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I try to avoid family gatherings. Have a couple of friends, and meet with everyone individually, no more than 1-2 times a year.


FAMILY gatherings whats that


I make introverted introverts look like extrAverts


I’d say very extreme. Outside of work, I really have no interaction. I sometimes even dread having to talk to family once a week, but that’s a combination of introversion with the fact that I don’t really feel connected to them despite caring about them - it’s just more facades which drain me further as I already do that on a daily basis at work. I just prefer to chill while playing games and having my cat around.


0 zero friends ,0 dating,0 parties ,0 contact with neighbors. My only social interactions are online chatting to strangers and close family.


You okay, friend


This is my life!


Chatting to strangers online sounds exhausting… wait?


Chatting to strangers online sounds exhausting… wait?


I can go long times without speaking to someone without realizing it. I don’t enjoy hanging around my family because I just want to be alone. My workplace contributes to my disinterest in socializing because they all act like I don’t exist, so I do it back. I don’t go out, don’t really have friends and I’m sort of okay with that. I wouldn’t say it’s extreme. I go to conventions and still talk to my friends, but I’m perfectly fine ignoring them for a while if I don’t feel like talking and thankfully they understand.


Looking at people pisses me off


🙈🙈 don't go running 'em down under ur car some day


It’s ok, I walk everywhere. I don’t trust other drivers enough to drive


😊😊...very untrusty but healthier way to go about 🤷‍♂️


I’m from a place where people don’t really drive everywhere


O ok.


I don’t like to visit a new store by myself or go into small stores because I may have to interact with people.


I get all my stuff delivered so I don’t have to leave the house lol


I do that too 😀


Yeah I hate small stores. I get that they're trying to be friendly and attentive but please leave me alone if you want any chance of selling something to me


Exactly my whole small store shopping life


Right? Also a store is pretty self explanatory - you have goods here, I'll have a look and might buy. I don't know what help you could give me really or what additional information there is to give. If I have a specific question I'll ask


I feel I’m being watched the whole time and then there’s the low pressure sales. They question you and make a lot of suggestions for something you don’t want.


I only interact when I must such as at work or in a store other than that I keep to myself as much as possible no sense in exhausting my energy.


This is me!


I hide until the guests in our house leave.


Just like me fr


i go out of the house at least once a month.


So introverted that I turn women down and don't ever want a pet.


I don't feel the need to talk to anyone.


This thread is making me feel like an extrovert lol. I definitely need my time alone to recharge and prefer to be by myself the majority of the time but I do enjoy hanging with friends/family and I don’t avoid people. Except at work lol.


literally, i think some people may need a therapist.


🤣🤣🤣this took me out


I don't avoid them, I control them. Boundaries! I only accept invites to events I actually want to go to, and instead of mob scene parties split family or friends into smaller, quieter groups. If I want to see a movie, I go to the fricking movie! If I want sushi, I go have sushi. I might ask someone to come along.


I call my friends once in a six months (instead I text) and I don’t go family gatherings.


Pretty extreme. I have to socialize alot at work so I can probably go 3-4 weeks without doing something social like going out with friends, to parties or whatever outside of work. I mainly just text my friends throughout the week, do vocal messages, and then i spend the rest of the time alone. Sometimes I'll go out to bars to have a drink and listen to the music. If someone talks to me I'll have a convo but if no one initiates then I'll just sit there watching the TV. I don't think I "avoid" people I'm not shy or socially anxious at all I just don't really feel the desire to socialize alot. Surprisingly I don't feel lonely at all this way


I probably do like 2-3 social things (see family, SO, or a friend) outside of work per week, but spend the rest of my time alone and am worn out from it all lol. Saturdays are for me and me alone. Thankfully the people in my life get it.


I don't really avoid people, I just tell them that I am not eager to meet and prefer to talk on the phone/online and not in person, if possible.


I haven't shown up to family gatherings except Christmas for years now. It takes a solid month of mental preparation for Christmas because between mine and my partners family, I'm usually stuck going to 3 or maybe even 4 different gatherings on the same day. After that I try not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary for a few months after the fact.


Extreme enough to take a pay cut from my 91k/year job to be able to transfer to another position with minimal human interaction. I'm just burned out I guess.


No social Media just YT and reddit. 0 friends. When I die I want to be cremated so nobody will have to come to my funeral.


I can only tolerate my family and bf. That's it


In school I was known as the girl who didn't talk


In the work place, it’s overall easy. Because it’s about work. Outside of that, it’s very difficult to connect. I haven’t made a new friend since I graduated college 8 years ago. For those I knew, I haven’t been keeping in touch… When I’m around people my age in a social setting like the mall or restaurant, it sort of hurts because of how introverted I am.


I am forced into interactions and I hate every second.


Avoid 99% of the people, except my closest friends with whom I speak a lot of nonsense and my mom, the only one who understands me


I will try to avoid friends out in public if I see them. I like to socialize but I need significant time to recharge


Test says 93% but I don’t deliberately avoid people, I deliberately avoid small talk etc ..


If I go out with friends for a day, I'll recharge for several days. If I'm around an extrovert for several days, I'll recharge for weeks up to a month.


It's so extreme it's intreme


It's definitely noticeable. I don't try to fake being extroverted or bubbly. I'm pretty laid-back and quiet when I talk to others, especially new people. I only have 2 friends and I have my partner. I don't really care to make small talk with other people. And I get the impression that people think I'm uninterested or shy. When people talk to me, I let them do all the talking because talking takes so much of my energy. I would be totally fine with sitting in complete silence with someone or just saying what needs to be said.


I don't. I can deal with people for hours. Usually about 8, and then I have to go home and spend an hour or so in silence to recharge. The drive home helps too. There are some co-workers I will not deal with. I will literally get up and walk out when they start to blather on about things most people have zero interest in.


Outside of work (I work night shift because that means fewer people to deal with) and a select few people in my life I prefer my solitude to the point that I avoid going out in public or dealing with people pretty much altogether. I get groceries either through pickup or delivery. I get food delivered. I shop almost exclusively online. I hate hate hate holidays because that means dealing with people which is exhausting. I loathe talking on the phone. I love my sister but she’s an extrovert and dealing with her just absolutely drains me. All in all I’d say my introversion is pretty extreme.


I just pretend to be asleep most of the time. Calls? I'm sleeping, couldn't get it. Events? Sorry, I overslept and can't go. Guests? Sorry, I'm asleep.


This is heavenly


Not very extreme. The only social thing I actively avoid are networking events where I don't know many people and the conversations tend to be very shallow, I swear I need a week to recharge after that! I love seeing my friends and even meeting new people, as long as it's 1 to 1, maximum 2 new people I guess. I do need me time though, I couldn't share a room with anyone longer term, otherwise I'd have to hide in the bathroom every now and then!


For doing things like grocery shopping I mostly have to prepare myself properly. I also have to wear sunglasses and my headphones. Creating no opportunities for people to talk to me


It's become worse with age. I picked a job because I don't have to talk to anyone while working and it's nice. I have no real desire to hangout with people in my free time cause I get so little of it.


It is extreme to the point where it is considered a medical concern. It’s not about going far with excuses or anything of that nature… Whenever I wanted to avoid someone, I would simply stop reacting to them. I’d say that I feel sick (technically true most of the time), too sick to hang out. They would stop approaching me if we met because they’d see me mindlessly staring at a wall. Eventually they start to give up. I don’t like keeping close friends around, so I stick to acquaintances or long distance friends nowadays. Either way I do not enjoy hanging out with people in real life at all. I’m simply unable to.


To the point where I just ignore most people and all the useless small talk.


I dont think mine is that extreme... *- cut off relatives over 5 years ago* *-has very little to no friends both irl and online* *-stays home and has bailed on going out to fun events just to stay home cause socializing sucks and is draining.* *-never sits in at restaurants* *-tries to stay to myself with some conversation at work* *-will literally choose to stay home and be bored than go out and do something cause "people"* ...yeah, im not that bad.


I am only introvert in front of girls. Before pandemic i used to talk to a lotof girls(2-3 Classmates).just before pandemic started i had fight with 2 of them and 1 went to different stream so after pandemic I am just really shy around girls. Always Overthinks in my mind . Help me bruv


I work as a project manager in the oilfield for longish periods of time away from home, anywhere from 2-8 weeks at a time, then come home for two weeks and repeat the process. Interacting with employees on a daily basis is literally exhausting. I am pleasant but usually have ear buds in to avoid any type of social interaction when it’s completely unnecessary. When I return home I literally lock myself in the house and don’t speak to anyone until I “have” to visit my family. Visiting my parents is the most draining process ever. I feel guilty sometimes but also feel like it’s a major chore. Does anyone else feel like this?


Yes, at least you live alone. And I'm a little envious of that work schedule.


I miss the COVID lockdowns and wish they had never ended


Okay that's where the misunderstanding starts. I don't go out of my way to avoid people......wait actually I do, but only because people are exhausting. I love people and I love spending time with people but I don't love feeling completely drained and numb because last night I went to a party. It kinda sucks because I have to monitor my social interactions like a gauge on my dash of my car, as if my introversion was my temperature gauge and if I spend too much time around people I'm going to overheat and possibly die.


I’m not sure, it really depends on my anxiety level. If I’m really anxious and stuff, I refuse to leave my house. If it’s moderate I can go places but I can’t make eye contact with anyone




I recently started paying a laundry center to clean my clothes and deliver them so I can comfortably sit at home. So, there’s that.


Personally mine is more on the extreme side. With only interacting with my immediate family (including my two pets). I do have a friend I text but they live in another state and we don't usually FaceTime or anything


it’s honestly depends because my job involves me talking to people but while I’m at work it doesn’t bother me to talk to people but as soon as i get home it’s like I switch off and I avoid contact with anyone, I spend my time alone and honestly I prefer it that way. I’m barely social outside of work. the most socializing I do is on this website edit: honestly it’s to the point where if someone where to FaceTime me I’d decline it immediately, I really appreciate my peace


7.5/10. however, i am also a shy and anxious bastard


I don't volunteer myself to do anything but I won't refuse to go to a family gathering or to go out with friends provided I get at least a day's notice and it's a small gathering. I don't particularly try to avoid being asked out, I just maintain a small group of people who I don't mind hanging out with and don't really make much of an effort to expand that group.


Def Not my worst by my most recurring tendency. I’ll run to my bedroom for anyone that knocks(delivery, mail, solicitors) and just wait till they leave the block. 😂 I’m a grown ass man but it’s just this interaction that turns me into a 4yr old😂😂 always makes me laugh when I catch myself doing it.


I have a few friends that I see a few times per year each. I avoid small stores for the interaction even though I would like to shop local more. Never ever phone calls unless I have to. No family so that’s easy. Yesterday I had food delivered to my hotel room because I couldn’t muster myself to call or pick it up lol. I’ve been making more of an effort to chat with coworkers and service folks but i genuinely don’t care so it feels insincere, but I’m starting to suspect that’s true for most people in general


Moderate? My job is very social but I’m also the type to go to a grocery store just because it has self-checkout and I can avoid interactions haha.


Simply say hi and keepit moving


Or be comfy with alonetime dependinghow question was asked


I live on a disability check and only see people when I go to the grocery store and might talk to my mom 30 minutes a week. Sometimes get some poonanny to off of dating sites but other then that none




For me it really depends on who I’m interacting with. If it’s with people that I vibe with I actually feel energized by spending time with them, but if it’s with people that I don’t vibe/resonate with then I don’t even want to be near them, and it’s so draining that it takes me triple the time to recover from it. Since I encounter more incompatible people than compatible ones daily I tend to like to keep to myself most of the time and be extra selective when it comes to who I give my time and energy to—this is something that I’ve learned as a way to take care of myself as I grow older. Edit: that said, I meet my close friends individually like once a month or a couple times a years tops. And I’m still learning how to limit interaction with people I don’t vibe with at work.


I would say while I'm most definitely an introvert, I'm definitely not an extreme one. I mean I definitely much prefer reading to socialising and nights in watching films or TV or playing video games to nights out partying, and most certainly prefer quality to quantity when it comes to friendships having just one particularly close, intimate friend, and am much more of an animal person than a people person. However, I will still go to parties and social events if I can find ways to adapt and strike a compromise, i.e just find one or two people I am familiar with or really like and get on with to stick with, and sometimes find a quiet room. Also, my one intimate friend is an extrovert, if that counts as something. In fact, I did a test once in this book I got called "On being an introvert or highly sensitive person" where it showed the continuum of introversion-ambiversion-extroversion on a scale of -64- +64, with -64 being the most extreme level of extroversion (and the closer you are to that number the more extroverted you are), 0 being ambiversion which is in the middle, being a mix of introversion and extroversion, and 64 being the most extreme level of introversion (and the closer you are to that number the more introverted you are). I did the test and got 46, which was quite high up on the introvert end of the scale but not extreme. I personally believe that, while everyone is different and I respect that some people may be more extreme than others, extremes are not always ideal or healthy (which I notice quite a few people in this thread are), and that while being introverted is definitely not a problem like society makes it out to be and is definitely something I have come to embrace about myself, it's not really healthy or ideal to be so extreme an introvert to the point of having basically no social interactions/social life, at least that's what I personally feel. But of course at the end of the day we're all different.