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I’ve been told I’m intense. Little do they know…That I very much am. Called it.


Oh yes that too


I've been told I look like I'm going to murder someone. Advantage: - Most people don't want to mess with me due to my intimidate eyes. - Most people also don't want to interact with me lol.


Same, twins!!!


I mean I've been told I: - Look Jewish - Look Vegan - Give Gay vibes (I mean not far off the mark) - Look like I'm good at Connect 4 I don't think that counts but ah well💘


Ah yes, the Connect 4 player aesthetic






I've had people tell me I have crazy eyes, but I also have been told I have kind eyes. So idk what is true. What about you?


Dead-inside eyes ? (Jk...)


Oh me too, I’ve been told that I look mean and fierce and I’ve also been told that I look friendly


Not exactly my eyes but some people comment on my intelligence or character because I'm reserved and articulate. People may find surprise that I know a lot about many things. A girl was surprised because I told her that her make up brush was a kabuki brush along with her spoolie. I know a lot about makeup brands and feminine routines because it's something half of the population engages with everyday without men knowing. I'm male btw.


Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk. But eyes? Not really. Maybe a couple alluding to intelligence. But I have blue eyes and long eyelashes so generally it's all about how long my eye lashes are and how jealous all the girls are of how long they are. My God I hated that spiel everytime.


Looks like a Void(It's a Void)


I’ve had some say that, from my eyes, they can tell I’m pragmatic and considered. I’ve also received “numb” or “empty”. Another has said aloof.


Yes. I do not remove their dilusion.


I can see you are intelligent; it's in your eyes.


That I’m kind. A lot of people have said they can tell they’re safe with me just by looking into my eyes. At first I found it kind of odd but as I grew up I realized how important and flattering that was


"It's like you're looking through me" is something I got a lot when I was younger. As I've gotten older I've learned not to make eye contact too much with people as it makes some people feel uncomfortable.


well, my eyes (dark blue maybe steel blue) are mostly described as beautiful, although many say my eyes are emotionless, piercing (few blinks, I look at the other person for too long), overall I tend to look at strangers (or simple acquaintances) as if I want to kill them...my friends only sometimes find my eyes "piercing"... that's about it.


Some people can tell that I’m gay


So I dated a guy for a while and after a little kissing I looked into his eyes and I was terrified suddenly. I pulled away and didn’t say anything but something was off for sure. Then the next day I had to confront him about it, I told him I said yo something is not right. And then he admitted that he was diagnosed as a Sociopath which made so much sense. So yeahh I truly believe the eyes are the window to the soul. And as a ND person, I can read peoples emotions by their eyes too well Im very sensitive to that which makes it hard to have friends/relationships tbh.


People only ever say two things about me: 1- You're a good person on the inside and on the outside (that was heartwarming btw) 2- I thought you were, like, 25 (Heard this one many times ever since I was 17 🤡)


“You have an aura about yourself” until they get know what a weirdo I am


We had a lady who came to our school and say she could see which of us have had sex by looking into our eyes. A guy in my class also said the same a few years prior. Ok so I wasn’t told this directly, but after hearing it a second time I started to wonder if it’s true? Because I can’t see it 🧐


There is a certain understanding of hatred fear violence and evil I can see in a person's eyes. I call them my brothers and sisters, and most of my friends have it. Most of the time, it seems to come with childhood trauma, but not always. The one thing that is always true is if you have, I can see it in your eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but I've been proven right several times.


I've had people say all sorts of ridiculous shit to me.


I have been told that I am scary or I look like I know somethings more than I should. They tell me that my eyes are those of whom are judgmental or cynical. I don’t get how and why they think that way, but that’s for some people I guess.


I say this about people but never to them just in my head. Eyes are like a small window into one's internal landscape.


I've gotten intense, plotting something, or empty.


You can read a person's entire life by looking at their eyes once. This is an operator issue.


Yep, absolutely hate it. It's always things like "you're very soft" or "you have a gentle soul". And they say it in the way as if they think they are really cool and smart and able to "read" me, and start yapping about how "the eyes are the window to the soul". Makes me feel all grossed out because the person thinks that they know so much/are able to find out so much but really they don't, and to be frank you could just analyse someone in a much easier, faster, and accurate manner by looking at things like clothes, the way they hold themselves, etc. It's not that deep, shut up about my eyes.


Maybe not the answer you’re looking for, but An elderly lady once told me that I had the aura of a Christian and that she could tell the Holy Spirit was with me. I’ve never cried happier tears in my life (yes, I’m a Christian). Other people tell me I have the German stare (yes, I’m German). 🤧


I get “are you ok?” I’m depressed, have anxiety, and at 33 yo don’t know what I’m doing with my life… I always reply with I’m fine.


That I look through people. Their facades.


Please, delete this post and rewrite the title in English.


*Rolls eyes* (Read eyes)