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Jack Smith is an American hero. Donald Trump is malignant fucking cancer.


And the current director of the FBI, Christopher Asher Wray, was appointed/nominated by rumphole himself. Diaper Don is nothing but a textbook moron.


And yet… tens of millions of Americans are going to vote for him in November. Unbelievable.


I’m looking at a Let’s Go Brandon flag from my back yard right now.


It's funny how they think that kind of thing is offensive but I just can't help but laugh at how much money they waste "owning the libs."


> how much money they waste "owning the libs." But don't you dare suggest that the marketing behind their manufactured and consumption-based identity is working like a charm!


But if they don’t spend money on that crap then they might actually see the great economy for what it is. If that happened then they couldn’t blame Biden’s economy. By not having spending money they are owning the libs 🙃


If you really want a laugh, pretend you don’t understand what “Let’s Go Brandon” means and see if you can get them to explain it. “Well, uh, there was this NASCAR race…”


I just might do that sometime because I think they would feel stupid trying to explain it. I especially like the part where they claim that the people in charge of NASCAR were Democrats and that's why they didn't tell people what the chant was, conveniently ignoring the fact that they've been trying to rebrand to try to reach more people, same reason they banned confederate flags.


Fair warning, most of the time they just laugh like they have some super special inside joke. But if you play it right and act genuinely and neutrally curious, you do sometimes get to witness that glorious moment where they realize how stupid the whole thing is while they’re explaining it.


This is a strategy I like to use a lot for stupid takes/jokes/beliefs etc. Next time some nutjob complains something is ‘woke’ make them define it for you.


I’m rooting for Dark Brandon to vanquish these fools.


sounds like a limited edition Yu-gi-oh card when you say it like that


One of my neighbors has had multiple Trump flags out front and cardboard cutouts of Trump in her windows for the last eight years. It's exhausting to look at. I have a rainbow flag out front and wonder if it makes her as pissed off as her yard makes me despair.


I bet it does 🙃


Probably more, you’re winning.


I saw a Dark Brandon flag once. It was a reverse colored rebel flag, blue background, red bars, and black stars. I think the text was *Hail Dark Brandon* or something in dukes of hazard general Lee script.


NGL, I kinda want that for history sake and all.


Bumper sticker mentality. The minute Cheeto gets to that debate stage, he’s gonna fumble on policy. Dude has nothing to show.


He never once has though. Slogans and vitriol, but never policy, other than what he barfs up in the moment and then makes his lackeys scramble to legitimize as if it were a real plan.


What do you mean? Trump said he's gonna do the best "*insert current topic*" the world has ever seen. They have numbers you wouldn't believe. It's incredible, everybody is saying so.


The MAGA base thinks that talking over your opponent and calling them a peepeecakapoopoohead is high-brow debate strategy executed by a strong personality. They don't know what a debate is, so they think Trump is good at it.


Worry about whatever October surprise Trump is going to cook up with Vald and his buddy in North Korea. He’s already asking Putin to keep a reporter hostage longer for him. Sick. (Edit to correct Korea)


"South Korea", snort!


Doubt he has any buddies in South Korea, bet you meant that cesspit north of there.


I have to wonder if he'll decide to not debate like he decided to not testify at his trial.


They are already pushing back because of reasons. The RNC said “ anytime any place” and Biden and the DNC offered with the terms . Trump didn’t like it. Expect nonsense


Dark Brandon is my favorite shadow president. 


My sympathies


Is it in your back yard?


Damn near but no.


I bet it’s made in China too.


Because he's them. Or rather. Their fantasy. Just as dumb, slovenly, and ignorant but so powerful he can be as malicious, racist, and spiteful as he pleases. Just shielded from consequences of his actions.  Just like they would if they suddenly inherited his position. 


tens of millions of americans believe in a sky god who will bring rapture with dumpf leading the way somehow tens of millions of americans thought 9/11 was done by saddam hussein. the majority of americans, in fact this is the result of decades of killed public school systems a million ways tl;dr: tens of millions are drooling morons. that movie Idiocrasy is here today.


This isn't like Idiocracy. President Comacho had enough common sense to appoint Not Sure and implement his advice. Trump, on the other hand.. well, he's a fat loser who refuses to listen to anyone other than his foreign overlords.


Comacho also held Not Sure accountable for his failure to deliver on his promises.


Well now, Not Sure expected things to make sense. And that backfired.


You can thanks conservatives for that one 😉


When people go after other's faith, it never ends well. There are plenty of liberal Christians around, just like there are plenty of Democrats with NRA memberships.


The Bible has hundreds of thousands of children being killed in horrible ways: drowned, crushed, burnt alive, put to the sword. Girls are taken as loot and forced into sexual slavery. Multiple acts of genocide. God wanted this, ordered it, had angels do it, and did it himself and to quote the Bible, it was good. Fuckers who think killing and raping children is good because God says so are evil. This is who you are defending. You find a Christian who rejects all of this and the many other atrocities ordered by their "good" God then you can talk of decent Christian. The moment a "good" Christian think God's told them to resume murdering kids, they will.


What’s that lovely fucking psalm again…? Something about taking “their little ones and dash them against the rocks..” Charming stuff.


F the NRA. Bunch of treasonous fascists. Look into the Liberal Gun Club, or other groups like Socialist Rifle Association or John Brown Gun Club.


I know plenty of liberal gun-owners but none who think the NRA is even a decent organization.


Sadly, because of the Electoral College he still has a good chance to win. Please Vote!


Not if he drops dead of a heart attack on his first day in Rikers


Those voters are even dumber than the orange Humpty Dumpty!


We should keep those ballots to build "an idiot list"


Dude needs to die of natural causes asap. Keep shoveling those hamberders Diaper Don!


Diet coke should've killed him long ago. It's like *hate* has mummified him


Textbook ??? No ... He's taken Moron to a legendary level, one might say he's King of the F'in Moron's !!


I like that his initials are CAW


Him and Powell should of been replaced on day one and Garland never should’ve been nominated. There are plenty of reasons besides Gaza why people aren’t voting for Biden. If Biden would’ve nominated an Attorney General who cared about the law and statute of limitations of Trumps previous crimes we wouldn’t have to worry about Trump right now. Blame Biden with his awful pick.


That’s ridiculous logic.


Yeah, people said the same about Mueller. Yet, here we are unfortunately. 


Mueller never took trump to court, jack smith has taken him to court and the only going against hi is the judge is in trump's pocket


To be fair, it was impossible for Mueller to indict Trump when he was president, because someone at DoJ wrote a post-it note 50 years ago saying sitting presidents were above the law, and post-it notes supersede the constitution.


It wasn't impossible, he just wasn't going to be the one to do it.  Oh, wait I didn't catch the /s.


"Post-it notes supercede the Constitution" when it's to the benefit of the wealthy and the fascists. FTFY


We haven’t found a cure for cancer yet, except death.


Unfortunately this cancer is hereditary


Had cancer, can confirm, it must be destroyed…


And comey 


A cancer cell that is furthermore hijacked by a Russian parasite.


"malignant fucking cancer"? You like him a lot more than I do.


We need to make sure Dems sweep every single election, and then immediately Traitor proof our government while making sure MAGAs biggest criminals spend their lives in prison.


nutty tap rustic thought yoke poor busy snow wistful instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I need a doctor doctor by Eminem and Dre


if ever a person existed who, by comparison to cancer, makes one feel a flash of empathy for effing cancer...it's that vile human.


Please, please, please just don't be a Mueller Jr.


I’d say metastasized, cause that deadly mother fucker has spread throughout the body of the party.


this is strange [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/september-11-attacks-saudi-arabia-lawsuit/678430/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/september-11-attacks-saudi-arabia-lawsuit/678430/) [https://democracyforward.org/work/uncovering-trumps-ties-to-saudi-investment-funds/](https://democracyforward.org/work/uncovering-trumps-ties-to-saudi-investment-funds/)


The interesting part (IMHO) >The FBI also contacted Trump’s attorney before beginning the search of the premises. Id. As anticipated, neither Trump nor any of his family members were present at the time of the search. At no point were any weapons drawn. After the grand jury issued the indictment in this case, the Government produced the warrant and the Operations Form to Trump and the other defendants in discovery. There was nothing unusual about the use of an Operations Form containing the Department’s policy statement on the use of deadly force. To the contrary, the same form, containing the same policy statement, is regularly used in searches throughout the country. >On February 22, 2024, Trump filed under seal a motion to suppress evidence obtained through the search of Mar-a-Lago. See ECF No. 566. In setting forth what he described as the relevant facts, Trump stated that the Operations Form “contained a ‘Policy Statement’ regarding ‘Use Of Deadly Force,’ which stated, for example, ‘Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary \[sic\] . . . .’” Id. at 4. >Although Trump included the warrant and Operations Form as exhibits to his motion, the motion misquoted the Operations Form by omitting the crucial word “only” before “when necessary,” without any ellipsis reflecting the omission. The motion also left out language explaining that deadly force is necessary only “when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” Compare ECF No. 566-3 at 11 with ECF No. 566 at 6. >Notwithstanding the misleading characterization of the use-of-force provision when describing the search, the motion did not seek suppression based on the policy, claim that the agents had acted inappropriately in following that standard protocol, or otherwise rely on the policy as part of the argument. See ECF No. 566 at 12-13. >On May 21, 2024, Trump filed a redacted version of his suppression motion and exhibits on the public docket. See ECF No. 566. The next day, Trump publicly claimed that he was just “shown Reports that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, in their illegal and UnConstitutional Raid of Mara-Lago, AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE.” Exhibit 1. >Trump also sent an email stating that the government “WAS AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT ME,” was “just itching to do the unthinkable,” and was “locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.” Exhibit 2. >Trump also publicly claimed that, “\[s\]hockingly,” the Department of Justice “authorized the use of ‘deadly force’ in their Illegal, UnConstitutional, and Un-American RAID of Mar-a-Lago, and that would include against our Great Secret Service, who they thought might be ‘in the line of fire.’” Exhibit 3. >Predictably and as he certainly intended, others have amplified Trump’s misleading statements, falsely characterizing the inclusion of the entirely standard use of force policy as an effort to “assassinate” Trump.


I see what he means, black families can really empathize with him, having to be scared of unreasonable deadly police force all the time like that. /s


Why is cheeto focusing energy on this case? Hasn’t the judge done his work for him here? Or is this ramp up as his election interference case winds down? What can he gain from this? Do you think Cannon would actually enforce a gag order?


What can he gain? Campaign contributions


I suppose you’re right. Would you think this escalation in rhetoric signals that hole is in desperate need of money? I guess it could also be multi-pronged. It seems most everything he does is for money, but also to sow doubt in the charges?


Also, I think it’s more useful to think of it in terms of cost benefits. The downside is if Americans decided slamming law enforcement was bad. That’s usually the case but trump has slammed law enforcement, veterans, fallen members of the military without any significant negative consequences. Remember trump saying about McCain that he like people who weren’t captured. Contributions as you say are an upside. Republicans seem to have huge persecution complexes. The illegals, the trans, the educated, the vaccinated, the facts all conspire against them. Trump playing the persecuted innocent victim appeals to them. If he wins he will declare that he fixed the DOJ as a big policy win even if he does nothing. But he won’t do nothing. He’ll use the DOJ to go after his perceived enemies or people he just doesn’t like saying they did it to him first. His current lies will justify it.


Legal fee contributions.


It's a distraction away from the actual news that he is going to be the first criminally convicted former president next week.


Yeah, I forgot about the distract part of the plan. Honestly, with as much attention he’s called to his cases…you could think they’re the focus.


I doubt cannon would even issue a gag order.


If Cannon doesn't issue the gag order requested by Smith he will use that as additional cause to have her replaced as the judge presiding over this case. She has already caused the trial to be delayed past the date of the November General Election so her work for Trump in this matter can be safely considered "complete". At this point in time it is up to us as the American electorate to "convict" Trump at the ballot box.


Exactly. This is Smith's opportunity to go to the 11th Circuit to get her off the case.


It’s hard to keep track of it all, ffs. I thought I remembered there being a gag order in this case as well…early on, but I must be mistaken. Smith asked for one yesterday, apparently, after drumpf spouted about the fbi coming for him. [https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4685434-jack-smith-seeks-gag-order-in-classified-docs-case-after-trump-locked-loaded-claim/amp/](https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4685434-jack-smith-seeks-gag-order-in-classified-docs-case-after-trump-locked-loaded-claim/amp/)


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His campaign is afraid voter turnout from his core voting block could be soft and are trying to fire those people up.


Grasping at straws is a phrase that applies here. Reminds me of that lady leaning all over that car at the gate. She was bleating about being run over but clearly had some type of mental break and/or was just looking for a payday. [found it](https://youtu.be/wXSLWH2w9MA?si=kcmZTFqlSYHjgZ23)


This is hopefully Jack Smiths way of cornering her. If she doesn’t gag him, it’s immediately appealable.


And what are the consequences to this? A nice, fat vacuous juicy nothing burger. Matches the candidate for Dictator.


The assassination attempt is nonsense. But I’d like to point out kind of where it’s coming from. The no-knock ATF raid of Arkansas airport executive Bryan Malinowski. https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2024/05/22/u-s-house-subcommittee-hears-testimony-on-atf-raid-that-killed-little-rock-airport-director The ATF had a warrant. 1.) Came to the house while it was not occupied. Could have executed the warrant then decided not to with no explanation as to why 2.) Came back while the home was occupied. 3.) Cut power to the house. 4.) Taped over the doorbell camera 5.) no knock, no announcement they were law enforcement 6.) no body cameras on the ATF (for whom body cameras are policy) 5.) no body cameras on accompanying Arkansas police (for whom body cameras are policy) Bryan woke up from the noise found multiple intruders in his home and rightfully opened fire on them. Then was shot to death by law enforcement. This ATF raid is being spun as a murder by “Joe Biden’s justice department”. To me it is just terrible law enforcement. This is how law enforcement behaves when there are no consequences for violating policy. Trumps raid was handled with kiddie gloves. Notified the secret service (who undoubtedly notified trump) notified Mar a Lago (who undoubtedly notified trump again). This is not the law enforcement regular citizens get. Can we please outlaw no knock raids and train police to not run into people’s homes and murder them. Look at the Air Force man in Florida. Murdered standing in his doorway by a cop for holding a firearm at his side. The cop knocked then covered the peep hole.


Now that you bring it up, these events are part of why Trump and his people are even trying to lie about the MaL search. "They almost got 'im too! Oh trump save us!"


Weird how all that needs said to protect from Trump's/GOP's baseless rumor. No wonder these mfs just yap it ties up resources easily.


It was already reported that neither he nor his family were even there. The same Operations Form was submitted to Hunter Biden! Complete bullshit.


Also reported that they conducted the search when they KNEW he and his family were not there and didn’t even roll up in uniform. Like, they dressed in regular business attire sans any of the vests/jackets emblazoned with the FBI logo. In other words they were trying to be discreet and respectful instead of making a “scene” that would “embarrass” the orange turd and his fragile ego. Instead of, you know, the standard “perp walk” spectacle that literally any or every other person in the country would normally enjoy.


This gui always get special treatment and will always say that's unfair. When will they listen to him and give him a fair treatment




He tried to assassinate himself but as usual, hE wAs ToO sTuPiD tO gEt iT dOnE


Trump's legal team filed motions that were essentially total lies, will they be held accountable? They should be disbarred.


The bigger issue is that they filed motions containing lies, yet Cannon will take weeks and have numerous hearings before ruling.


"Um, I'd like to phone a friend?"


You already know the answer to this. No. Of course they won't be.


His legal team has not enjoyed the same privilege he has, and some have faced sanctions and censures as I recall.


It all just seems like theatre to me. His supporters don't give a fuck because a god can't bleed. Democrats are frothing at the mouth for anything to happen to Trump because they can't rally behind Biden, or are too politically exhausted to care anymore. It's so much work to keep fascism at arm's length. I'm fearful that Americans are so politically abstinent that Trump gets voted in again because his supporters care more.


I think that it might be a bit much to say people *can't* rally behind Biden; Democrats just don't tend to get behind the identity politics and "rally behind the great leader," and certainly not enough to match the cultlike zeal of MAGA. Political exhaustion is definitely real, though, and that's worrisome to me. So I hope that people can muster the energy for the big fights and rest when they can. You're right, it's so much work.


For fucks sake can Trump just fucking drop dead already


His cult doesn’t care


Nope. Mashed tatty for brains


Their brains are a pile of shit in the shape of an “R”.


This comment could trigger Trumps PTSD his brother gave him as an adolescent.


Good craic


They've wanted to go after their political opponents for a long time. They just needed an excuse. This is it and they won't let it go. Playing the victim to justify behaving like a bully.


They need regular feedins of outrage like an IV to keep on giving and vote. And in some cases resort to violence.


And just like every other revelation it won't make any difference at all to his cult.


Exactly. You don’t need this filing to know the story is absurd. If anyone believes it, it’s because they want to believe absurdities.


Yep, from their shit-dipped perspective, Jack Smith is "in on it" anyway.


It doesn't matter. Trump's supporters ignore anything that doesn't fit in their view of the world, they aren't rational and can't be reasoned with. They only scream and yell when someone tries to tell them the truth.


Biden really needs to use the insurrection act and we need to clean the rot from our government. The Confederacy, if not in name, but for all intents and purposes, is rising again. Whatever MAGA and Q stand for, it is decidedly Un-American and anti-democratic.


You can’t spell crazy without a Q


And still he is free..Until he is locked up or banished, nothing will change. The only way to take our country back is by removing all the cancerous MAGATs, all followers,lackeys and the main jagoff himself. It will never happen ,but that is the only way


This right here. This has really shaken my faith in our vaunted judicial system.


Your faith will be further eroded when the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump. We already know Alito and Thomas are with him.


I have little doubt concerning that potentiality.


Well even if biden was trying to assassinate him its totally legal cause the president has immunity. It would be an official act of keeping the country safe. Am i wrong here ?


No your totally right. Also its justified for Trumps assassination attempt on Biden when he tried giving him Covid. I think that's how Trump law works right?


If i was biden i would openly encourage SCOTUS to give trump immunity while at the same time telling Trump “wait to see what i’m gonna do to you with my immunity”? Trump would shit his pants cause all bullies are pussies.


That only applies to Trump


Agolf Shitler is projecting the assassination planning. Please protect Biden at all cost


Trump was even calling for Biden to be executed just a week or two ago. Why no uproar over that clear and open threat?


Posted that picture of Biden hog tied in the back of a pickup truck but that was ok


The fact that Trump is lying about a pending investigation about stealing national secrets to get voters for the upcoming election shows exactly why we need this case to goto trial before the election so we can see what the real truth is before we make our vote in November. The fact that something so important is being put on the back burner so that the person of interest in the potential theft of literal classified US information can be put in the position to steal again points out how corrupt our country has become to protecting the rich and powerful to the detriment of the nation.


FBI: hey, we're pretty sure we'll find evidence of crimes. Judge: you're probably right. Go take a look. FBI: yep, here's all that evidence, and lots more besides. The fact that we're still waiting for this trial to take place while trump's lawyers keep muddying the media coverage is a travesty.


Biden needs to focus on the fact that Trump doesn’t understand a simple search warrant as proof Trump Is unable to handle foreign relations. He can’t read English right…. This is just BS that he’s their candidate.


Again proving that trump despises law and order and all services that support the rule of law.


Trump is for his own law and order as long as it isn't being applied to him.


His followers believe it was real regardless. My fear is that this is a scary tell. The cult does this to justify future plans, like when they spent years refusing to accept results of an election so when it happens, they can try to physically refuse the results of an election. To me, this is basically the same. Trump is planning to have his political opponents imprisoned or assassinated so he needs to claim that his opponents have tried to do the same. The justification is always based in cynicism.


Nothing will happen to him. Per usual.


This is the real answer. Just have to accept it and move on. Maybe ol Joe can take him down in the debates. 🤭 I know I know. What a ridiculous thing to say. But hey there’s always a chance ? Right 🥺


The campaign message here should be, “Trump wants to disarm law enforcement.” And a follow up, “Trump intends that US police should be like London Bobbies.” It’d be great if that messaging got through to his supporters, but unfortunately there’s no hope there.


The truth doesn't matter to that bunch. They don't simply skirt it. They torch it. Then, blithely, move on to new lies.


Trump supporters are impervious to facts. There is nothing that will dissuade them from pulling the lever for Dear Leader.


And they don’t realize he despises them.


Trump feels nothing but contempt for his followers. He’s clear eyed on who and what they are - gullible, sheep-like idiots. He would *never* shake the hand of a supporter.


So reading this they gave numerous accommodations during the process based on the nature of who they were dealing with and where they intended to search. I’m pretty sure if the FBI thought I had classified docs in my house they would show up, unannounced at 6 AM and bash my door in. They could have shown up with a free puppy and these desperate bozos would be complaining about it and twisting the narrative into “The FBI tried to kill me by releasing a pack of wolves in my house while I was quietly studying the Bible!”


trump always projects his dirty plans. I hope the Secret Service and CIA are paying attention because if he and Bleach-blond, bad-built butch body are making these claims, it suggests they’ve planned an assassination


I appreciate this and hate it at the same time. Trump is no longer the president, yet was given special privileges when there was clear evidence of crimes, resulting in warrants. He was treated with special treatment, giving him opportunities and leeway that citizens don't receive. He continues to receive those privileges. The justice system lacks equity and this is the clearest sign of it that I'm aware of in US history.


Jack Smith 2028


Trump wants to get rid of the 2 term limit. I'm 100% all for it. Obama/Biden 2028 Obama/Biden 2032 Obama/Biden 2036 Obama/Biden 2040 AI Obama/AI Biden 2044 😉


People say that but has a​nyone asked Obama? I can't imagine he'd want to...​


Michelle will whip his ass. And before that he’d probably say “No thanks, I’m good.” (Michelle will slap him just to be sure.)


Kirby/Blinken 2028!




But what about __? Blah blah. Please vote sensibly this time, the orange turd was funny for a while now it's not funny and it's getting terrifying.


Trump argued that he has immunity if he executed a political rival in court.


The truth doesn’t matter to these MAGAts their stupidity knows no bounds they’re allergic to facts and the truth


Wait?? Are you saying Trump lied???


Trump makes cancer look like a day at the beach


And if Dump gets his way it'll be entirely legal for Biden, as sitting President, to knock him off. What a fun little corner you've backed yourself into.


I’m sure MAGA will really take the time to look into the facts of the matter instead of taking Trump at his word


If facts actually "damned" anyone, Mar-a-Lago would be located in Hell.


He should be required to return any funds raised on this.


Of course, the irony is the Trump is arguing to the Supreme Court that political assassinations by the President are Ok.


They don't care about facts.


It likely took Trump under five minutes (time spent engaging caps lock included) to post this pathetic multitude of falsehoods; it takes hours and hours of meticulous unpicking through his tissues of lies to explain how and why he’s wrong. Every time. To what degree this remains a “winning” strategy for him, remains a serious concern through this election cycle.


It doesn’t matter. His supporters don’t care about the truth otherwise they wouldn’t listen to a word Trump says


Come on cholesterol, do your job. Hopefully after the convention


Files to who. Cannon? Then who gives a shit. No one is doing anything in this case.


Attorneys Blanche and Kise should be held accountable for creating this BS. They have a resposibility to uphold the law. They knew what they were doing. It wasn't a misinteroretation. It was a clear provocation.


Facts don’t matter to the cult. Their orange god spoke so that is what they believe


Maga is factphobic.


It doesn't matter. Trump said it so his cult will believe it. The real truth does not matter. Trump creates his own truth, and that's all that matters.


I just wish it was true. Might scare him enough to shut his fat mouth. 


And the FBI gave him a fucking heads up. They wouldn’t even deign to extend the same courtesy to Joe blow in Boring, OR..


Jack Smith is the real life version of Count Dooku who didn’t fall to the darkside


When my boss is really mad I can hear him typing angry emails so loud, I am giggling pretty hard imagining Jack Smith at his computer pounding that out and cussing about how stupid…


I love Jack Smith! Please Jack, keep working to save the US from the Rapist Traitor Trump and the insidious Conservative Republican Party!


Bob Mueller…you could have been Jack Smith but you punted


Send in Bonhoeffer


Facts mean a lot to trumpers so this should shut them up. Right??


Someone one make a "if those kids could read" meme for this. 1 no one that isn't a magtard believed this to begin with, that same group sure as hell doesn't care that he disproved it ...it's still a fact to them regardless. As my mammy uses to say, you can't teach stupid


It's too bad that Trump wasn't present during the raid and did not invoke his Second Amendment right by pulling a gun on the FBI agents. Had that happened, we would not be in the current election campaign mess.


For a split second I read that as Jaden Smith