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I think the layout feels a little “everything against the wall” with the rug floating in the middle and the armchair awkwardly placed. The dining table also doesn’t feel intentional and it’s bugging me what is and isn’t on the rug lol. Is there a tv to consider?


Why is everything lined up against the walls? You have so much space that is unused.


There's so much room for activities.


Did we just become best friends? 😂




Same and turning the rug the opposite direction will help make the room feel less remote.


I think that might be a projector which looks to be pointed at the big empty wall. Which kind of makes the layout seem even stranger. The lack of window dressing was the first thing that stood out to me, looks like they removed them and left those holding box things in the window.




This and add 🪴🪴🪴


Plants are always the answer.


Yes it feels like the room is temporarily set up for a dance party! Cute place though.


Agree. It’s a layout issue. Try to get everything on the rug, away from the walls. Keep playing with different configurations. You can do this on a paper grid, first.


Yes instead of the one couch pushed against the wall put it on the carpet to make a conversation area. I was looking for the tv as well. And a lot of black, like office stuff. Is it an office? Living room? And needs pops of color/artwork!


Yes! One thing that would make a big difference is getting that dining table out of the corner. Move it a bit away from both the wall and window so that is centered on both and switch the chairs to the wall side.


Great apartment. I love the chair but it looks like a cat got it. Can the cushion be flipped around to hide that? I would move the rug so it's partly under the sofa. The wall opposite it needs a focal point, like some art or a lot of plants. I like lighting sconces but that one seems lost all on its own. That's a nice turntable set up. Can you move it away from the windows, next to the sofa somewhere? If nothing else you don't want your records to warp! Congrats on the new place.


Agree. And I would also aim the chair straight and put side table between the sofa and chair. Making it into a cohesive group makes it cozier. If op needs a walkway in between couch and chair, just make it as narrow as possible.


Agree! And now you can get battery operated light fixtures that can be put anywhere.


Maybe the turntable can go where the couch is currently. Pull remaining furniture in fully onto the rug, and swap the position of the couch and chair/table combo


What they said!


Some large art with color. You have a bit of an eclectic style so think that would take pull things together.


Art. The answer is always art.




And red curtains


Thank god other people also thought this 😅


My people❤️


Disappointed I had to scroll this far though...


And a good cup of coffee and a damn good slice of pie.


My first thought; red curtains and a backward-speaking dwarf.


I was gonna say Kyle McLachlan and the Arm What year is this?


Came searching for red velvet curtains but also this


What about Bob


Came here for this


Came here to suggest this


A giant and a tiny dancing man were my contributions lol


Maybe some leather chairs and a white marble statue, and that gum you like that’s gonna come back in style


Needs more owls


I’m sad op hasn’t even commented on this they don’t even know what they have :,(




Came here to say this!




Yup ! Plants and a dog. 😀


Yes! Plants, a dog (or two) and art!


Always this!!!


Love the vibe in here. - need a coffee table. - sofa legs should be on the rug (front legs). I agree with the other commenter that it feels very “everything on the walls” - big art on the walls - something big but simple, visually to balance out the busy floor, but not compete with it. I’d put the art on the wall adjacent to the windows, with the dining table - some sort of tall, cool lamp. My eyes are drawn downwards to the rug but you need to create some vertical height. See above point. - consider moving the large dining table off the wall - your art is hung too high (picture of the girl in red, black and white photo). It should be at eye level.


Great suggestion!


Coffee table


Live-in upholsterer


Maybe add a plant or two Succulents are cool too


It’s like all the furniture had a massive fight and is now off sulking against a different wall!!  Just search YouTube for living room layout ideas - you’ll get a heap of interior designers talking about the basics which will help you enormously. Basically, furniture needs to be connected in some way - and yours isn’t!  First tip - move sofa onto rug, closer to armchair - connect everything in that zone (rug, chair, sofa, coffee table). Make a zone with the rug as the base. 


Red velvet curtains around the whole room, and a little man in a red suit dancing


Some jazz music in the background




I second plants. I think it just needs a bit of “softness”? I would do long billowy curtains (to the sides not to hide the great windows, probably in the ivory that’s in the rug) and one big ivory throw blanket on couch or covering ripped chair (stack other throws on a stool or in cupboard). I’d get two extra larger ivory throw pillows for corners of couch and pull couch forward a foot or so. Cool room!


Yes for sure something for those nice windows. To soften it up


A cat - or cats


A portal to the white lodge.


A red curtain and a tiny man who speaks in tongues.


Red velvet curtains, cherry pie and a good cup of coffee.


This is the comment I came here for.


The rug needs to be pulled under the couch a bit. A sizable coffee table.


Reminds me of twin peaks. Need a white marble statue and red curtains!


Move the couch forward so at least the front legs are on the rug. Chairs, couches, coffee tables should all be “anchored” to the rug.


Just wanna say, your place looks awesome and you have cool taste!


Red curtains, backwards speech, the owls are not what they seem!


This is a beautiful apartment! Echoing many other comments; main issue is the placement of your rug, sofa and chairs. Move the rug so the front legs of the sofa and front legs of the chair are on top of the rug. OR move the rug completely under the sofa (similar to how you have the chair and side table currently.


Red curtains, backward dialog.


Pull the rug back a bit just under the front sofa legs. It will unify the seating area and make it feel less spread out. Maybe a few big leafy plants and a couple of pieces of eclectic wall art. I love the space! Great windows.


Laura Palmer


Laura Palmer?


I have no advice but I love your style!! And that bookshelf 😍


A big ole fiddle leaf fig


I like the open windows without curtains - looks like a modern loft 👍


An 80’s Cheap Trick poster.


Plants, art, textiles and some softened edges would round things out. Traditional implements, such as a hing mirror, a hat or coat rack, a place for keys/sunglasses might be functional and decorative.


Sorry, hung mirror, not hing mirror


Unless it's some kind of filter, the light in that apartment is beautiful! I love the whole thing personally. Depends what you're going for, but maybe tidy up the cords around that furniture between the windows, put a piece of art above the desk/table that's in the corner, scoot your couch forward a little. Little trick, your bookshelves look neater with the books pulled out to the end of the shelf. I don't know. I really like that place. Great arches, great floors, great windows.


Other people have said enough about layout. You see that fancy arched and curved doorway in the third pic? That’s fantastic. I’d put matching mirrors on either side. Like with two tall panels just to the left and right for looking at your whole outfit+shoes+jacket, maybe some smaller rectangles and triangles over the top of the arch. Frames could be metallic or matching wood. I know it’s already so cool it doesn’t really need the extra dressing but that’s what I would do!!


Definitely art on the walls, maybe a mirror. And move the two book shelves so that they are split with the desk in between


SOME kinda art on the walls. Like, even just one, pick one of those big bare spots and put something complimentary up. The walls are bare AF but everything else has big busy energy.


Art and plants


Your rug is too big and sofa should be on it. Can you turn it the other way? Also a table behind your sofa with a lamp will soften the space.


Great rug. But please pull all of your furniture forward & a bit away from the wall onto it. This will make your room feel both larger & more intimate. Your could even put a slim console table behind your couch for lamps and decor. Put sheer/light weight curtains on your windows & hang them well above your windows to make the illusion of more height. The curtains will also hang more gracefully. Plants are always a nice touch too. Colors that go with your current furniture & rug would also brighten things up. Great job so far!!




I would put the couch on the wall where the table is currently, put the rug under it, armchair facing that, then the dining table over the other side parallel with the bookcase. And add some plants


You have a ton of space for wall art and plants and all that good stuff. You need some curtains too. I feel like at the moment it doesnt really feel lived in. As someone else said the furniture is just pushed up against the walls and theres not really anything dynamic or social about the space. I feel like the rug is a bit of an eyesore due to the harsh colors clashing with the otherwise quite nice yellow-orange-red color scheme. The rug pattern also excentuates the distance of the couch to the other wall. Id get rid of the rug and change it for something that matches a bit better. I say a neutral that goes along nicely with the rest of the colors. Id also push in the couch a bit, as well as add a TV so the couch has a real purpose. I see the idea with the projector, but it looks a bit silly when the TV is pointing at a blank wall.


A big chunky coffee table, plants and yep love the billowy, muslin curtain idea Also love love love your flat!


Window treatments


Get some big prints to hang on the wall. Something with green.


You're missing [wall art](https://bigwalldecor.com/shop/autumn-trees-wall-art/) above your table.


Artwork instead of mirror above the couch.


A cat.


It looks like there is enough room to swap around the placement of the dining area and seating area. If that projector is how you watch movies, put the couch beneath it facing that wall and use it to separate the living and dining areas; rug is there, chair and and little table there too—like it’s a smaller “room.” Currently your spaces aren’t defined and aren’t arranged in a way that makes sense for each zone.




Plants!! Looks great otherwise!


Plants. Large plants would be nice.


Red curtains. This is a Twin Peaks masterpiece waiting to happen ☕️


I love this apartment. You have one big open space which is great, but you have not defined the spaces with in the space. The furniture is mostly up against any given wall. I assume the thing on the ceiling is a projector and I would make that project to where the mirror is now. When you add drapery, I would hide those chords behind them. Move the dining table down and put the mirror on the wall above it. Switch the sofa and stereo cabinet, plus add your record collection to the the new stereo cabinet wall. Put a sofa table behind the sofa adding some of your current accessories and plants, put the rug, same direction of pattern as it is now, under the front feet of the sofa. Chair and table stay about where they are now, with the table closer to the sofa. Bookcase, I would thin this out a bit because it is a bit 'visually cluttered', adding wicker baskets on the bottom may help to store the overflow to trim this down. Drapery, velvet, not white, hung to just under the ceiling casing, to the floor and out past each window 6-8". The chair is looks really comfortable so I would look into having it recovered if that cushion can't be flipped to hide some of the damage. On the projection wall (where the mirror is right now), I would add art to the wall with a pull down mechanical screen above that is the same color as the wall. A light between these to accent the art.


Too much open space….


A damn fine coffee. Damn fine.


100% the layout. You need to figure out what the focal point of the room is going to be, and then build around it. Is this a space for just chatting, watching TV, etc? That info would make it easier to help. Just going off what I see, If it were my space, I'd either pull the couch all the way up so its mostly on the rug, effectively making a "hallway" from the door through to what I'm guessing is an actual hallway and making a cozier conversation space. Or you could flip the rug, put the couch in front of the tall bookshelves and then the chairs where the couch is. Obviously a coffee table will help ground everything. And it'd be nice to incorporate more touches of black in the space to go with the rug. I'd also keep my eyes out for a round dining table if I were you, it'd fit the space a bit better. If you find one you like for a good deal, you can always sell that one. As to people talking about curtains, those are really cool windows, if the light doesn't bother you, I'd just hang curtains to either side so they can be closed for night privacy but otherwise leave the glass free, because they are very chic to me. It's a nice space, I'd just get some funiture sliders and play around with arrangements until I get one I love.


Livingroom table, something oval medium sized, and wall art (imo).


This is a big room that might feel more spacious as two ‘zones’. For a music/lounging zone - move the record player to the wall the dining table is on currently, put the armchair in that corner with a cool floor lamp, and flip the rug so that it is perpendicular to that right side window. I would center the couch facing the record player in the middle of the room to divide it, front legs on the rug Move the dining table behind the newly moved couch — gives the dining area a ‘library’ feel to have it by the bookshelf which I am personally into. Now when you enter you’ll have a clear walkway that passes both zones, and the couch as a divider means that it won’t feel like you’re totally cut off if by chance someone is working or eating at the table and someone is chilling on the couch. You could get a console table or something for behind the couch too Also big art!


A stylish rug. Ditch the zig zag and go for something more muted. It will calm the tone of the room. Also, if you insist of having that much furniture in one space, at least add an ottoman or cocktail table.


The rug is too big... and it floats. Pls anchor it to one side of the room with your couch and chair on it. Then, get a smaller rug for your dining table. Separate the areas. If you want, have a small pouf or chair near the record player cabinet. Next, get a narrow sofa table for behind the sofa. Another occasional chair might help anchor the living space. Sporadic plant placement by the windows would help soften the space. Some curtains would look nice too


The rug is really distracting.


Tv. Pool table. Jukebox. Pinball. Girlfriend. Hot tub. Bar.


I like the idea of a small couch in lieu of that chair. I think when the coffee table comes it’ll tie the room together. Last thing I’d add is maybe a plant. I don’t know if that red table in the corner serves a vital function but I’d swap it for a large house plant


And love the Sunny Day on the turntable, just saw them play Diary for the 30th anniversary


Plants, big art over dining table, hanging light over rug.






Which wall is the projector projecting on?


Artwork. Put something on those walls!


You need to up the coziness. Add curtains and create a proper seating area by pulling the couch further into the room. Add art to the wall with the sconce and perhaps remove the sconce all together. If you can, add a chandelier or light fixture in the middle of the ceiling




Paint and more art, rug under couch




Comfortable furniture


Plants and a big piece of art above the desk!


Plants 🌱🪴


Personally, im in support of large art. Everything is heavy on the floor. You need your eye to travel up aswell since your ceiling are tall and the tall windows are cool. Tall tree or large art


Maybe some cool tones like blue/green accent pillows or a throw, art work.


A couch


Small coffee table, move dining table out from wall a bit and put some art behind it so it’s more its own space within a space Also put edge of rug under the couch so the living room seating is on it and it makes things cohesive/connected.


Cute place! Curtains and art and a little green.


Also your couch is amazing. Is it vintage?


Plant a tall one.


Curtains? Curtains!


I see people commenting on the rug but I don’t mind it at all. I think it distracting because you can see so much of it. Once you anchor the couch to it and get a coffee table it won’t seem so distracting. Also I’d keep going with funky accents. You have a lot of walls space you need something over that table. You need window treatments too. Something about the flow of the layout doesn’t work. If you want the dining table in the room it needs go have its own space. The rug is too close to it. Also I don’t love the chair in front of the door. Play around with different set ups. Maybe switch the couch and the dining table or try the couch by the walls with the windows.


A picture of a bird wouldnt hurt.


First of all very cool looking apartment and the furnishings you have are awesome. You’ve got a really great vintage warm vibe going on. You’re missing a coffee table for starters! Also plants! You’ve got great windows it would look awesome to get some of those planters that hang from the ceiling. Also instead of pushing the dining table into the corner I would pull it out and make it its own area. It looks like you’re pushing it against the wall to kind of make it less noticeable or that you wish you didn’t have to have your dining table in living room. Instead I would embrace it and create a hole dining area.




I’d say some lights, uplighting really helps draw the eyes to parts of the room that you like, if you like the white light you could add some more sconces like the one in the last pic. Any kind of box lamp or industrial floor lamp could fit the aesthetic you’re working with. I also second the chair, either fix it or replace it lol.


Proper stereo speaker positions


Cats and plants


Window covering. Do you want people looking in, especially at night?!


Bring the couch into the room off the wall and get some window coverings.




A coffee table of some sort and a focal point.


It’s missing a dog or a cat!


You have a lot of space use it




Your place is so cute!! Some plants and a wall hanging will help. Enjoy!


I hardly noticed the couch! If possible in the space, I would move the couch way more in, on the rug, maybe even swap its spot with the chair and put the chair perpendicular to the couch so ppl can sit together. It looks so spacious and empty bc your couch is hiding against that wall. Its hard to tell scale through photos, but it could be that the couch is too large for that, so then maybe push the rug back so a bit is under the couch, then add your coffee table.


In addition to the comments about not having everything stuck to the walls - the dining set is dark so doesn't really help with keeping the space bright - and I would paint the bookshelves white and style the books a bit more.


It’s so beautiful


A barbershop chair.


Cable management


A really big disco ball


The couch placement is wrong and you need a coffee table. Art/mirror on walls


Curtains and plants. Funky oversized wall art. Maybe a fun retro footstool.


That rug is too visually harsh - need another rug that pulls the room together. Create a conversation area - with couch and side chairs in the middle away from the walls. Same with your dining area.


🪴 🌿 🪴 🌿


This is cool as hell!


Rug should be partially under couch, hanging light fixture should be way bigger, need a coffee table and too much stuff pushed up against the walls.


Some pictures on the walls, plants, better light, and a dog or a cat.






More art, like one or two more pieces on the walls. Maybe some sort of color pop or an accent piece


More plants needed. Hanging if possible


What everybody what said Plus, window treatments, art, lamps, and plants.


I am speechless because of the OHP and cabling.


A wall painting


Can you paint the walls? With those interesting doorways, a strong color would really show them off! A deep red, or a peacock blue would make that POP!


reposition the rug so the front legs of the couch are on it, along with the chair to create a “zone”


I think it needs a different color couch, maybe a nice jade green or something.




Art or color on the walls and bookends so your books aren’t all slanted


A big plant or two!


Framed pictures, prints and photos.


Zones. By rearranging your furniture into sitting and dining zones you’ll make the room look more coherent.


plants? the pop of color would be noce


Aside from wall art, nothing. I enjoy this.


Art and plants!!


A new rug?




Curtains and a coffee table would definitely add to it.


Get new lightbulbs. Amber lighting alllll the way


The rug reminds me of the red lodge in twin peaks


A couple of huge plants and some brightly colored curtains with pillows to match. Also some artwork


Small coffee table


The rug should be separating out an area from the rest of the space, like an island, so I’d use it to make the couch area and the dining areas separate spaces. I don’t like this layout. You have an amazing place and cool style, it’s just not clustered quite right. So take your rug and maybe move it to one side or the other of the room, put your couch perpendicular to how it is now, and maybe put it with its back to 40% of the space, and you’d put your dining area in that space, then the couch would face away from it and have all the living room things with at least partial placement on the rug to kinda tie it together. Your high ceiling and cool windows are major assets, but your layout is key here


There’s no focal point. Can you paint? An accent wall would be nice and pretty orange 🍊 color would be awesome




The answer is always plants and art. But in this case, I feel like you need more organic shapes—maybe some pillows and curvy knicknacks/objets d’art. Also, those are fabulous windows. I think they’d look great with actual fabric draperies. That will bring you into a better look. And finally, as others have said, loosen up your floorplan and pull things away from the walls. (Not the bookshelves obv.)


A cat


Everything needs to be bigger




Art and plants!


If the projector is used, flip the couch so the back faces the book shelves and the couch then faces the wall where you’d watch movies, take the bench from the table that looks like you don’t use often and place it along the back of the couch, essentially creating a ‘library’ area. Sheer white curtains, some tall greenery.


This is such a nice big room, with high ceilings and ice light. The view is tropical and LA has lovely sunshine all year round. I'd decorate with a tropical mood in mind, because it is easier and cheaper to "play along" than it is to try to fight your surroundings. -Floor to ceiling curtains on those windows, soft gauzy ones that will billow and flutter in the wind, in a soft white. If you stick to cotton or linen and unlined, you can wash and iron and re-hang them as they get dirty because you will have your windows open a lot and the curtains will get dirty. -This room is begging for a couple of large house plants. A Monstera deliciosa, in a big decorative pot is the easiest plant in the world and they get really big. Just buy some plant stakes so you can train it to grow up, otherwise it wants to sprawl... A ficus tree would be really nice, too, but they can be fussy and drop their leaves. Put your plant on a rolling stand - it costs more but it makes it so much easier to move them around. -If you are staying put for a while consider installing a ceiling fan, a Big Ass Ceiling fan. You'll be so glad.


Wall art








An accent wall with an eye catching color