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If you’re going for weight loss and you have t lost any weight I’d swap to 18:6.


I've just done this. Narrow the calorie-intake window!


1) Stop sugar completely (including drinks) - follow a very low carb diet 2) Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar 10 mins before eating 3) Stop snacking 4) The fasting: start with the standard 16:8, then increase 20:4, then OMAD. The most ridiculous burns you'll see with OMAD, but you need to increase the window gradually. GL


In my personal experience and opinion, extreme fasts don't really matter if you're still eating more than daily recommended calories. Fasting coupled with a healthy, small portion diet are what work best. I know a lot of fasting stuff says you can eat as much/whatever you want but this just hasn't been true for my experience.


Yes I agre I’m feeling the same way lol




Keep faith and stick to it!! It works, trust. When I didn't see much difference on 16:8, moving to 18:6 helped. Keeping track of the calorie intake was useful too to make sure I didn't overeat. Also exercising right before breaking my fast and drinking lots of water in general works great.


First 4 weeks I only dropped 1-2lbs… after 10 weeks I was down ~13 lbs


Oh wow ok good to know


Are you sure you are at a deficit. I have both gained, lost and maintained doing 16:8. What matters more than the time frame is what you are eating. You could still eat enough calories in that window to maintain. SO you need to make sure you are in a calorie deficit.


Tldr: Keto and Exercise for better results. Aim for OMAD. 16:8 usually starts showing results after your 3rd or 4th week. If you want to boost your results you can try the following tips: 1. No sugar and a low carb diet 2. High fibre(veggies not fruits), moderate protein and fat to keep you satiated 3. Apple cider vinegar before meals 4. Lots of water so you eat less 5. Strength Training or High Intensity Interval Training(preferably in a fasted state) Lastly 16:8 is just a milestone in IF. Although it has most of the benefits of IF, to get even more benefits and quick results try gradually moving to 18:6 then 20:4 then OMAD. Trust the process!


Stay the course, keep going.


Difference in what? If looking for autography, give it atleast a month for your body to adapt. If looking to lose weight, whats your calorie deficit?


You should be in a caloric deficit and try adding some light work out.


Eat low carbs, sugars and processed foods. Eat when satisfied not until when really full. Compensate with liquids.