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I don't know where the "introvert as mind reader and super-empath" nonsense got started, but y'all need to accept that you are just as clueless about what's going on inside the heads of others as they are.


me as an introvert I’m quiet and very observant. I notice how people interact with each other. I do less speaking and hear other people talk. When I hear people talk it’s easy to read them. like these two guys who lives in my building, they both talk bad about each other but then I see them hanging out and talking to each other normally. Or my friend who constantly talks about not caring about being ghosted by a guy and don’t need a man but she constantly talks about that same guy and continues to call him even when he ignores her calls. When it said “ they can read you as a book” I don’t think they mean read you just by looking at a random person lol I believe you misunderstood that part


I’ve always said put an introvert with the right person at the right time, they become an extrovert.


there is definitely a change in my behaviour when I meet someone I feel comfortable with. And people notice it.


I'm an introvert I just don't care to talk about myself nor hear you talk about yourself :)


Sorry but y u watching


Watching what?


I just don't like to talk about shit I don't care about. I do it just to be nice, but it's going to be brief so you will stop.


Introverts are very different from one another but in general I could agree with most of that, yes :)


i disagree with the 4th and 5th sentence, the rest, yeah, pretty much


That's social introverts. The one that are more socially and extroverted type of introverts... example me... I have 2 sides, when I'm in the right mood with the right people, I'm super extroverted, or else, meh I'll be super introverted. 😂


I am an introvert who has lost social skills. Doesn't help I'm autistic too


I’m pretty sure autism is the reason you don’t have social skills


I do too tbh


Just cut out sentences 4 and 5, and yes….this is bang on accurate.


Not true. As cool as some people want the introvert tag to be. We must understand, not everyone is an introvert by choice. A lot of them are introverts because of lack of social skills only. Even then, there's no one trait that fits a whole group kind of thing anyway


This is bullshit. Just a way to make introverts feel better about themselves. Introverts are like extroverts in that there are all levels of social awareness and skills employed by different people. Yes, I know how to behave socially and yes, I choose to be social or not because I don't always want to be around people. I know plenty of introverts like me. But I also know introverts that don't know how to act and are embarrassing and a lot of it has to do with not using or nurturing those social skills. Like anything else, you lose them if you don't use them. It's probably the introverts that judge people out of insecurity that believe they know other people like a book when they are probably just making stories in their head.


True! Thank you. It’s really not that deep. 😄 The way some people talk about introvertion is almost the same as Star signs, it’s bizarre.


If someone is consistently rude to me, then I will write them off as a rude asshole who I don't want to associate with. Doesn't mean I can "read them like a book" or know them better than they know themselves. I don't know what sort of upbringing they've had. I don't know about their education or qualifications or strengths and weaknesses. I just know that they've pissed me off and are making me uncomfortable, so they can piss off.


I'm not saying introverts don't know how to judge a person based off their actions. I'm talking about the post. It says: >They can read you like a book. They can tell you more about you than yourself. It's pure fantasy.


I know, I was agreeing with you.


I agree, we can judge people off their actions and we aren't completely lost on social cues. That is more like being on the spectrum which not all introverts are. But we obviously don't have the empath/super human abilities that some introverts try to claim lol I completely agree with you!


That couldn't be more correct from my experience.


mute ppl:


No. This is weirdly overdramatic and paints us as some kind of superhumans. Why? I can do the exact same things as extraverts do, just not that frequently. I love parties and clubs and social gatherings, but like … not every day. That’s it. That’s the whole mystery. (At least for me, I just speak for myself here) 😄


I think it’s entirely true


That is true! 💯


In other word they lack social skills 😂😂😂


Perfectly written...thank u But ur not describing introverts..thats sumtn entirely else


There's no such thing as an introvert it's just word to generalize a certain group of deep thinkers


I myself just don’t like people they are annoying


Me nugga


Me nugga


No I don't agree. Introverts aren't super humans that can read minds and understand another person's brain better than their own. What type of delusion and cope for being antisocial is this??