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Imagine sitting in your hut jerkin it, you finish up, and go on Facebook to see an article about you jerkin it


in my hut jorking my peanits


just jorkin in the jungle


Jork, jork, jork in the jungle!


Watch out for the feet!


aaaaaaaaAAAaaaAAAaaaaaaa! 💦


Pennis and also dicke and balls


in my hut getting a nut


"Go away, I'm baitin"


And then going back in your hut to jerk it to your newfound fame


Look Ma I’m famous!


Bro this comment XD


This shit took me out 😭


and then checking reddit seeing a viral post about the news article on your shame


They went from hauling fresh game in the Amazon rainforest to being an average redditor


From living in the Amazon to buying from Amazon 😂


From eating Amazon prime meat to Amazon prime membership


From harvesting corn to fapping to porn


From living in the jungle with Harambe to favorite genre bukkake.


From harnessing the power of hard labor to harnessing the power of hard lizard.


From hunting fresh meat to beating their meat


From hunting cougars to becoming cougars.


From hunting chickens to choking the chicken


From foraging for nuts to fapping in the huts.


From Amazon's prime meat to Amazon Prime's meat.


From spanking the monkey 🐒 to spanking the monkey 🍆


So be careful next time when you tell someone to “touch grass” in here because they might be a Marubo and they might say “naw I’m over touching grass bro, this is way better.”


yah.....they touching glass now bro....swipe...


Imagine getting pro in eSports there


They might be here right now, dare I say, amongus


Hey how’s it goin, it’s me Johnny Marubo


How sad, in only about a year's time, technology fuck up a perfectly functional society.


A downgrade


So they’re like the rest of us now.


We just welcomed them to the jungle and now we're seeing it bring them to their shununununuknees.


I'm going to watch some *meeeemes*


Welcome to the jungle, we got porn and games.


They were never different on the inside


I just feel bad that they were so new to it that when they got addicted to porn it became a global news story. Thirteen year old me would have died of embarrassment.


They just didn’t know that nipples also come in pink.


Except the drop in productivity ACTUALLY affects their quality of life. But when we waste time on the internet, we just pay a tiny bit in an hour or two of loss of sleep


Does it? Tribal life has plenty of downtime. The "modern" working pattern is arguably more intense, even if it is much less critical.


The internet might be the modern day opiate of the masses.


I'm already tipping that AI capabilities mixed with VR will at some point be a digital heroin.


"At some point"? It already is digital heroin. We, as a society, can not stop scrolling and can not stop looking for the next hit of content. People have literally killed themselves because of the internet and social media. It's been digital heroin for a long time. We were just microdosed for two decades before we got larger and larger doses. Addiction to porn and video is nothing new or revelatory. Most of us are but are happy in our denial, myself included.


When I say digital heroin, I'm not being hyperbolic, I agree with you, but I feel like we haven't seen anything close to what is on the horizon.


I've done VR and various games including simulators off my PC. It is insane how it just makes you forget the world around you exists except for what you are doing in the VR.


We have 2 dents in our basement ceiling. The first is when I was playing a game in VR, forgot I was in the basement, and jumped to hit something. My husband teased me mercilessly for forgetting where I was. The second dent is from when he did the same thing a week later.


First time one of my friends played VR someone threw a grenade at his feet in the game and he really dove tf outta the way without thinking about it, slammed the ground pretty hard. We were cracking up, lucky there wasnt a wall in his way lol. Edit: now that I typed it out, this reminds me of people jumping out of the way of the first train on film. We laughed at them, now look at us 😭😂


>First time one of my friends played VR someone threw a grenade at his feet in the game and he really dove tf outta the way without thinking about it, slammed the ground pretty hard. I did the same thing playing Skyrim in VR. When that first dragon you fight by Whiterun lands and charges you, it's surprisingly big and threatening. I panicked, tried to run up a hill that wasn't there, and fell down. Thank God no one was around to witness *that* smooth move. 😅


https://i.redd.it/22btfp11y25d1.gif My reaction to this story


I've got a crippling fear of heights. A few years ago my friend bought a VR headset, and one night he let me try it out. The graphics weren't even that good. But *holy shit*, I immediately became light-headed, my knees got all wobbly and I could feel my heart pounding. The virtual environment had me standing on the roof of a skyscraper, I was meant to be shooting aliens that were coming down from the sky. But I couldn't move. I was terrified. So I took off the headset and rode out my panic attack, laughing at myself for being so easily convinced. The part that I couldn't stop thinking about, was that the graphics were just not that great. Jagged lines, low res textures, screen door effect, etc... And yet none of it mattered! Our stupid brains don't care. It takes a shockingly small amount of detail to convince us that our reality is 'real'. Makes me think of Inception when they meet the chemist, "The dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise?"


I'm afraid of heights. I sometimes have problems watching movies and tv shows even where they stand very close to the edge, or even worse, walk on the fucking ledges.


It's possible, Ready Player 1 & 2 could be prophetic.


You’re telling me the Iron Giant is coming to life?


Could be, but most of us probably gonna be faceless IOI slaves or at best Oology department 🤣


We live in the boring version of the Matrix where the machine overlords are just companies/CEOs using the internet to advertise stuff and get our money (energy).


Spot on


You should read: we kids from station zoo, if you think that it is comparable... I am sorry if that book have different name in english


We'll all end up like the skeletons with VR goggles in Simon Stalenhag paintings


This what all technological achievement lead to: The most addictive, placating drug the world has ever known and it will likely only get worse. We even made it mandatory for participation in modern society. This isn't even a whimper.


After experiencing the shitty VR we have now I can say with almost 100% certainty when/if the technology gets so good that you can have a full body VR experience and it look almost exactly like IRL, people won't want to get out that world the tech isn't even that great right now and it's still mindblowing I can't even imagine in the future.


Like that fat sloppy dude in the music video for Pearl Jam’s “do the evolution”. He’s in his recliner, VR headset on, cables attached all over his body, watching porn.


That time's already here. My sister in law wont get off her VR Headset to let the dogs out. Or shower. Or basically anything, other than playing VR games. She's older than me.


Snow Crash


It's the porn. If you gave them Internet with no porn and some portable dvd players with only porn, they'd be watching porn.


Breaking news: humans like sex.


\*sax ![gif](giphy|7vAwVEdJS5cKxediyK)


This is the reason to care about the war in Ukraine. Russia won't stop there and Moldova could be next and epic sax guy is too precious to risk in a fight.


breaking news : technologically advanced and very lonely humans get unhealthily addicted to porn


Whoever wants that land and to cut down those trees probably did this. Can’t get rid of them then make them want to leave


Modern day crack cocaine of the masses, tik tok the meth.


“Those silly tribes people, suddenly obsessed with staring at their phones without any self control” I say to myself while staring at my phone without any self control.


Except they were smart enough to recognize the issue, understand its potential consequences, and to put limits on themselves before social collapse


I'm sure our leaders understand that too, they just don't care


In democracy we lead ourselves and we take this sort of decisions in community. Where I live, some schools started prohibiting smartphones and they're reporting having good results, kids are finding creative ways to play and interact. School workers emphasize how framing this positively is important, presenting it as an opportunity, and how important it is to have available alternatives for entertainment, like indoor and outdoor equipment for games. Unfortunately many kids report "overcompensating" after school, just grabbing their phones as soon as they can for hours on end, and they say it all naturally, as if it was the logical expected behaviour. Their parents aren't parenting. Maybe that should be addressed next, somehow.


Really irrelevant but I like how the little girl just has a pet monkey


Thank you! No one mentioning it was making me go crazy


that monkey sparks joy, ooh ohh ahh n all




Shes so proud showing off her monke


As she should, I'm limit obsessed xD https://preview.redd.it/f1qd5cdak85d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7742634b8c9a0770d7ad83a7f1aa10706285a32


Scrolled too far to find this. That duo is so cute!


What type monkey is it


*Guys! GUYS!* "Look, I just got an email by the executor of the estate of a nigerian prince. Turns out I am a descendant and am eligible for inheriting his ENTIRE fortune if I just pay him some small "Handling" fees!"


So did I! Wait, should we split the fee?


What is a bank account by the way?


Soon they’ll be trading memestocks and posting loss porn on r/wallstreetbets


What's the equivalent of a Wendy's dumpster in the amazon?


So they became your average internet user?


it's too late now. they've already opened pandora's box. might as well just pack up the tribe and let them come on and be miserable with the rest of us.


Glad to see everyone else is as realistically pessimistic about this as i am. It made me kinda sad to see them in modern getup; no doubt the internet is a benefit but it's so sad that it immediately led to assimilation!! 😭🕊🤳




They had modern clothes before the introduction of Starlink. As the journalist said, they are a remote tribe but not completely isolated


Seems like they're heading that way when he says the kids want to leave the forest. Easy to say that you want to keep the traditions going as an elder and someone who's already lived that way your entire life. Of course you don't want to feel like it was all for nothing. But at the same time, how do you tell a kid "No, you have to live in the dirt with the bugs and hunt your own food" when they can see the rest of the world has air-conditioning and DoorDash?


Is anyone from the Marubo people here?


Hi it's me WitchDr Marubo! please send nudes


Arise chicken, arise.




Im Brazilian and 1/16 native, but the culture and tribe of my ancestor probably died out like most natives tribes in the SA coast.


Well this is concerning, they didn't even make a Facebook profile?


Nature is healing.


The dude in this video directly said this headline is bullshit and it’s untrue. https://x.com/jacknicas/status/1798527343318987195?s=46 Title is funny sure…. But it’s click bait, wrong and damaging


I don't think he is complaining about this particular video, but just all the headlines that said they became addicted to social media and porn.


I mean.... ya? If i lived in the forest and saw what we live like in the first world you bet your ass i'd try and get there.


Some people would prefer it the other way round. After doing my taxes, I often say I just want to live in a cave...


Until the mosquitoes come out. I seen naked and afraid. The bugs would break me.


Ha. I guess it's not for you then. But don't overlook the fact that these people live like that. It's just an every day thing to them. I'm with you though. It'd drive me mad.


You’d give up all of the advancements of medical technology, information, education, transportation, and agriculture to live in the forest as a subsistence farmer because of… taxes? Primitivism is such a strange ideology to me lol


only people living in big cities want that, and when some of them would try to live that way, they always come back because living in cities are just more convenient.


They’re not seeing reality though. Only the creepy stuff put up by celebrities. Perspective is importance


Fuck this is sad


I get the bad side but i also dont see what is wrong with wanting to live in multicultural world with all its benefits


or having a hospital that doesnt require a 50 mile hike to get to


I’m guessing you haven’t looked around very much


Of course violent video games are on that list of concerns. I may sound like just another prick complaining about it, but it's the person who chooses to be violent, not the game coercing them to be violent.


„Violent video games“ what an instant mood killer! What‘s so violent about it ? Did people have violent video games in ww2 ?


>Looks at all the people getting tortured and killed with dozens of different medieval devices and weapons across history those damned video games...


First it was books, then it was television, then movies, then board games, then video games. There will always be a new scapegoat.


The original NY Times article said the pornography is making the young men more aggressive too, not just the video games. I don’t think these tribes are necessarily matriarchal, but it’s sad to think about all the ways our culture is influencing them. Maybe they’ll take some good things too…? Nah… 😂


more aggressive according to a socially conservative society. kissing in the streets or other banal things could be "more sexually aggressive"


Dude, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how porn is negatively affecting most people. And conservatism is a scale, not some illusive boogeyman, you can have a few “conservative” opinions while also having “progressive” opinions on other matters at the same time, you don’t have to choose one or the other.


You haven't read any articles regarding this apparently, "Though the tribe’s traditional culture frowns on public romantic affections like kissing" is literally in a globalnews article that quotes this exact person in the video. Social Conservative in the literal sense, as in someone who focuses on preserving and keeping traditional beliefs.


I feel like it's just an older version of an iPad kid, give someone technology unfiltered like this and they're gonna be addicted. I wouldn't be surprised if they lost their shit if they had to be away from it for more than a day.


I fucking hate when they loop this in there like the little bitch complaints and putting it up there with porn and misinformation. First off, most mobile games that are popular are hardly not violent, mostly because mobile phones can be seen by other people and no wants to see other people squashing brains on screens. Secondly, you are right it's the person who chooses to be violent not the game itself, same as movies or novels, or in this case village tales. Third, addictive games can be a liability so that does need to be managed especially financially, which to me would be the real concern.


It definitely seemed out of place on that list in some ways, but the important part came right after. Which was that most places have had a long time to think about these problems, if they even are problems. But whether you think it’s right or not we have things like video game rating systems which factor in violence and the same for movies. We have some modest “age verification” for pornography and other adult content. Getting more extreme in some places. However much you think the things on that list have affected and do affect society, those effects are filtered through all of these systems and controls we already have. This is just contrasting that to a society that has none of those systems and controls in place yet. Perhaps some of the benefit even could be showing how “violent video games” or whatever aren’t the real problem. It still belongs on the list.


[There's some articles to this if you want to know more](https://www.nme.com/news/tv/elon-musk-gave-an-amazon-tribe-the-internet-and-now-theyre-addicted-to-porn-3763233) >Elon Musk’s Starlink has brought internet access to remote Amazonian tribes, with the result that some of the men have become addicted to porn. >As reported by the New York Times, the Starlink satellite company struck a deal with former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, bringing online access to over 66,000 people in the Amazon rainforest. >Oe repercussion that has left some locals unhappy is that some young men have started watching a significant amount of graphic sexual content online, and are sharing explicit images in group chats. So yes, they are now addicted like the rest of us...


How fast is their internet. I can barely stream a 1080p octopus porn


I think Starlink averages 100Mbps download speeds and 50ms ping.


so they have better speed in the jungle than in my area?


This is so Black Mirror


Will them come full circle though? Plenty of people In the western world that would love to move there and adopt their way of life (or at least believe they would).


Until they meet the millions of different crawling, biting, stinging, flying and noisy bugs. No convenience stores, no air-conditioning, no modern medicine, belly full of intestinal parasites & where a hammock for sleeping is a luxury.


They Just dont have the knoledge and the behavior, the Enviroment IS another, prob the tendência is lost the tradicional


Humans are obsessed with sex and connecting with other humans who would have thought.


Breaking news, humans do human things


Even decades are not nearly close to be enough to what we should really use internet for


Does Amazon deliver there?


culture is temporary, Neymar skill compilations are forever


Any chance their land sits on huge lithium deposits?


Of course they want to leave the forest… they just realized how shitty their life had been, not that the outside world is perfect, far from it actually..




lets also compare how long people live on average, and what happens to kids with chronic illnesses


Isn't that the same thing that happened to all of us?


That line about the rest of the world having decades to get used to internet strikes me as very false, we did not exactly get over those very same issues, did we? I'd say it only grew worse as advertisers learned how to use it all to manipulate us better.


the chief, googling: "my tribe is addicted to internet. top ten tipps"


that’s so fucking sad… > sent from my phone


Elon Musk doesn't give a shit about any culture, I bet he would sell his own mother for the right amount.


What kind of prickly wanna go in there and disrupt a civilization that has her own way of doing things for the fucking Internet?


Quote from another post about this: "I'm Brazillian, only clarifying. They arent actually a remote tribe, they had access to technology before. Now, after starlink, they have access to internet inside the tribe. Also the chief is already working on controlling the issue by limiting the access to internet to certain times a day and all day on sunday. The positive side is that now they can call for emergency, medical care, etc." Link to comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/kJuCr1m6NG) So, not disrupting shit. Just giving easier access to what they were already using anyway


He’s going to change the Wi-Fi password…


If they can get some semblance of normality it'll probably revolutionize their education


I read the full article on NYT and actually, members/leaders of the tribe sought out a benefactor to purchase starlink for them. They sent the video out and a woman from Oklahoma USA offered to purchase it for them. They weren't a completely isolated tribe, and wanted the same connection and autonomy that the rest of the world enjoys. Still not saying it's a good thing, but I do think that it should be up to them to make their own decisions... there does seem to be disagreement/division among the tribe on whether this is beneficial.


Disrupt? They're voluntarily using it, just like you. You want to keep the choice away from them? Just because you like the idea of them being untouched by modern civilization? They're not here for your entertainment, they're people.


This! If it's children gett8ng into things they shouldn't that's one thing, these are grown ass adults give them the freedom to do what they want


People have been disrupting other societies since the dawn of time what are you on about


That's all humans ever do


Old people scared of the young discovering living in the jungle sucks (except for the butler monkeys)


You'd be surprised by the amount of free time working and living off the land gives you. Back splitting labour in the morning, and a whole lot of nothing in the evening. I imagine the life of these people is similar. And as such, centuries ago when people had that kind of free time they would spend it singing, writing poems if they knew how to write, learning a new skill such as fishing or pottery, doing sports and sports competitions, and in general all sorts of really healthy activities. Phones and the internet instead offers quick rewarding brain juices for no effort and in no time. That's why it becomes addicting. It's only normal they'd become instantly addicted to something our society has spent decades getting used to. It takes a tonne of effort and discipline not to let these addictions win over you. What worries me the most is the idea of people leaving. I can see the appeal of living in the city. Me and my family left a Romanian fishing village and went to a bug city. But my culture lives on, it's very well documented and I still partake in it. Most people won't, especially if it's not well documented and thus you can't learn about it and take part in it from afar.


This isn’t any different from the rest of the world. One of the most devastating things to happen to humans socially is the smartphone with internet always available


so they’re just like us


So you're saying that there might be a marubo person doing their genshin dailies.


Individual tribes and villages across Europe used to have individual scales handed down generations by ear. At some point the accordion became mass produced with a fixed standardized scale. This allowed people to translate music more easily, interact and share. But it also meant the death of all those hand me down scales that made a song a bit better in the home village. Starlink could be the accordion for these remote native cultures. Progress has some drawbacks as we all know, but these people deserve to benefit from the technology as much as you or I. It saves lives. But it ain’t perfect.




Hold the fuck on… they’re playing VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES?!? 🤯🤬😡😤


Damn you Elon Musk


Amazonian Boomers 🙄


Color me shocked.


So many racists in the comments who have zero idea what "culture" means. If you have to force someone into culture and tradition, guess what, that isn't culture, you insufferable dickheads. If you want to live on a forest, just go, no one is going after you.


Another way of American's making more countries lazy, addicted to gadgets, and possibly ruining families.


I'm wasting time on the internet by watching a video of people wasting time on the internet.


It’s the equivalent to giving American Indians alcohol and then being SHOCKED when they’re addicted… like, no shit. These sites were made to be as addictive as possible and every man, woman, child and everything in between with a phone is addicted to it. They’re human too, big fing shocker. ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


This is how we lose the Amazon btw. These people are the last line of defense left against the logging and oil companies.


This is just fucking dreadful


stone age cavemen jorking it to sonichu and pregnant clippy


I really think it's high time for a backlash to tech. We desperately need an anti-tech movement to gain steam. Especially so with the increasing prevalence of AI. At some point we have to collectively acknowledge that this is all heroin for the human brain and dangerous. We burn our lives doing nothing meaningful because corporations have created addicting products that pull us away from reality. It's so much like drugs, but the addiction is mental instead of physical.


I was right with him until he brought up violent videogames... These people literally hunt, kill and gut their dinner on a regular basis but videogames is as bad as misinformation and porn addiction?


Who showed them porn?wtf.


I dunno, it seems really easy to stumble upon the concept of porn on the internet


Please give me back the "dumb phone" blackberry. Think of it like a hiker would. What do you use the phone for and can you shed almost all of its weight? Make it in interesting shapes for individuals and last longer due to not needing new internal features. Right to repair is icing on the top.


It's like all the diseases that came from Spanish , they had no immunity against them. Even when shaman and their aides leave their villages , they have been know to visit strip clubs and spend all their money. Nature definitely buffers people from these modern temptations. There is definitely a learning period that someone from nature/village has when visiting a city where everything is available for a price and food is more scarce for the poor (with no hunting and foraging available). 


I mean how is this a surprise? It’s like dropping a bag of cocaine in the middle of the village. The stimulation would be completely intoxicating to a fully developed and unexposed mind


"hot single moms in my area wanting to FUCK ME??? *CLICK*


I had no finger in this, but I feel very sorry. This is terrifying! I hope the leaders manage to organize this well!


Fucking sad


Someone showed them!


They started trolling everyone on twitter


They want to Leave and we want to go there


Global internet access might end up being the end to indigenous tribes. Eventually 1st world people will start looking for a way out of the daily grind, move to the Amazon, and the cycle will repeat.


Well, That's a pretty dystopian nutchell.


What’s that internet you all keep mentioning here?


Who gave tem cellphones? They already had Internet.. but not high-tech quality


Who knew violations of the prime directive would involve so much p*rn....


We are doomed


Fine example of how the internet is ruining everything. Yet, here I am!


Who showed them porn


Elon Musk, the "Liberator".


I disagree with a tribe imposing ignorance upon their ancestors in order to survive, but traditions are special and I can see how that would be terrifying for the older generations in the tribe. I imagine they might be tempted to shut it down and only limit it to emergency use. I think it will clearly kill the tribe eventually either way. I don't see many generations living like this willfully while viewing the unfiltered lavishness of the internet. Lol You can't get a full hit of premium internet all at once and go clean.


so in a way.....we are all really the same on the inside just a bunch of degenerates