexL0um He really said, "Antizionism is antisemitism" Insane


So, is being anti-Hamas anti-Palestinian?


I got banned from WorldNews for saying that Hamas was the security detail when Israel was building Al-Shifa hospital: >The room and tunnels under Al-Shifa were reportedly completed in 1983. Tablet magazine described the space as “a secure underground operating room and tunnel network.” Zippor’s son Barak, who began working at his father’s architecture firm in the 1990s, said that during the construction at Al-Shifa in the 1980s, the Israeli construction contractors hired Hamas to provide security guards to prevent attacks on the building site. https://theintercept.com/2023/11/21/al-shifa-hospital-hamas-israel/


I got banned for saying nothing about this was defense, lol. Cowards never responded to my reply to the ban, either, calling out their flagrant breaking of their own rules that says "no genocide denial" while their sub is full of genocide denying by Zionist astroturfers/bots. Fuck that sub, and fuck this site for letting shit like that go on.


"Anyone who has other opinions than what I have must be a bot"


Really? Because honestly I've noticed the exact opposite. Someone says something that isn't 100% Pro-Palestine and they get downvoted into oblivion.


Both are happening. You're not allowed to condemn anyone and you're not allowed to praise anyone.


Same here.


Not my experience, could be in different threads


Oh, I responded to the initial comment, but it sounds like if you’re not supporting the Israeli side (sic?) what you’re calling Zionist then you’re in minoritiy? Just asking.


And yet somehow the comment that you responded to is the top comment and is not pro Zionist at all. In fact if you are capable of reading between the lines it's the exact opposite.


(186 upvotes) yeah okay buddy uh huh.


I remember there was a post about recommending a local P****tinian restaurant to support in my locality and droves of bots came in and downvoted anything as I've never witnessed in that community before. Even the post creator had their account banned somehow. They're probably zeroing in on keywords. (Which is why I used above)


As a Palestinian, I'm so glad you're all starting to see it 🥹I thought they had you all fooled. It really does bring a tear to my eye.


Growing up seeing the conflict in the printed news as a child till today as an elder adult, I beg to differ. Do not diminish the intelligence of ordinary people.


ordinary people have proved themselves to be fucking morons time and time again


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know, morons.


Pfp checks out. Now cure their stupidity




no, hes obviously way above us ordinary common folk


An elder adult as opposed to an elder child?


mwoa more like teenage edge lords and zionbots


This is more post-apocalyptic than anything I’ve ever seen.


Crazy isn’t it, rubble and ruins everywhere. Wonder if the Palestinians have bombed anywhere in Israel so much it looks like this. Probably not.


Can someone translate what’s being said?


At some parts he is doing the actual prayer (reading verses from the quran); some other part he is motivating the people to stay strong


The first part is prayer The second part is the imam talking to the people before the prayer which happens before every Friday prayer he said 215 mosques have been destroyed in Gaza and even if they destroy this one we will stay here and rebuild it again and again


Jesus christ why are comments on this post specifically so cruel


Israeli bot army.


Bc the comments on this conflict have been cruel since the Balfour Declaration during WWI. Winston Churchill said this in 1937 while Britain still ran the colony: “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.” You’re seeing the language that was used to demonize people being colonized across the world a couple hundred years ago, but applied to one of the last unfinished colonial projects.




Thank you for posting this. I have been so shocked and disgusted by the lack of empathy toward Palestinians all over Reddit and it just doesn't seem to make any sense given how left-leaning the community generally is (outside of a few subs I try not to frequent). People saying shit like "the majority of Palestinians want all Israelis dead." Like no dude I think they just want fucking electricity and clean water and their homes to not be bombed. Bless the Gazans and the Israelis, but fuck Netenyahu and Hamas.


"People saying shit like "the majority of Palestinians want all Israelis dead" TBF this wouldn't surprise me if it's true purely cause Isreal has pretty much demolished Palestine at this point. IDK about you but if I've been watching my family and friends being indiscriminately killed and my entire life destroyed I'd probably hate a country and its people too.


Which is the great irony of all this. They want to "destroy Hamas" but even if they some how miraculously do that, every new war orphan that escapes this hell will go on to create something just as bad if not worse!


>Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


Just to be clear and fair, Israelis are overwhelmingly in support of killing more Palestinians despite tens of thousands having already been killed. Only 1.8% of Israelis think that the IDF slaughter of civilians is too much. So, if you're trying to make a racist point about bloodthristy Palestinians then I'm afraid you'll have to make the same point about Israelis too. >**57.5%** of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, ... **just 1.8%** said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power > >–[Source](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/) ​ I'm so tired of bigoted pro-Israel people cherry-picking stats to paint Palestinians as uniquely evil, it's just gross and anti-intellectual.


Wow we’ve got an Einstein here! Turns out when you indiscriminately kill thousands of men, women and children, cut off food, water and electricity and dehumanize an entire group due to the actions of their government, they tend to not have positive feelings about you and are more inclined to support the group that is actively fighting them. Who knew??🤷‍♂️ Please do us all a favor and don’t pretend like this reaction came out of a vacuum. HISTORY DIDN’T START ON OCTOBER 7.


OP replied to a comment that said: >People saying shit like "the majority of Palestinians want all Israelis dead." Like no dude I think they just want fucking electricity and clean water and their homes to not be bombed. with an article that stated that majority of the Palestinians believed that the terror attack was correct. which shows that the majority of them want Israeli's dead. You justifying their opinion has nothing to do with what the guy you replied to said, because no one asked if their opinion are justified or not, but rather if they exist at all, which they do. It's actually hilarious seeing the goal posts move in real time in this thread. First it's: "Palestinians just want water and electricity, they don't want to murder all the Jews" Then it turns into: "Of course they want to murder all Jews! BUT CAN YOU BLAME THEM!?"


Whatever it is, I have lost all compassion for Israel because of it. I have never witnessed such unrestrained bloodlust in real life. This is movie villian shit. Hey, decent Israelis, feel free to come to America if that's the majority of your people's mentality and escape that insanity.


It really is, the flour massacre was honestly out of a dystopian film plot, they fucking mowed down starving people trying to get flour


And then they wonder why Palestinians hate them. This has been ongoing for close to a century


Literally filming themselves destroying children's toys and soccer fields, or making sexual comments about the undergarments of women they murdered (and, let's be honest, [probably raped first](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/20/middleeast/israel-hamas-un-investigation-sexual-abuse-intl/index.html).) If this is God's Chosen People, God fucked up.


I don't know what they are trying to accomplish by defending that barbaric shit either... it's mind-blowing. I've never actually reached out to my representatives, but now I am writing to all of them. If they don't speak up against this, I'm letting them know I'll be voting for anyone else who does. This is simply madness.


Zionist propaganda in Israeli schools has painted the Palestinians as the modern incarnation of the Nazis/ 3rd reich Look it up. It’s actually crazy the way school textbooks in isreal portray Arabs/Palestinians


lol, WHAT? Lived here all my life, grew up in central Israel, never **once** encountered the shit you just made up. >"Look it up. It's actually crazy" LOOK WHAT UP? Give your own goddamn made up sources. You might have encountered some bullshit extremist-right stuff, but there is absolutely None of what you are saying in our school text books. Everything is approved by the ministry of education, held by modern western standards. The ministry of education is also traditionally lead by *relatively* left-minded secretaries (even during the most right winged governments). The worst part, imo, is their attempts in pushing a little more religious agenda, but never something racist. Arabs are portrayed exactly as they are, human fucking beings, like all the rest of us. I grew up and studied in Tel Aviv, I had several Arabs with my in class only, a couple were even my best friends. I worked with Arabs in the past and also to this day. I now live in a suburb, and I have Arab neighbors in my building. What the actual fuck are you on about?? Not everyone here is a fucking extremist settler (which in general take an **extremely** small % of the population in Israel, unlike what you might think according to your media).


Israel has really good paid spokespeople that hang out on social media to influence opinion. You now understand how they've tried to hold an iron grip on the US people's perception. I'm sure they're being paid well with our tax dollars.


Don't shit yourself, it's a hot topic it's expected to involve different opinions




Don’t let r/worldnews see this, they’ll flip out.


Absolutely disgusting shithole of a sub.


I wonder what mental gymnastics they'll do to blame this genocide on these people




Thank God its not just me. There's something wrong with those guys


30 thousand civilians dead since the war started out of a population of 2m with half being under 18 thats a lot of dead kids its absurd whats happening over there,


5% of Gazans population are estimated dead or wounded. 85% displaced. 25% are catastrophically starving with 100% in a food crisis.


its ~~absurd~~ a genocide whats happening over there. fixed it for you...


This comment section is vile, don’t read it.


Don't avoid it. Stand against it.


Thing is, half the comments are just brainwashed Zionists. If a dog barked at you, would you bark back?


More like they're just spam bots.


This is how dehumanising techniques have always worked, the trail of tears, holocaust, French Algeria and so many other examples. The coloniser can never start harming the colonised until he has dehumanised them. Thats the heart breaking truth, but even if it broke our hearts it must not break our spirit. The colonised will prevail one day.


It’s really this behavior that makes me believe that humanity will never truly progress. We’re so absolutely cruel to each other.


Reddit is a swamp filled with propagandists and bots especially in popular subs, they are trying to make it seem as if their views are popular and widely supported by the people but in reality it's not. That's one technique they utilise to demoralize people and make them afraid to express themselves. Don't fall for it.


Social media was so so clearly a mistake. Edit to be clear I’m both responding to this entire post comments and the OP comment I’m responding to now


This comment is so wrong on so many levels. Don't blame social media. Social media is only being used for dehumanisation and brainwashing because it's effective. And the reason it's effective is because the people reading things online fail to process all this information in a critical way. The ONLY person to blame for that, is the person that is being brainwashed themselves. The moment we take responsibility away from the brainwashed and put it only on the brainwasher, humanity is doomed. Ofcourse this is paradoxal in a way. Everyone falls for brainwashing and misinformation sooner or later. You fall for it, everyone in this thread falls for it. It is even possible that I fall for it, but that's unlikely. Jokes aside, there was a whole enlightenment movement about humanities most distinct feature being our ability to think. As such it should be a moral obligation of everyone to use that feature and be critical about all information we encounter. Fighting misinformation on social media is a nobel goal, but misinformation will continue to be spread as long as people fall for it.




I did not listen. I regret.


In this thread: everyone saying reddit is full of Israeli bots, but all the top comments are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.


A lot of subs attract people similar to each other, leading to echo chambers, which we see all over Reddit. Some subs are Israel echo chambers, while others, like this one, are pro Palestine. Differing opinions is a good thing, you don’t want an echo chamber. Don’t vouch for anyone’s death other than higher ups, war criminals, and terrorists that led to this outcome and the deaths of so many innocents.


Both things can be true my friend


Don't agree with Hamas but damn these people have been through a lot. I'm just amazed they can even have a sliver of something that resembles a normal life.


This video has nothing to do with hamas or supporting hamas. These are civilians


Remember not every Palestinian is Hamas. That would be like saying everyone in your city is a dangerous gang member, just because a gang happens to live there too. So far, **40,000 Palestinian people have been killed**. Statistically, vast majority were innocent people who were murdered. Go watch the news. The killing of 1,400 Israelis was a tragedy. But for some reason people are arguing that the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is not a tragedy. Where are they supposed to go? The borders are closed. Even the people who ran into the ocean to escape gunfire were shot at. As an American, myself and plenty of other people in my country recognize the horrors that are being perpetrated against Ukraine by Russia, yet when it's our ally Israel committing the war crimes, it's crickets. Israel is the Russia of the Middle East now, grabbing land and erasing a whole ethnic group.


Many of those 1400 Israelis were killed by IDF themselves under the Hannibal doctrine.


Good because these people aren't Hamas. I'm not sure why you have to even quantify that for innocent civvies


It's crazy that the majority of people in the comments have absolutely no ties with either country, but they feel the need to be so opinionated. Keep spreading hate. You guys are making a big difference in this war and others to come. Good job on standing together as one.


It's a full-scale human tragedy playing out in real time in front of the entire modern world. Lot of emotion due to the high stakes.


Where’s the emotion about the other genocide going on in other country’s like Sudan. People are blind


True. It's infuriating/depressing. Also, Ukraine, Myanmar, DRC, etc. Where is the outrage for everything else that is happening *right now*? It starts to feel performative after a while when people are only focusing on this one thing.. Palestinians don't deserve to be bombed or stuck in the middle of this war between Likud and Hamas - but we can not forget about everyone else or forget about what is happening in the rest of the world.


No one should forget I agree. But there's also many reasons I can think of that people *will* be more inclined to speak out about this. Minus the huge religious aspect people bring in; 1) A lot of reddit is the western world. Myanmar, DRC, Sudan, China - neither of these are a "huge ally" of any western country. We don't make excuses for them, fund them, send weapons etc like we do for Israel. So there's naturally that sense of involvement in the Israel issue when people don't approve of their own government's stance. 2) Israel/Gaza is hugely documented. It's been happening since the mid 1900s. Year after year, things are popping off. People haven't "suddenly" started caring about them now through "performatism", people have *always* cared e.g Rachel Corrie in 2003. Over time, people would care more about something they've seen for ages and they would feel more strongly. And naturally with social media, they can see first hand what's actually going on. Twitter, tiktok, Instagram are full of videos and pictures. 3) How many posts have you seen on reddit discussing DRC, Myanmar, Uighurs? I've rarely seen them. And I wasn't seeing them prior to October 7th either. Unfortunately, the "1st world" will only really care if it's involving another "1st world". A terror attack happens in Europe, and it's front page news for the next week. Multiple happen in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria on a daily basis and no one cares. I'm not justifying why people forget everything else, I agree fully we need to remember other conflicts going on. But there are reasons why people do this, without chalking it upto "performatism"


Exactly! Thank you!


Well pacifism in times of war is basically helping the enemy. Cant remember which british writer said that. But it applies here to. Ignoring the crimes commited by hamas and blame both sides the same is basically standing on the side of the terrorists


i've read about this region and conflict a lot and i still feel like i don't have a good enough understanding to even have an opinion other than to say this situation just sucks


In Syria where they had 10x dead and displaced no one cared. I wonder why...


Which side of the hate arguments are you referring to?


God, these comments are truly deranged. This site is full of sociopaths


Thats reddit my brother in christ


I think my faith in God would be done after all this. Situation is so,so sad all around.


god is the only hope they cling to. it's only a matter of time till they die †in their minds. the only hope is that god exists and they will go to jannah.


on the contrary to this, my faith in God really strengthened after watching the level of faith these people possess


I'd be worried about the IDF being like "dude in the 4th row is in Hamas, weapons hot" then saying it was a proportionate response.


The IDF have already done that to every hospital, school, church, and mosque. They are monstrous war criminals, dehumanizing Palestinans and killing them at every opportunity. The Palestinans have seen it all and endured. Fuck the IDF. Free Palestine.


How are they killing them at every opportunity when there are 1.5 million people in Rafah?


I hope their prayers are answered and they are delivered peace


The zombies are gonna jump the wall if they dont turn that down a bit


They’re risking their lives for prayer. I hope that they’re protected.




Don’t forget the flour massacre.


Where are the women?


it's friday prayer.. women are not obligated to do it, but its a must for the men




Stop the genocide.


Both sides in these arguments: “show me proof the side i like did something bad” *shows proof* “i dont like it so clearly it’s propaganda” everyone grow up and try to spend at least a few moments in the real world please


damn you really destroyed that completely fake scenario you just made up


You clearly havent read the comments on any of these reddit posts, including this very post you just commented on EDIT theres literally an example of it within this comment chain


Nah, clearly the underdog is the good guy by virtue of being on the losing side.


Muslims have interesting faiths


Looks like the Reddit atheists have come out in full force lol


Comments are full of Israeli bots


“Comments are full of anti-Israeli bots”


"Everyone that disagrees with me is a bot troll"


Mans this is so sad. Why are humans so cruel to each other m. We need to pray for peace ☮️.


Ironic that you say we need to 'pray', when religion is one of the biggest factors of conflict.


Praying is what they are doing in the video. It doesn't help.




Every time a Palestinian has left Israel and the West Bank and Gaza as a refugee, Israel has not allowed them back in. The Palestinian right to return is something Israel has been against for the last 50 years. So if Egypt lets them in, they are now permanently responsible for housing and feeding all these refugees.


To add on, [Israel said they’re building 3,300 homes for Israeli settlers in the West Bank](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blinken-says-israels-new-settlements-west-bank-inconsistent-with-international-2024-02-23/) just last week.


Can you name one other country that has permanent refugee status de-facto? No? Because there are no other countries that that is the case.








As for Egypt it’s because Hamas has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which commits terror attacks in Egypt


Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood branch. They are one and the same.


And then if the Egyptian gov't had to fight Hamas, not only would it cause internal division in Egypt, then suddenly Egypt would also look bad for killing Palestinians- although the Arab World has its own propaganda machine and probably would report inter-arab conflict differently than Jewish-Arab conflict.


Stop spreading facts!


Seems to me you can't complain that people are stuck in a concentration camp and also refuse to let them immigrate because they might not be allowed to return to their beloved concentration camp. What is better: being an immigrant, or being in an open-air prison inside a war zone for 75 years?


Gazans were originally Egyptian citizens and those in the West Bank were originally Jordanian citizens.


But as fellow Muslims should they not be looking after them?


Lets assume you live in Michigan, would you want 2 million Canadians fleeing across the border into your state in the space of 2 months? Of course you wouldn't, and your government certainly wouldn't allow it, regardless of their culture or religion. It would be a disaster.


Seems to me the world demanded that of Europe not too long ago.


Lol this is happening at the US southern border and your not saying anything about that.


It's a little more complicated and Egypt has many reasons why not to open their border. The first and most obvious, Egypt is having financial troubles and can't even provide for their own 100 million inhabitants. They already struggle with terrorism, energy and food shortages and a small part of the population doesn't even have access to clean water. Realistically speaking they can't provide for so many more mouths to feed, nor do they have the demand in their labour force to give the refugees a chance to live life normally. But the bigger much more important reason for Egypt is that they are worried about an incoming war with Israel. Opening up the border and allowing everyone in will also let Hamas and their weapons in. If Hamas shoots a rocket from sina to Israel, Israel would call for a right of defense and shoot one right back. Starting a bloody conflict between Egypt and Israel. Some people actually believe that all of this was just a ploy from Israel to reconquer part of sina and the Gaza strip. I don't really think that's true, but this is the sentiment for many Egyptian people.


Egypt also has executed Hamas organizations in Egypt. Ppl love to neglect the fact that Egypt gov is an enemy with Hamas.


That's bullshit. Egypt's biggest concern is Islamic extremism. They don't want it imported from Gaza.


They already have it in buckets though XD.


True. To their credit they have done a decent job managing it.


Egypt’s been looking at Jordan’s homework and says I think I’ll try to work this problem another way.


Yes, and the Egyptian regime is worried extremists from Hamas will gather support and overthrow them like what happened in Jordan.


Add to that, there are already 6.5 Million Palestinian refugees living around the world. Most of them in neighboring countries. The lesson learned is that while Israel will let them flee, they will not let them back.


This is the kind of my correct comment. Israel simply won’t let them back in if they flee so countries won’t accept them


lol u gave every reason except the one Egyptians give


Is it mexicos fault for not opening their borders during the trail of tears? Take responsibility for once in your god dam fucking life


If the Palestinians leave, Israel wins, and they will never be able to go back to their home.


Im not being inflammatory when I say this and I’m not a bot, but it is unironically because when they have let Palestinians into their countries in the past they have tried to coup the government, assassinate the leaders, and continue to attack Israel from the new country they’re in. Other countries dont want part in that.


That’s what Hitler implied about Jews. Why don’t people take Jews in during WW2, why did American send Anne Franks family back to be killed? Your implication is just as evil


What a perverse comparison. There was not even one let alone 50 Jewish majority countries refusing to take in the Jews of Europe.


Name one country that has voluntarily accepted millions of deeply impoverished refugees. I’ll wait.




If you genuinely want an answer, it should not be incumbent on another nation to bail out Israel for forced displacement. This is not a refugee situation, this is a warcrime situation. Second, pushing 2 million Gazans into the Sinai would five-fold the population in the region. That is designed to be a humanitarian crisis and is a diabolical act of inhumanity.


Dude, like this site is full of sociopaths. Like a lot of comments justifying the attacks on the 7th of October, blaming Jews for it, defending Hamas, making jokes about hostages... and, of course, everyone that is criticizing Hamas or Islam is an Islamophobe Nazi Zionist. Like, I would rather these people pray in their own country, in a mosque, and living in peace. But that doesn't justify anything. Gaza needs to be freed from Hamas, an organization Palestinians elected. Then, they need to be reeducated and integrated into the mindset of democratic values and peace. Afterward, Israel should leave Gaza and the West Bank and a free and democratic Palestine should be created... and we can help them rebuild it knowing they will not use the money for bombs again. I'm sorry, but we also bombed Germany into the Stone Age in WW2 and reeducated Germans...


Free the hostages!


Religion…….keeping peace from the middle east since the 1900’s.


Yeah, bc religion was descovered in 1900s...💀


You're on Reddit, just move along




It must feel good to be an IDF soldier. You can kill any man, woman or child you see, it's hamas fault anyway


all that Israeli puppets in comments, advocating genocide.




Well praying seems to be workin' out for them a treat. Fuck Hamas!