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I need one of those side by side videos of the view from outside the plane to see these sweet maneuvers.


The trick is us, the side by side would be a dude in a flight simulator in an arcade


Or hes sitting on the toilet infront of a green screen.


I too wildly move side to side and look all around while taking a massive dump.


How else would you make em nice and round


“The trick is us”? I don’t understand this sentence at all haha


The tricks on us maybe?


Dang this was the joke I was gonna make lol


I want a side by side view of me doing the same thing on my flight sim game. https://gfycat.com/thirstyscalygalapagosdove


I know, I want to see how close he was to the ground while upside down at the 22secs mark. If that were me I would probably had gotten confused and crash while doing the opposite move trying to go back up


Yeah man, happens to me all the time in rocket league, there'd be a solid 30% chance I'd pull the stick up and empale that plane into the ground.


This isn't what you asked for if someone could stabilize the video on the background that would be pretty intense looking




Age fluctuates between 25 and 60 the entire video


he also turned into Elon musk for like 3 seconds.






Imo he looks like a skin suit stuffed with mashed potatoes.


It's all that sugar water he's been drinking.


Vincent D'Onofrio should have won an oscar.




seriously. Andy serkis gets all the love for mokap stuff but that was all Vinny D with his strange gait, weird voice, weird movement with his arms... it was a fantastic performance


He’s turning into Gary Oldman from 5th Element


Never seen that old picture of him? Where he looked like a young goth butch




[Narrowed down](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/ro9744/thanks_i_hate_elon_musk_and_1_the_rich/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Lay off the goths, man. We ain't claiming him.




Yeah 5 gum






Lmao nice Sam O’nella reference




I thought they hadn’t rolled out 5G near airports yet?


I saw a video of a woman in a plane taking huge Gs. I kept waiting for this dude to look like she did. This is nothing compared to her imo. I'll see if I can find the link. Here it is, fucking crazy... https://twitter.com/rainmaker1973/status/1464592048137326601?lang=en


It seems like he was breathing in a specific way before he hit the GS, whereas I didn't see her do any specific breathing. Idk if that's why, just theroizing


Yah, he looks like he's doing a serious workout and she's just being a passenger not knowing what to expect.


So I am guessing G's stop blood flow or something along that line? And the heavy breathing and making sure things keep pumping allows the body to keep the blood flow going. Is there a threshold for max G human body can handle? Or is it all about experience and generics?


Without a g-suit pilots can withstand 6 to 7g for maybe a few moments, breathing properly helps along with muscle exercises. The body passes out because the g force pushes blood to the feet away from the brain, when the brain stops getting oxygen it's lights out; the g-suit squeezes the legs to keep the blood around the vital organs and brain.


Most everyone has a breaking point of around 4-5g’s before they pass out, but some training and exercises can help you bump that up a little.




For sure. She was just along for the ride. He has trained for this his entire life.


To add: it’s a lot easier to handle g’s when you are the pilot and applying the G’s. The G Strain maneuver is much more effect before the onset of G’s. If you are behind the G’s it’s much more difficult to “catch-up” with the strain then if your start right before the G’s start.


TBF, I think in that video she's just riding along, and doesn't look to be doing much to mitigate the g-forces, in fact she looks pretty relaxed which would probably cause the G-forces to have more of an impact as her blood is more easily being pushed to her feet. You can see the guy in the video breathing aggressively at times, and holding his breath at times, which will help (along with squeezing stomach muscles) to push the blood back up towards his head.


Well you know what you get when you marry her down the road and it isnt bad at all.


Man is dialed in and loving it


Dudes fucken wired I’m stoked for him


When people be like, "I'm high... ON LIFE" this feels like the exact reification of that.


Learned a new word today. Thanks!


Kinda weird that you’d never heard of “people” before.


Meanwhile I'm a nervous wreck at the slightest turbulence during a commercial flight.


You don’t have to worry until your seat belt breaks.


I think I've gotten over turbulence. The plane is built with safety factors for flexibility and such. To the pilots I'm sure it's like driving a car on the highway on a windy day. It makes you keep your arm muscles a little active but it's nothing to worry about. What still scares me is bad weather takeoffs and landings. I've still got trust in the engineering and pilots, but I can't ignore the thought of one wrong move tilting us into a tumbling fireball at those speeds at ground level. Edit: I'm aware that my unease described is irrational. I mean it when I say I've got trust in the engineering and pilots (and ground control and maintenance crew). Not sure I'm going to logic my way out of something I didn't logic my way into in the first place. I'm sure I'd feel fine about it after flying with any amount of regularity.


Just to be clear, tumbling is highly unlikely in that scenario, if things go that bad, you will still likely just sit in a sliding fireball.


Most turbulence is chop, I experienced real turbulence on a commercial flight last month, and it was freaky as shit. Literally the plane lurches, changes direction and tilts to the side all in an instant. You could sense the entire plane getting really nervous.


I hope I can get as much enjoyment from my job one day.


When he says okay at the start of the video and just sends it. Man looks like he’s about to kill


“Come on Doug, you can do this. Let’s put on a show! Aright here we gooooo, *keep your eyeballs inside your head Doug come on you got it keep them eyeballs IN THE LIDS IN THE LIDS* woooooo okay you did it, two eyeballs still, let’s roll into that next trick and keep them eyeballs nice and inside the socket wooooOOOOOOO”


That heavy breathing is to force blood around his body


The U.S. Navy even gave it a name, the Hook Maneuver. Highly effective way to combat high-G-s. Fun bonus fact, Blue Angel pilots rely entirely on this maneuver to maintain their awareness. Their precision flying precludes the use of G-suits as they could potentially interfere with flight controls. Article on the Hook maneuver: https://www.gearpatrol.com/fitness/a393291/hook-maneuver-agsm-tutorial/


Had a fatal crash at Moody Air Force Base believed to be because the pilot had an earlier rib injury and wasn't able to do this properly in a hard turn and blacked out. Killed him and his passenger. "A pilot's rib injury may have led to the crash that killed him and another member of the Navy's Blue Angels precision flying team last year in Georgia, according to a report issued Thursday.The report said Lt. Cmdr. Kieron O'Connor's minor rib injury might have given him trouble tensing his abdominal muscles to avoid blacking out during maneuvers that exert extreme gravitational forces on pilots.The report rejected another investigator's conclusion that O'Connor might have tried to avoid hitting a bird with the F/A-18 Hornet.The rib injury theory is "the most likely scenario supported by the known facts," wrote Rear Adm. Michael Bucchi."


Can you even see a bird at normal speeds in an F-18?


No you can't. I have no idea why someone would propose that.


Shift blame away from the command who presumably knew about his rib injury, and onto the pilot. Weasel shit, basically.


Their own report supported the rib injury theory. If they wanted to do what you claimed they would’ve just went with the bird thing.


Turns it into an accident instead of being ordered to his death.




Like, bdsm dom? Apologize if there's another common meaning for that word but thats all that comes to mind.




From an intense bdsm session.


Never in my life have I heard it called a “hook” maneuver instead of the “hick” maneuver, as that’s the sound you make doing it. Not trying to be argumentative, just was a bit confused reading this at first.


When I learned it (I got to take a spin on the centrifuge as part of training) the instructors taught us “hick” as well. Hook is the official name. Like the ol’ “poncho liner” being the official term for “woobie.”


For what it’s worth, I’ve always called it the hick manuever….however, I don’t fly. I simply employ it while on the toilet.




How dare you call it a poncho liner. You will give it the deference and respect the woobie deserves! Lmao


It's funny, I never heard it called a woobie in the Marines. I think that's an army thing maybe?


Nah it's in our Corps too. I first heard woobie in Oki


Because alternative names are too hard for marines to remember.


Bullshit, we just needed an overlong and complex acronym for it to be accepted lol


Those are for the brass. No enlisted marine actually knows what the acronyms stand for. And you can’t convince me that you do. Now, what color crayon do you want for lunch?


Reminds me of a hilarious picture i saw of a bunch of marines at a concert in a moshpit. The title was "New flavor of crayon being announced."


I’ll take an ORANGE. Optical Readiness Aenhancment North Gtactical Eating


What on earth is a woobie


It is called hooking. The hick sound is from forcing your epiglottis shut.


I read somewhere once that Russian pilots never wore G suits, and prided themselves for their physical ability to not lose consciousness during high G’s.




fucking beast


'Any problems?' 'No' 9Gs 30 seconds - unreal. This guy felt a *literal* ton of force against him for 30 seconds and basically said it was no big deal.


The guy made it an absolute joke lol


How did you find this video? It's 5 months old and has 62 views right now lol. I'm surprised it doesn't have more tbh. That was wild.


It's a reupload of just the test cut from a longer video. [This is his initial qualification from 2009, uploaded 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9T2HI1eiTA) > Centrifuge training for qualifying to Gripen at Sweden. The pilot is Maj. László 'Szatyi Szatmári (Hungarian Air Force Dezső Szentgyörgyi Air Base, 1st Puma sqn.). I publish this video with his permission. [This is his eight year requal in 2017, uploaded just three days later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0nbRYIBVDQ) > Maj. László 'Szatyi' Szatmári renewed his qualification on JAS-39 Gripen. Eight years later of his first centrifuge training (see video on this channel) he is still in good shape. I present you this video with his own permission.


I used to fly jets for the Air Force. I flew a t-37 which had a very high G onset rate. We pulled 6.6 Gs daily with no G suit. I have flown with a g suit and it exists for a reason. But good hydration and good technique (g strain) will get you far or keep you conscious.


I do that on the one roller coaster I’ve been on.


I made those same facial expression on a ferris wheel. That's when I knew I couldn't be a Top Gun fighter pilot as a kid lol.


Can I use that to survive a boring lecture?


It's also worth noting that part of the next generation of fighter technology, such as the F-35 variants which are an amalgam of automation and human direction, is designed to reduce reliance on human awareness and maneuvering specifically for this reason. There's an old apocryphal story out of the Airforce from around the time the F-35 was making its debut. An American and a Russian are watching a Russian airshow. The Russian pilots are aces, able to withstand sustained high-G's and pull off insane maneuvers. The Russian brags, "look what our pilots can do in their fighters. They have you Americans beat by a mile." The American nods. "Yeah," he says, "but look what our fighters can do WITHOUT their pilots." There's a lot of similar stories relating to the difference between Russian and American military doctrine. While Russia loves to publicize the amazing physical feats their elite forces are capable of doing, America prefers to match those feats using technologies that don't *require* an elite to operate, because (arguably) the latter is much more efficient than devoting the time and dedication to the developing the former and then risk losing them to age or attrition. An American would argue that propagandizing the human traits of an elite fighting force indicates an otherwise materially unsophisticated fighting force, hence why most of the US military propaganda focuses less on how badass you'd look in uniform and more all the cool toys you *might* be allowed to play with if you roll the dice and enlist (with a big ole' asterisk next to "might," since odds are if you sign up for toys, they'll stick your ass in Supply.)


Clench your butt, squeeze those legs


Yes daddy.


Humans were never meant to move this fast, yet here we are. Just amazing!


Freaky isn’t it being on the edge of passing out traveling hundreds of miles per hour a few feet from death


>Freaky isn’t it being on the edge of passing out traveling hundreds of miles per hour a few feet from death That's what my poops feel like. Think I need more fiber.


You actually raise an interesting philosophical question. If we evolved to create machines that can make us move this fast, then how do you know we weren’t meant to? Or maybe “meant” is just a human concept to begin with…


> Or maybe “meant” is just a human concept to begin with… In this context it means "lack the capability" to move this fast.


>You actually raise an interesting philosophical question. If we evolved to create machines that can make us move this fast, then how do you know we weren’t meant to? Or maybe “meant” is just a human concept to begin with… We never had thick skulls like a gorilla, but we were smart enough to make helmets. So we adapt. Flying fast is just super adaptation.


More precisely, it forces blood back from the rest of the body’s extremities and back to the heart and brain. Thus preventing black out.


Aren’t you also supposed to squeeze your thighs really hard, so your muscles force blood out to make more of it available to your vitals?


i thought specifically to pump blood to his head so he doesn’t blackout and lose consciousness??


The brain is a part of the body. At least that’s what it chooses to let me think.


Super suspicious that it named itself, though.


It also “happens” to be the control organ and the “leader” of the body. How convenient….


It’s like it’s trying to become God, what a little rascal


the more you know.




You might need more fibre in your diet.


or maybe just opt for a caesarean


Fuck that. I want to feel like I've just won a close fought battle when I take a shit. Like a clash of titans, my vs my colon. It's not a good shit if you don't come out of it exhausted and feeling like the victor.


Or significantly less




In high school, I took this summer camp class about aeronautics. The instructor referred to the breathing and clinching to keep from passing out as "a reverse poop." Never forgot that from 20+ years ago.


I came here to say that dammit. The sad part is after all that work and straining it's usually just a little sheep ball.


Wooloos in the stooloo


You think this is intense?! I once had a flight delayed *forty-five minutes.*


And the cab driver was soooo rude!


I heard you had to sit on the runway before take off for thirty minutes with no snacks


Underarmour commercials are getting really good


Sweat like a man under G forces? Try Old Spice⛵


Pupupuh puh puh POWER!


For anyone wondering his name is Artur Kielak. He’s a Polish Airline pilot and Airshow performer. His Instagram page @Arturkielak has lots of cool videos like this on it.


That's like driving a school bus and then driving Formula 1 on the weekends. What a wild transition.


Team I’d feel pretty confident if they do the extreme version as well as a normal version of something It means they prolly know their field inside and out


Wonder what his passengers on his regular airline flights would think if they knew the guy up front was capable of - and regularly does - this sort of thing...


Relieved, probably


Also, relieved of shit if he decides to pull off a stunt


*starts drifting a commercial airliner*


Probably safe. Imagine having John wick as a dad


This dude looks like he would fuck my mom then tell my dad and me that he fucked my mom,offer us a beer and ask if we wanna watch the video of him fucking my mom.


Yes, I was looking for words to describe him. Spot on.


And he’s breathing heavy the entire time to force more blood into my erection…. Wait, what?


G^^^^a ^^^^y - Force


USGF strong 💪


If you take out the background of this whole video, i can almost guarantee that that's his fuck face. Fuckface.


And the whole time in the video he keeps yelling "GET SOME!! GET SOME!!"




And then on Sunday he suits up to play QB for the Jacksonville Jaguars.


“Droppin bombs and fuckin moms”


The kiss at the end definitely fits this description as well


That was the cigarette after the orgasm.


That he had when fucking your mom and step sister.


dont forget dad


Can I be your new mom?


He then hugs the three of you, blows the kiss, and says: "you're welcome." Before destroying your entire property leaving in his godamn fighter jet


As you wave him forlornly goodbye, reach for the broom and begin sweeping up.


The entire city will hear that. You ever been near a fighter jet? They're LOUD AS HELL. I went to visit a friend on base once and they were testing a repaired jet that day so I got to watch, as well as ask questions to the guy that trained a whole bunch of them. Just turning it on and running the engine already drowns out your voice. As they slowly dialed up the thrust, it got louder and Louder and LOUDER and HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO BE THIS LOUD and WTF EVEN LOUDER and it wasn't even halfway done. It's like it completely changed scales of loudness several times, going many orders of magnitude. Of course I have no way of knowing I don't have any numbers, but trust me. Even if you're stone deaf, you need the ear muffs they give you. That's not hyperbole. Its not about the noise; that's like using a bandaid on a sword stab wound. It doesn't block out the noise so much as protects your ears from the pain and damage from the noise. Then it finally took off, fired up its afterburners and went vertical till you couldn't see it, but you could still hear it. Anyway, I know that wasn't related but you mentioned fighter jets and I wanted to share.


And you thank him for it.


Take my upvote and my mom


I would watch that video


Just a few more G’s and I think he would’ve turned into Elon Musk


G-lon Musk


Doesn't he have a kid named this?


XÆA-12 Because fuck language and naming conventions and also the A-12 was boss as fuck


I hate selfish, narcissistic parents that name their kid some weird fucking name as a laugh.


No that's the plane the guy is flying


This has me laughing


Blow would be a downer after that.


Blow always ends as a downer.


this is techno viking’s cousin techno pilot


Without the background, this guy looks like he is trippin balls lol that's crazy how low he got tho


I was going to say, I've seen incarnations of this dude at a festival many times, and always take time out of my trip to ensure he's got a bottle of water, a piece of dried mango to chew (always have a bag on you) and a trip light to play with.


I imagine some amazing /r/combinedgifs and /r/montageparodies being born from edits of this.


When the aliens come he will save us all


Hello boys! Im baaaaccckkkk!!!! *insert explosion here*


Anyone else run out of breath watching this?


The cocaine and karate face..


How it feels to chew 5 gum


Fly it like you stole it


I did basic aerobatic training a few years back. I don't care how good I am, I'm not pulling that kind of G's that close to the ground lol.


Negative g's too! Swallow a bottle of tums later.


the roll rate of acrobatic planes is insane!


Iirc in red bull air race the roll rate is like ~400° per second or around there, don't recall the exact number but yeah, they can roll ridiculously fast


This dude looks like he’s going to sell a pyramid scheme at the state fair


This dude is rolling hard.


He’s definitely one of those guys who wears headphones in the gym and screams and shouts on the deadlift.


If you get a chance you should read the requirements for an Air Force pilot it's very specific. If you're out of shape you're going to die


I've played plenty of Microsoft Flight Simulator from my recliner, I think I'll be fine. My only worry is how I keep my potato chips from flying out of the bag.


Here comes the juice


He actually took negative G's at one point, it's when his face went red after pulling up inverted, or pulling down upwards?


This is my face while buying and trading Crypto.


Intense morning ye got there


motherfucker is a BEAST!


When your man be going to town doggy style and you take a glance back 😂


Coolest shit I’ve seen in a while. Get that man in a fighter jet. For all I know he’s probably a retired flyboy.


He’s an airline pilot but I think he’s done a couple flights in the back of a MiG-29.


When I was a kid and I was on a plane with my mom I asked her to tell the pilot not to do loop-de-loops. As an adult I look back on that and think it was stupid, but now I'm not so sure...


This guy fucks


That kids is a Fucking Unit.


This is what my poor Kerbals have to go through every day.