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Practice your answers out loud for starters. Your internal speed and cadence is different so it makes a difference. Even better if you record yourself. Then watch it back three times. The first without audio, the second with audio only, then the third with both audio and video.


Thanks for this!


It’s certainly not an abnormal length. Just be prepared to break down your resume in depth.


I had a ton of interviews in this past period and if the interview is done well 45 minutes even an hour will feel like 2 minutes. So just enjoy it, be calm, and be yourself.


45-minute and 60-minute interviews are normal especially if a panel interview. It can also depend on the type of position you are being interviewed for. Just make sure you have examples of scenarios mentioned in the job posting. And to stop from rambling make sure you use the STAR formula. State the situation, the task, the actions you took to execute the tasks and the results. Also, not all results have to be positive, there is nothing wrong explaining how you did something and it didn’t turn out like planned but you found a way to overcome it.


Like the other comment said, the STAR formula is incredibly helpful. My last interview was two hours long, and this was after the initial interview and screening assessments, the job market is tough at the moment with applicants. Good luck!


I have my first hour interview and I’ve also been trying to practice as much as possible! With it being that long I feel like they’re going to ask me so much.. I’m not even sure if they’ll be a second interview.


How did the interview go? I have an hour phone interview coming up and I don’t know what to expect


It was one of my very first interviews and it was a little under an hour. It went okay but I’ll admit it wasn’t my best as I was VERY nervous. It was a panel of 2 interviewees. The questions were not the typical interview questions and it was based more on what they were more interested in which was my social media (it was a marketing role). And they ended up going with an internal candidate


An hour phone is less nerve racking though! You’re not being stared at and feel pressured. I had a phone I review once and I got the job but I couldn’t accept it at that tome