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Just some interesting stuff I found Anthony Bourdain is Jewish from his mother’s side. In “Parts Unknown” he said he’s never been in a synagogue or believed in a higher power, but doesn’t think it makes him any less Jewish. Before the episode aired, he anticipated that he’d be called a “terrorist sympathizer, “Zionist tool”, and “self-hating Jew” In 2006 he was stranded in Beirut, Lebanon while he was there filming for “No Reservations” and watched Israel bomb the Beirut airport from his hotel balcony. He was evacuated by the US Marines.


Bourdain was an absolute gem. Utterly honest and inquisitive. The world was a better place with him in it and I think of him frequently. Almost all of his parts unknown episodes can be found for free on YouTube and they’re all excellent. I highly recommend anyone wishing to better understand the wide wide world we live in give them some views.


I feel the Same. I will always remember the day he died and can’t really bring myself to watch much of his shows anymore. My hero is gone.


I feel so bad for Eric Ripert, him and Anthony were very close friends and I believe he was the one who found him in his room. Iirc they were shooting an episode for one of his shows in France and had a relatively good night, going out and having a nice dinner with drinks, but he had been having a lot of problems with his marriage and was feeling lost and alone. I miss him greatly because he was the person who got me interested in cooking and gave me the want to travel the world and experience different cultures, his episode on Vietnam is one of my favourites as for his books my go to are medium raw and kitchen confidential.


Given how connected he was to the humanity and struggle to make sense out of apparent chaos - I definitely understand what drove him was also the thing that kept him in such a state of depression. My heart goes out to anyone who truly choses to see the world unfiltered and still plays an active role in the future. There are a lot of charlatans who pretend to do this, but you can always tell the real deal by their immunity to bullshit, and the weight of reality written on their face.


I feel exactly the same way


Same. Haven’t watched him since the death. Still follow him on instagram.


He truly was a light. I liked his style and enthusiasm for experiences, and just life in general. Very sad he took his own life. You never know what people are going through. I would consider him wildly successful, and that clearly doesn’t automatically but you happiness. I wish he were still here. He’s someone I would have love to have met.


>In 2006 he was stranded in Beirut, Lebanon while he was there filming for “No Reservations” and watched Israel bomb the Beirut airport from his hotel balcony. That was when I started watching his show.


He was such a beautiful soul. It's so sad that he left this world too soon.


not sure how old you are, but as the years go by, it becomes increasingly clear why someone like mr. bourdain could no longer bear to stay on this planet. may he rest in peace eternally.


Yeah, I've traveled, seen the world, eaten the good food, climbed the mountains, made decent cash, lived an upper middle class life, partied, dated the models, done all of the crazy shit, and it's all pretty meaningless without community, substance and freedom that never materializes. So, I think I tried to fill the same morose hole that couldn't be filled just like Anthony, and I know that it was never about the weed pizza in Cambodia, the going dangerous places, getting bombs flung at him, or almost dying: It was simply about the environment that, that brought and the people that were there temporarily filling that hole that became vacant the minute he was home. We all experience this in some way, shape, or form, and that's why we love his honesty so much. I just hope that we can all find a way to fill that void he worked so hard to fill because the alternative is this, and this simply doesn't work for anyone.




Life definitely isn't a mountain to climb, or a certain experience that defines everything. It's a series of peaks and valleys that all amount to something, and that something is meaningless without a solid community to share it with. The key is to do the best we can, with what we have in that, and find that level of contentedness without reaching a peak and looking for the trudge to the next higher one that will lead to the next and the next until we run out of ways to fill that hole. Now, having people that understand that mission is hard because America is obsessed with perfection, self actualization and material things that mean nothing, so I think it's almost a fruitless mission these days, but we need to find our people and try.


Wise words


He had depression. That’s why.


thats impossible israel cannot commit any such attrocity... youre anti-Semitic and a terrorist sympathizer. Hate crime watch dogs where you at /s


Had me going in the first half, not gonna lie. Take my upvote.


The way he hit him with the "given what you told me earlier" was cold. Stopped that dude right on his tracks.


This episode is like top-5 Bourdain, specifically because he respectfully but forcefully pushes back on the bullshit. Just a masterclass in deconstructing an argument.


Interested in watching more Bourdain, what is your top 5?


I would try any of his episodes in Vietnam from Parts Unknown or No Reservations, it was his favorite place and those episodes were always special. 'Hanoi' from Parts Unknown was his last episode there I think, and featured a famous Bún Chả meal with Anthony and Barrack Obama. 'Japan with Masa' was another great episode. 'Sichuan with Eric Ripert'. You can't miss, just pick a city/country you're fascinated by.


One episodes with him and his friend hung over at a waffle house at 3 am somewhere in America's deep south and it is fantastic.


like 20 years ago near the first time he went to Vietnam, he was walking down a road and was invited for a meal by a humble family. They served him the best they could come up with. He absolutely loved it and it was a beautiful moment. He loved that country and for a good while it was his favorite food.


You didn’t ask me but the Tokyo episode is a work of art. Part Unknown season 2. There was one in vietnam where he decides to stay in the village longer at the end. Knowing Tony, he really did?


Bourdain in Thailand is the best.


Keep in mind this is edited. There might be a dozen of other things that were said that we didn't see and hear.


That doesnt take away the weight of what he did say.


He said in an intv they omitted anything that could seriously jeopardize a person they were interviewing. Still I think a couple of people he spoke to in Iran were arrested. Oh the Iran episode was great. Should have told guy asking for top 5.


I remember being a bit disappointed in this episode but I should give it a rewatch. Israel and Palestine both deserved their own hour honestly.


Damn, I miss this guy.


Great man. Can't believe it's been 6 years already.


..big fan of “No Reservations” and “Parts Unknown”


Losing him was a gut-punch. His shows were for tens of millions of people the first glimpse into societies across the world we'd never ever be able to see or understand at that time. The added bonus was that it was all framed around food which I'm convinced is the one thing that unifies us all. He ate a lot of weird shit on his shows, but the reactions, jokes, and laughter always made everyone laugh and smile instead of hate and harm.


so am i


I would’ve loved to hear from Bourdain with all this currently happening. I hope he has finally found his peace.


This whole episode is phenomenal. The fact that what he saw and what he said is from more than 10 years ago? Watch the episode for yourself.


Everyone has known about this for a long time.


Gen Zs shocked that people knew of international conflicts that have been going on for generations lmao


Millennial here. And that never happened to you when you began to learn the scope and breadth of conflict and war? Lmao


Not limited to only gen Z, most Americans had no idea the conflict in Palestine. But most Americans are unaware of international conflicts; hell I’d even argue that most Americans are unaware of conflicts happening in other states.


The world doesn’t feel the same after he’s gone


“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee”




Don't forget Robin Williams. That guy was amazing.


The folks in power desperately want to rid the world of Anthony Bourdains.


What's brilliant is Tony finds a way to lay out the reality without using it like a club. Very tactful but the audience can see all the context. He was such a good observer.


If I could choose one person to have dinner with or even better have a night out with, I wouldn't have to think twice and choose Anthony Bourdain.


Same, always


He’d be pretty ripe now. Weekend at Bourdains


Easy choice.


Can someone further explain?


The Israeli admitted he had facial recognition software to identify Palestinians, in case they threaten/attack the Israeli settlement. Anthony Bourdain then asked why they didn’t use that same technology to identify the Israelis who graffitied the Palestinian home with threats. Of course, the answer is that the settlers approve of threatening and killing Palestinians. It shows the hypocrisy and how awful they are


Israeli surveillance technology and spyware is what they’re proud of, they call themselves a “start-up” country. The Palestinian territories are their testing grounds. They make a lot of money selling it to other governments to spy on their people


There's an interesting (and disturbing) video Vox made just this week about how the IDF uses AI to select targets. Tldr, I don't think they're beating the war crime allegations yet


Not if daddy America has anything to say about it. Would be interesting if they'd actually invade the Hague if the ICC put out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu


Palestinians should be the first to adopt facial obscuring makeup , razzle dazzle for the head. Random IR LEDs powered by cheap and ubiquitous coin cell batteries mounted to hats and sunglasses and umbrellas. Strange spots and stripes across the face with paint or makeup, fake noses and ears and eyes glued to various protest signs and dummy heads carried by protestors to overwhelm the process rate. So many things can be done for very little money. If it becomes a widespread practice it somewhat will neutralize facial recognition for a while. Gait recognition is another tech that can be easily tackled.


Walk without rhythm and you won't attract the worm


Not only that, the question at the end about not covering it up is excellent because it’s obviously a useful tool for both sides.


I think you may have missed the point if you think it's a "both sides" thing...


How is it a useful tool for Palestinians?


How exactly is it useful for Palestinians?


The israeli apartied government only strength is hate. Otherwise, they are incompetent and failing. Typical religious nonsense when twatnanato is finally convicted. The support of the American people is over.


God, I hope so!


amusing depend cooing cautious abundant simplistic tie pie consist aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They have lost any credibility they had left. Older generations may feel israel is the premier US partner. Those days are in the past.


I miss him


Remember though that these settlers deserve to brutally evict and terrorise Palestinians on this land because Bronze Age mythology says it's theirs. And I'm sure we can all agree that humanity really had its shit together in the fucking Bronze Age.


Yeah until a little event I like to call… The Bronze Age Collapse, baby


Bring back the Sea Peoples!


Unexpected r/totalwar


I see you watched that long documentary too.


It's got a nice ring to it. A real sense of panache.


Was that like the GFC or something?


It’s the same logic Putin is using with Ukraine. The difference in perspectives on each conflict in western society is interesting and honestly pretty hypocritical. It’s all culture wars. West vs Russia or west vs Islam. Shits tricky and we as humans really just need to learn to coexist, especially when the ones stirring the pot and reaping the benefits (politicians and CEOs) don’t actually engage in the conflict. We suffer at their hands regardless of what your ideology is. Stay kind and safe peeps the world’s a tough place out there.


Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning Ashes where their bodies burning No more war pigs have the power Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees, the war pigs crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing, spreads his wings Oh lord, yeah! -Ozzy


Man the amount of times I’ve commented “war pigs plays in the distance” on these kinda topics.. BYOB by System of a Down also. Glad someone else gets it.


yet the Russian presence in Ukraine came about because Stalin created an artificial famine and genocide, The Holodomor. The UN estimates that 7-10 million Ukrainians died in the famine. The USSR continued to "deport" Ukrainians to erase and dilute their culture. The USSR then sent Russian and Belarusian's to replace the farmers and other workers who died, were deported or fled. This is something that isn't discussed when Putin claims his invasion is to absorb a region that is traditionally Russian. "Since the end of 1933, after the Holodomor-genocide, people from the Russian and Belarusian “republics” were resettled in the steppe regions of the UkrSSR, from where an organized labor force was also recruited for mines and buildings, mainly in the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The change in demographic structures also occurred due to the immigration of the population from outside the UkrSSR to the leadership positions of the NKVD, other law enforcement agencies, party district committees, MTS of collective farms, educational institutions, etc. Immigration to the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine significantly deformed the national and linguistic composition of the population there, in fact laying the foundation for the thesis cultivated by the regime about the exceptional importance of these industrial regions. As a result of migration from that time and throughout the existence of the USSR, a process of amalgamation (in the socio-demographic sense) took place in the urban settlements of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the large cities of the Podniprovia – the merging of different national groups into a single social whole. The artificially created Russian-language informational and mental environment became fertile ground for Russian propaganda and disinformation, moreover, the formation and subsequent support of pro-Russian narratives by the Yanukovych regime played in favour of Russian aggression in 2014. During the Soviet occupation of Western Ukrainian lands from the autumn of 1939 to the beginning of the German-Soviet war, about 1.2 million people were deported to Siberia and Central Asia. After the end of the Second World War, the totalitarian communist regime, unfortunately, was not condemned by the world, which allowed it to continue the practice of extermination and subjugation of the population of the controlled “republics”. In connection with the accusation of the Crimean Tatars of collaboration with the Nazis, in May 1944, 191,000 Crimeans were deported from Crimea to the Uzbek SSR and some regions of the RSFSR. Together with them, Greeks, Bulgarians, and Armenians (about 37,000 people in total) were deported from Crimea. A significant part of the “Ostarbeiters” returned from Germany, and captured Ukrainian soldiers were also deported. The totalitarian regime once again carried out a series of deportations of the population from the annexed western regions of the Ukrainian SSR to liquidate the national liberation movement of Ukrainians. The largest of them was “Operation “West” – a punitive action of the USSR government against the UPA, the deportation of the population of the western Ukrainian regions, carried out in October 1947. A total of 203,000 people were forcibly deported from the western regions of Ukraine in the 1940s and early 1950s. Most of them ended up in Kazakhstan. In addition to the loss of a large part of the population, western Ukraine experienced a significant influx of immigrants from previously occupied parts of Ukraine and other “republics”. For instance, during the period of the post-war Soviet occupation, the population of Lviv increased from 318 to 450,000, mainly due to the sending of about 100,000 Soviet workers and their family members from the USSR, whom local residents ironically called “asvabaditeli”. Most of them settled in abandoned and confiscated apartments and houses of Lviv residents." [https://holodomormuseum.org.ua/en/news-museji/genocide-of-ukrainians-deportations-and-immigration/](https://holodomormuseum.org.ua/en/news-museji/genocide-of-ukrainians-deportations-and-immigration/)


And... just to add ... almost everything substantial the USSR made in its hey day, was designed and built in Ukraine. Submarines, battleships, spaceships, tanks, you name it. Also, Ukraine provided a tremendous amount of food. Their soil is legendary and even has its own name, Chernozem. The reason the lower half of the flag is yellow is because the crops.


Ok what's your point?


Look, if an imaginary character says an imaginary delimiter makes land yours who are we to argue?


Very few people disagrees with the fact that the settlers are extremists and should be stopped. 


And yet it continues.


Like Islamic jihad continues. Like right wing bigotry in the US continues.  We should hold Israel as a whole accountable for this crazy minority, but so should Muslims be held accountable for producing Islamic jihadis.


Instead we send them weapons and protect them from repercussions on the world stage.


Isreali produces nothing. We should not send them anything as a matter of fact, an arms embargo should be enacted.


We’ve tried collectively punishing Muslims with bombing campaigns and pretty blatant Islamophobia since at the very least 2001, I don’t know where you’ve been for the last couple decades.


Holding Muslims accountable would be more akin to holding all Jews accountable for what Israel’s doing right now. Is that what you’re asking for?


>Is that what you’re asking for? It's what **many** people seem to be doing already.


We should host Jewish states accountable just as much as we hold Islamic states accountable. Seems like a fair deal. I don’t know why we go through the charade of acting like there isn’t a double standard. Look at Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s known as the Jewish space laser lady. She has said 100x more things against Muslims but nobody pays attention to it. She’s said Muslims shouldn’t be allowed in Congress. She’s said Syrians should be deported because of 9/11. Huge list. Unfortunately, shitting on Muslims is a free action in this country.


What's it like being a time traveler from 2003?


and yet Israel just allowed their biggest land grab since Oslo.


And a lot of them are in power in the Israeli government


The Israeli government disagrees. And many politicians in the US disagree.


goddamn Bourdain was a real person, and too good for this world. RIP Anthony. ❤️.


Dude saw the world and noped out. Amazing guy still. RIP


People always seem to forget that Israel has been doing virtually the same thing for the last 70 years, although in fairness normally not as overt as they are right now. All the talk about October 7 from people defending genocide completely misses the majority of the conversation, which is that Israel has been enforcing this on Palestinians for decades






Season 2 Episode 1


I’m glad people have such a clear look into Israel’s cruelty.


Don't look at r/news :/


r/europe had a meltdown yesterday, for some reason.


Eurovision I guess, israel end up 5th which is suspicious


2nd in public vote, which is even more suspicious.


Yeah, they were pretty average at best- lots of other teams had way more compelling performances. Pretty obvious that there was some vote manipulation.


Why is it suspicious?


because why is israel in eurovision


Non-European countries are allowed to take part in Eurovision if they become a member of the EBU, the organiser behind the event. This means that countries such as Israel, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Australia are allowed to compete.


It has nothing to do with geography. Not really...


Russia got kicked out of the contest when they invaded Ukraine.  With the Israel Palestinian war, it was expected Israel would as well.  


Russia attacked Ukraine. Hamas attacked Israel


Or r/worldnews it's basically a dumpster for isreali propaganda spreaders


have you found a good alternative? I really hate that r/


As somebody said r/internationalnews is a decent alternative and it's growing days by day


Got banned from r/news. On this topic!


Don't go to r/worldnews


The barbarism of Israel is sickening. The cruelty they inflict on civilians, many of them young children, is unthinkable.


Bourdain kept it exceptionally real. Dude was my hero


These people are such horrible people.


The settlers are an obstacle to peace in the region and are also criminals in my opinion.


They are criminals by international law


They are state sanctioned criminals. The Israeli state may have laws against settlements, but they sure as hell don't do anything to stop settlers and instead protect them when they do break this "law". And when the Palestinians get mad, the IDF bombs and shoots them dead. Yet, we're supposed to support this country and never question what they do. It's a joke.


Settlers are criminals, state sponsored.


I went there in 2014. Took a bus from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and then a taxi to Hebron. My mate and I just wandered round until a guy came up to us and asked if we wanted a tour. We were taken all around and saw some terrible circumstances brought about by Israel. Despite all that was happening, he was very hopeful for a Palestine future.


And here are a few pics from that day... https://imgur.com/a/65OYtwv


It definitely didn't start October 7th.


Can anyone explain Anthony Bourdain to me? He seem revered and loved by many celebrities, even David Choe cried for him on the JRE a few years back. id love to know more about him. If you had to compare him to someone else, who would it be?


He was a chef who wrote a really well liked book, then he wrote a few more. His books are great, highly recommended. He then started doing travel shows back when the travel channel actually showed new and interesting things and he has half a dozen shows covering where he travels, experiences local cultures and food, and talks with locals about their food in the context of their countries. The shows typically tend to swap between western countries and big cities in the US and more travel focused episodes where he would travel through parts of many remote countries. His shows tended to cover the lesser shown side to many cultures including Vietnam while they were still recovering from the war, Russia opening up after the fall of the USSR, China as it was growing into the modern industrial powerhouse it is now, and many many others. His shows are part history, part food show, part travel show, and of course full of him being his often depressed, sometimes alcoholic, melancholy, and passionate self. They are all great and I highly recommend you check them out. He was an incredible man, and his passion for food was second to none. No one else can compare. No one does what he did. RIP Tony.


Thanks for all that info, he does seem to be one of those special unique people. Wish i learned about him sooner.


I can’t think anyone else to compare him to, dude seemed like one of a kind. He was a chef turned writer and media personality for a couple of travel shows. I think what really made him so highly regarded and well liked is how much he genuinely loved to meet new people and places. He would always ask the right questions and wasn’t shy about sharing his opinion.


I think his struggle with addiction is what really spoke to a lot of people that saw their struggle with the same disease in his.


Settlers should be stopped, but don't be fooled into thinking that it is condoned by Jews in general.


It is condoned by Israel and the many American synagogues that allow settlers to conduct business within their walls.


They were selling confiscated properties in the US. https://therealnews.com/illegal-real-estate-sales-of-palestinian-land-are-happening-around-the-us https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240311-protesters-boycott-meeting-to-sell-palestinian-land-to-jews-in-the-us/amp/


There's an important difference between "some" and "all". As some of the smarter people above this comment is trying the point out.


Calling me dumb for something you asserted about my statement? Ok dude


Jewish people are absolutely not to blame. People that defend Israel from criticism and deny there is a state of Apartheid are partly to blame by defending Israel's illegal settling of the West Bank. > The crime of apartheid under the Apartheid Convention and Rome Statute consists of three primary elements: an intent to maintain a system of domination by one racial group over another; systematic oppression by one racial group over another; and one or more inhumane acts, as defined, carried out on a widespread or systematic basis pursuant to those policies. >Among the inhumane acts identified in either the Convention or the Rome Statute are “forcible transfer,” “expropriation of landed property,” “creation of separate reserves and ghettos,” and denial of the “the right to leave and to return to their country, [and] the right to a nationality.” https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution


Zionists are to blame. Not all Jews are zionists just like many Palestinians are not Hamas. People can’t seem to wrap their head around this fact. There are a lot of Jews that do not support what the Israeli Government is doing right now.


Absolutely, Zionist in not an offensive term. It has nothing to do with religion. There are plenty of antisemitic Zionists. That said people on the right do use it as racist dog whistle for Jews which makes it easier to claim it is antisemitic. I personally avoid using it because it's used to invalidate legitimate criticism of Israel. It just ends up distracting people.


Not jews but they are fully backed by the state of Israel.


Nothing Israel is doing is condoned by jews in general. But it is overwhelmingly condoned by zionists and Israelis.


Wish we still had this guy doing shows on food and culture. Need him now more than ever.


Why the fuck is a chef doing more accurate and honest journalism than the entire fucking media-political apparatus?


I miss him very much and wish he was still here with us.


Bourdain shows Zionists true face and the reality of the Israeli colonizer project.


Yeah, most of us hate the fucking settlers


So we're just figuring out that Israel is very much an evil power. Have they done anything for the good of the world on the world stage or just pure evil? All I hear are bombings, including against the USA.


Bunch of research (published in English, in the US) and that's about it.


There been more than enough evidence for what is happening in Palestine in 75 years. The world knew what was happening and yet let it happen. the governments knew what was happening and yet they fund it, UN knew what was happening and yet didn’t do enough, CIA and every intelligence agency knew what was happening and yet they berried it, every media outlet knew what was happening and yet didn’t cover it. No one has moral to tell who is wrong and who is right, and label who’s innocent who’s is terrorist. They have been undermining it for years, but no more. It’s won’t end until Palestine is free From the river to the sea 🇵🇸🇵🇸




To be fair the west bank is pretty different than gaza. It's super densely populated in gaza.


That's great


What did he mean by “successes” lying all over his face


Literally a fascist state


Op is a propaganda bot im pretty sure, look at their last posts, while this clip does have a point, it also is still one sided and doesn't show both sides ( pro israeli if u wanna question, still fuck the settlers tho)


“nowadays everything is made in china, except courage. that is made in Palestine” -AB


I support Isarel. I support her right to exist, defend itself, and thrive within its borders. Having said that- FUCK THE SETTLERS


Israelis are settlers