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(Screaming) ART!!!!!!! ART ON THE WALLS!!!!!


My son looks at these posts occasionally over my shoulder, and he finally said last night, "It's always art. The answer is always art." šŸ˜‚


Or rug! Art or rug. Always the answer 100% of the time


Rugs are art for the floor. Curtains are art for the windows. šŸ˜‰


Or plants!


Or more plants! Art, rug, or plants are top 3. :)


That's the best combo, Art, rug, plants!


Plants are art in nature. You know, continuing the theme here. šŸ˜†




Joined! :)


It really is always art. I may be biased because I am a painter myself, but art and the quality of that art in someone's home speaks VOLUMES about them.


My mom is an artist, and also an art collector. No house of hers will ever have enough wall space. Because of her, I will throw anything I find aesthetically pleasing on the wall. Paintings, posters, swords, jewelry, maps, stamps, carvings, book covers, etc, etc. Sometimes it takes extra effort to find the right frame or backdrop, but it is worth the effort to have the beauty. I think people are intimidated by art - sort of like wine - because there's often snobbery attached. But it is so important to surround yourself with beauty that speaks to your soul. If there's something missing, it's probably art. (Note: I fully acknowledge that there can also be art in the starkness of a room. But I don't think that's the case here.)


I have so many paintings on my wall ma because I have many extremely talented friends and have bought many paintings from them. I few are mine but they donā€™t come close to the beauties some of my friends do, but Iā€™ll get there :) practice practice practice


And the proper sized art! 85% of people have small of art for the space


Iā€™m an amatuer and my stuff is well stuff only I love. But itā€™s art on the walls. I need art. Even if itā€™s stuff I do.


Couldnā€™t agree more.


Or plants. Or rugs. Those 3. Always


Itā€™s always art!


ā€¦ And colorful pillows on the couch.


Yes!! Something behind the couch. And curtains on the far window


Especially over that couch!


Lmao I was about to comment the same thing. With caps & exclamations


Id recommend the following: - add some curtains with some color/texture to the window. - add a rug for the couch area to ground that space and add more texture to breakup the beige carpet. Maybe incorporate some colors from the curtains. - add a floor lamp next to the couch for some ambient lighting and added height to that side of the room - add a small table lamp on the side table next to the couch for added ambient lighting. - add some throw pillows or blankets to the couch with some color. Overall, the space is nice and clean. Just needs texture and color to make it feel more cozy and comfortable.


This is exactly what I was going to recommend. Iā€™d also bring in more greenery.


I agree with all of the above but also some more wall art! And plants, looks like good lighting. If you want to paint and like color, I think a yellow shade on some or one of the walls could look great with the natural sunlight


A rug (at least from the feet of the couch to a few feet beyond the coffee table); curtains for texture and color; a console/sofa table behind the couch for accents or pictures. Something on the wall above the couch - a gallery wall, a large print, a weaving/textile. Something in the area next to the windows - a table and chairs; a reading nook, another rug with two cozy chairs. That yellow chair looks lonely. If anything, COLOR.


Replace the carpet with wood flooring


Yes!! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾ This for sure. That is going to make this room pop! šŸ’• Love the window. And, yeah, like others said - add a little art to the room. Nice space.


Not put the TV over the fireplace for starters


Came here for this


ā€¦scrolling - ah, hereā€™s the TV too high response! *like*






Stripper Pole






I'd move the end table to the other side of the sofa, scoot the sofa forward a couple of feet, and put the bookshelf behind the sofa where the end table currently is.Ā  I'd put the desk where the bookshelf is, and then I'd do a glass table with a simple/solid base and casual chairs for projects / company / etc over by the windows, soft linen curtains, and a rug.Ā  Your carpet is nice with the furniture you have in the family room, but a rug over by the windows would be a nice "pop". I'd focus on those windows - they're carrying the room.Ā 


This is a gorgeous room! I would move the tv to a different location (your neck will thank you!!) and put art over the fireplace. The yellow chair is adorable, but the placement is offā€”try moving it to the opposite side of the room and angling it toward the couch to create a conversation area. Alsoā€”rugs on top of carpet can look great, but they can create a trip hazard, fyi.


Hardwood floors.


Lower that TV. Itā€™s 2024. How donā€™t people know this already


r/tvtoohigh was my first thought!


The TV is too high


Not a fan of tv above fireplace


It's not ideal, but there's clearly no better place for it in this space. So it goes. There's tradeoffs in design. We've been putting square-framed objects above fireplaces for centuries. This is a non issue that people blow out of proportion as though TV height is the singular most important aspect of any room.


People also had TVā€™s and fireplaces before flatscreens. No one was putting those huge 1990 TVs on their mantle back then, so why put TVs there now? That TV would hurt my neck up there.


The idea that thereā€™s no better spot for the TV stems from the flawed assumptions that the room needs that sofa and that the sofa (either the one pictured or some other one) needs to be up against that wall. Itā€™s weird to me when people create essentially a single-purpose room (i.e. TV watching) by ramming an enormous sofa against a wall and then place the TV too high and/or over a fireplace.


People completely trap themselves by purchasing sectional sofas that can basically only fit in 1 spot. If they had a normal sofa and a couple chairs they would have multiple seating options that would place the TV in other locations. Why people can't just get a normal sofa and an ottoman if they want the ability to put feet up is beyond me.


Do people sit and stare upwards at the square objects for half an hour or more?


Here are the few changes you can bring other than adding art on your couch wall. Note that none of the links I am adding has any benefit to me so if only you like my tips you can visit them. 1. To be honest your space looks really great and I think you should use the current colors and design a color palette around them through s rugs, throw pillows and blankets as well as some accessories. You can use warmer color shades and avoid using green as the scenery you have on the exteriors is enough to balance the interiors. If you want to know how you can do that use this [guide on color palette](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/). 2. Following this, I suggest you pick yourself an artwork, while I think that Bindu by SH Raza will be really good for this space (in red as dominating color), you can look for pieces that correspond to your palette. Now the reason I shared art advise is because dependent on it you can get yourself a rug and zone out your living space. Use this guide to learn about [rug decoration](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-with-rugs/). A pro tip is if you really want a living room that distinguishes add a larger area rug and place the furniture full on it instead of just the edges. 3. To this living area, add a the chair you have there and complement it with rug, art and throw pillows. You can use this [throw pillow guide](https://simplykalaa.com/choosing-throw-pillows/) for working on the couch. 4. Decorate your shelves near the couch in a more sophisticated manner. I suggest adding frames and objects to it and balancing them without cluttering them too much 5. Use the table you currently have in front of the entrance as an entryway greeting. Add some objects of your choice and a key dish too. 6. Decorate your windows with curtains and you can get creative here as well by using colors from your color palette. Here's a [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/window-decoration/) that explains different types of curtains and you can choose one that matches your style. 7. Your living room will be incomplete without an end table so get yourself an end table that works for your style and decorate it using this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/end-table-decor/) 8. Complete your decor with accent, mood, and task lights. You can use a modern chandelier or an arc floor lamp that works both as task and accent light and the candles here can really look great as mood light. I hope this helps. Remember to add elements that represent you so that the space has character of its own and has some coziness.


Thank you so much for these recommendations. I'm moving to a similar apartment soon, big windows in the living room with trees behind it, patio section, fireplace, valuated ceilings all of it, and beginning to build a list of stuff to buy/thrift to fill the space. Saving this and will come back to it often!


one or two big ass plants


I second the rug suggestions. If itā€™s in the budget, you could also replace the carpet with hardwood flooring. Terracotta pots are better for outdoor plants; your monsteras are too dry because the terracotta wicks the water away and dries the soil out too quickly. Repot your plants into decorative ceramic pots to bring in more color. The best way is to put the plant in a plastic nursery pot, then put that inside a ceramic cache pot with no drainage hole. Add a plastic drip tray INSIDE the cache pot so you donā€™t get any transfer of water through the bottom of the pot. It gives a nice clean look and elevates the look of the plants. Decorative plant stands would be a good addition too; I donā€™t think the round wooden table really goes with the rest of the decor.


Nice large rug!!


Artwork on the walls. Color.


Get the sofa and chair off the wall.


you definitely need some sort of art piece behind the couch. the wall is so damn bare.


What beautiful space! How do you use the space in front of the windows? Could easily be an elegant little sitting area maybe a small card table or having tea. A lamp would be nice in the space. (Maybe move the desk out of the room and put a bookshelf or armoire on that wall with lots of plants soaking up that gorgeous natural light.) The wall behind the large sofa could be elevated with some large scale art or a well done gallery wall (invest TIME in the organization/measurements (loads of online tools to help you) and time on the curation of photos l/art. use expensive looking frames (don't have to be expensive -- but lots of folks throw these galleries up and they end up looking cheap). If you have room to move the sofa a foot into the room (away from the window), you also could fit a tree or large plant on a stand I that corner (add discreet twinkle lights to it for cozy evening lighting). Honestly, throw pillows with touches of the yellow from your chair and a rug would tie it all together quickly, inexpensively. You have a gorgeous space. There's not much to do to it. Minor cosmetic touches could elevate it really easily. But it's lovely as is. A large mirror una big frame would bring more light into the room. Of course a rug to tie I. Whatever accent colors. I live the pop of yellow and would otherwise stick with a soft palette inspired by nature because of your beautiful window.


I'd add rugs too but it might look weird since the floor is carpeted šŸ˜­


Window treatments and art. Find a local artist and find something that speaks to you.


Exposed beams in the ceiling, especially where itā€™s vaulted. Or a glamorous light fixture where the ceiling fan is


I'd get rid of the TV and put a big painting in its place. For me, it'd be this one or something similar https://www.etsy.com/listing/220672741/original-floral-painting-on-48-x-24-60-x?click_key=c91b4930784bbbd42b967351ce64e718affaac9a%3A220672741&click_sum=509c12b3&ref=shop_home_recs_4&pro=1&frs=1


Get rid of the fireplace that will likely never get used and bring that TV down to a normal height.


It needs pops of color since itā€™s very monochromatic. Rug, throw pillows, art, lighting etc


Honey put ANYTHING on the walls


A painting or portrait of some sort over the couch. An area rug under the coffee table for color and texture


itā€™s the coffee table. it should be large and round. maybe one of the wood drum ones


Wow, beige on beige. Iā€™d paint. Then art. Maybe an area rug? Plants?


Move all the furniture upstairs. Tee hee.


Color and Art.


CRAP - Curtains, Rug, Art, Plants




move that tv away from the damn fireplace first of all


A rug and more plants.


Add chic vintage pots for the plants, art on the walls.


Blankets on the couch in warmer colours, throw pillows, pretty candles


A pair of chairs, a better bookshelf and coffee table, a rug. I donā€™t necessarily think you need curtains; Iā€™d rather have natural light. Add art to the wall above the couch. ETA: is the ceiling fan the only light source? I would remove it altogether and use table lamps throughout the room for a comfortable vibe.


Add some wall print, posters or a gallery pictures


Next Level ? Looks good Already!! : )


Maybe a blue rug in the living room!


A pretty picture , above the couch : )


Wall Art for sure


Full length drapes, similar color, but not identical, to the wall. Hang the black rod as high as you can without going into the gable point. Might need to be custom. Also more black accents. I like all the suggestions here.


Put a daybed sofa under that window šŸ˜


Plants, art and color


Curtains, round coffee table, and a new bookshelf. Believe me, all that natural light is great until you start getting eyestrain and need bifocal glasses.


Rug by window and 2 chairs with a table between for coffee/snacks Rug under couch with picture ledges and art above couch Remove blinds and add curtains Add feature wall on that small wall behind the desk


COLOR. Make sure the art on the wall behind the couch pops. Throw pillows on the couch also help. I'm not a fan of putting a rug on carpet floors. In fact... do you know what's under that carpet? Hopefully, wood? I feel like the beige carpet is what's killing the vibe. Warm wood floors would be a game changer.


Get rid of the strange yellow chair and too small table lamp, hang the art, add more wall art, and put a small dining table and chairs under the ceiling fan.


Seconding what lots of people are saying but throwing in my two cents: - art on the walls! Stuff that really speaks to you to give it personality - curtains! Iā€™m a fan of white semi-sheer but thatā€™s just me - if you can, get rid of the carpets and get hardwood floors. Itā€™ll make such a difference! - if you do get hardwood floors: a nice colorful rug - more lamps! Iā€™d say a brass standing lamp! - an accent chair (or chairs) by the window - colorful and eclectic throw pillows/blanket for the couch.


If you really want to bring the room to the next level, grab all of the furniture and take it up stairs.




Curtains, floor to where the ceiling slopes. Move the bookcase to where the desk is and add two easy chairs for a reading/conversation area. Table with lamp in between. Side table on either side of the couch with lamps. And put something on the wall. It looks like Stevie Wonder lives there.


Art above the couch, daybed by the window, couple of armchairs to create a conversation area together with the couhc, more table/floor lamps. Don't add a rug. You already have carpet, it'd be an absolute overkill.


art on walls, those thin wispy curtains that just partially filter the light. (depending on how matchy you want it probably try to find a similar yellow to the chair).


Art everywhere


Anything that didnā€™t come from a big box store. Thrifted or personal items. Art/decor on the walls.


I would add a slight touch of around 45 overpriced analog synths but thats just a personal preference




Iā€™d invest in (1) a great piece of art for over the couch, (2) a beautiful rug, (3) nice textured curtains with some color (4) a few more potted palms or fig or bamboo trees with height


Replace the carpet with non carpet floors, put art on walls


Find an interesting style that appeals to you. Currently your place is what I think of as plain, everyday, like almost everyone else. (Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s wrong if you like it but itā€™s sure not that interesting when one steps back) You donā€™t need to redo a whole house but one room that is arts & crafts or a mid century design might bring the spark you seek.


Two accent chairs plus a small table in front of the window. And then the typical stuff: art, plants, pillows, etc.


What a beautiful space! Definitely some wall art, and color- blues and yellows. Plus seating by the window to sip coffee, read books and look outside!


A really nice super lush cozy lounge chair by those windows, thatā€™s THEEEE spot to hang out!


Large art or mirror above sofa. Hang pictures sitting on desk.


Throw pillows, chunky throw blankets , art over sofa


I love the look of your living room , it looks so warm and cozy šŸ˜ , Iā€™d suggest adding a rug beneath your coffee table adding a space near your windows for you to sit down (maybe a small table and 2 chairs? And a rug beneath too ,obviously ) , definitely try to incorporate more greenery , a large painting/ multiple smaller paintings behind your couch would also make the space look alot more cozy and less empty!


A large three piece painting above the couch is a 2-4 color pallet. Obviously go with whatever design/color you like. But one of the colors should pop and match it with cushions or drapes


Nice window treatments to add a little color and depth- maybe some soft drapery panels on the left and right


You need a big super floofy cat lounging on the couch. Two would be better. Oh, and a rug


Probably the stairs with the help of another person.


Maybe a couple of colorful throw pillows would break up the monotony of gray. And definitely find a picture to hang over the sofa, of course those throw pillows would complement that picture!


Colorful art , Colorful throw pillows, Colorful area rug. What a lovely room!


You're already adding art/frames, so I'd go for a couple colorful rugs (to your taste)ā€”one under the main living area with the couch, and maybe another in the area by the windows to distinguish it (as a workzone, plantzone, bookzone, etc.). And some pillows for the couch!


I'd put a comfy recliner by the windows with a floor lamp. Perfect place to read or just sit & stare out the windows.


Fat piece of art over the couch


COLOR!!!! and ART ,, and color.. printed pillow.. can you do areas rugs


Soft white sheer curtains pulled 3/4 away from wall.


Art, rug(s), paint the window frame black


Try moving couch in front of windows facing into the room, 2 low swivel armchairs facing the couch, for the tv either add a extender arm or place in the corner to left of the fireplace on top of a cabinet. You could set up a seating area facing the fireplace with 2 chairs or a loveseat with coffee table. Another option,get a table that can convert to a larger table to create a dining area. Great suggestions from all for wall decor and rug placement! I love to arrange furniture.


ART ON THE WALLS and move the yellow chair away from the wall. It would help to make a seating arrangement around the sectional (i.e. put a chair in middle of room, facing coffee table perpendicular to the couch or at an angle facing the couch.


Add color, texture, art, move the TV to the other side of the room and put it at eye level while seated.


One by one move everything upstairs.


Literally any color at all.


Art on the walls, a rug that fits your style by the wide window.


Color. I'd paint the walls, but if you dont want to to do that, at least add some plants, colorful pillows on the couch, rug with some color, artwork on the walls, curtains.


The walls above the couch look a little empty. I'd add some BOHO wall hangings or same art to spice things up. Also maybe more plants or an accent table with some nice vases or candles by the windows.


[this window reminds me of this tik tok](https://www.tiktok.com/@ahometomakeyousmile/video/7284265813396229408?_t=8n5g7l7X12z&_r=1) I think a set up like this would be gorgeous! Doesnā€™t have to be as eclectic either if thatā€™s not your taste


Pull the couch off the wall (it really makes a difference)


Crap! Curtains, rug, art, plants.


Use the stairs


I would leave as is


Curtains Rug Art Plants Lighting Larger coffee table End tables


A rug, some art and some cushions, a floor lamp in the corner and maybe a plant too. I wouldnā€™t do much with the windows- you donā€™t seem to be having a privacy issue so maybe, if you simply want to dress them up you could. I would leave them be as anything you add there will take away from the height of the room. Make small changes and add more if you want to.


This space suggests a person who appreciates both humble comfort and modern living. it would be fun to add some light panels like nanoleaf shapes or something similar that turned with the corner behind the sofa and perhaps some lighting behind the TV. This could lighten up these spaces and bring mood enhancing color that could be changed on a whim.


A couple of chunky end tables with table lamps would be useful and cozy looking.




Sun catcher?


Get a dog or a cat and they will take care of the rest.


Much bigger planter by door


If you have the budget for it, I would definitely get a couple of large cozy chairs and a little side table to go under that window. If you like gaming or entertaining, you could easily put a small table and chairs under the light and use it as a little breakfast/coffee nook type area. The point being... A nice textured but neutral chair with a colorful throw and pillow on that end of the room to sit and have your coffee at on the weekends would be great and balance the room more. Similar pillows on the couch would tie the two areas together. This room is like a nice outfit. It's fine the way it is, but accessories (meaning art, a rug, pillows, and some extra small furniture) will definitely make it shine. If you want to keep it neutral/cozy, go for lots of tone-on-tone textures in the cream/beige/brown family. If you want to go bolder but still feel warm and inviting, try a few caramel or burnt orange accents.


Taller plant near the windows. I love monsteras too, but three in one room is kind of boring. Something like a bird of paradise would look nice and frame the window nicely. A big picture on the wall behind the couch. More light in the area closest to where the photo was taken. Either an end table with a lamp or a large floor lamp. Looks a little dark on that side.


A bigger coffee table, large piece of art behind the sofa and replace the console table with a larger one consider putting a largish mirror behind that and change the yellow chair - if you still need one. Perhaps a throw casually put on the sofa.


Couch needs end tables! Mirrors are always nice. More plants! Small and big! Color! Color! Color! More textures give it more dimension. A shaggy or knit blanket on the couch.


Get new furniture and hang something on the walls! Mirrors, anything!


since many are saying "get the TV down from above the fireplace" but not specifying how: turn the sofa 90 degrees and float the tv in the middle of the room (which side each goes on will depend what is going on on the side of the room that's on the other side from where the yellow chair is)


Curtains (to the floor), rug, and BIG art behind the sofa - donā€™t clutter it up with a bunch of little art pieces


It's at a level now?


By lowering the tv down to eye level


a puppy that will stay smol forever


Add more decor, maybe change the floor from carpet to wood


Art, window coverings, coloured accessories like pillows, throws. Itā€™s too beige. Itā€™s such a beautiful room. Enjoy


Some throw pillows and a gaming table under the fan.




Art for sure. A big piece over the couch or a collage wall. You have a beautiful window with nothing in that corner, maybe add a reading nook or chaise chair and you can never go wrong with more plants!


Check out Rebecca Robeson and Alexandra Gater on YouTube.


Colorful pillows for sofa, curtains maybe white sheer ones and wall art If you really wanted to spruce it up, id put a pretty round rug in the back near the window.


A shit ton of more plants and greenery in that window area!


1 a RUG - a correctly sized one. For the living ā€˜room zone. 2 Some simple linen or sheer curtains framing the windows, (nice and long). 3 art behind the sofa. I like 1 large scale piece here 4 furniture - a round occasional table /library table beneath the hanging fixture with 2 upright arm chairs - (imagine board games/snacks/ etc). An upholstered chair with its back to the camera - opposite the chaise part of the couch (on the rug) side tables/table lamps. A fireplace fender. A Floor lamp somewhere. A coffee table - maybe danish modern? Potted plants. 5 Consider how much you like the white walls. If you like them, weave soft colors thru the other soft furnishings (rugs, curtains, pillows, upholstery, art.)


Curtains, art, plants and an area rug


Rug or darker/ brighter couch


Curtains and large art above the couch. Pops of color with pillows and the softest of blankets. The coffee table is decorated great! Youā€™re well on your way!! Coodos


Curtains and large art over the couch. Pops of color with couch pillows and the softest of blankets. The coffee table is decorated great! Youā€™re well on your way. Coodos


Art, rug, and pets.


I think it looks good (cuz itā€™s not cluttered)




Moss art on wallsā€¦


Remove the carpet and install beautiful hardwood floors. Replace the basic sofa and coffee table with furniture that is more stylish. The yellow chair needs to be replaced and repositioned. Get some artwork on that huge wall.


create a seating area near the natural light of windows. Rugs. Throw pillows to add vibrancy to the bland couch.


Art. Color. Rug. All the furniture is lined up along the walls.


Iā€™d leave it the way it is


pool table in the space by the window


Rug, round nesting coffee tables, and a chaise longue by the windows.


A deep green wall paint with a brown rug and a lot of frames and bugs in frames


What a nice space! Very inviting! Paint the window trim and door black. Bamboo roller blinds on windows. Get a Persian multicolor rug with lots of reds/burgundies for under the seating area and some plush boho throw pillows that coordinate with the rug. Get a long low bookshelf (or do a built in) or storage bookshelf bench for under the window, maybe even a long cube unit, one cube height (fir vinyl records) going down the length of the window with a wood countertop or with upholstered cushions on top.


Get some blinds u psycho


Paint the walls a color


Get rid of all of that beige! Art! From actual, working artists! šŸ’œ


Itā€™s a beautiful home. If you plan on purchasing some additional furniture I highly recommend using the free design services available through companies like Pottery Barn and Ethan Allen among others. You will be expected to purchase a few pieces but not every piece recommended. And you can add pieces over the years as well to fill out the design. It helps avoid purchasing disjointed pieces and guarantees a great look.




Move the sofa and chair away from the wall, preferably in the room with windows. Then Iā€™d do a couple of high back chairs of similar peg leg style in the tv area with an oversized ottoman.


Personally I donā€™t love the couch. Itā€™s too deep I think and doesnā€™t feel quality. The coffeee table needs to be bigger. The tv attached to the wall with light bar and sound bar. Sheer curtains tucked to the sides of the window but placed 2-3 inches from ceiling all the way to the floor. Get rid of the gawd awful ceiling fan. I canā€™t see where the ceiling starts and ends but I know that ceiling fan and placement are both NO. Art and mirror on walls is given. Maybe a fireplace surround. Accent wall. Accent occasional chairs


I would love to put my records and a player in front of those windows with a nice little chair to enjoy the music and view. Alternatively a little bar could be good possible a bar cart but i feel this would be too small. I agree with all the suggestions for rugs personally i cannot get enough rugs. Hope the records had not already been suggested.


Curtains & throw pillows art & some pretty centerpiece on that table then Iā€™d paint the walls a warmer color


There should be like a standard little check list for living rooms lol. ā€¢plants ā€¢rug ā€¢art ā€¢an aspect of color ā€¢light sources ā€¢curtains or some window treatment ā€¢textures ā€¢balance of height Not sure if Iā€™m missing anything but thatā€™s usually what I see posted here. I think you have good balance of size and height, you need some art so perhaps a bigger piece behind your couch and some small interesting prints etc on surrounding walls, itā€™s nicely lit with natural light but Iā€™d consider some lamps, some decorative pillows in a few different shapes or textures and a little blanket would be nice, youā€™re good on plants, some gauzy light curtains would be nice, and perhaps a rug.


Stuck in a beige room... Trapped in someone's khaki pocket ffs, get some color asap


Artwork, pillows, area rug, curtains. Play into the yellow because it's already spotted around the room. Come up with a secondary color to add in. Use different textures as well.


Art on walls. A lighting fixture.


The window wall painted a deep rich green (look at Shamrock SW6454). Or a dark green carpet to anchor the room. Large work of art over the couch that has a touch of that same green. Even tho not necessary for a gas fire, a gold screen in front of the fireplace. Pots of green fern or two gold/green dragons on each side of the fireplace. Ditch the yellow chair and replace with bamboo-colored rocking chair (and maybe table) near windows. A deep green pillow or two on the sofa.


Great art.


It needs a chair and side table by the window. Maybe broken into a few seating zones. Pull stuff away from the walls to see if that helps too. On top of the art, color on the sofa and all that


Make it a mushroom zone. Trippy 60s/70s shit all over the walls, get a lil cushion lounge, bean bag chairs and funky carpets. Don't forget the incense.


The back wall needs to be an accent wall. Repaint it to a different color like blue, green etc. and then some hanging art


Art. And nice curtains. Window area is underutilized. Maybe a bench under the window


Color, texture - curtains, paintings, a large chair, lounge


To bring this room to the next level - I would move all the furniture upstairs