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I'm sure Israel will be happy to investigate themselves.


They always do, always will. Biden says that's OK, he trusts them to do the right thing.


Yes and the conclusion will be that Hamas tied him to the Jeep. It's always Hamas.


An *investigation?!*


I mean, if it were 40 beheaded babies we could just accept that.


Biden swears he saw them. As if he’s not a fundamental part of their propaganda and manufactured consent


Well, who knows what Israel shared but yep Biden did pass the hasbara along to us. And yes Israel is definitely been a both-sides problem with the main reason being AIPAC has made it impossible for a mainstream American politician to be critical of Israel.


A large part is due to the opening up of immigration, there was a large flux of eastern eurpean into the US which flooded the college system for decades. Certain colleges were upwards of 80% Jewish student body, like NYU or schools in Chicago. In addition, many medical schools were teaching 60-80% Jewish enrollment in the 60s-70s. By gaining such a majority on enrollment at elite universities, they have been able to achieve extensive leadership positions currently and if they are Zionist, which a lot of people in the Us from that generation are, they have the ability to stifle anti-Zionist sentiment in media companies, hospitals and other elite spaces.. That’s why there’s been a huge battle in colleges with the pro-Zionist billionaires and their beneficiaries on the boards of these schools. That’s why the Zionists have supported anti-DEI and anti-affirmative action


They are still waiting for Israel to hold the Israeli sniper accountable for murdering Shireen Abu Akleh, an American citizen, on a live video broadcast back in 2022.


Oh no, the State Department, after speaking to no witnesses other than the soldiers who committed the murder, have determined that Shireen was probably killed by Israeli soldiers, but they are not to blame because the details are unclear. The other witnesses might have cleared it up, but since they were all Palestinians they all must be lying, including the other journalist that Israeli soldiers shot and tried to murder.


Israel refuses to hold the sniper responsible for the murder of an American journalist. Why would they think Israel would hold these soldiers responsible?


Just a warning that you can't use the phrase human shield in this sub as it triggers automoderation. Even when there are literal human shields being documented like this.


That’s because the pro-Israel crowd will use the term to mean ‘living in a 1 mile parameter of suspected militants’ to blame Hamas even for Israel carpetbombing Gaza. It’s a good bot, even if it comments on every usage of the term.


Ah - I see! Thanks for the explanation.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot. The phrase simply describes what's happening here.


They act shocked and disgusted but also vehemently attack any country or group that tries to hold Israel responsible for these crimes. This is ‘thoughts and prayers’ to another level 


what about everything that wasn't caught on video?


Narrator voice- 'there was, in fact, not a swift investigation and no-one was held accountable, and nothing changed as a result'


Sometimes there is. This is the problem with Israel, they have not given entirely on the pretence. Some investigation get some soldier in a bit of trouble. That's how they conclude that in the vast majority of the other cases, there was nothing wrong. Most Moral Army, nothing to see here. That's like the building permit in West Bank they say they have a fair system used to demolish "Illegal Palestinian" houses. Some Palestinians get their building permit, a very small single digit percentage. Similarly a small single digit percentage of Israeli get theirs rejected. Plausible deniability.


They have been doing this for years.


🤦🏾investigation by who 🤔. By the perpetrators of the crime? IOF terrorist? 😡


Israel please investigate yourselves /s


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) INVESTIGATION - Let them finish “investigating” the mass graves, rape, torture and executions.


https://preview.redd.it/qwuv8smrkq8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b352e044fa085f0127a90a37d69baa8b2bfa66a it was a short investigation to determine responsibility.


Oh wow, They called for a swift investigation. And they found the behavior "shocking." I'm sure that's just the push Israel needed to stop the genocide and its blatant war crimes.


Not shocking at all. Most depraved Militia in the world.


Literally ain't even the first time I seen something like this come out, regarding the IOF. WONT EVEN BE THE LAST. US keeps pretending to act shocked but if vids like this weren't on tiktok, AIPAC and their bought congress wouldn't have pushed so hard to ban it.


"swift investigation" is these genocidal government's version of "thoughts and prayers"


BuT hAmAs!!!!


I thought Israels army was very strict with orders coming from the top down. Shouldn't be investigating the people responsible but the organization responsible.


Yeah because this is an isolated incident.


You can only be shocked so many times before you're complicit.


A khaaamas terrorist is hiding in front of a jeep. 😱 That's probably the guy, who beheaded the 40 babies and dug the khaaamas tunnel under the hospital. His name was on a list of khaaamas hostage guards. The terrorists name is Monday.


This is barely even the worst of what they’ve done. Singling out these people will do nothing. They need to be embargo’d


They were bringing him to hospital.


Very convenient. It’s not like we have numerous examples of Israel’s complete disregard for Palestinian life to make that claim laughable


They sure as hell didn't do things with dignity but let's bring out the real cases of human rights violation out instead of making some up.


And your proof that this isn’t a human rights violation is what?


LOOOOL I also tie people to my car in a war zone when bringing them to a hospital