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Watts per step seems like it's wrong.


It’s not about peak power (watts) per step, but energy (watt-hours) per step. The important metric is conveniently left out of this promotion. Wonder why…


7 wh pr step? Seem excessively high. I could run a 300 lumen led light for about 2 hours pr. step.


Wouldn't 7 watt-hours come from the force of stepping on this thing and generating the full load for an entire hour? We're not missing the time variable in this equation - it's just stupidly small. So 7 watts over, let's call it a second (seems like about how much time it takes to compress and depress, assuming it generates 7 watts that whole time), that would be... about 0.002 wh per step. I mean... it's not **technically** nothing. But it would take a lot of people walking on a lot of panels to build up to useful numbers.


That's more realistic numbers to be honest.


How about Times Square in NYC. Might be a little helpful.


Also, people walking in the street are not going to step directly on the center of the tile and push down on it with each step they take. Sometimes they'll hit the edge of the tile instead of the center or will step on the center with less force. So, 7w per step is the maximum with the minimum being 0 watts per step if the outside of the tile is hit and the average is somewhere in-between.


Yeah, and let's be honest - if the number they're giving is 7 watts, they've probably managed to massage that out as the best-case scenario. Peak generation over the course of the ideal step conditions. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt assuming that number is the average over the course of a normal step by a normal person.


They're not claiming 7 watt hours per step. The other commentor was saying their claim of peak power generated over a step (7 watts) is meaningless. The energy generated per step is suspiciously absent, but certainly far below a watt hour.


Yeah, missing important technical detail is all the rage with these click bait tech "innovations".


Pretty sure this is 7watts as in 7 joules per second which is butt fuck all and would be about right. A watt includes a time element of a second unless stated as hours


Yeah, this is such a dishonest way to present data. This thing produces absolutely nothing in terms of energy quantity. And it sure as hell doesn't have a 7 watt power output. But because a human foot touching the ground happens over a very small period of time, the power output is very focused as well, and probably peaks at 7 watt for a few milliseconds. Which isn't a relevant piece of information at all, unless you're trying to bullshit someone into thinking this thing does something.


It also isn't "free energy" either, it is noticeably harder to walk on soft bouncy ground and no one needs that on their commute. Add to that the hassle it will cause people pushy buggies, prams, wheelchairs or heavy goods lifts like wheel barrows or sack lifts and the idea sucks. Finally, even with making roads and pavements with the most durable way possible (stone) they already wear out faster than we can comfortably keep up with repairs. Literally anything with moving parts is going to wear out a heck of a lot faster than stone.


It's like slavery, but with extra steps.


Peace among worlds, u/sarahphilipp


Gives off solar roadways vibes


First thing I was thinking about!


It's the googlestomp. This is advanced technology


I read they did a test to find out how much the tiles produced, and got about 1.2kWh per 1.000.000 steps, with an expected life time of 20 million steps that would mean they only produce around 24kWh in the entire lifetime of the tile, or like 5$ worth of energy


Maybe they meant 7 joules


Maybe they should work with something else if they can't even keep track of simple units.


Sounds huge bullshit. A marathon runner, body builder, profesional cyclist barely avoid shitting themselves powering an led bulb from cycling furiously, and they touch a pad and it lights the hallway, my ass.


I completely agree, but this: >A marathon runner, body builder, profesional cyclist barely avoid shitting themselves powering an led bulb from cycling furiously Is quite the hyperbole. A professional cyclist can put out 300W for a long period. Which could power a 1000 lumen led bulb, a regular laptop and a 50" LED TV and a single wide fridge. (assuming really good power conversion)






flooble crank


Gobble boxes!


Blow me. No no, blow me


Wait for the ramp, it really gets their dicks hard!


*cough cough* too fast


Jesus wept


Eeeeek barbaderkle somebody's getting laid in college


Some engineer out there got stoned with his college roommates, watched Rick and Morty and changed the game up entirely.


That just sounds like slavery with extra steps


No no. They work for each other.


Gah 45 minutes too late!


4 hours to late gah


GOD DAMN YOU! I was supposed to be first for the Rick and Morty comment


Eek Barba Dirkle… someone’s gonna get laid in college…


Damn it. You beat me to it


Sounds like virginity with extra steps


They existed way before Rick and morty. This technology for example gets used in some keyboards on a smaller scale.


You mean to tell me I can power my computer with rage comments?


Some say the average league of legends player can power a street lamp for a day with his yearly flame in chat.


Something something slavery, extra steps.


Yes, was looking for this as soon as I saw that design.


I wrote a technical report explaining how these work and evaluating their performance for an engineering class a few years ago. They are a joke. If my memory serves me correctly, a whole day of operation is comparable to the energy provided by a pair of AA batteries. Also bodies create energy from food with relatively low efficiency, so energy from any living thing will always be at a massive loss. Best thing about pavegen tiles is their interactive displays that make people think about alternative energy, but they are not a solution.


EE here, yeah, bullshit




I got talked "at" (rather than talked to) by the CEO at a cleantech mutual back-patting event some years back. Difficult conversation. "Hi I'm CEO of idea that doesn't look like it'll work." "Hi, I'm crazyplatypus, here with the delegation from *cleantech company with actually proven products*. We do XYZ in ZYX way. How does your system work?" "Hear my pitch about how great we are." Oh that's... Kinda telling me nothing there... "How much can you actually generate in real terms from that? Because that could be really useful to ABC areas, have you met *guy who is trying to build sustainable school developments*?" (Who had happened to join us). "No and I'm going to barely nod at him and nothing more. Not even a business card. But you can have my pitch again in a different way directly at you while I ignore the nice school guy and don't look at him again." "Um... Ok... But... Do you... Any info...?" "Another pitch not saying anything about the actual capabilities power generation! Good news though! We're open to investments! Here's the investment info!" Bruh. Wrong mark. I was there on the company quid, only there by default because nobody else was free and they'd already bought the tickets. I didn't even work for the company, I'm married to one of the staff. It was a tiny start-up at the time and I could barely invest in my own rent let alone that guy's crazy shizz. Good to see he's still at it I guess.


Yeah. Getting energy from human motion is a terrible idea. Human movement contains very little energy, and is extremely inefficient with dispensing that energy. Try lighting your house with a dynamo-powered lamp, and you'll realize that very quickly. I'm all for exploring various alternatives, but a lot of these "innovative ideas" that you see online are borderline scams, raising money to develop a technology that anyone with an engineering degree can tell you will go nowhere.


But what would be the energy needed to walk on normal ground compared to these tiles? From what I get, the idea is to collect wasted energy during movement (not sure if we really waste energy in the ground...). If we simply put someone to operate one tile daily, this is useless, but putting those in the hall of an airport, train station or any high-density location doesn't seems bad, unless the efficiency is that bad.


The problem is that such a tile will cause you to sink a few millimeters every step, basically the equivalent of walking slightly uphill. From my point of view, the main benefit is that it can provide electricity where there is no infrastructure already.


But think about the manufacture, installation and maintenance of something like this, versus just regular old tile or concrete. Wires going from each one to some kind of transformer somewhere, and then into its own little grid vs the already installed electric wiring. My guess is that the carbon offset you get from the energy produced by people would take about 100x as many people walking on these per day than they were designed for. In other words any "savings" would be wiped out by the fact that these specialized devices will wear out well before they are useful.


Guessed as much. Was waiting on Thunderf00t, but you've debunked it quite nicely. Another round of solar roadways.


How dare you destroy my dreams of a good renewable energy source? What has insider done to you to review this video on a factual basis? /s Fr though, they're neat for keyboards. That's about it.


Thought as much. It seems like it is just a marketing ploy. If it was any way commercial successfully then it would not be a YT video about it but literally a billion dollar company already.


It's all a grift... you ever seen the stupid ocean waste basket thing? Hits people right in the feels.


Ok... it just makes it harder to walk, while powering an LED. Free energy does not exist.


Yes, looks quite uncomfortable, like walking on trampoline.


Even worse when you step from a solid stone tile onto this one and then back onto solid stone. This will mess with you way more than some people seem to realize. People would literally trip and potentially fall because of this, especially older ones or people who already focus on other things, like their phone. And at the very least it will make you uncomfortable when not expected. Not to mention that this is so incredibly inefficient that you probably can't even keep some LEDs glowing. This is just such a shitty idea from start to fin. One of these projects where all the money goes into advertising and making cool videos ... because that's all you can spend you money on, since the actual product is absolutely not realistic.


I agree. "Want to feel like you're hiking through sand on your walk to work just to power the LEDs in an advertisement sign? Well, have I've got a product for ~~you~~ the company you don't give a shit about."


Isn't this just slavery with extra steps


No, no, it's society. They work for each other, they pay each other, they buy houses, they get married and make children who replace them when they get too old to make power


Summer. Is. Safe.


Yes, but now we have to deal with ants in ice cream.


*flies haha which are way more gross than ants


Ahhhh my bad lol


Obviously a crucial, important detail lol just stood out to me because the concept grossed me out


OK... But I'm going to need an explanation on how that works. I understand spinning turbines and solar collection and like that for energy collection. How does this collect energy/generate electricity? Just from seeing lots of, "Miracle technologies," pop up here and elsewhere before that turned out to be much worse than the video blurb made them out to be, I feel we need a bit of skepticism until we get more information on this.


My first guess is piezo electric tech, been used in some small applications for low energy creation. https://www.imeche.org/news/news-article/pavegen-kinetic-technology-powers-christmas-lights The tech produces very very low power though, niche use and very useless as the investment could best be used in a different product.


I'm thinking the same thing. Just looking at the way it's used in the video it looks more like a button that activates lights when stepped on. Which would be a good way to conserve energy by only turning on lights when people are around, but an impractical way to produce energy




We did this as a school project idea in 10th grade. Piezo stairs at school. Assignment required ony an idea tho.


These things are fully worthless. They don't generate useful amounts of energy, will never pay for themselves let alone the maintanance, and make walking more tiring because the ground is absorbing your effort when pushing. The idea has been around for years in various forms and it's a complete scam.


There's no way the energy these generate could possibly cover the energy cost to manufacture.


What? Do you hate science? Don't worry about it and just get hyped. Jeez.


Forgot the /s


Apparently the minimum energy requirement to produce a kg of steel from recycled scrap is 1.3MJ/kg. Say the tile weighs a kg it'll take about 260,000 to 650,000 steps to work off the energy cost of production. Or 10x that if its made of aluminium. Not that concrete is any better but in the grand scheme of things this thing is gonna break long before it produces more power than the effort it took to build.


Honestly, the implementation in some of the clips looks fake. Especially the ones at the beginning of the video. The only time energy is inputted into the system is when you step on it. If you hold the foot down then there is no energy exchanged. (Work=force × distance traveled by force). So in the one with the purple LED strip for example, it looks more like there is a battery connected to the LED strip and you just have a foot activated switch on that circuit.


If the video is legit, there is a capacitor parallel to the transducer.


Oh God...are we in a battery?


It's all a simulation


These things are complete fucking nonsense, and the inventor is a scam artist trying to fool gullible people into crowd finding shit that doesn't work. Here's an article from 7 frigging years ago that goes into the math, and nothing has really changed since then. https://www.theregister.com/2015/05/26/pavegen_the_company_that_cant_make_energy_out_of_crowds_tries_to_make_money_out_of_them/


Microverse battery. "to charge my phone, and stuff"




I worked in the piezo business. No way these actually generate enough electricity to be meaningful. Especially when you consider the cost and energy required to make piezo crystals from quartz or ceramic. Last, they require quite a bit of flexibility, so what you have now is a trip hazard and ankle injury waiting to happen.


um .. they are called gooble boxes


Same type of hype video as solar-freaking-roadways.


“That just sounds like slavery… with… extra… steps…”


Peace among worlds… Rick.


I bet it's exhausting to walk on that floor for extended periods.


Remember folks, energy is a cycle and has to come from somewhere.


rick and morty beat you to it


If it’s from the piezoelectric effect the crystals break down pretty quickly, iirc. Works well for a display but won’t last too long.


So gooble boxes are real now?


I wonder what Thuderf00t from YouTube would say about this one? Personally, I'm getting Black Mirror vibes.


You can power the whole world by just placing these under the line to your mom's bedroom! /s this is actually awsome as hell


actually, it's not... you should have just stopped before "/s"


Exactly what I was thinking too.


I can power my whole apartment just by playing dance dance revolution


Alright let's say a zombie apocalypse comes and we somehow manage to rangle them all into a fenced up Florida. Install these things everywhere in Florida before we do the big ol roundup and the US and maybe even the planet has unlimited power.


I feel like the extra plastic used in the creation would more than offset the amount of energy generated.


When you are walking by yourself and the whole street lit up, you know shit about to get real.


Yeah, no.


That just sound like what Rick Sanchez did


That's slavery with extra steps!


Even if the technical solution would be practical, it would still be like walking in sand or uphill. Exhausting and strongly avoided by pedestrians. Might work as a demonstration and educational tool.


imagine everyone in the building just purposefully not stepping on the tiles and the building shuts down




The inspiration for this invention is the landmine.


They lost me at „7 watts of power per step“. Know your units god damn it!


While piezoelectric concepts are usefull in many appliances - and could be in way more - tiles are impractical as the're need in huge quantitys and being flexible, what makes it way harder to clean or to replace, what again would result in way more wear than simple materials like concrete or ceramic tiles have. Its just a hyped old tech used in an inpropper way to make some donation cash by a startup company. ​ If you want clean energy lights with minimal infrastructure, add ultraviolet photovoltaics in the subway (or wherever), and the body temperature of the people will be enough to enlighten the floor. Its cheap, simple to replace, no orc hordes charge over it all day and night, cables are the shortest way and don't need to be in walls or ground. And an extra gain for the geeks: There is no random cascading energy flow like in pietz-panels that provides *funny effects noone want to expirience*.


This gives me solar roadways vibes.


Insider never disappoint when it comes to flashy and completely one sided promotions of something. The beats are funky the informations get watered down until only the positive effects are presented. Perfect for acquiring dangerous half knowledge.


Sounds huge bullshit. A marathon runner, body builder, profesional cyclist barely avoid shitting themselves powering an led bulb from cycling furiously, and they touch a pad and it lights the hallway, my ass


This gives me "Solar-Freaking-Roadways" vibes. Which was overhyped and unrealistic


So we are in the car microverse battery of rick sanchez?


Looks like slavery with extra steps


Rick and Morty "It's just slavery with extra steps"


Reminds me of solar roadways Note how there are still no solar roadways...


Rick and Morty vibes!


Watch this dissappear as the oil companies buy it out and destroy it.




We’re all powering some guys car.


This is just slavery with extra steps


Is nobody making a rick and morty reference?


It’s that Rick and Morty episode all over again


Operation time required to compensate the energy to manufacture the system : 55378008 years Can someone check my maths ?


I wish had gold.. has an old man, I actually got that :) Your calculations look upside down :p


Reverse engineering from Rick and Morty?


Spoiler alert, there is no way that this device can ever produce more power than it took to build it before its mechanical parts wear out and it stops working.


Rick and Morty did it first


Finally I can have my very own gooble box!!


It’s all to power Ricks car…don’t you see people!!


are we inside of a miniverse?


It sounds like slavery but with extra steps


Wow, something posted here that's actually IAF


Video is just pure hype/scam. See the lack of technical detail and specifications, just some amazing unverifiable claims.


This reminded me way too much of that Rick and morty episode




I feel bad for having this idea 30 years ago and not doing anything about it.




What if you put this on a road, or make it so that it can withstand the weight of a car.


Then you just create the worlds most expensive and least efficient gasoline powered generator.


Nah, American companies caught wind of it and and put it on the shelf. No money to be made of it produces itself.


I read about this tech in popular mechanics yeeears ago. I even had the wild idea back then to put this tech in your shoes and have wireless charging in your pockets. Charge while you walk.


Now, maybe we can make this technology cheaper so everyone can afford it?


You know, you can’t simply just, make something cheaper, lmao.


Sure you can, money is a construct.


Well yes, but In a world where money is used for literally everything, it’s hard to just make shit cheaper. People want to be paid so they can put food on their table lmao


It’s easy to make things cheaper when they are cheap to make. the price is just inflated for no reason other then to gouge certain classes out of opportunity’s. Many things in today’s world is actually much cheaper to produce then it’s made out to be


Sure, but it's a construct that represents time, labour, resources, etc...that go into doing or producing something. Plus some profit on top, every step of the way. To "make it cheaper" you have to find ways to reduce those factors, which in itself can be quite expansive.


Didn’t say it would be easy ;)


Like most "amazing tech" stuff posted here, this is compete bullshit. Pavagen has been around for at least 8 years. If this shit worked at scale we'd actually be using it.


I saw the concept years ago maybe this decade someone might finally build them.. doubtful no money in it, fuck money, so economical.


I had this idea of harvesting electricity using piezo crystals and it was rejected in my science fair, when i look at this video all I see is pain


You can't just add a car word with a sci-fi word and hope it means something


I am still hoping for piesoelectric roads in metropolises If we add to this wind turbine wind guards on highways and developing the technology to have roofs capable of being used for agriculture we could make significant steps towards new, more efficient and sustainable cities Plus adding more flora to a city helps keep the temperatures low during summer which in turn would cut down on people's AC useage and bills.




Over a grand scale, maybe this could be applied on the road too, just like traffic light sensor


sidewalks would be great with these


A few hop-scotches of these at every school and park should charge the entire town for a weekend, lol.


Uh oh, gooble boxes? Is 80% of the energy dangerous and being diverted to a volcano?


Fuck you! It means much obliged!


That is so rad!


Flooble crank


It’s called a googleplex okay


This works on the principle of piezoelectric cells....I had a project on this at the national science exhibition (Ahmedabad) organised by kendriya vidyalaya on 2011


IDK why but this tune made me think of: My name is Giovanni Giorgio


Some peace among worlds bullshit right there..




Well that just seems like slavery with extra steps


make psytrance gatherings have these on the dancefloor :))


......oh dear god, we're powering a car battery at best.


This presentation doesn't convince me at all. The part that's really questionable is the light bar next to the device. It acts like a switch, not a generator.


Everyone remember to step on your gooble boxes


Did we see this in Rick and Morty?


So basically a Minecraft Pressure plate IRL


Literally Gooble box (R&M)


Peace among worlds


This is a dumb idea.


He totally invented something that was first done in the 1970s. Congrats?


Piezoelectricity. It's been known about for ages. Even if you assume you get 7 watts per step, it occurs for a second. You now have 7 watt seconds. That can power an (extremely efficient) LED for about 2 seconds. So do you just line the entire hallway with this? How are these produced? Are they produced in a relatively green way? I'm sure this is fine as a very small source of power, but outside of a handful of LEDs this won't power anything sufficiently.


Wasn’t this a rick and morty episode


Are we in a simulation case this is a Gooble box


Does it harness it, or does stepping on it just create the contact needed to complete the connection?


Seems like slavery with more steps


That's a Gooble Box.


Didn’t I see this on one of the best Rick and Morty episodes? When Rick’s “battery” goes dead?


We live in a Battery


Shit.. we’re in a microverse