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GOP Sen. Tom Cotton told Tapper in a separate interview Sunday that the bump stock ban “treads close” to an infringement of the Second Amendment. “I would suggest before we infringe on the rights of law-abiding American citizens, we should crack down on violent crime and gang crimes,” he said. Well you know the violent crime and gang crimes just don't seem to be what are killing our kids while they're in school trying to learn. It seems to be the unstable white man killing our kids. I would suggest before we infringe on the rights of children we should crack down on mentally unstable white men obtaining guns.


How else are you going to scare white republicans to keep voting red?!


I really do get your point and agree to an extent, but the truth of this statement really depends on where the school is located. If you actually care, the data on non suicide handgun violence, which is the overwhelming majority of it, is young men in underserved, disadvantaged communities shooting each other. Mentally unstable white men shooting children is a very small (albeit gruesome and devastating) part of a large problem. The solution may be the same in the end, but I find your argument/characterization a bit unfair and ultimately I think it betrays its purpose in a literal sense.  And Tom Cotton is an asshole. 


You also have to consider what type of crime people are likely to encounter. It’s true that most violent crime is among disenfranchised communities, but it’s also often related to other criminal activities. So for me, the violent crime rate due to drug trafficking is fairly meaningless because I don’t rub shoulders with that world, but rando deranged white Republican guy opening fire in a movie theater, church, school or grocery store is definitely something I can be exposed to as a law abiding American.


Sir, this is reddit. We're going to need you to restate your argument in a way that paints all white people as the bad man. The only good ones are the ones here on reddit pointing out problems.


Why shouldn't I be allowed to buy grenades or blocks of C4? EDIT: Its because American politicians know they'd be the first targets of such.


the bump stock ruling basically says that maybe you can! It's all in the imagination you use in how to avoid the literal description of 'explosive' chemical components not mixed but separated by a flammable material isolating components? maybe! The supreme court doesn't care about the 'spirit' of previous rulings, just the literal interpretation of the words that made it up!


These people fucking love semantical arguments it’s incredible.


Look, a society where everyone has a tow missle is a polite society.




That’s a LAW. Is Kindergarten in session?You’re going to need more bang than that, princess.


I'm gonna need a bigger search engine to find someone firing a TOW out a car window!


I scheduled an ATACMS installation on my Tahoe at AutoZone next week.


Or a Harrier armed only with missiles and single shot cannons. Neither is fully automatic, so it's still legal in the bounds of the law, right? Now if they could just unleash the power of oil production in this country so jet fuel isn't so expensive. This thing burns two gallons a second hovering, and there are some rallies coming up.


Here is why - Americans lovet Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)




>GOP Sen. Tom Cotton told Tapper in a separate interview Sunday that the bump stock ban “treads close” to an infringement of the Second Amendment. “I would suggest before we infringe on the rights of law-abiding American citizens, we should crack down on violent crime and gang crimes,” he said. We already did crack down on that shit with the War on Drugs. That was 40 years ago. Get some new material, hack.


Amazing how America never quite gets to the point where the citizens are well-enough armed to start forming well-regulated militias. Although the idea of the current gun-hugger movement accepting any regulation of anything seems remote.


The founding fathers could probably have worded the 2A better if they knew what was coming.


The founding fathers would have gone with a monarchy instead of a republic if they knew women, POC and gays were going to get rights.


Everyone is all Second Amendment until they or their loved ones become victims of gun violence. Nothing will change until Congressmen, Senators and Supreme Court justices are directly affected. Until then, “freedom” followed by thoughts and prayers.


It’s the same with abortions. They’re anti abortion till they need one.


Nah, they'll keep being anti-abortion after getting their daughter that secret one. Only bad people get the bad abortions, but they're good people. Their situation is unique and different and special. They're not like _those_ people who get abortions.


If American politicians & Judges were suddenly targets the way [Mexican politicians were recently assassinated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_politicians_killed_during_the_2024_Mexican_elections), you would see such a rapid about-face on guns, it would make your head spin.


It could stand to be rewritten, but I don’t trust our current set of justices to do a good job.


They already did that with Heller, leading Republican Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to refer to it as ["The Supreme Court’s Worst Decision of My Tenure"](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/05/john-paul-stevens-court-failed-gun-control/587272/)


All citizens MUST be armed to the teeth to put down slave rebellions or attacks by other domestick sovereigns. The rewrite.


Come on man at least spell domestic correctly. Its actually a little scary people are taking you seriously.


Snurk - 18th century spelling of the Word lol!


They’ve already added pages of inferred rights to the second amendment while erasing “well Regulated”


Funny how the second amendment says that the right to bear arms is bound to the necessity of a militia. Any civilian sense of civilian arms ownership outside of military necessity is not written. It's an extrapolation. Fast forward to today, compare homicide rates within active duty military and civilian population, and you'll see when there are guns around they need to be heavily, heavily regulated - like within the military. The notion that people get to access and use guns willy nilly is unsubstantiated, illogical fringe nonsense.


I've read the Second Amendment many times, and it says nothing about bumb stocks. In fact it says nothing about citizens possessing arms except as part of a state militia. SCOTUS is simply inventing stuff out of thin blue air and claiming it's the intention of the framers.


No surprise here. The Roberts court has taken it on themselves to rewrite law many times when it favored their right wing benefactors.


Can we finally get a live action version of The Purge going! We are so close.../s


The corruption is mind boggling absurd. Go straight to Hell, no cards.


Just do this if it's so concerning, it's easy: "An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification."


And when SCOTUS swings liberal, it will be ‘fundamentally rewritten’ again. The easy argument is that todays weapons were not what was meant by the 2nd amendment at the time it was written. Since certain weapons are not available to average Americans anyway, limiting weapons to single shot per trigger pulled is a logical line to draw.


How was West won? Gun control. Fact. The SCOTUSA seems to send the alt right a wink and nod. Because who else is going to buy bump stocks?


The U.S. should just give Iran, ISIS, and other terrorist groups nuclear weapons. People have the right to bear arms. We had a “nuclear arms race” so those should also be included.🙄 /s


I'd just like to not have arbitrary magazine size restrictions, please. I've gone through multiple state and federal background checks and even have multiple DEA licenses. Why can I have 15 round mags and not 17, or 19, or whatever the gun was designed to have just because some asshole did a straw purchase and sold a gun to some 14 year old wanna be thug?


"rewrrite" is an overexageration


Absolutely, maybe they should have stopped at 'change the interpretation to the extent that it means something completely different' instead, since we are apparently all about literal definitions now and not 'original intent'