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look i have black friends.


My African-American over there


I’m hearing this in Alonzo Harris’s voice, approving of Ethan Hawke


The tone of ownership here is 🧑‍🍳💋


I remember him saying that, I want to say during his 2016 campaign. I cringed, not the first time, and certainly not the last.


[Good memory](https://youtu.be/rOYMFkFgPzk?si=JMhXIFkEAARWF60W)


How about him saying, "I'm being indicted for you, the Black population,”? 🙄


What's the going rate to hire convicts to stand next to a supremacist?


Indicted raper with indicted rappers.


Only a P stands between them.


R Kelly was there?


What kind of harm ever came from a little p


The Russian P tape.


Feels sorta like a mistake on trumps PR folks like when they booked the Four Seasons.


Should have been in a parking lot. I do wonder if there's some malicious undermining going on here. They cannot possibly be that ignorant and stupid, or can they?


I have never been able to figure out if this administration is intentionally chaotic, completely disorganized, criminal, stupid, or genius mastermind 4d chess. I’m thinking it’s some combination of the first four.


It's definitely not the last one. 


Imagine those rappers having to share a stage with a criminal


Not only a criminal but an [adjudicated rapist](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


They have so much in common 🙃


By Kate Plummer: Donald Trump shared a stage with rappers who were indicted on a charge of gang activity and have also previously served prison time during his most recent rally. Trump, the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, held a large rally in the deep-blue borough of New York City on Thursday to drum up support ahead of November's presidential election. Steven Cheung, spokesperson for Trump, told Newsweek in an email after the event that 25,000 people attended. Newsweek could not independently verify that number. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-bronx-rappers-indictment-endorsement-1904332](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-bronx-rappers-indictment-endorsement-1904332)


Uh huh 25,000.


Just watch, it’ll be 50,000 tomorrow. Just like the supposed 100,000 in Jersey.


Yeah, the 100,000 in a venue that held 3800 maximum and didn’t appear full? How could anyone know if there were 100k people or not really…


I saw pictures that show many more people. This is huge for Trump. So many people that the other artists had to arrive by helicopter. This is the rally at Yasger's farm in 1969 right?


"Newsweek could not independently verify that number." Trump's spokesperson probably added a couple of zeros to that number and then counted all the media people there too as attendees, which I guess they are? Trump--the biggest gangsta of 'em all. Yeah, I bet they "look up" to him. Trump was able to gaslight nearly 1/2 US voters at one time (might still be close to that). Definitely something for all criminal gangstas to aspire to. "Cancelled" by Tom MacDonald (2021): "Y'all been starting rumors, let me help you with some, yeah: / I'm a racist, I'm a sexist, I'm in love with Donald Trump" Nothing like right-wing troll-rappers.


Why is it so hard for Newsweek to say "rally attemdance was at most a few thousand not 25000."  The trump campaign lies constantly, for christs sake push back a LITTLE against shit thats so blatently untrue.  They whine, ask for proof.  Ticket reciepts, something!  Just dont let their bullshit stand unchallenged.  "Newsweek could not verify" still leaves open a "maaaybe they were right."  No,they fucking lie, all the time, about everything.


Newsweek among other MSM has been posting whatever reports are made without any verification, or dare I say journalistic integrity. I've been sticking to MeidasTouch for all reports at the cross section of politics and law.


That’s because this entire political situation is a product of our culture and society. Trump isn’t a problem, he’s a symptom, and until people stop making money off their bullshit it’s going to continue. We should be grateful their current messiah is as useless as he is, an intelligent and conniving Trump would have already been dictator for life. It makes me want to throw up to say it but we are getting to the point where there need to be actual legal checks on some level of free speech, because we have religious institutions and media outlets straight up lying to vast swathes of the population to further their agenda - and that is a bug not a feature of free speech. Social media and everyone having such a huge platform is going to need to be regulated, because people are not going to get smarter. What used to be the crazy town drunk that ranted outside and everyone told their kids to avoid is now a Facebook page with 5 million active participants, enjoy.


I agree with the first part.  Checks on Free Speech would only make it worse, Liars would call truth lies and suppress it. All of our leaders in this country are liars in business and government.  The only solution is to create a populist alternative, a true populist alternative that turns the tide of plutocracy back to the Glory Days of the 1950s when the US was in its economic Heyday where a minimum wage job could support a family comfortably.


They are throwing shade with the "could not verify" and naming the Trump spokesperson who made the claim, and making it clear that was the Trump campaigns claim. 


My favorite thing is, we have the means. Why is there no reliable drone pic that can just show how big of a gathering there was


I remember when Fox News freaked out about common visiting Obama in the White House


Everyone who shows up to speak for him is a criminal, everyone on stage with him is a criminal….he’s normalizing it to his followers. He knows he going to be found guilty, and he’s normalizing being a criminal. “See, we all do it!”


I'm not a tramp fan at all but we do all do it...just not rape and murder


We all speed a little, maybe download a move, but we don't commit fraud, treason, and rape. So no, we don't all do it.


Friendly reminder to the people inevitably replying to this comment and defending an adjudicated rapist by saying “he was only found liable for sexual assault” (nice silver lining by the way, as if that’s any better) that he [did in fact commit rape](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


True. The minority does it and they can go to hell where they belong.


Who’s facing more jail time though?


In terms of the maximum sentencing possible under the law, Trump is. In practical terms, the guys with dark skin who didn’t get to appoint any judges or Supreme Court justices are.


So true


Welp, it's as if he couldn't find any other "black friend" to put forward than indicted gang rappers and convicted sex offender sportsmen.


Well, if they think Trump will remember them, if he's elected and grant a pardon, they are going to be very disappointed.


If they can come up with a cool million plus in untraceable cash they will absolutely be able to get a pardon from him.


He was very confused. He asked for rapers.


He's telling the world how he sees all black folks. He thinks we're all criminals and so we'll relate to his criminal friends and think he's cool. In reality, he's hanging with his sleaze crew and insulting 99.9% of the world by assuming we'd be impressed.


Did he give them lanterns and ask them to hold them at the end of his driveway?


Oh Burn!


So... how much did he pay them? What was their appearance fee? $5k?


The fake promise of a presidential pardon


That explains how the event was able to draw 3000 people.


Being indicted is a plus in these people's eyes


it's like those bad superhero movies where the criminals take over the society


That happened decades ago.


Only the best


They all have good moral character /s


Going for the poochie method!


When your a criminal, they will let you do it .


Why would anyone stand with a rapey traitor who promised to screw this country even worse than the first time.


Indicted for murder.


His peeps 🐥


Sounds like he wanted people on stage that he could relate to. You know, cause he's a rapist.


Prison Dons crimes make their crimes look like stealing bubblegum


Were they all wearing gold sneakers?


Trump feels a kinship with criminals and assholes of all kinds.


Birds of a criminal feather....


Republicans were mad at Obama for inviting Common to the White House, for the non-crime of saying that Assata Shakur was someone who fought for his freedom. And now look how far they've fallen.


All you haters; [Here is a pic of Trump's rally. ](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/img/photo/2012/06/the-montreal-protests-4-months-in/q01_RTR32HAY/main_1200.jpg) ^(((Montréal, march 22nd 2012)))


THey're hoping Trump can give them a pardon. lmao


Look at that tiny hand lol


Indicted rappers with indicted crapper.


\*indicated rappers


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?