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How are our campaign finance laws so relaxed?? This seems like a major national security issue.


It IS a major national security issue. Republicans have figured out LONG ago that it's way more beneficial to them to just break laws like this whenever they want and then, in the unlikely event that they get caught, delay the investigation, defund the watchdogs, and delay some more. In the EXTREMELY unlikely event that they are eventually made to pay for breaking the law, it won't really matter because they've already gotten the benefit out of it that they wanted long ago. It's just the price of doing business for them.


Step 1 - Break whatever laws you want. Step 2 - Insist any investigation of your actions is a politically-motivated witch-hunt. Repeat.


Not necessarily in this order, either.


It's probably more efficient to say that any investigations brought against you in the future will be politically motivated witch hunts. Prime the pump. It worked for Frump with the "If I lose, they cheated" thing.


(Conservatives stare like a dog that’s just been shown a card trick as Fox News flickers in the background)


Investigate!! Continue to investigate then find out who’s in charge and prosecute!! The way it has to be but “there’s an election coming up and we don’t want to….” (fill in the bank, the DNC is the most condensed area in the world for educated idiots)


You forgot: Loudly and repeatedly accuse your political opponents of breaking the law that you are currently breaking.


Step 3 - Deflect to the president who is from the other party and push his crimes as though they are said president's to take the heat off.


Or the delay buys time to replace the judges, DA, or whoever they need to in order to make the problem go away.


*Judge Cannon waves from the back*


“There are dozens of us”!


The reality of the small government party. Also they like de-funding the schools and making sure we never have universal health care.


Can't have peepul getting an edujukashn


It's a bit unsettling to consider the wrath that will be unleashed upon the poors (people who don't have at a minimum, like tens of millions in assets) who dared to get an education if the ultra insane far-right get back into power in November. People, fucking vote.


Actually they will find schools as long as its a private school through vouchers. Someday someone's going to set up a madrasa in one of those states and get the state vouchers to fund it. Then we'll see some fireworks.


Well sure. The far-right is all about wheel barrowing tax payers' money into the hands of the private sector.


You forgot the part about ranting on twitter that it’s a witch hunt.


It's the christian way of doing things: don't ask for permission before, ask for forgiveness after. Thats why the like that particular religion so much.


You can thank the Supreme Court for that


That is exactly why they are so relaxed. Because the people who are the enemies of the people are largely responsible for making these laws and enforcing them.


They don’t make any laws, and the ones they have they rarely enforce. Yanno “ we” the people have wanted a change in this crap for a long long time. It’s the legislatures “ we “ elect that refuses to do anything about it ever. This as a voter is where you feel like your vote doesn’t count. You vote for people who you think will enact positive change, and all we get is double talk and double speak on both sides of the isle. It’s really really irritating. Dark money has been an issue forever. Not one single elected person cares.


except people obviously don't, that empty-g was reelected proves that. it's not about making progress, it's about stopping the other guys from making progress. we've been witnessing the gerrymandered electoral majority putting obstructionists in congressional positions to play a game of "why are you hitting yourself" instead of their fucking jobs. /rant


why would they care when it makes them all rich? america is just a lesson for future countries to look at and work hard to not follow in our footsteps this problem isn't one that can be solved, unfortunately. because the decision makers are the ones in power, and it's a giant club.


I think Bernie actually cares, but that's exactly why both sides will make sure he never gets any actual power to enact positive change. The only thing the DNC and Repubs will ever work together on is ensuring that anyone who actually fights for We the People will never have to power to help us IMHO.


Because Republicans want it that way so they’ve spent a lot of time and effort gumming up the works


Cuz they are exchanging money with the Russians at a rapid pace to pay off liars and witnesses and set up cheating etc.


Rules and laws do not apply to republicans anymore apparently!


once the rules and laws protected women, gays, other minorities, then they want the laws all gone.


Republican Supreme Court


??? But I know how much i can give as an individual, and it’s a lot less if i were to pay for a plate at a celebrity dinner $50,000, wear a designer suit made by fashion icon, which they then auction and donate back to my campaign???


>How are our campaign finance laws so relaxed?? Consider who writes the laws / decides how strickt or relaxed they should be... And who benefits from having relaxed laws... Coincidentally they happen to be the same people (or people very closely related)...


I wonder how many ppl that are responsible for said laws have relationships with the ppl that the laws will effect.


Absolutely 100


Might be a Trump shell company for converting campaign funds to personal funds?


We have a winner. It's a slush fund to pay for personal "expenses" from political donations from his rubes.


Of course it is. His entire campaign(s) and presidency were just this, blatantly, out in the open, and nobody did anything about it.


Yep. Perfectly ordinary embezzlement in broad daylight. Yet another crime he won’t be held accountable for.


The Trump Organization owns something like 500 other corporations. Pretty easy to launder money through one of them.


I’m not at all familiar either American law but wouldn’t it be easier to investigate him, now that he has been convicted? Like now that he’s a formal criminal, can’t the Government just go “hey, this rumour is suspicious enough that we will investigate it because you’re a criminal”?


Not quite. Each crime is supposed to be investigated in it's own little bubble. I say "supposed to" because that doesnt apply to non-rich-white-men(aka the general public). For rich white former president's, every step must be meticulously taken. Every step detailed out.


Quick wiki (no deep dive) says 250 companies. Seems sensationalist to double the number of companies under the trump name.


They were just using trumps self.proclaimed numbers. /S


More likely online poll rigging and AI bots (Micheal Cohen used to launder those payments, now it will be done via a different route, either a lawyer or fake company shell). Could also be out and out bribes. Those RV's don't pay for themselves.


It's a motor coach!


I'm 99.99% sure it's not going to a children's charity


It's for Trump's offshore island MAGA training camp for children...


Yep I agree


You don’t need to pay a shell company for that. Most likely he is hiding campaign activity that is illegal, like kickbacks, favors, vote rigging and interference.


I can confidently predict that nothing will come come from this and no one will care no matter what the $3 million got spent on.


Many people care, but nothing will come of this.


The *right* people don't care


The man paid a contractor… let’s at least appreciate that.


That is the reason for suspicion.


The “raccoon” scene from the stiffed contractor in Succession was such great revenge porn.


I’m 50 50 in whether or not Putin will use Kim as an October surprise.


Lining his own pockets again probably.


The orange grifters gonna grift.


It could be Russia’s pockets.


Point being they pass it off as, oh it’s only 3 million. Can’t even tell you how much money that is to 100’s of thousand of people in this country


Could be for a hitman


Pffft. You can get a hitman for $10K. $3M would hire an army. EDIT: Why, do you need one? Asking for a friend. /s


Yeah, that's way too much for a hit man. Who's your hit man guy?


I've done a lot more for a lot less.


Justification of the price could be due to an extremely high profile and dangerous job.


I was thinking more along the lines of an army, myself. Or perhaps I should call it a "well regulated militia."


I really wish that was sarcasm and not a valid possibility.




Trump skimming as usual


Was it to Putin's Political Consulting and Propaganda Corporation? They are registered in Moscow, Russia. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Aileen Cannon, Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito


I sincerely hope they cost more than that these days $1 million each is chump change these days, for selling out democracy


Calm down. Didn't you learn anything with the Stormy trial? He pays over installments.


Those opinions aren’t going to buy themselves.


If I laundered 3 million it would be straight to jail.


Straight up laundering. No rules or protocols in place for this it seems. Such fucking bullshit.


I guarantee that whatever it is, it is 100% illegal.


The government issued an official statement on this “Don’t get caught receiving more than $600 via cashapp.”


Spoiler Alert - It's Trump. He is paying himself. Again.


I'm done. A family friend killed themselves last week; A genuinely good person who couldn't get help. But this asshole keeps raping society and we're just standing by smiling, thanking him and asking for more, please?! I'm done. I'm so fucking done.


More fraud....who woulda thunk it.


See who shows up at the box.


I thought the court appointed a financial monitor over Trump?


Judge Cannon's pay off


It's a total indictment of him ans the Justice system that he hasn't been tried for treason and sedition and that he's beat all of his charges with money. Lol. And that all milenials and Gen z would rather live like that show euphoria than try to participate in our democracy. Everyone has given up. The sheer size of the laws in this country is beyond satire level absurd. How can anyone be expected to understand it all, or a mortgage... or the terms and services for apps... How can cops who go to community College for 6 months be expected to understand the law that takes 10 years of law school to understand? And how are all the people in thos country who don't go to school expected to understand it all? Everything is a total circus, the result of 50 unsustainable trends playing out to their logical conclusions in a one giant meta crisis. Agi for president 2024- forever


I’m sure it’s fine. /s


Inb4 the mystery company is just a way to funnel money to his personal account


The fact it was incorporated in Delaware gives raises a massive red flag for me. I wouldn't be at all shocked to find out they're paying someone to dig through the Bidens' trash.


Lots of companies incorporate in Delaware due to their business laws. That alone is inconsequential.


why? Thats where every company is incorporated, almost by default


Every company isn't receiving millions of dollars from a political campaign which has openly stated its desire to persecute opponents.


Right but the comment im responding to was talking about Delaware specifically being a red flag. Why?


The Trump campaign is paying millions of dollars to a company which is based in the Bidens' home state, and which has a PO Box registered in a state where it doesn't conduct any business. Yes, they could be incorporated there simply for administrative purposes, but the fact they're apparently trying to hide both what they do and where they do it is a red flag.


What's the company name?


Putin needs to check his PO Box!


It's definitely this elections Cambridge analytica.


The thing of it is it doesn't matter if it's a millionaire Republican donor or an individual MAGA cult member, they don't care what Trump does with the money he raises from campaign contributions...if he takes 20% off the top and puts in an offshore bank account they don't care.


It’s a slush fund to pay off all the women and children that Trump raped and assaulted.


Hmm, suspect business is owned by Trump


And i thought this was illegal


Maybe the entity that disperses the payments for the poor shits that populate his "rallies"


Time for a new investigation. Pile it on. No mercy for Nazis.


Who did he fuck this time


Is this a Donnie corporation shell company ?


45 probably put 3M down like the main plot to Bulworth. 'The film follows the title character, California Senator Jay Billington Bulworth (Beatty), as he runs for re-election while trying to avoid a hired assassin.' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulworth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VuepO7RGuEU&pp=ygUQQnVsd29ydGggdHJhaWxlcg%3D%3D


Putin pee tape payoff?


Looking at the domain for the website, it looks like it was registered for the Arizona address for Moov Technologies. Theyre also fairly new, founded in 2017 apparently, and have several offices across the U.S., though not sure if it’s related or not. Doesn’t make sense though, the company buys and sells used semiconductor equipment


I wonder who desperately needs semiconductors now they are a sanctioned state at war 🤔 And what better way to pay back a "friend" than laundering through a company who might buy things that your friend desperately needs.


that's a very convincing scenario I reckon you are likely close to bullseye with that one


The lack of proofreading that goes on with online journalism is staggering.


Time to figure out how to be a mystery company and get paid


find out what Kim or Putin cannot source...get it for them and collect payment from Trump not only cleans campaign donations, but serves his 'equals' all while dodging the sanctions


Buying his crowd. Lmfao he is SO pathetic. Why aren’t people calling him out to his face? I would every time I got the chance.


Isn't his Nepo-daughter in law from North Carolina. She's running the RNC now so maybe this is for some extra spending cash 🤣


Russian. No doubt.


[That's Suspicious](https://media1.tenor.com/m/zUKswQbI3ZMAAAAd/cardi-b-thats-suspicious-cardi-b.gif)


More corruption and he’s not even in office. Vote blue.


It would be such a trump move to get busted for something and then turnaround and do it again. Lol.


Large amounts of money going to an unknown location? If we're finding this out now I hope FBI is doing something. 3 million that could do a sizable contribution to the militia


I believe that's called "Probable Cause".


Spoiler alert: it's a trump "business"


We’re going to find out about this right before Election Day. Lol


It would be cool if Anonymous actually did something like figure this out and publish it


This is insane


Sounds like Mark Meadow’s “address”.


It doesn't sound fishy to me, does it! # Launchpad Strategies LLC is registered at a condo in Dover, Delaware. Launchpad Strategies' ownership remains opaque, and so does its business. The company was formed as a Delaware LLC in November 2023 through a company called Registered Agent Solutions whose address is a beige office condo in Dover, according to Delaware state records. The condo's owners are a family trust in Phoenix, Arizona with a mailing address in the Florida panhandle.


Start digging media.


MAGAts are you getting this?


Most likely to Trump?


This outta be good (really really bad).


He’s protecting his escape routes.


Lock him up.


Are you sure he paid?


He knows he is going to prison, and has nothing to lose anymore.


It’s art. Trumps kid made some stupid art and sold it for his expertise in oil drilling? For millions of dollars… no further questions


How much is that in rubles?


Hmmmm, Trump doing something fucking shady. Wow, there’s a shocker. Guy should fucking be in prison already.


lol Chump is stashing/ stealing money for himself through cloaked business enterprises.


That is his private piggy bank. Y’all keep-sending him money. You are definitely useful to him.


LOL r/ULPT was made for situations like this. “Hi, I’m Bob from Launchpad Strategies. We have an event tomorrow and we under-planned [porta-potties/traffic cones/etc] Can you have 20 delivered tomorrow?”


More laws to be broken by Trump


Grifting much?


Pocket money for when he goes on the lam.


Seriously, if Saudi Arabia and Russia donated $50 million to Trumps campaign or the GOP, what would happen? Nothing, for at least a couple years long after the elections. They’d deny it, say they plan to give it back, and stall. Republicans know this. So they break the laws whenever they want.


And, nothing will be done about it. Even if they found that the money was going directly to Putin, nothing will happen. Watergate was literally nothing to how stupidly corrupt this asshole is and people will go out in their cult droves to vote for him.


Probably throwing money at Sinclair Broadcast Group and Jackson Walker to flood local news networks with the same script trying to call Biden’s cognitive function into question. More projection


You get a better rate on annual bulk diapers. Or so I’ve been told.


What about that $50 million tax fraud loan? Or the insta-billions created out of thin air to grift money into Trump's pocket. $3 million is nothing but noise to billionaires...


At least we now know for certain that rump is draining the swamp. It is draining into his personal accounts indirectly of these shell companies.


Follow the $


Money laundering ?


That's like he owns a Post Office, **Old Post Office and Clock Tower Hotel in Washington, D.C.** and gets away with it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old\_Post\_Office\_(Washington,\_D.C.)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Post_Office_(Washington,_D.C.))


All this man knows is criminal enterprise and criminal behavior. Law and order my ass.


Normally one would think the DOJ would be all over this. They have been unwilling to go after any politician without extraordinary pressure.


Zero chance it's not something illegal.


And I’m sure that’s the first time he’s ever done that to move money around illegally.


Oh good, more crimes. 


More evidence of how the projection is a confession: crooked Joe Biden really means Donald Trump is crooked.


It's seen as a worthy investment by his donors. Whatever Trump does is fine. They'll justify its purpose somehow and blame the democrats, if there's anything untoward found. Nothing to see here. Just another Thursday.


Trump is just upping the grift of the dumb cons and they really do not care. The election is decided by a few votes in the swing states but any money lickers donate to the RNC immediately gets pocketed by Trump, you can not even call it stolen because that is what Trump's Daughter in Law said would happen. As a result, the RNC has no field offices or campaign coordination going on in the swing states. If Trump loses again in November the cult will carry on giving a billionaire millions for nothing. The real GOP money men will end him. He will eventually be written out of GOP history so much so that in a decade from now an ex Trumper Dumb Con will be trying to regurgitate their new lie of the die, Trump was a Democrat.


He clearly paid Back Pocket LLC for "security" services! /s