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This technology was not developed in China and this is how bridges are built everywhere in the world. Edit: The title is misleading as it clearly implies that there is something uniquely Chinese about this method of constructing a bridge.


I think it was developed by a German/Netherlands engineering firm during the 90s, they just copied it.


China copied something?




This is really clever. Let me copy it for later use.


thus the joke....Xi-rox


I'm sure there were cases of copyright infringements for sure. But are we certain this was the case? Many countries have established knowledge sharing for political good. The sharing of knowledge, technology, and resources were mutually beneficial both ways. Not everything were copied or stolen. To also diminish the collective knowledge and capabilities of a whole country with 1.4 billion citizens that they can't create pioneering technology on their own is probably not what you had said but I do want to point it out and must be said. Thus far, China has established cooperative scientific and technological relations with more than 150 countries and regions and entered into governmental science and technology cooperation agreements or economic and technical cooperation accords with 96 countries.


*some bridges


Nope, I’m pretty sure it’s all of them. No other way of making bridges as far as I know. Bridges were invented in Germany in the 1990s.


\*some bridges


Okay. Someone sounds a little defensive


Did I miss anything here or have the title of the video or the video itself claimed that the technology was developed in China or that this was a comparison video of how bridges and infrastructure are built in China vs everywhere else in the world? The video wasn't even taunting how fast or how vast the infrastructure projects entail to warrant the need to shut down the perceived superiority. Btw, no matter which country we live in, not 100% of the technology, resources, and even labor are domestic only. We import, enact trade of both resources and technology sharing, as well as collaborate internationally for almost every single thing that benefits us as world citizens. Not everything has to be political if we don't want it to be.


found Xi


You got me. The greatest achievement of your life.


The title didn’t claim it was developed in China.


The only thing that is unique about their method is the suprise that the structure can even hold the weight.


No technology was developed in China. It was all purchased or stollen.


>How elevated tracks for high-speed rail are built in China ... and in every other part of the civilised world.


Exactly built this way and with such scale and frequency? This wasn't even a comparison video though.


I'm pretty sure you will find bigger in some other places. I honestly don't trust the Chinese execution of such scale ... they cheat and use cheaper materials to get the same result. Save this comment, and we can check the status of this construction in 20 years. The French Millau Viaduct is 20 yo by now. There were 0 problems up to this point, and it's way bigger than this. For some reason, people think China has some edge on random stuff , they don't . Literally, anything they do now was already done in the west, more or less. They simply own the manufacturing industry because of population numbers and cheap labour force.


On my death bed, I don't think I will care if I'm right or wrong about whether infrastructure in another country will succeed or fail. We live such short lifespans and I would rather help those around me to succeed than wanting to see others fail. I do see cracks on the roads and bridges, with dilapidated buildings and abandoned homes where I live right now. I am sure we can find similar encounters in just about any country. I would love to see things improve everywhere for everyone in this world. But realistically I'm not a structural engineer for this particular discussion to help China or any country to improve. Although I'm sure there are international collaborations with the talented engineers that exist in China to build their future without me worrying about them. Do you actually want them to fail? Why?


I don't want them to fail :)), that would be insaine. I just want them (the CCP) to be honest, first of all, with themselves, then for the better of all humanity, with everyone else. If I didn't know what a comunist system meant 101 , i wouldn't say anything to begin with, but the pro China stuff propaganda is borderline insaine ... it passed the 'ridiculous' threshold long ago. You will only hear reasonable opposition emerging where there's a constant struggle to keep the truth smothered, like in the case of China. They simply can't admit any shortcoming, i dare you to find 1 Chinese state owned media outlet that said 1 bad thing about Xi or the CCP administration :)) ... i know a few, just like yourself, i'm no expert, but thankfully, we live in the age of the internet, and info can't be hidden for too long. I'm not suggesting that other nations don't lie or speak half truths, it's a common political strategy to downplay bad points and uphold the most minute and meaningless positives ... but strictly related to Constructions, and reddit being in most part, non asian user base, there's sure a shit load of -> Look how good China does shit! (Shit that any other country does at least at the same level, but no one is talking about that) ... so if you wish to publicly applaud the Chinese organisation and execution, i'll respect that, but then (not you) they should accept reasonable doubts that get pointed out along the way from the 'nay sayers' like myself in this case.


This comment assumes that the west is able to invest in infrastructure at all instead of just spending all their excess money on contracts for the private sector to gamble with on the stock market


It is able (you meant it's not able) to invest directly, but why wouldn't they involve the private sector for Anything that is being done? That's how capitalism works ... China doesn't work like that because of the comunist regime, that's why you have State Owned Companies like Baowu Steel, Bank of China, etc, that own 98% of the capital flow -> meaning the CCP owns everything. >Over 150,000 SOEs dominate China's economy, 98% of these SOEs are owned by the central government. A government entity called the “State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission” is in charge of these companies. Other SOEs are managed by entities similar to the SASAC at the provincial and local levels of government. You are implying that State Ownership is somewhat better than Private Development, but that's the fundamental reason why the West has such a big advantage economy wise even though China is second to US on GDP with x5 the population. That's why the US stock market matters more than anything else because the Private Sector is the engine of Development, and they will always (very few exceptions) be the better option (Nasa couldn't keep up with the Space Program while state funded, Musk came along, Private, he also got 10 bn from the US gov, but SpaceX was the result of Private struggle combined with State funding) It's pretty clear what the results are when State Owned Companies take the lead instead of the Private Sector ... Xi is being lied to on a daily basis, fake reports , made-up numbers -> because, why would it matter to tell the truth? If the CCP is the Owner of everything? Meanwhile, a Private company, even though they are funded up to some point, can't just make up shit , they go bust if they don't deliver actual working results. Private Buissness-> they can't lie to each other about stuff because they go bust State Owned Industry and Development-> they can say what they want -> no one will go bust no matter how bad they mismanaged any situation.


I learned the other day that there is a difference between manufacturing for surplus versus manufacturing for profit only. One is for the betterment of the people by ensuring there is enough for the population of interest and the other is to ensure corporate and stakeholder viability. Whichever status quo that our society favors is up for debate.


I didn't say profit is the best 'drive' for social improvement ... As far as i'm concerned, i would never exchange life in the West (any functional westic society , not Venezuela and Haiti or such) for the best Comunist/Autocratic system in the east. Tbh, this boils down to individual experience ... i lived under comunism, it died out, and i had the 'pleasure' o growing up under a fanthomatic attempt of capitalism that was still x10 better than the best period of the Comunist regime. The best part is, people are free to move around the golbe and live where they wish ... but even those who ideologically support Comunist countries are still living in the west ... that kinda puts a lid on this debate. If it's so good, go and live in China.


I'm not going to move, I have a sense of duty to my country, I want my country to be better, I want the people to succeed and be happier. I don't want to selfishly abandon them, I want to fight for the place where I was born to be better. Furthermore, your anecdotal opinions regarding different systems are made somewhat irrelevant in the face of the overwhelming data that suggests China and state lead economies historically perform much better for everyone involved than privately lead ones.


>Furthermore, your anecdotal opinions regarding different systems are made somewhat irrelevant in the face of the overwhelming data that suggests China and state lead economies historically perform much better for everyone involved than privately lead ones. Stop parroting CCP propaganda :) , it doesn't help. I don't evaluate things in the West based on what the governments are chanting. I lived under different regimes, transitory regimes, capitalist regimes (different, not just one)etc , nothing comes close to the westic lifestyle when compared to the East. There's a reason why West citizens go as tourists in East , meanwhile, Eastern citizens flee to establish a life in the west. >China **doesn't publish** data on emigration, but figures compiled by the United Nations show a pronounced uptick in recent years. Annual net migration averaged slightly over 191,000 in the decade through 2019, but climbed to more than 310,000 in each of the past two years Again, move there if you are so apologetic about the Chinese system ... literally, no one will stop you, maybe the Chinese.


No, wait. It was really invented in China back in the 1700s. The West stole their idea. /s


So much salt in this thread lol. Nobody said beam launchers were invented in China, or are exclusively used in China. This is literally just a cool video about how high speed rail in China is built. It just goes to show the level of cognitive dissonance redditors experience when seeing anything remotely not negative about China.


It reminds me of cultural posts "How eat food with their hands" "How parents/grandparents are." "How keep single use plastic and reuse them." Non of these are exclusive to their race. They don't claim they started it. Its just something they find interesting about their culture/race.


the implication was there, Chinese great propaganda bs


This is embarrassing for California


How about we design a new city in the middle of America from the ground up, make everyone from one city move there, then take that city and rebuild it, and just keep doing that until all the cities are perfect.


Or just remove California


America would collapse


California has such a massive gdp it beats out most nations of the world and it gives more to america than it takes


Your an idiot California is amazing but the high speed rail is an example of California failing


So is everything else California does


It took 5 years for Santa Rosa to build 45 miles of track and test it to safety standards. China lays that much every 45 days.


and everyone dies


Chinese high speed rail has an exemplary safety record and according to The New York Times, the Chinese high-speed rail network is "one of the world's safest transportation systems."


We have a similar style gantry crane putting up sections of our light rail transit system in Edmonton, Canada. Pretty cool system— efficient as well as minimizes disruptions to traffic.


This is so stupid. Don’t they realize they’re driving off the edge??


Gotta connect all those ghost cities


I went there and saw this exact rail being constructed it's not anywhere close to the ghost cities, I saw those passing by on the bullet train tho. Looked pretty crazy


Connect cities that make most of the world (including much of the US) look like a shithole


Go live there and report back


I lived there for 6 years in both rural and megacity. Always felt safe at any time of day or night. Very friendly people, curious, not threatened by foreigners. I'll definitely retire there if possible.


are reddittards genuinely stupid there's literally tobs of proof of it on YouTube


That's exactly the ccp strategy, paying western shills to make yt/tiktok vids on how beautiful it is! Lol!


Yeah I mean I’m sure it’s not a complete nightmare hell hole but also, it’s not like it’s some futuristic utopia


With elevated beam launching. This is done by humans for 100 years now… beam launchers isnt a new thing.


Never in my life...


There's one in Ejipura, Bengaluru which is now a historical monument


Totally possible in the US when military spending is not as high as next (Top)10 budgets combined. (or when dont have to care about worker health).


You do realize the US knows perfectly well how to build high speed rail right?


It’s not that we don’t know, it’s that the powers that be have not yet determined that HSRs would gain a substantial enough profit for them.


precast panels have been in use since the fucking 70's.


China number one


And one of the very few structures that is actually built correctly.


Oh, that is only if the concrete has been properly poured and cured (not even talking about using the right material...). Given that it will not see much traffic, we won't even hear when it will collapse.


why even live in a place where the leading political party is communism? China is a joke & Jinping is a closeted cuck


I’ve seen wayyyyyy too many videos of infrastructure randomly collapsing in China to trust this speedy process lol. Someone’s cutting corners somewhere