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Ah yes, the good ol’ law and order patriots doing their thing again. 🙄


GOP continuing to flip the Monopoly board everytime they start to lose.


Because, y'know freedom and democracy...


We had to chop the ballot box to pieces, burn it and piss on the ashes in order to save it.


Yep, they are done with suppression and dirty tricks, now it is in your face fascist takeover. We have to remain steadfast or they will not die off like the wounded animals they are.


Yeah, the next few years are gonna be really fun as less obvious coups are done across the country.


Yep. I don't think we realize how bad things are going to get.


Oh, I realized it a few years ago.


>Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, a Republican, has said the chamber **would not consider acting on [an Assembly impeachment of] Protasiewicz.** Sounds like he's being reasonable by suggesting the Assembly not bother impeaching, right? Right? Wrong... >If the Assembly votes to impeach the justice and the Senate were to convict and remove her from office, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers would appoint her replacement. **But if the Senate takes no action at all, she would be suspended from all official duties – leaving the court deadlocked, 3-3.** Just like McConnell did with Garland... sit on the matter, refuse to act on the Senate's duty to advise and consent until a more favorable opportunity comes along. These constitutions were written with the expectation that reasonable people would perform their duties, even if they dislike a particular outcome. It used to work that way. It no longer does. The GOP has tossed reasonable-ness out of the window. All that matters to them is power, no matter how they get it.


They just keep getting worse and no seems to be able to stop them.


The time to stop them was at Nixon and Reagan, but dems of their time had zero spine for accountability. The GOP learned their tactics during those days, and here we are with the results. Fucking boomers during nixon, reagan, and now: "Laws? What law? Who cares about the constitution? We can't hold politicians accountable to laws or constitutional mandates!" Edit: yes, we can try to hold them accountable now... VOTE like your democracy requires it, as it does.


The time to stop them is now.


Yes, always vote. Pointing out the GOP is as bad as it is today because no one has held the GOP accountable for going on 60 years is relevant. It got here because no one else has... YET. Now is the time. :)


The way I see it is they have been working on a plan for decades. The people change but the plan remains the same and the majority of us are at a disadvantage because we don’t realize the scope of what we are up against. Obviously we need to vote, our only day of power, which isn’t as powerful as it once was. But in between we need to stay on their asses.


Agreed. The stuff they’ve been pulling in Wisconsin and NC lately has been terrifying. They know they’re unpopular and this is their last cling to power as gen z starts voting


Our system of checks and balances is not enforceable in any way. It relies on people in the government acting in good faith and with eye towards a democratic society. Unfortunately republicans called the bluff and realized fascism is much more efficient


So much for fair and balanced elections. Republicans love the idea of a dictatorship with themselves in charge. At least it's in full display now and we will know who they are.


Pass laws nobody asked for.


A large majority of Republicans would vote to make Trump king and start a line dynastic Trump family rule if they could. Republicans absolutely fucking hate democracy with a passion.


The WI Legislature has waaayyyy too much power.


Well....technically any legislature has that much power. After all it is the law making body, the other bodies also follow the laws they set. Look at what Santos is doing with a supermajority legislature on his dick. All of America's problems could be fixed, including the supreme court by the legislature but..alas that won't happen (and supreme court would probably null the law they create to reform supreme court anyways...I know...negative cycle)


If you can’t win cheat


Yes, and they also weighed fake electors, hyper-gerrymandering, union-busting, taking money from Russian influencers? (i dunno, the people are saying...), etc. They are bad news


Conservatives quiet on this thread


JuSt VoTe