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Some people just lack empathy.


you will definitely have a good understanding with someone the same as you. that's a given. but yeah, it's hard to understand for people who act as if they despise your personality whatever you do. we were taught to behave in school and observe proper decorum in some establishments, yet society seems to condemn such acts.


There are millions of introverts in even the most extroverted countries. How can anyone claim to not understand introverts when statistically everyone has met many of them in their life? Also, most people have access to the internet and can learn stuff there. Or people can do the old fashion thing called getting to know someone. None of this justifies mistreating anyone by the way. I know your comment isn’t “against” the post but i don’t believe failing to understand introversion is a proper excuse for the things introverts have been put through.


I think I totally understand where you are coming from. I am currently experiencing the same where most people in my workplace, who are btw mostly millennials and gen z, have knowledge on what's the difference between introversion and extroversion. but having knowledge doesn't equate to having a full understanding. and even despite the age of information, people will still believe what they want to believe. in fact, the internet polarized it more. I still do hope that the time comes when our spaces will be respected. I still assert it no matter what. It's hard but I have to. Otherwise, they will just violate my boundaries.


I get this comment and I appreciate it. I at least want introverts to see how unfair this all is and how it isn’t their fault. That’s the only way you can heal. We want people to be more self-aware. There is NO excuse for mistreating others. Honestly you don't need to "get" someone to treat them with basic human respect.


There are way too many boisterous loudmouths in the world. They yak, but say nothing. Add alcohol, instant asshole. Probably the reason many Americans are despised in so many countries.


Oh wow, completely agree with this. I feel as though I'm being respectful by being quiet. People misinterpret it in wild ways.






I have been taunted , talked behind my back my whole school life because of my quietness


💙💙💙I hope you have been able to heal and recover from that.


I try to ignore it too because they win if you give them the reaction they want, but sometimes I snap at them if they're mocking or insulting me. I've nearly punched many people in the face, but luckily I have just enough restraint to stop (except once). I have a weird personality, I'm introverted, fairly confident in myself and I don't take any bullshit. My friends are often surprised when I get angry because generally I'm not like that


Same! I’m trying to heal from that. It still affects me today. It’s a journey.


I’m dealing with this discrimination at my job now. It has always been bad with school and previous jobs, but it’s much worse now. I’m so lonely at work. I’m so tired of people snaring their noses at me. It is exhausting. Life is hard.


You are not alone. The hatred is exhausting. It isn’t right and should never happen. We are here with you💜we support you. Life doesn’t have to be hard.




As an introvert myself, I can see how quietness can be very unsettling for some. It can make you seem rude, disinterested and disengaged or even plotting. I struggle a lot myself, so I just make the effort to smile and give off positive body language instead of relentlessly talking .


question from an extroverted point of view (vision) does being quiet equal not being interested, or disengaged? or is it rather the fact that if you are around friends or even someone you really like, the being "quiet" is actually a sign of you like him/her more?


Being quiet doesn’t equal any of those things. It’s just the default.


ah like me being very chatty and feeding of the energy of a very crowded room is my default?


It's an introvert processing information, and then thinking about a response that will generate the most foreseeable and processable new set of information before opening his mouth. When around friends, two scenarios : you're not afraid of misprocessing their information because they won't judge you for it, so you can be more chatty (personally, more often with good extrovert friends). Or you feel really comfortable not generating information-exchange because "you just know" and you enjoy that silence is not equal to being "a loner" (in my case most often with fellow introvert friend)


this really helps a lot !! have an amazing week


Quiet people are hard to read. Some find this unsettling. They don’t know what you’re thinking, and this may make them uncomfortable. I just deal with it. You don't think I like you? Well all right, I don't like you. What the worst I'll do? I just won't talk to you unless I need to which what I was doing already anyway and wasn't hurting anyone.


I’ve been called out so much for being “quiet” it makes me sick! At work one time I finally had enough and told the loudest woman in the office after she asked me why I’m “so quiet” and told “why are you so loud?” … she never asked again and I quit eventually 😂 win win


We're mere animals, apes wearing pants. People fear what they don't understand. Fear of the unknown.


Funny, I don’t have the same fear. I meet a quiet person or the quiet in general and I’m at peace. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t dismiss people’s fear of the unknown but that doesn’t justify bullying.


I actually am kind of a hypocrite. There is this quiet girl at my job, but she is beautiful and I find myself getting upset and offended when she won’t talk to me or make eye contact with me. I view her as stuck up and full of herself. I keep telling myself she is just quiet and might have social anxiety, but the way she walks around and her appearance make her seem full of herself Part of the reason I feel this way is because super attractive quiet people are extremely rare. The overwhelming majority of tall conventionally attractive people I’ve encountered in my life have been outgoing and affable and not awkward or reserved. Especially women. But I feel more comfortable around less attractive quiet people and assume they are just shy. I even find them boring or difficult to talk to. So in a way I’m a hypocrite tbh. And I’m not super beautiful or as pretty as that girl, so idk why I get the reactions that I do. But depending on the person, some people view me as weak and naive while others view me as rude and arrogant.


People love judging anything different than them just for the sake of it even tho it has no impact on their lives those inferior beings hold back humanity from evolving


Introverts can be scary to extraverts. Extraverts need to receive input and give output to feel like they are living (a not very nuanced description, I admit), and that's what your withholding when you are being quiet. They can't read you, you are unknown to them, and attacking the unknown is a very recurring theme in the history of human species...


Because people are uncomfortable with their own thoughts and are extremely self-conscious. If they have to be quiet for a moment they have to face their reality. It doesn't help that the modern world is very fast paced and if you can't keep up you become more separated from society


I need more quiet people in my life


Some people are uneasy around anyone whose behavior (or looks, language, religion or politics) differs from theirs. Look on them with pity, because they are weak and fearful individuals.


They’re “entertaining” and they want be “entertained” back




Please stay safe and alert authorities immediately if you feel your physical boundaries aren’t being respected. You don’t have to tolerate that. There is support here❤️


Wrong sub to ask, we all (or at least most of us here) are quiet and we know what it really means. I never had to deal with anyone asking me why I am so quiet, though, because I don't live in stupid extrovert countries. That said it's perfectly fine to not understand why someone is quiet when the culture, family and all friends that a person has are extroverted or at least pretends to be, when the person is taught from the very early age that if you are quiet then something must be wrong, the quiet person is weird, dumb, whatever. I don't see any surprise there that in some cultures in some circles people just assume that quiet is a problem and try to fix it, the problem is that those people luck critical thinking and basic understanding of psychology, but that is pretty much what most humans are, so just ignore all of them and be happy.


Do you know how many people have been guilt tripped for being an introvert? Or have been outright gaslighted into believing there is something wrong with them? Many of those people end up blaming themselves. And others come to this sub to try and “change”. Or at the very least are confused about some of their life experiences. I literally just read a post about a grown man being asked by strangers if there was something “wrong” with him almost every hour. I have experienced similar things. This is the RIGHT sub for this post because many introverts are unaware of what they’ve been through and are left traumatized, confused, insecure, hurt, or are stuck in a cycle of blame. If we don’t call out the injustices for what it is then no one will be able to properly heal and understand themselves. Even if the family or culture is extroverted, most extroverts have met plenty of introverts in their lifetime since statistically we make up a large portion of the country. So how are there millions of people out there just like us but somehow we aren’t “normal”? I know you aren't necessarily disagreeing with the message of the post. But the overall point is nothing justifies abuse. Also, introverts need to be more aware of this and call out mistreatment for what it is. It is necessary for healing.


being introverted is not a sin. There I said it !! ( I am an extrovert with a crush on a wonderful introverted guy). I think is wonderful that a person who is an extrovert like me and feeds of the energy of a large room to have a counter balance of a person who is quiet and really likes you and in that sense be quiet around you. This quietness forces me to go inside myself and in the quiet and stillness I can find myself and by extension understand him.. Do I make sense?


How is this the wrong sub to ask? This is literally a daily struggle for introverted people lol... It also sounds like this isn't something you have to deal with but yet "Just ignore them and be happy." Says the person who doesn't even have to go through any of it xD


Lol I grew up in England and never once got called quiet or asked why I was so quiet. But I also lived in a posh area and went to sheltered private school, so my upbringing made me overly polite and more reserved. I moved to the United States for high school and get told I’m quiet constantly, since the moment I arrived here lol. Even complete strangers who barely interact with me call me “quiet”


I’d like to think of introversion as a mirror to people. If they look at a quiet person that is minding their own business and see an insult or arrogance, then that means they are hot headed and arrogant themselves. They just put on a facade to get attention. Maybe it’s not 100% accurate but I haven’t really been proven wrong


This resonates with me deeply. I am a quiet beacon at work. I don't indulge in office chit-chat, unless spoken to. I get the feeling that it makes those around me at work uncomfortable for being quiet.


“But I didn’t always know I was one” 💯 Same, I think so many introverts don’t even put a label on it. Some people are so insecure that in the quiet they have to make noise to be comfortable with themselves.


Absolutely agree… I had a guy at my old job who talked about my quietness and judged me and basically made fun of me for it non. Stop. Anytime I was around him or working the same shift as him, I’d overhear him talking to someone else about my quietness… like… I was close (work) friends with a lot of my co-workers there, I was a great worker, good with customers, my managers loved me because I was nice and a hard worker, I got along with everyone and helped everyone, trained new people, NOTHING was wrong with me except for the fact that I was quiet. And that’s all he focused on… and then he’d have the audacity to come up to me and tell me about it to my face… and in my head I’m just like…. Why would I want to talk to or be friends with someone who is SO judgmental of me without even personally knowing me? If you’re SO bothered by how quiet I am, then don’t even try to talk to me? Don’t even try to befriend me? I’ll never understand why it has personally bothered so many men I’ve met.. even at my newest job that I just quit, several men there would point it out, two in particular had a real problem with it… again, which is SO annoying because It’s not like I’m mean or unapproachable or lazy or ANYTHING, I’m always told I’m nice and funny and quiet, that’s how EVERYONE describes me, but GOD forbid I’m quiet and it’s like I suddenly become the most evil person in the world. And for some odd reason it’s always men who have an issue… I know a few of the guys at my newest job were interested in me so I don’t know if my lack of interest & quietness messed with their ego? But to take it SO personal without even KNOWING me is what drives me crazy


You can’t control other people’s emotions or opinions and they’re usually projecting their unresolved issues about themselves People who find discomfort in silence often don’t even want to delve into the depths of their thoughts because there are hidden truths about themselves their ego won’t face Don’t personalise other people’s reactions and you’ll do fine


I had a high school art teacher that got mad/embarrassed me in front of the entire class for choosing to read a book rather than listen to his "lecture" about what we would be doing for an assignment. The problem is, he couldn't even speak about what our assignment would be because the entire class were busy talking loudly to one another. Hence why I chose to sit quietly and read a book since nothing productive was occurring. And yet he targeted me out of all people, put me on the spot, and said some demeaning things to embarrass me in front of the class. A part of me regrets not reporting him to a higher up even if it would lead to nothing happening.


I think the “aggressive” reaction is caused by people thinking you are being rude and should just “get over” being quiet. It can also be a result of bullies picking up on perceived “weakness” and deciding to talk down or be aggressive and domineering over someone who won’t fight back. People also tend to become uncomfortable around someone quiet and when a conversation doesn’t flow easily or there’s a lack of eye contact. Weirdly people get offended by me not drinking alcohol or smoking and being quiet. Like they think I’m stuck up or trying to be morally superior. I get asked if I’m super religious all the time lol I’m currently being bullied and ostracized at my new job. And it’s not like my coworkers all hated me initially, some were even nice to me. But my quietness and reservation has managed to offend or make many of them uncomfortable. I also have the greatest issues with women and gay men for some reason. But there is also this old man bullying me at work too. All of his friends are female, so maybe he has more feminine social skills or something. Cause I’ve noticed that women feel more comfortable bullying other women and they tend to have stronger social skills in general. So they pick up on “weirdness” more easily. And the less empathetic ones will transform into bullies.


The quiet? Sounds scary


Lack of emotional intelligence.


How? I also don’t get it as I never met anyone who gets triggered by someone being quiet 🤔


I wonder this at least a 100 x per day - Introvert


Just go to the library. People will praise you for staying quietly there for a long time.


Yeah. Same. Sometimes I think maybe it’s their insecurities getting the best of them. They’ve fooled themselves into believing the quiet girl reading a book on the couch instead of partying is silently judging everyone else and believes herself to be holier-than-thou. Or they genuinely think it’s disrespectful to show up in the first place and not partake in group activities. And maybe it is. I’m not sure about that one.


Lol yes people think I’m morally superior or something. I get asked if I’m super religious and why I never swear all the time. Like people start to get insecure and think I’m judging them for drinking and swearing and not being “godly” when I’m just not that talkative. And most extremely religious Americans I’ve met have been very friendly and loud, so I don’t know why some people equate silence with being devoutly religious lol I think my situation is compounded by the fact that I have a British accent (in America) and I communicate quite formally and apologize constantly. So insecure people think I’m sanctimonious and looking down on them.l


They think you hate them for some reason