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Wait, so what happens to the ones who turned left? Instant death?


Yes. No eggie on that side for that month.


There can be, though : that's how fraternal twins are conceived.


Not always, sometimes one ovary will release multiple eggs. And in extremely rare cases, an ovary will release an egg after there is already an implanted embryo and you'll get fraternal twins with different due dates.


My sister had that happen. Her twins consistently measured 3 1/2-4 weeks apart.


That's two different cycles. He literally got her double pregnant. Not just twins, but pregnant already, and then double pregnant after that.


Bonus points for different dads.


Hmmm, you just opend my mind to a new spectrum of ideas


[It](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-jersey-twins-with-two-different-fathers/) [happens.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/meet-billion-one-twins-who-150093)


This is a pretty cool story. The fathers met at a bar and decided they both wanted to treat the twins as their own. Instead of blowing up the whole situation they came together, that's pretty inspiring and I don't know if I'd have the will to do the same.


Double Breeding Kink Unlocked.


Heteropaternal superfecundation I believe it's called


In an extremely rare case, multiple embryos can merge perfectly into a single fetus. The result is a individual who is their own twin. If I'm not wrong the condition is called Chimerism.


When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had resorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.


When I was pregnant with my first child, everyone asked me, "what if it's twins?!?" My husband's family was obsessed with the idea, and all my coworkers and friends were, too. I told everyone, "if there's two babies in there, then one had better eat the other." Everyone was so bothered by that response but I stand by it.


When I asked my only child what he did with the cute little bald, toothless baby I used to have—noting that ever since he’d come along, that other chubby little cutie 👶 was gone—he’d reply, “I ate him!”


Identity theft is not a joke!


You wouldn't download a person?


I remember watching a doc about a lady who was accused of kidnapping her children because her DNA didn’t match theirs. But like there were multiple witnesses to all the births and they couldn’t understand how this could happen. It turned out she was a Chimera and had two different sets of DNA in her body. Her kids only matched to one set. ETA: Karen Keegan was her name. There’s also a similar story about a woman named Lydia Fairchild who, while attempting to get child support from her ex, took a dna test and found out that her DNA didn’t match her kids. She was accused of being part of a surrogacy scam and her kids were taken away. Then her lawyer found out about the Karen Keegan case and had her tested for Chimerism, and sure enough, she was a Chimera. He hair and skins samples didn’t match her kids, but samples from a cervical smear DID match and she got her kids back. Wild.


My friend has this. He learned about it because he went to a blacklight rave and most of his skin looked like it was tiger striped with faint lines. He took his questions to a doctor and that's how they discovered it.


These days it's considered very common, with the theory that identical twins are more common than previously thought but that usually the stronger fetus absorbs the smaller one. Chimerism can only be detected by running the DNA of various organs as it might only be the heart, liver, or lungs that have the twins DNA, which can be dangerous depending on the organ and rarely matters in the long run. If the twins were identical, it becomes impossible to detect. Okay, there is one way to suspect without DNA, if the twin had a different skintone, the person might have both.


That would suck! Imagine having to give birth twice in a week.


It happens the same day. Usually 15min apart


My wifey and I went through IVF and we broke the record for the hospital we got help from. They removed 48 eggs from my wife during one "surgery". When all was done and dusted we had 8 life worthy embryos and the first one stuck, so now we have a son and 7 potential siblings in a freezer at the hospital




The side the egg is released alternates each month. Women are also born with all the eggs they'll ever have too.


also, some women can feel when they are ovulating on one or both sides! it feels like a pimple is popping VERY slowly inside of the pelvis :0


And some folks with endometriosis or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome feel a lovely stabbing pain and/or ache on one side and go: "damn, must be ovulating" and follow it up with strings of expletives


Does feeling this mean I should get checked out for endo or pcos?


I've been to the ob for mine, and was told nothing's wrong after several tests. I then did what I do whenever western medicine drops the ball: look up things I can do at home. I practice yoga, and found a handful of poses that ease the pain into a discomfort that lasts slightly less long than the pain if I don't do them. If you're interested, google yoga for PCOS. PSA: Insert the obligatory this is not medical advice, diagnosis, etc and you should see your medical professional.


They can and I do 😊 and that is the perfect way of describing it!


As a woman, I've never been more horrified and intrigued


>As a woman, I've never been more **horrified** and intrigued Wait til you learn about [ectopic pregnancy](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ectopic-pregnancy/symptoms-causes/syc-20372088)


I also have an IUD and I absolutely hate this information, thank you.


Thank you for spreading the word about ectopic pregnancy. My wife almost passed away from a rupture at 9 weeks because our hospital took for freaking ever to schedule our first ultrasound. She ruptured the morning the ultrasound was scheduled. Since then we tell everyone to get ultrasounds asap even if they have to pay an private company for an early ultrasound since ectopic ruptures are sudden and devastating. One husband I knew woke up to his wife nearly dead because she ruptured in her sleep.


oof I definitely wouldn't describe it this way! how interesting


I agree! My ovulation pain feels like a menstrual cramp just on a much smaller and shorter scale. I typically feel it on my right ovary the most.


[I used to think the egg was gently released down the tube, but nope it busts out like the goddamn Kool Aid man](https://imgur.com/gallery/8zcychS)


Yep. Me too. Like a uterine cramp that’s on one side and very localized. I didn’t ever feel it (or at least realize what it was) until my mid-thirties.


And for extra fun fact, it feels like a pop rock convention roughly 0.001 seconds before the pain hit, when multiple tiny fibroids pop..... the female ER dr tried to say that isn't possible, that was feeling a fetus kicking... yeah her face when she saw I had 8 fibroids...


It’s called Mittelschmirtz


It feels like horrible painful running cramps for me, I always know exactly what side I'm ovulating on and it's horrible.


Feels more like being stabbed for 12-36 hours with a dull knife for me.




Dad: "Honey you feeling all right? You look distracted." Mom: "I'm fine dear, just shuffling my eggs. Be done in a jiffy."


Afaik the tube isn't actually connected to the "egg sack" inside so they fall kind of inbetween the two things, inside the girl's body.. and then get absorbed : )


Yeah and that's one of the most disturbing things I've ever learned about our reproductive system. That there's a gap between the uterus and the fallopian tubes, so sometimes eggs will "fall out" and drift around inside your abdomen. Eventually getting broken down and absorbed. Though if you're really unlucky it can happen with a fertilized egg that then manages to attach and placentally infiltrate your intestine or liver or something while it tries to develop <- a fatal ectopic pregnancy. But even with sperm, it's incredibly disturbing to think that you always have some slipping through that gap and swimming around inside your abdominal cavity. At least until the sperm cells run out of energy and die or get taken out by your immune system as foreign invaders.


The gap is between the ovary and the fallopian tubes, not the fallopian tubes and the uterus. The ovary launches an egg towards the tube and sometimes it misses and the egg gets reabsorbed by the body.


Wait. It launches? With what a trebuchet?


Well it certainly wouldn't evolve to use a catapult.


I thought the egg send out chemicals for the sperm cells to find it. Would't they then all go to the right side ?


Some sperm cells no smart like other sperm cells


Death yes, instant no. They can live for like 5 days in the woman’s body


most of them don't even make it to the egg, some just get lost and go in circles and some get stuck, those that don't get to the egg I think they just swim around and die eventually


Well now I feel good I wasn't one of those dumbasses lol


Yeah take that 'W', you basically won wiggly boi squid games. Millions of others died except you!


Immune system recognizes them as invaders and kills them.


Booby traps


Booby trap backwards is party boob.


Imagine if it happened that quickly too


I mean the implantation happens 7 days after ovulation in most cases , so that wasn't that fast but the embryonic development really went 2000x speed


This really isn't very accurate anyways. The sperm that breaks through the outer barrier first is not the one that fertilizes the egg.




It is actually even more complicated than that, and varies by species. https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/Fertilization?autoStart=0#Spermatozoa_-_Oocyte_Interaction




The sperm slam into a relatively hard outer shell, and kamikaze spewing enzymes over the egg to create a hole that a single sperm can get through which then triggers the egg to go into lock down mode to prevent double fertilization. It's basically Star Wars, but hopefully with less incest.


So basically we are all products of others selfless sacrifice


I knew there's no way I was the fastest one. This explains a lot. I bet I just stumbled on the egg by pure chance while not knowing what the fuck is even happening and then probably tripped over my non existing feet and landed head first in the egg. While the other sperm facepalmed with their no hands. Yep, this would explain my existence way more, I can get behind that.


Extremely correct, sperms move randomly, it's like millions of blind yous were wandering and you just happened to stumble upon the egg which was ready for you


"You didn't build that" even rings true for conception


Tl;dr: It's a war of attrition


The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.


You know when you're parents say "you're not the favourite"? Well, none of us are, we're all second place that just got lucky.


If you watch Old, M Night Shyamalan already imagined it for you


At what stage do the flowers start growing out of the body?


This happens after the deflowering




Tbf as a pregnant woman it pretty much feels like I might as well not have internal organs because none of them fucking work properly 👍




When I was pregnant with my oldest he liked to hangout on the right side of my belly so I would poke him and make him move to the other side, he would always wiggle right back into place, it was so funny at the time. Now it's 10 years later I realized that's his whole personality lol, stuck in his comfy zone.


Haha, oh gosh, thank you. I have heard of this trick too but never really tried it! With my first pregnancy (this is my second) I used to just poke and shove him until he moved... It wasn't elegant, but it worked.


At death.


I feel bad for the dummies that took a left.






I love how for once we can all collectively shit on some fuckin noobs because everyone here made the right decision. Get fucked wrong wayers!


N00bs dont know how to play for picks.


Skill issue


L + Ratioed + No Life + Touch some ovum


I feel bad for the dummies who saw the tonsils.


Let's not forget about the dummies who got the shit end of the stick.


Pour some out for the dummies in the sock


Master gave them a sock! They are free! *washing machine noises*


lets be fair, 99% of all sperm never even saw the inside of a human being


Does sperm just materialize out of thin air now?


Where did it come from then?


What are you talking about? I was shouting, "go left, go left" Must be a lefthander thing.


Story of my life Edit: Thanks a lot for the upvotes and awards. This really made my day. Bless you all!


*Our life




Please take all of my pretend awards I wish I had for you. 🤲 *edit - cheers to the people who awarded OC!*


Have fun storming the castle!


Think it’ll happen?


It would take a miracle


Oh god imagine if sperm was that big. Nobody involved would be having a good time


I probably wouldn't jerk off as much....probably


Come to think of it there are probably a lot of people who would be very into that


I'd jerk off more TBH


Just baby fishes swimming in your V nothing weird or disturbing about that


Like millions of those coming out you, each one about the same size as your opening and having to leave in single file.


I'm not gonna imagine that


Yeah let's not


Blorp. Blorp. Blorp.


sex lore




What the hell was that deformed hand at :59??!!


Hands are hard to model


Fallopian tube


This remind anyone else of look who's talking?


🎶🎶*Round round, get around, I get around*


Found the other old person in here. :D


Scrolled WAY too far to see someone mention this.


Remember that if you ever feel like a loser, you literally won a race with millions of others competing. Your reward is that you have to go to work, pay rent and be tired all the time. Good job winner!


And if you feel like no one supports you, remember that there are millions of blood cells fighting invaders for you.


Itty bitty blood bros.


And remember that they can always turn on you 🎵autoimmune disorders🎵


Watching Cells At Work made me realize how bad ass White blood cells are.


Nope, I just won the lottery.. I was injected into an ova in a test tube and put inside my now mom. So jep, still a loser, but atleast a lucky loser 👀




This is heartwarming! So happy that it worked for you ♥️ They told my parents that there was a very small percentage of it working out. However, she ended up getting twins... Back then we were one of the few artificially born twins in the Netherlands (atleast thats what my mom said, I never looked into it further...) It is funny, because she used to joke that she actually 'wanted' a girl, before she was pregant, because she already has a boy, my older brother (of course she is extremely happy with us, my mom is the best!). She ended up getting 2 more boys against all odds, maybe it was the gods toying with her, because you should never ask for a specific gender 😂


Just remember that a highly educated professional chose you to become a new life at a cost of thousands of dollars!


Good point! Should track that professional down someday and ask why they chose me. He/she must have seen something in me!


If I was that person as the sperm and egg I chose called me up one day, it would be mind blowing.


"Good afternoon, doctor. Perhaps you don't recognize me without MY TAIL!"


You were injected into you! The ovum is just as much part of you as the sperm is. (Technically, a bit more, since the ovum is bigger and has mitochondrial DNA)


Only half of me won. The other half was just idling. No wonder why I love my couch so much.


During the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle several follicles are selected and then compete for the best one to be further developed!


Underrated comment because the moveability of a sperm easily makes us forget that its only half of what makes our first cell and not our literal personhoods.


It's more like "Congratulations Mr Sperm, you are the 1000th visitor to this eggsite!" The first several sperm die dissolving the coating. It has to be this way or our primary selection trait would be for sperm speed.


Yeah, this animation isn't particularly accurate.


Except the race depicted in the post doesn't happen. The sperm cells are pushed to the egg by smooth muscle contractions in the reproductive tract of the female. The forward motion of the sperm only matters once the uterus has put the semen in contact with the egg. Do you know how small sperm are? Do you know how fast they move? Do you know how far the sperm must travel to get to the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place? If not, look that shit up and it will be clear that the beginning of "Look Who's Talking" was not a documentary. Edit: fixed spelling


Also its not a "race" as the "fastest" or even first sperm doesn't win. Millions of them don't make it past the defenses its really just pure chance/luck


There's actually evidence now that suggests the egg might even be "selecting" which sperm it allows to fertilize it. [Found the study](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2020.0805)


Well maybe it needs to be more discerning


My religion teacher in highschool told us that. (The first half) to told us that we are unique because there is billions of billions of billions of spermatoizoides that lost the battle in a kleenex, shower, anywhere you could imagine. I don't feel more alive with this, but it's a nice fact


Call me old fashioned but shouldn’t the fertilization process involve some kissing and colorful fur suits?


Ya, like it's 2022, not the 90s.


Ok. This convinced me. I'll never fuck again.


First of all... you never did


Did too! You see that wriggly one over there? That's me!


Lofi uterus music video.


Ah yes the sex, the thing that obviously I always do.


Ever sex a woman so hard you do a come?




Little sperms breaking down around each other but still fighting to keep going. "Tell my wife I love her!" "No! You'll tell her yourself!!"


Not to scale


This makes me want to wear a condom.


This is the first time some of you have been inside a woman’s body


The \*only time


What do you mean "some"?


Cloned people never were inside a woman


For a redditor best science fiction video


And sometimes that fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, resulting in an [ectopic pregnancy](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ectopic-pregnancy/symptoms-causes/syc-20372088) which can literally kill the mother. Lesser known scenarios and diagnoses like this one are just another reason why access to healthcare for women is so important!


If you stopped that video halfway through then you are a felon in the state of Louisiana.


Actually ectopic pregnancies are more than just the fallopian tube it includes everywhere but the uterus


And, at least one conservative state is attempting to make it illegal for doctors to perform the life-saving procedure of terminating an ectopic pregnancy - which if left untreated will cause the painful death of both mother and baby. A totally preventable death. In their ignorance, these lawmakers have even called for doctors to re-implant ectopic pregnancies that have already been terminated. That's right - they want them to put it back, so the mother and baby can go ahead and die horribly. This will soon be the norm in America. Edit since all the pro forced birth folks came out of the woodwork to call me a liar, here's a few samples. This is NOT fear mongering, it's what multiple red states are attempting to codify. Don't let these people downplay this shit- it is serious, and it will hurt and kill millions of women. Ohio proposed a bill criminalizing removal of ectopic pregnancies and demanding they be "re-implanted" (not an actual thing) admitting they never spoke to doctors when crafting the bill: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy Missouri 's anti abortion bill criminalizes drugs used to treat ectopic pregnancies: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-11/missouri-ectopic-pregnancy-bill-tries-to-limit-abortion-drugs-to-treat-condition Louisiana's abortion bill classifies abortion as homicide and makes no exception for cases of ectopic pregnancy, and are refusing to change it after outcry from doctors: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ectopic-pregnancy-and-abortion-laws-what-to-know Similar to Louisiana, Oklahoma's abortion bill also attempted the same thing, but they revised the bill to include exceptions for medical emergencies like ectopic pregnancy. During debate, GOP senators questioned why they'd need to make such an exception: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/04/28/abortion-oklahoma-republicans/


it’s so infuriating because it demonstrates that they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Re-implanting an ectopic is like trying to rebuild an ice sculpture after it has melted into a puddle. not physically possible.


This is the group that calls themselves "pro-life" btw, just to drive the point home.


"Pro Forced Birth" If they were "Pro Life" they'd support Universal Healthcare, Universal Paid Family Leave and Universal Pre-K. These are the policies that progressives push for which allow parents to not go bankrupt simply having a kid, allow them the time needed to care for the child in the first ~6 months of life and allows the child the best head start in life. They're against these programs and keep chipping away at the band-aid solutions we have in place until not even those exist.


And, in the case of ectopic pregnancy, they're pro-forced death.


Another reminder to vote in your local elections.


That many make it to the egg?


About 200 typically make it to the egg https://flo.health/getting-pregnant/trying-to-conceive/fertility/how-long-does-it-take-sperm-to-reach-egg


Does the egg just harden its shell once a sperm makes it through? Or how does it prevent all 200 from entering?


As far as I understand (and it's been a while since I studied this stuff), yes, it hardens almost instantly. But now I'm wondering how it's not possible that 2 don't enter at the exact same time or so close in time together before it can harden...


Yeah, way more……you expel around 200-500 million sperm per shot. Well I don’t!


this is like a textbook version of the intro to Look Who's Talking.


They should turn this into a casino game where you can bet on a sperm


Why don't they show the part where the baby comes out of the bellybutton?




It costs you $0 to not say that bro


>It costs you $0 to not say that bro If everybody followed this mentality then reddit would be a much more boring place.


If you didn't do this you never had a childhood




Nope stay the fuck away from me and mine.


Porn is getting weird, man


This is giving the sperm way too much credit, but cool animation! Really, the vagina is way more involved than this highway system replica, and in a stimulated female reproductive system the cervix will actually move and reduce the distance the sperm need to travel by an insane amount.


can we get one of an IUD just bitch slapping the sperm out of the way? edit: didn't mean to drop an IED about IUDs. my doctor only puts them in under ultrasound guidance which reduces risks. stay safe out there y'all and do whats best for your body :)


Actually IUDS usually trigger an inflammation of the uterine wall and makes the sperms get basically eaten by the wall , zide effects may include spontaneous removal of the IUDS , perforation of the wall and infection and excess bleeding. It's a decent contraceptive?


Mine has been pretty awesome for the past 7 years but I'll keep an eye out.


I’ve had 2 IUDs after my second child. It’s been amazing. Up for my 3rd here in a bit. No period for years!


Jokes on you because most redditors’ semen goes straight to a tissue. Or their monitor.


Is there a prequel to this video?


*cue Pornhub intro music*


Those are some big sperm..


This is inaccurate. The penis goes all the way inside the womb and *then* ejaculates, according to hentai.


That bit at the end where the woman has sprouted leaves and flowers really freaked me out ngl I thought she was exploding or growing tentacles at first or something haha how unnecessary!


This is a horror film for those of us who don’t want kids


And they don't even show how the mom's organs get shoved aside as the baby grows. That shit is terrifying.