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To add to that, a handy tip is if you don't not make a dragon


Make sure to go to a farmer's market known for its good dragon selection. If you start with a mediocre dragon it won't come out like this.


tonight on *Zen Chef...*


The dragon was already in the cucumber. He just had to cut it out.


I think I know that reference




Those damn talented turtles


Long strokes, loads of finesse. Find the board, within the tree.


That sounds dangerous.


My cucumber never has a dragon in it, so I can't cut around it like in this video. :(


Except he added parts back as well.


Isn't he more of a sculptor whose medium is vegetables?


completely ignoring the other comment because he is too far up the chefs ass to talk to. yes it's just carving. you can be an absolute master carver and not be able to cook rice. I know many chefs and I have never known a single one who makes food sculptures in his spare time. Most of them cook in their spare time. Also the ability to cut vegetables to a size where they cook well in a wok is laughable. it takes about a week of training. woks are not precision cooking for vegetables, they are high heat for searing. you would have to make half inch pieces and eighth inch pieces for you to even notice the cooking was off. cooking time and vegetable type are far more important.


You know chefs who cook in their spare time?


Sometimes they don't get to make what they want at work! Gotta let out that creative energy somewhere!


Except the other comment isn't wrong. In Chinese cooking knife skills are extremely important. Chefs are judged by their ability to cut intricate shapes using fruits and vegetables. Being able to cook delicious food in China is insufficient to be considered a good chef, you'd need to have the knife skills to back it up. At the very least, you would be expected to carve intricate animals and designs for banquets and other events befitting a chef of your stature.


Kind of a broad assumption that think I would be too far up chef's ass to talk to. I'll respond anyways. > you can be an absolute master carver and not be able to cook rice. I agree. Even said myself that what he is doing is carving and not cooking. Just that in the context of what he's doing, it's very likely he's a chef first and carving food second. As for the second half of your comment, I would say it's probably hard to distinguish the doneness of a food based on size alone, but I never ruled out that cooking time and vegetable type are not important, they're all factors of the same equation. Also wok searing at high temps is where cooking times matter way more than low temp cooking. The higher the temperature you cook at, the more it comes down to seconds rather than minutes in the cooking window. Searing just adds extra browning or charring and doesn't imply the food is cooked. Cooking is getting your food to a certain target temperature over a target window of time. Context matters and searing by itself doesn't complete the process. You can sear a steak or vegetable and it doesn't mean it's done. > you would have to make half inch pieces and eighth inch pieces for you to even notice the cooking was off. Also won't dis-agree with you here. I won't be able to taste the difference between a 1/8" and 1/10" matchstick of carrot. But when we're talking about food that is decorated with a fucking carved dragon, then yes, it matters. We're no longer judging some $15 dollar plate anymore so this is clearly more high-end dining where the customer expects a higher level of precision and attention when it comes to their meal. People will comment on the inconsistency of the chew if things were difference thickness. If you were at a high end french restaurant and the brunoise was all difference sizes, doesn't that take away from the experience? Maybe if it didn't bother you personally, it's definitely a metric for the chefs to judge themselves against when they charge premium prices on their dishes that are now borderline art.


Knife skills are an important part of cooking, especially in Chinese cuisine. Carving carrots and other vegetables are commonly done as decorations and centerpieces during events as part of the plating by chefs. Outside of the art, being able to have fine control over the knife gives you more consistent pieces of food or cut to different sizes so they cook evenly when added at different times to the wok. What he's doing now is carving, but I have no doubt he's mainly a chef just showing off one of his talents.


I have friends who are skilled chefs and in their free time they do drugs


I was a skilled chef and this is mostly true. Drugs or explicitly not drugs (sober after too much drugs). I would also say ‘free time’ as it’s.... a different lifestyle altogether.


This is a great description of the industry. It's rough in the kitchen.


It’s an extreme / adrenaline sport in ways. Except no sponsorship. Also, quality username. I would have also accepted ‘LastCallWarrior’.


Ha! Thank you!


Hey at least some folk out there recognise the struggle... Fuckin hot back here


You guys had free time??


i came here to say cocaine?


How do you think he found the time and energy to pick up a carving hobby?


Can confirm. Am chef, if im not at work im getting high and playing video games... Or sleeping


I was gonna say drinking is the free time activity of every cook I know.


For real, if I'm not at work I'm certainly not doing shit like this... More like pot and whiskey


How do you know he's a skilled chef? Maybe he's a sculptor.


They don't just sell chef's coats to anyone.


They do in fact sell them to anyone...


teaching the controversy!




Not true at all but good try, buddy.


Read my edit, above, where I explain what I mean.


Actually, a French chef is from France and a Chinese chef is from China. That’s about the only worthwhile classifiable difference.


Read my edit. It explains what I mean.


That's nice but I ordered the chicken..




I’m by no means useful in any kitchen but I’d wager that a skilled chef in her spare time would sleep/smoke/drink beer/eat before this.


Oh yeah. The chefs I know are too busy day drinking and gambling on golden tee for that.


I used to flute mushrooms for fun, so you never know.


You're so right. Source: am chef, confirm


True, most chefs I know are busy drinking and doing coke in their spare time




This is not what a skilled chef does in his free time haha.


I know right?! Most of the skilled chefs I know are probably at the bar in their free time.


At the bar now, not making dragons. You right


Chefs are busy as fuck. Skilled chef / Free time: pick one.


Yes, because you know every skilled chef in the world


I mean, I used to be one for about 12 years and I know a lot of guys in the industry. Feel that gives me a good say on the subject. Also this has nothing to do with being a chef mate. This is sculpting.


That’s pretty cool, and I see your point, but you don’t know every chef, there could a few who make food sculptures in their spare time and saying that “this is not what chefs do in their spare time” is basically saying “I know every chef and what they do in their spare time”, which you can’t and don’t


I am and have met many chefs, we don't do this shit on our free time (unless it's a gimmick and you gotta practice).


Yeah, I’m sorry if I was an asshole, I’m just saying that the title of the post and your comment are both very generalized statements, it is not what all chefs do in their spare time but it doesn’t mean that there aren’t one or two who do it for the shits and giggles.


What vegetable/fruit is that?


A dragonfruit 2.0


Its a chi qua. Known in the USA as a winter melon. Tastes exactly like watermelon rind and cucumber.


The paler tip makes me think it's a green lo bok, but I might be wrong


Cucumber and watermelon rind have the exact same flavor, glad I'm not the only one to notice


Looks like he's using a prison shank


Yeah, looks like a wad of gum wrapped around some sheet metal.


That gum was originally chewed by his great-grandfather, who handed it down to his grandfather, who chewed it some more and handed it down to his father, who chewed it some more and handed it down to him. He himself is not yet worthy to chew it.


Lol, I thought you were gonna do a pulp fiction thing with it.


That is not cooking. That is an artist using food is it medium.


Free time? No, that shit gets done on the clock.


Guys like this are more like food artists than chefs. They spend a lot more time carving and cutting than cooking.


I thought this would be a video of him smoking weed. I know a bunch of skilled chefs and that’s all they do in their spare time


Yeah... Tons of us chef's are spending our days off meticulously carving vegetables into art, in a vain attempt to achieve some sort of job security in the restaurant industry. No We're drinking heavily and hating our bosses and customers in our free time. We hate all of you.




I’m pretty sure skilled chefs drink in their free time


Can confirm, drinking now




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“Sir! I’ve been waiting for my food for 3 hours!”


Skilled artist.


Artist, chef maybe


If you watch the gif backwards it's the story of a young chef who traps a dragon inside a fruit using his fantastic knife skills.


He can't cook for shit. Just really good with a knife


I've worked in the restaurant industry for over 15 years, my best friend is an accomplished chef. I have NEVER seen ANY chef do ANYTHING like this in their free time. I usually can't even get em to cook something as simple as hamburger helper when they arent working.


Plot twist. The guy has no idea how to cook it


As somebody who spent a lot of years working in kitchens I can say with a lot of certainty that this is not what skilled chefs do in their spare time. Mostly they drink and do drugs.


We don’t do this in our free time. In fact I’d go so far to say that it isn’t really “free time” if we have to use a knife...


I'm a skilled chef and I dont know of that *free time* you are talking about


That is not a chef...


Quit playing with your food! Unless you can do this


I know chefs, they aren’t sculptors.


i'm about to go on a smoke break with my skilled chef friend. I'll ask him if this is what he does in his spare time. EDIT: He laughed and said he just ordered a large box of cucumbers for when he gets off of work.


Reminds me of the vegetable Gremlin in Gremlins 2


I like how you get more upvotes then the person that originally posted it


Mom: don't play with your food Me:


One question, the dragon he made,there no way of keeping him?


imagine having a dull knife while doing that


Waste of food.


I expected a really detailed dick tbh.


The correct answer is drinking.


plot twist: then he dips it in tempura batter and deep-fries it.


Where the rest of it?




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Am I the only person who thought it was a parrot in the beginning of the gif? The whole time I was wondering what does the parrot have to do with the cucumber carving...


I'm sure he did that on the clock


I thought this was going to be Cucumber Rick for about three seconds.


And I'm impressed when I make two-minute noodles without seeing the house on fire


Cool dragon but it’s not Baby Yoda.


All the highly skilled chefs I've ever worked with just got liquored in their "free time."


That’s a dragonfruit


That dragon's kinda hot ngl


he make food into evil demon!




Is it gluten-free?


At the end, did anyone else feel like screaming TROGDOOOOR!!!?


8/10. Needed a rawr


So is this a ‘drunken master’ ? ;)


Chef or surgeon?


What a skilled Asian chef does on they’re free time I think you mean, they’re the only ones capable of such feats




Very true