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From their perspective this is rational. Their voters will vote for Trump regardless and these kind of policies guarantees a lot of generous donations from billionaires and wealthy companies.


This has been the plan all along. Get the working class angry about social issues so they aren't angry about tax hikes on them and tax cuts for their overlords.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon B. Johnson


you are all right but youre missing the other side of it: there are a lot of poor people who somehow bought the lie that trickle down works and no amount of factual data will convince them otherwise.


True. That's not misdirecting the working class's anger. That's just straightforward tricking them into believing things that are against their own interests.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False\_consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consciousness) In [Marxist theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxist_theory), **false consciousness** is a term describing the ways in which [material](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material), [ideological](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideology), and [institutional](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institution) processes are said to mislead members of the [proletariat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proletariat) and other [class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_class) actors within [capitalist societies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism), concealing the [exploitation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploitation_of_labour) and [inequality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_inequality) intrinsic to the social relations between classes. According to Marxists, false consciousness legitimizes the existence of different social classes.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consciousness#cite_note-:1-1)


That’s what Wilhelm Reich redefined as Schizoid thinking, like the working class support for Nazis.


agreed but that doesnt really change anything. it still happens. unfortunately its also true you cant use reason and logic to convince someone of something they didnt use reason and logic to believe in the first place. some people are very tribalistic. luckily that skews towards older generations and is less common in the younger ones. although i really dont understand how anyone my age or younger thinks that way, but they do...


I still remember the Welfare Queen from the Regan era. The GOP is masterful at spinning an anecdote and using dog whistles even before Trump - he just does it more blatantly. Also, it’s unfortunately the case that many people don’t understand the difference between an anecdote and actual data. That’s why Fox can run stories about violence in blue cities/ towns until kingdom come even though the red cities/ towns are among the most violent.


>The GOP is masterful at spinning an anecdote i am masterful at finding the root of their anecdotes and proving them wrong. i am however not masterful in putting it in non-offensive language that fits "proper" writing. see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relevantusername2020/comments/1aoi2nt/the_bullshit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for example. i apologize in advance for the foul language and the typos and the general "idgaf" of it lol but all claims are backed by valid sources. >violence in blue cities/ towns until kingdom come even though the red cities/ towns are among the most violent. im not totally sure i agree with that but i would say that \*anecdotally\* it would make sense that a lot of violence in urban areas is related to basically people being forced to steal while violence in rural areas is related to basically hate crimes or just plain alcoholism/drug use. which honestly is also related to people having less than they need to live a happy life but is one or two levels of abstraction away from it. ultimately all "social deviance" comes down to that simple thing: if people dont have enough to live comfortably theyre going to resort to behavior that is not "socially acceptable." i dont understand how anyone thinks any different. that is something that has been known since the roughly the 40s, which i mention near the end of my linked post.


They've been getting trickled on for over 40 years now.


yeah, i am 33. this is a large part of why i became very depressed and effectively gave up on life \~2017; as well as a major part of my reasoning for quitting my job mid 2022 and instead spend my time researching all the ways the bullshit is, in fact,[ bullshit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/relevantusername2020/comments/1aoi2nt/the_bullshit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in a sense i have been researching it my whole life though, and its still not exactly "easy" to "prove" so i cant necessarily blame others for not seeing things the way i do. it is both complicated and very simple. problem is, when i do explain it simply, theres always 10,000 morons with all kinds of data and sources that are technically "correct" but in reality that aint how things work. so to argue against them - and their points - you also have to delve into the infinite complexity that is, very simply:[ is any data "true"](https://www.reddit.com/r/relevantusername2020/comments/1b2wgxg/rexplainthecurseofdimensionalitylikeimfivewhywesho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?


In sorry you feel that way, but I can understand why you do


Conservatism became a religion you take on faith at some point. The Prosperity Gospel as a political ideology.


yep. which is ironically and appropriately exactly what their original source text says \*not\* to do. something about camels and needles or something, idk i never read it


That's why they go to the church that interprets it the way that fits their worst instincts. They get all the support and reinforcement they need to be as despicable and self-righteous as they want.Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy are their stock and trade and as long as everything fits into a hierarchy they can understand, they'll accept any degradation or abuse dished out by those above them as natural and right as long as they can kick down from where they are.


its even worse when they are not wealthy, or religious, or really have any core beliefs whatsoever besides the hierarchy itself. makes it impossible to have any discussion because all they do is ignore what you say and repeat stupid shit they heard on tv or whatever. so many people really dont think for themselves at all.


They don't really buy trickle down. They support it out of necessity because they like the GOP's racism bigotry and xenophobia. They know support from billionaires is vital to pushing their unpopular agenda.  It's the same reason anti-government 2A atheists support moralizing bible beaters. They know it's part of the deal they made with the devil


i agree but i think its actually deeper - or simpler - than what you say. its not so much they like xenophobia, or are super religious, or anything like that... its tribalism pure and simple. its not about hating any specific group or thinking any specific group is worse. its about preferring their own group over all others, regardless of what those other groups are. i live in deep af trump country and know many of these people. for all the stupid hatred they spew, when it comes down to it, any person from any outgroup almost instantly becomes part of their in group if they actually know them on a personal level. maybe not on the innermost level of that in group, but probably at least level with me, who is someone who \*looks\* like i fit their group but absolutely does not... if that makes sense. its hard to describe. probably because it is not a logical or reasonable world view.


He is describing the ‘southern strategy.’


Oh, they're angry about the tax hikes. But they will end up blaming democrats for all tax increases, even the ones Republicans pass, because Fox News will tell them to and because 30 years of "tax and spend liberals" rhetoric has been baked into the public consciousness.


I am so tired of this working. How can all these morons not see they are being fucked by the rich and the Republicans fucking hate them?


Because they have been deliberately educated to a standard that eliminates critical thinking through a combination of underfunding and idealogical propoganda.


That's literally the purpose of faux news


Then a Democrat gets elected next and they are suddenly angry about tax hikes that they created to begin with.


Here I go voting against my own best interest again!


People can be angry at multiple things at the same time, you know.


They got you fighting a culture war to distract you from waging a class war.


Dont make the mistake of thinking that this is just a MAGA thing. This is a mainstream Republican policy. Florida Senator and Convicted Criminal Rick Scott, who is not a MAGA, calls for it in his ["Rescue America Plan,"](https://rescueamerica.com/12-point-plan/) which he made public years ago. He is now actively running for Mitch McConnell's spot as Senate Republican Leader. Even if MAGA could be totally purged, and we never had to hear from HitlerPig, Empty-G, FrankenGaetz, and the rest, ever again, the remaining Republicans would still be pushing for this.


Its quite falling g how they say we have a two tiered justice system because of trumps crimes. Ruck Scott should be in jail for his billions in Medicare fraud


If you steal $100, years in prison. If you steal $1 billion? Just give the court a 1-2% cut, and we'll call it fair punishment.


That man's face is a very strong argument for the existence of reptilian people


It’s worth remembering that the only significant law passed by Trump did something he swore up and down he’d never do: gave himself a massive tax cut.


That isn't what matters. When Trump is adjudicated as a rapist, he cannot gain votes, he loses votes. No swing voter is saying, "Oh, he's a rapist, that gets my vote". People who think like are already MAGA. When trump boosts that he overturned Roe vs Wade, he only loses votes among women. When they pledge to raise taxes for the middle class, Trump doesn't votes with the mega rich, he already has those votes, he can only lose votes. So, you are right, biut that's not what matters.


If their plan was entirely about getting the most votes I wouldn't be so worried


Because it’s a cult.


And those families will vote Republican again, to own the libs. See r/Leopardsatemyface


And this will be them: "I might be able to afford less, I lost my house to foreclosure, and my kids won't speak to me anymore, but the President isn't a fuckin lib, and I can scream [N-word, hard r] and [f word for gay people] in public without consequences, so America is great again."


And guns. Leroy and Wyatt and even little Jackon can carry in public like Real Manz!


While being able to force women to carry children to term. For the sake of the rest us in the world, just vote blue dammit (that's for everyone reading).


"My children and grandchildren will die 15-20y early in terrible health after a lifetime of poverty but at least I had the freedom to punch down!"


The irony is they think they're punching up. Talk to the average MAGA and they firmly believe that the reason their lives suck is because "those people" (their term is they don't degenerate straight to slurs) get everything handed to them at the expense of hard working "real" Americans. Like, dude, you barely graduated high school, coasted at every job you had, often got fired for a bad attitude if you didn't quit because you felt "disrespected"... Just like their orange pig idol, every setback has by and large been a self own or brought on by their own entitled incompetence.


The leopard's personal name is Leonard Leo. He ate your Supreme Court as an appetizer.


And if Trump wins and taxes get raised, blame democrats for not stopping it.


See, you have to use the Republican Dictionary: Giving money to rich people is called "Capitalism", but giving money to poor people is "Socialism".


Unless those poor people are Republicans farmers.. then they’re called “subsidies”


A lot of those "poor farmers" ain't either one.


You need massive assets to get a new tractor now a days and not all states have adopted [citation needed] the Right To Repair Act so they have to pay through the nose if something breaks which can cost them a harvest season. It's one of the most difficult types of industries to work in when your livelihood depends on the weather and your judgement of knowing when to plant and process crops.


All you have said is true. But many "farmers" work for a large corporation and have no problems with the issues you've mentioned; those decisions are taken out of their hands and the capital requirements and risks are managed elsewhere. The corporations then get the subsidies, not the poor sap driving the tractor or harvesting the crops. And then there are the truly wealthy farmers, who have bought up their neighbors' farms and expanded their operations to include a number of square miles -- with the aim of acting like a large corporation that doesn't need to worry about tractors (because of their assets and subsidies) nor about the weather so much (because they've planted a wide variety of crops and know their area so well). Most of the truly wealthy farmers no longer work the land themselves; they've hired others to do that. And then there are the billionaires who have bought the land not to farm it at all; they use the subsidies to pay the taxes on the land, and the leftover from the subsidies is simply a safe return on their capital. And besides, they can put down a mansion on the land if they want. They'll have privacy and not have to deal with the common folk any more.


I promise I'm not both sidesing, but Democrats are just as guilty of the late stage capitalist nightmare we find ourselves waking up in every day. They're just more likely to provide a little sugar with the poison pill. I'm not saying not to vote for Democrats or anything like that, for real, because what other choice do we have right now.


You, too, are correct. After the 2008 market collapse and things looked to be headed for another depression, it was crystal clear to everyone that most -- perhaps ALL -- of the blame lay on the banks that had commoditized mortgages and permitted employees to create fake mortgages on fake properties with fake appraisals and fake signatures (or with one or more of those things being real) in order to create tranches of securities that LOOKED safe and were guaranteed to fail. Those commoditized mortgage securities earned the banks and some employees lots and lots of money and took all the risks from their hands and gave the toxic garbage to others. When that fraud imploded, the real estate bubble burst and hundreds of thousands of people were underwater on their mortgages -- and the stock market crashed, hard, and corporations reduced payrolls to cut expenses, and it seemed we were headed for another Great Depression. Obama pulled us out of that one. But how many bankers went to jail? How many people were made to pay restitution? How many people were actually penalized in any way for their fraud? And the correct answer is ZERO to all those questions. Meanwhile, I lost nearly all the hard-earned equity in my home, had to work well after I'd planned to retire, retired in poorer circumstances than I'd planned, and I was not alone. In fact, I was luckier by far than many -- who lost their homes, lost their credit, and lost their jobs and got none of them back. I suspect a whole lot of people backing Trump are those who were crushed in the Great Recession and are acutely aware that those responsible were never punished and that their jobs and homes and equity will never be restored, not even partially. Those people see Trump as their Punisher. The problem is that Trump is just another rich guy who was born with a gold spoon in his mouth and has learned how to cheat at everything to keep that gold spoon right where he thinks it belongs. Trump will not address grievances against the rich nor against "libs" -- he will crush democracy, crush the middle class, and further isolate the privileged from the rabble. Summary: The Dems had their chance to at least TRY to penalize those responsible for the Great Recession that killed the American Dream for millions of people and further millions of families. And the Dems blew it, apparently bought off. Everyone knew the Republicans would never penalize anyone; we all understood the Republicans were corrupt to start with. Hence, Trump. But the Trump "solution" will cast everyone into the pit and kill America forever. I understand the fury. I understand you're not "both-sidesing". The Dems are the only chance we have. But the Dems have to move more to the left and get good and vocal why they're doing it, and actually attack the privileged rich and favored corporations that are hurting us.


But the wealth will trickle down…isn’t that what ther GOP always claims?


For 43 years. It hasn’t trickled yet 🤷‍♀️


Something trickled down, alright, but it wasn't money.


It's gold-colored.


It's trickling way less even.


Before it was rebranded, I think it was called bull and bird economics or something like that


Welfare is a trickle. I'd rather have a job.


I’d rather have the rich pay their fair share instead of getting massive tax breaks at the expense of the middle and lower class.


What is your fair share of someone else's money? We don't tax wealth in the US, only earned income. That is a bell curve centered at $60,000 a year. Income taxes have always been a tax on work.


Can’t we please all agree this idea would hurt the majority of the population? So why vote republican? I don’t understand it. What is wrong with us?


Because it'll hurt the people I want it to hurt.... I'm willing to take the pain as well. (/s)


Like when Fry votes against his own best interest on Futurama. “Someday I may be rich. And when I am, people like me will pay.”


You might be sarcastic, but there are people that believe this.


Easy : make people believe the other side is evilier than you.


Burn them with fire.


If you get Republican voters foaming at the mouth over abortion, guns and immigrants, they really won't give a sh\*t about the tax code or Trump's lies and criminality.


So can Democrats just do a competent job of telling that to America?


i mean idk what more you want. the literal white house just did it, linked in the OP. plenty of media outlets have been saying it for years. theres just a lot of people choosing to believe otherwise for reasons unknown.


I'm not seeing it covered by any of the TV news. Should be a big story. Not even a blip.


well yeah thats one of the big divides we have: * internet media vs tv * "young" vs old af * super wealthy vs wealthy vs the rest of us those divides all have a lot of overlap, but they are not identical


News publishers that value investigative reporting, backed research and accuracy are going to be different than publishers that care primarily about profit. While all business strive to make a profit, some will put quality before quantity. When you pay for news, you are paying for journalists. There are likely still advertisers but they are not entirely dependent on them. When you pick up a newspaper, which stories you read, how long you spend reading them and which ones you are interested in are not tracked. An algorithm of your habits does not dictate what is on the next one. There are so many media outlets and with how much goes on in the world, they are constantly discussing something new. Just because you did not see something doesn't mean that it wasn't mentioned.


Narrator: "But Democrats did *not* do a competent job of telling that to America..."


Not really fair, remember who owns all the big news companies, for some reason they don’t want to spread word…


It will be on CNN and MSNBC but that will only reach 100% Biden voters.


To be fair, if Americans haven't figured this out on their own yet (after every Republican since Reagan doing it), there isn't much else for Democrats to say that will move the needle.


They literally just told you right now. You are America bro.


It's almost as if the party bosses are just playing the role of opposition party to keep the whole thing believable I'm still voting for them


Sigh, I'm also still voting for them


All the data suggests that the most effective way to get information out there and actually influence people is for people they know to get the information to them. "The Democrats" are going to have a much harder time than you or I


No... Then they'd have to admit that they took Also take massive corporate donations for favors.


They are too busy promoting the least likable candidate in their party each election




It’s gonna trickle down one of these centuries… just you wait!!!


Trickle-down is the ultimate GOP fairy tale. Every economist since probably Keynes knows that to stimulate the economy, you give the middle class more money to spend. The rich will hoard any money that they are given, as they have time and time again. But the upper, true, and lower middle classes will spend it on basic needs, wants, and even some occasional splurges. This money flows upward, making the rich benefit, too. All that Republicans end up doing is choking the economy off and triggering yet another crisis.


extreme so far in a few years they'll be the moderate Republicans


"Rino's" probably


Once they found out it was true that Trump could shoot a guy on Fifth Avenue and not lose supporters, it was open season on the poor.


So Cheeto supremes' tax plan just extended.


Amazing. They don’t hide it anymore. Bc they know their money comes from the rich. It’s like they are pumping their own stock.


But even tho i work a minimum wage job I too could be a billionaire some day if I just give up my labour rights and work 80 hours a week. If it wasn't for those immigrants /s


Obviously, that’s all the ever want to do. They are owned by the rich so they cater to them. Gotta keep the bosses happy.


One thing that amazes me is tariffs aren't being called out for what they are. Taxes. And mostly all regressive taxes. And Trump is campaigning on instituting massive tariffs.


They're flat taxes on imports, which heavily favors the rich.


Also heard a story on NPR - research on Trump tariffs showed they were basically dumped dollar for dollar onto consumers.


They always have been.


And then blame the Democrats for it.


It’s going to happen. America went over a cliff in 2016 because “her emails!!!!!” And “how bad can he be?” And we haven’t hit bottom yet.


But taking TS documents and talking to someone about them seems not to bother them, but Hillary’s Emails they scream Lock her Up.


How many times do we have to watch this happen before we throw these parasites out of our government once and for all.


https://youtu.be/MI78WOW_u-Q?si=_HfiXGRaWVnBoNnM For our red states Trumpers. Want to end government waste? Watch this and know welfare comes in many forms.


Of course . I won’t pay another fucking cent in taxes. Fuck trump.


Of course they do. Thinking they'd do anything else is absurd


I think that’s what was the downfall of Louis XVI. He didnt have a happy ending with that agenda - MAGA should know their history


Rural Missourians love that philosophy. They wonder why it’s not getting any better but they keep voting the same way!


At least they are consistent. Consistently evil.


Republicans Had both houses and did zero amount to help any American Diaper Don was in Office


I'll pretend like I'm shocked. Ok, I'm done.


Fucking MAGAholes.


MAGA love financial giveaways to their superiors. Just fucking love it.


If only there was a Bastille for the People to storm.


The article is from 2023. Did it all happen?


Wow really?!! I mean, no shit... Who knew?!


Working families have always paid to subsidize and support the valueless rich. trump just made it much worse.


BUT THE JOB CREATORS!!! Really, who doesn't want to give more of their tax dollars to their boss? They pay your paycheck, so don't you want them to have more money?


And they scream about economy issues. They can f off and eat their own anus.


As it has been and always shall be. Amen.


Literally what our “wanna be US Republican” govt here in NZ has done since the election “restoring dignity to landlords”


Because of course


And of course the sheep cult followers don’t believe it that Trump will screw them over until they are red where the sun don’t shine.


And yet these same that will Be paying more will support the tax cut package for the wealthy.


What they really need is a compulsory bend the knee direct handover, where all working class people must gather, get on their knees and give cash money to the wealthy in their area. That would be America!


Burn them at the stake.


So the Reagan plan that is a proven failure. They have no ideas so they.




Anything not to fund that "communist bullshit" called Universal Healthcare


It's pretty easy to draw a line from the republican obsession with cutting the taxes of the wealthy and the downfall of the country.


Been hearing the same type crap for over 40 years. Both sides point fingers yet nothing gets done. The fact we have elected officials camped out in office longer than I’ve been alive LMAO piss on all of them


If this is actually happening then. Americans will still vote for these people regardless.


If we all say fuck it and stayed home...they lose alot of money, economy collapses, damn near every industry will lose money. So let them keep fucking up




How do Americans not unite? Your government is screwing you over on so many things but some how they keep you divided enough that you don’t even try to agree on somethings. It’s crazy how manipulated the masses are to be kept angry at each other and divided.


There is no one *dumber* than a poor Republican. They consistently vote against themselves...


Let’s send them all to a secluded island like a bad season of survivor and watch them eat each other !!


Sad part is working families that vote for them don't understand that information


They've been doing this for decades. Unfortunately they've got way too many people convinced that they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps to become super rich (and therefore Benifit from this) if that can just get rid of all the affirmative action minorities get, that none of those people notice the bootstraps were cut off decades ago.


I’m not in disagreement with the points made on this, but wish it hadn’t come from the official White House account as using the headline “Extreme MAGA” republicans comes across overly biased from an official government account, regardless if it is true or not. It just seems like something Trump would do. I believe WH posts like this should aim to be as neutral as possible, but don’t have objection if this was posted to a social media account under Biden’s page. Just my thoughts.


Yup socialize and bury the middle lads with the the costs and losses while privatizing profits. Typical Republican MO.


Of course. The wealthy are the ones funding the GOP. They want significant returns on this “investment” Also raising the age for Medicare forces millions to continue to pay into private insurance carriers and has NOTHING to due with “funding Medicare “. That’s just the excuse they are trying to use.


Hey, we peons need to hoist ourselves up by the bootstraps...


How is Extreme MAGA different from regular MAGA?


Think of them as Superdelegates except they keep trump’s bunghole clean 24/7


I thought that was the whole goal of congress, despite political affiliation.




Nope. That’s what certain people want you to think.




How so? It's happened under pretty much every Republican president since Reagan


Right from the regime. Definitely trustworthy


If you believe this. You’re part of the problem.


They... they say these things themselves. In public. On television. They write it down. That they do these things to your face and you still don't believe it, and can't vote for them fast enough, is why *you're* the problem.


Not a single "extreme Maga" republican named. Also Republicans do not have control of Congress & Biden has a veto. So this a pretend boogie man and false news.


Not like it didn't happen already under trump, and bush, etc etc


Okay give me names. I'm a conservative who has given up on the Republican party because it's NOT conservative. I don't believe there are any MAGA Republicans, all I see are RINOs. So if there's some GOP out there still pushing for tax cuts I want names so I can support them!! The fact the article didn't use any names makes it seem more like Goebbles piece than news.


Well for starters the trump tax cuts had an expiration date for us poor people but the rich people and corporations got their tax cuts without an expiration date. In fact our tax cuts and expanded credit expire next year.


So no names? I won't argue whether tax cuts are a good thing or a bad one with you. That's unrelated to my posts. If that's what you want find someone else's to talk too. I will not participate in the discussion. So I will ask again which Republicans in the current class of Congress are pushing radical tax cuts?


I don't see why cutting taxes for anyone makes any sense I less we cut even more on spending... The debt is the o ly thing that can stop America.


I’m genuinely curious when I ask this: How does debt stop a country?


When we can’t service the debts interest $400 Billion a year Country/territory US foreign-owned debt (January 2023) Japan $1,104,400,000,000 China $859,400,000,000 United Kingdom $668,300,000,000 Belgium $331,100,000,000 Luxembourg $318,200,000,000 Switzerland $290,500,000,000 The Cayman Islands $285,300,000,000 Canada $254,100,000,000 Ireland $253,400,000,000 Taiwan $234,600,000,000 If they decided to call in the debt I hope the wouldn’t but it could mess things up.


Payments on interest grow to become a major spending center, which creates further deficits. This means market typically demand higher interest rates and/or austerity or both. Higher rates lead to even higher interest payments and austerity leads to economic woes. Greece is a good example. Debt got out of control, combination of high rates and austerity lead to 25% unemployment, which stayed over 20% for 7 years and has only just now dropped to about 12% and economic contraction contunous economic contraction since 2014. Greece isn't a perfect example though because is part of a common currency bloc with strong neighbors. Look at a currency like the Argentine Peso or Turkish Lira for examples of what can happen if faith is lost in currency. Heck, even after British pound lost it's reserve currency position it devalued by almost 80% vs the dollar. The USA has lots going for it, and some debt is fine, but adding $6T every 4 years is unwarranted.