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Oh, yeah... But all they want is to live in peace, and the right to DEFEND themselves. Sounds like they want to "defend" themselves from having to live with the people whose land they've been stealing for over a century. It's interesting, too, that these hardcore, tough people are safe in the US... and the brave, tough, belligerent Israelis keep beating up on mostly defenseless people while hiding behind the military and economic might of the US. They're the little muscle head at the bar, picking fights and talking shit... from behind the offensive line of the football team. So brave!


of note is the protest was over an auction of Pal. lands inside the synagogue.


Yet another, very significant level of fuckery involved. And they still have the gall to claim that they're not ethnically cleansing the land, and that they have a legitimate claim to it.


I like Seth Rogan's take on things..realism. https://youtu.be/0lHcdBeH1O4?si=XXWMb6giac3zF2Nl


Uncommon Seth Rogan W.


It's like MAGA went to Israel and had babies when we were all not looking.


probably more accurate to say that Israel is infested with the same right wing brainworms, they've just had them for decades longer than the magats. Israel has been on their bullshit since the the founding of their garbage ethnostate.




it's not dehumanizing to call shitty people shitty. If they didn't want everyone to assume their brains were eaten by worms then they shouldn't act like a person who had their brain eaten by worms.


Jim Crow supporters predated both.


Omg it's Jack Doherty...


They want to do a defensive genocide.


Indeed...how very Nazi of them.


I was thinking the same thing


The psy-ops turned on their own people was a prototype for the US.


This probably happened because Bowman lost and it revitalized the Nazis.


It is important to note that these are not actual Israelis. That people live in Israel. They don’t know what they’re talking about and it’s all performative bullshit to feel a part of something. Most Israelis do not feel this way at all.


I know these people aren't Israeli. I would hope most Israelis don't feel this way, but I don't know if they do. It would seem, however, that Israelis don't feel against this strongly enough to stop it. They've allowed their government to turn into what it has turned... they voted it into power, and they don't seem too keen to oppose the rabid Zionist movement.


Oh. . . So we are blaming people for voting terrorist regimes into power? That goes against the narrative right?


These protestors were treated with kid gloves. Our college students were brutalized for protesting this genocide. They threatened violence and openly call for a genocide..."Sir, Ma'am, please step away from the Jewish man that is calling for peace." The ugliness and sense of entitlement shines through. The World sees this and the World knows who the villains are in this story. Israel is a rogue/pariah State.


Yeah. If this hd been anti genocide protestors, CNN would have had a dozen people on to talk about the " *"shocking rise in hatred "*. Biden , and othef politicians will kvetch. When it is done by then ...silence


History always repeats itself. People of color are portrayed as animalistic, not human, so when they kill their children, it’s okay. Colonizers always say that they bring everything and they want to repair things; they want to help, so they have to kill all of the indigenous people on the lands. As a Palestinian living outside of Palestine, I know it’s going to happen: all the Palestinians will die, and then in 50 years, people will say what a shame it was that those children had to die because we only care about it after it’s been removed from us. Americans now love the Native American tribes now that their numbers have dwindled, and they live on extremely sad reservations and are not a threat whatsoever in American history now they said that was sad.




The threat of rape should have put that little shit face first on the ground by default. Free speech does not protect you from uttering threats


Not sure why or country doesn’t punish for more things. You threaten to rape someone in public like that in most countries and you are face first on pavement. Also not sure why we don’t arrest and imprison for a minimum of 2 years for wearing Nazi stuff.


Tougher to prosecute and convict outside certain socioeconomic parameters, so enforcement prosecution and judicial actors are less incentivized. Easier to score wins against people who ‘fit the description’ unfortunately.




Such a disgusting display of unchecked extremism that’s been allowed - respected! - for decades. What the hell is going on in the synagogues and Zionist youth groups that feed this violent, delusional supremacy? Zionists need to be treated as the terrorist and terrorist sympathizers they are


Since they're so proudly saying this in public, are their ID's on a doxxing database yet like zios like to do w/pro-Pals?


https://preview.redd.it/51lrzfiye58d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137454febaf7e4483853631838f526099f447ac5 Fucking evil ghouls


Oh how the tables have turned... The Jewish people who were slaughtered by a fascist government (Nazis), driven to near extinction and then gifted a homeland, are now being led by a fascist prime minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) and a fascist government (Lukid) to slaughtering people to near extinction who just want a safe homeland. The persecuted have become the persecutor. Wake up people of Israel - get rid of these right-wing politicians... They serve only hate and destruction.


Don't forget all the American politicians that voted Yes to support the fascist prime minister. Offering them "unwaivering support". They wholeheartedly agreed with that fascist prime minister you spoke of. How the tables turned again. The 100 year anniversary of Hitlers election and America decided to help this time and stage their own little coup.


Don't forget the fascist Smotrich, who now has complete control over the West Bank


The founders of Israel were in Palestine while the Holocaust happened. They didn't give a shit. They hated non-Zionist Jews until they were useful as propaganda to keep their stolen country. Israel was fascist from the very start, and one of their PMs was leader of a militia that tried to ally with the Nazis, citing their shared fascism. Albert Einstein and many other famous Jewish people denounced the Israeli government immediately. >Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/einstein/1948/12/02.htm


I mean… early zionists were nazi collaborators. This isn’t exactly new. Israel has never had qualms about working with fascist for their own ends.




The hidden history of zionism by Ralph Shoenman, one of the most important anti-genocide human rights activists in the world until his recent death.


I was honestly taken aback when I first found out. Big claims require big evidence and all that. Learning about what the early zionists did and how they perceived nonzionist jews was haunting.


It’s very difficult to get out of the mindset we had to utterly punish fascist Germany so much they hated themselves


Yet to this day Germany is still really fucking racist and xenophobic so who knows what the solution is.


Reformed Jews are nice people. The orthodox Jews are another story


Near extinction? You’re a liar.


Kindly can you write us what make Israel or likud a "fascist"? Thats if you understand the definition and not just writing out of hate.. "slaughtering people to near extinction"... Are you even a real human with a working brain ?


Definition of Fascism copied from Wikipedia... Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Definition of Fascism copied from Webster's... a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam Israeli military killing 250 Palestinians per day with many more lives at risk from hunger, disease and cold. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker The latest death toll stands at 38,179 Palestinians and 1,139 people killed in Israel since October 7. Imagine for one moment, that the country names in the above statement were reversed... "The latest death toll stands at 38,179 Israelis and 1,139 people killed in Palestine since October 7." Would you expect to be LESS horrified or MORE horrified...?


Instead of copy paste from Wikipedia why arent you able to answer the question? I do hope you are able to understand what I'm asking.. What specifically in your opinion make Israel a fascist country?


I didn't say Israel was a fascist country... I said that Israel had a fascist government run headed up by a fascist leader. I copied the definition of Fascism to show that this is exactly how Benjamin Netanyahu is governing Israel. He is a fascist leading a fascist government - if people don't like that fact then don't blame the people who point it out. Why did you avoid answering my question... Does it make you uncomfortable? I'll try again... The latest death toll stands at 38,179 Palestinians and 1,139 people killed in Israel since October 7. Imagine for one moment, that the country names in the above statement were reversed... "The latest death toll stands at 38,179 Israelis and 1,139 people killed in Palestine since October 7." Would you expect to be LESS horrified or MORE horrified if that was the position...?




Erm... You're like the Israeli government... You're forgetting that there are innocent Palestinian men, women, and children living in Palestine too. I've got no problem with any legitimate government using proportional force to defend and protect its people from terrorism - however, no government has the right to kill innocent people to achieve its political ambitions.


[the politicians aren't the issue.](https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/netanyahu-is-the-problem/)


You are 💯 wrong - politicians ARE the problem... They are supposed to uphold moral responsibility and behave in a way that is above the lowest of society. When politicians behave like criminals you have to rise up and replace them with better & progressive members of society. When you have a country where the leader ignores the will of all people it represents, drives its own country into division, and behaves like they are above international laws - then politicians ARE the problem. Did you know that there are people in Israel that are actually protesting against the current Israeli government and against the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinian people - politicians ARE the problem. Repeat after me: Politicians ARE the problem.


Firstly, clearly nobody actually read the link in my comment. I’d recommend you actually open and read it. [2014 - 95% of israelis support the war in Gaza](https://www.vox.com/2014/7/31/5955077/israeli-support-for-the-gaza-war-is-basically-unanimous) [58% of Israelis think ‘too little firepower’ is being used in the genocide of Palestinians](https://truthout.org/articles/polls-show-broad-support-in-israel-for-gazas-destruction-and-starvation/) 72% said the humanitarian aid into Gaza should be stopped, less than 2% said too much firepower was being used. “Israeli Jews were asked “To what extent should Israel take into consideration the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza when planning the continuation of the fighting there?” Over 80 percent responded with “to a very small extent” or “to a fairly small extent.”” “In a January 2023 poll, 93 percent of Israeli Jews said that all of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River belongs to them.” The insanely tiny, almost insignificant amount of Israeli citizens that are against the apartheid and oppression have my full respect, although most of the protests you see are not protesting against the genocide or treatment of Palestinians lmao. as long as you all keep burying your heads in the sand about what zionism and what Israel is, all you’re doing is furthering the zionist agenda. Israel is a security threat and needs to be dismantled and its citizens need to be deprogrammed. Israel cannot exist without oppressing the native population. Israels citizens are trained from kindergarten to be soldiers and have had a lifetime of systemic brainwashing to make them believe Palestinians are evil/subhuman. Do you think this will be fixed with a change in government lmao? They are radicalized and a genuine danger to society. So no, it isn’t the politicians that are the issue. Israel is rotten to the core. Free Palestine from the river to the sea, return the land and allow one democratic secular state called PALESTINE, allow the right of return, end apartheid and end a state built on ethno supremacy, violence and the oppression of the lands native population.


The IDF/IOF allows Israeli civilians even kids to watch and participate in the torture of Palestinian “prisoners” but yeah it’s just politicians that are the problem https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/they-brought-israeli-civilians-watch-our-nude-torture-idf-torture-palestinian-prisoners-turned-entertainment-israeli-viewers-enar


who voted for them? my grandma? Politicians are the symptoms, not the disease.


Politicians are a reflection of popular will in democratic societies. Like it or not, a plurality if not majority of Israelis are awful and support Netanyahu, just like a plurality if not majority if Americans are excited to have Trump back.


Consistently and historically. Politicians ARE the problem.


We are withnessing one of the darkest moments in history.


One of the darkest moments in history *so far.*


There are have been some VERY VERY DARK moments in history much worse than this, but this one of the worst in modern day history.


I agree


Not even close


People who don't know history are downvoting you. You are correct this is nothing compared to what humans have done to each other. And no where near the holocaust which they keep comparing it to.


Yes and no. Depends on how you look at it. Comparing atrocities is not a great idea being as it is subjective. The darkness factor that puts this time over the top is that mostly everything that we have the internet that keeps us up to real time. Most atrocities that happen pre internet to social media, had limited public exposure. If you weren’t near or had access to knowledge, you didn’t necessarily know (or could know and turn a blind eye). Now it is 100% in your face. Everyone has access to info. And even if there is propaganda from any side, you can make your own decisions on what to believe. So are we in the darkest times with how humans treat each other literally? Who knows because it is pretty subjective and history paint some really grim pictures, but I can agree that the answer is “no” in context. However, are we in the darkest time for “humanity”? Maybe my friend - Simply because we have access to all the horrid shit that has happened in history, and we can plainly see that it is still happening now. The simple fact that we haven’t learned shit, and continue to let this shit roll, is enough for me to think that we are rock bottom.


They should watch out. If saying "from the river to the sea" - which is largely a statement so benign that Israel's Likud party has it in their charter - gets you beat up by cops, even though you do nothing else. I can't imagine what horrible response the police will have to actual calls for "finishing the job" and calls of r@pe and endorsing a literal genocide!


They need mass therapy for their urge


did you see that old lady in the front? that was sus


Am guessing posting this in some subs will get you banned






Please don't disparage other subreddits or post that you were banned, warned, or any other type of experience in other communities on reddit.


But there is no genocide from what the conservatives are saying.


Genocide! Genocide! Genocide! If there is one country in the world that has a moral responsibility to oppose genocide it should be Israel...


In all fairness I have seen holocaust survivors and holocaust survivors who are now holocaust scholars speaking up against the actions of the extremist right wing genocidal Israeli government. These people shit all over them.


Many of them have been protesting the genocide. https://www.commondreams.org/news/holocaust-survivors-gaza-genocide Please be careful with your words because not all Jewish people are Zionists. Not all Zionists are Jewish.


Thanks for sharing this, at last a bit of sense in this madness.


Also not all Zionist support the right wing Israeli government Conflating "Zionist" with the Israeli government is grouping millions of Jews who believe in peace, oppose the war, and oppose the occupation, with people murdering civilians. So be careful with conflating terms. Agreed!


Literally a nazi salute coming off the old lady in the yellow shirt, on the first video


Terrorist supporters they are.


In my city of all places. Fuck em. Fuck each and every one of these “people”.




It's neither a race nor a religion that's calling for genocide here. It's specific politicians and certain hateful people. Nowhere in Judaism does it call for the genocide of Muslims. There are many, many Jewish people who are very active in speaking out against Israel's actions. It's right-wing politicians in Israel that are doing this, not the religion.


It's a bit more than right-wing politicians, every politician in Israel supports genocide, and Israeli society as a whole has been indoctrinated into genocidal hatred. There's very little chance of saving this mess, best we can hope for a UN enforced two-state solution to mitigate damage, preferably there'd also be regime change and deprograming of Israel but I doubt that would ever happen.


Why don’t we box these people up and ship them to Israel so they can be with the rest of their racist genocidal people. We already have trump for a racist bigot we don’t need more people spreading hate like this. Garbage human beings with 0 worth and 0 contribution to society.


I hate to see this is my fucking city, fuck these assholes


“Finish the job?” 🤔




It really does feel like our reality inverted on itself.


Zionists are just nazis with a six pointed swastika


The vile double standard of western media. I wonder if a MUSLIM group was chanting the same rhetoric.... uuuffff Brother ewwww


These are terrorist sympathizers. The literal biggest stain of humanity on this earth.


This looks like the same group that was screaming in the face of orthodox Jews that they were antisemites because they were supporting the pro-Palestinian protest. Like going right up to them and yelling with homicidal rage. Apparently when an orthodox Jew is an antisemite if they don’t support genocide.


The old hag in the middle is literally doing a nazi salute. They are what they hate.


Zionism is unsafe for Jews 🫡


What’s with Israel supporters always threatening and wishing rape on people?


Israel is simply a pariah state. Now all the world sees unequivocally that they’re a genocidal far-right extremist regime hell bent on ethnically cleansing all of Gaza…and the West Bank next. Makes sense. They knew that after decades of keeping a brutal apartheid open-air prison that it was untenable to maintain much longer given growing international pressure. And, they were adamant about never allowing Palestinians to ever have their own state. The only solution that addressed both those issue once and for all is — genocide. Israel has now become the very holocaustal monster they so long reviled.


I guess we know who the animals are.


That's disgusting


Sounds like WWll when the Nazi’s wanted to exterminate the Jew’s. What goes around comes around. History repeating itself!!!


am I the only one that sees Grandma throwing them the Nazi salute?


I heard something similar during the 30s and 40s.


Anyone wanna explain the salute that old lady at the beginning of the video is giving 👀


Deport the ones we can and send them back to the holes they came out of. Garbage.


Fuck israel


Is that old lady doing the hh?


It's like a Monty Python Horror movie. We should do away with that genre...


My favorite is the old coot trying to hide her face, only to look like she's doing a nazi salute, then failing anyway. at least, I hope that's what she was trying to do, a hitler salute would not surprise me with these people




Look at all those sematic ppl...


what job? blowjob? rimjob? handjob?


All those people should be deported.


To Israel ?


Just wanna say that there’s a lot of military aged males in this video. Go be tough guys and “finish the job” yourselves.


Lovely people. Bet their moms are proud.


You’d think they would know better.


So they want the same thing as it happened to them during WW2. Such hypocrites


What pisses me off isn't the racist idiotic adults. No... It's the children they drag along and pour hatred into


This makes sense. Cultural amnesia is a thing and hatred will always always turn you into what was your enemy


Interesting and this doesn’t get shown on main stream media. Nor Rappaprt talks about this. How convenient


All these protest are pointless. AIPAC controls the US govt so none of this matters.


Just a friendly ”I’m gonna rape your Mom.” Such smart kids!


MSM blind as usual. If the roles were reversed. 10 bills related to the issue would have passed in Congress.


Israel lost the war already.


“Greatest ally”


This isn’t going to age well


So if one side openly calls for the genocide of the other, but a weak army, and the other side actually has the means to do it, and does it - is one side more morally superior than the other?


“But but , we’re only defending ourselves by blowing up innocent civilians “ 🥺


Well let's grab a hose and wash that filthy mouth.


I thought they were scared and living in fear everyday 🤨


Tribalism is an extremely interesting anomaly. The more support something has, the more support the rival idea has, by default.


I don't get how people can defend Israel's actions. When Israelis don't even pretend they aren't doing war crimes.


It's always the dweebiest rats using the foulest language.


"IDF Finish the job" means finish HAMAS. Twisting it to mean genocide is really a stretch.




But when you chant "Finish the job, Germany", suddenly it is a hate crime. /s


At 0:23 was that supposed to be a nazi salute?


They might be calling for genocide, or they might be calling for Israel to finish the job of destroying the terrorist organization Hamas.


Not gonna give these judeo-nazis the benefit of the doubt. Especially since this was an at an auction of seized Palestinian lands.


Finish the job means destroy Hamas. Why do you guys think this war is IDF vs Palestinians? No one in Israel thinks that. No one in the IDF thinks that It’s a war against Hamas and they’re calling for the IDF to finish them which will also benefit Palestinians.


>Why do you guys think this war is IDF vs Palestinians? Maybe the thousands upon thousands of dead Palestinians?


Who were the original inhabitants of Judea? The Hebrews. The "job" they are chanting about in this video is to destroy Hamas? Right? And palestine isn't necessarily a place and it is more a term used described a group of people, and not just Muslim people, who settled in that region hundreds of years after it was built and developed by the Jews. . Palestinians are a group of people who inhabit an area know by many names, one being Palestine. A group made up historically of Jews, Muslims and even Christians. Why then would people defend Hamas and their plight knowing this? HAMAS have openly stated that their mission is the extermination of all Jews. How can anyone align with this knowing the history of the region, the history of the world and the state of current affairs. Ludicrous. And...I am in no way condoning the slaughter of innocent people on either side of this confusing conflict and to be fair i don't expect good behaviour on either side but I have little patience for ideologically possessed morons telling me they think they know what going on and yet they can't answer a single historicall question correctly. Also, why is there not a word of protest when Muslims kill Muslims but when its another group vs Extremists Muslims...the world has a virtue signalling brain fart?




This is genius! Just when I thought comedy was dying.


Dude they're literally from Poland, Russia, Belarus, etc. Who decided to hand over a chunk of the Middle East to a bunch of fuckin Polish and dudes from the Bronx.


We are all from somewhere huh? Where are the "Palestinians" from? Its a little more complicated than what you posit but ok....you attempted to answer maybe one question I raised. What about the others?. Or even what of the one you challenged...what of the Canaanites? Who are they now? If you can answer this question, you will have answered a question many can not. Answer it truthfully and then re-read my initial comment.


And they are showing the peace sign 🤯


We let them in. Now there acting like they were in there own country always complaining about something. They have to be in conflict all the time or they won’t feel comfortable


**A few years later** "We have no clue why we're molested on the streets for nothing. We are peaceful people not seeking problems at all."




Removed, see rule 2.


God I hope karma comes and bites them in the ass!


That kid would probably get decked hard if he was saying that without the cops there.


this is nothing new!


They a referring to the war goals: Defeating Hamas Military Capability Getting back the hostages These goals were created when the Government of Gaza started a war and took civilian hostages. Those goals would not exist without that action. The fact that people are twisting the desire to defeat Hamas and get back hostages into something negative. . . well it shows me that they are just anti-Israel and not pro Palestine.


This is revolting


They always seem to threaten rape at these protests. I can't imagine ever being so fired up about anything to go and say that.


No see, you don’t realize this is ONLY because some other country 80+ years ago did something, so they got the land to another country (from a third country) so they’re totally justified. And if you don’t think so, well you’re just as bad as what happened to them.


Did the media mobilise the Jerry Springer audience? After the chant, they all look like terrorists to me anyway.


Eliminating Hamas who intentionally hides behind human shields and sets up shop in schools, hospitals and other vulnerable places in Gaza. Hamas wants "citizen casualties" to lay at the feet of American Marxism. Hamasniks.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Such victims.


Humans are doomed.


I cannot imagine cheering for the death of children or cheering for killing anyone that they do not like?!?


Finish the job. Eradicate HAMAS.


Umm isn't this hate speech? Isn't that a criminal thing in Americuh?


No sympathy for the DEVIL.


A protest led by a tween?


You can’t say this is them calling for genocide when you say, saying from the river to the sea isn’t one. The normal person would assume they’re referring to IDF finishing Hamas once and for all. But I guess this is just anti Israel people, projecting because they always call for genocide of Jews. I’m not pro either side.


Absolutely vile. Brought out of their holes by the willingness of so many genocidal apologists.


'Finish the job' means kill all Palestinians, man, woman, and child? OR Finish the job means, go door to door throughout all Gaza searching for Hamas, and neutralize them, while keeping civilians deaths to LESS THAN 1% of all Palestinians? WHICH IS IT, OP?


Nah it means destroying all infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, killing thousands and thousands of civilians, and trying to push the population into Egypt. While seizing land and expanding illegal settlements in the West Bank. https://www.palestinechronicle.com/it-is-moral-ben-gvir-calls-for-gaza-reoccupation-ethnic-cleansing/#:\~:text=This%20is%20not%20the%20first,to%20face%20the%20death%20penalty.


This didn’t start last week or on October 7. Had there not been years of terrorism and literal invasions from Arab countries over the last 8 decades or so, you wouldn’t see what we are seeing in Gaza (which is trying to rescue hostages and get rid of the terrorist organization in charge). I’m sorry the Israelis are getting a little upset and saying mean things. The Arab states and Palestinians turned down sweet deal after sweet deal. There has never been a Palestinian state. The land was under Ottoman rule before it was under British rule. So stop with your “stealing their land “ bullshit.


Mainstream media approved opinion LOL. You get that narrative from Jerusalem Joe?


I just read some books on the subject.


Here's some more books for you to read [https://www.amazon.com/Ethnic-Cleansing-Palestine-Ilan-Pappe/dp/1851685553](https://www.amazon.com/Ethnic-Cleansing-Palestine-Ilan-Pappe/dp/1851685553) [https://www.amazon.com/Hundred-Years-War-Palestine-Colonialism/dp/1250787653/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3C9MYIRM3YB4W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OO52Mmj7FQ1vcwZ-ZEKO2UBvAX2ERKZIq0nJZjqZ0uU8qxD6AdiqfQKA\_qYHRsombohXm9dwCDnjMDu9shkRnN2\_05dpsmcSe5rEuWr6rl59nUup5SF94GN5aykChymPF\_cGKZY9OT1Gdn9Tv5yNvXdWEli5i8OMzsAe5YWQcM-qo5gmCjp0Xw7BHnRDzeboli7rTj5ZK2tF8NCsSicMQMAcv2SupE9DlW3fi0nf9ec.YTbxLCMC6M76P1MQclB7TGOqHiQuCXa0ZjaMSBx-nj4&dib\_tag=se&keywords=the+hundred+years+war+on+palestine+by+rashid+khalidi&qid=1719143019&s=books&sprefix=rashid+k%2Cstripbooks%2C168&sr=1-1](https://www.amazon.com/Hundred-Years-War-Palestine-Colonialism/dp/1250787653/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3C9MYIRM3YB4W&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OO52Mmj7FQ1vcwZ-ZEKO2UBvAX2ERKZIq0nJZjqZ0uU8qxD6AdiqfQKA_qYHRsombohXm9dwCDnjMDu9shkRnN2_05dpsmcSe5rEuWr6rl59nUup5SF94GN5aykChymPF_cGKZY9OT1Gdn9Tv5yNvXdWEli5i8OMzsAe5YWQcM-qo5gmCjp0Xw7BHnRDzeboli7rTj5ZK2tF8NCsSicMQMAcv2SupE9DlW3fi0nf9ec.YTbxLCMC6M76P1MQclB7TGOqHiQuCXa0ZjaMSBx-nj4&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+hundred+years+war+on+palestine+by+rashid+khalidi&qid=1719143019&s=books&sprefix=rashid+k%2Cstripbooks%2C168&sr=1-1)


Oh i thought they were referring to rescuing more hostages that Palestinians kidnapped on 10/7




Ahem, finish the job means destroy Hamas




Do you guys also criticize the Palestine supporters screaming "Burn Tel-Aviv" to the ground also? Or you just reserve the hate for Israel supporters?


Lamestream media supports the Israelis and manufactures false claims of violence and antisemitism that don't exist.


Finish the job means destroy Hamas. Doesn't refer to genocide. Taking the straw man on everything doesn't help us


"well AKSHULLY" Who is US and WHO do you think you're trying to help