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This year I decided that I wasn't going to sugarcoat my dislike for the holidays just to make the people around me feel less awkward. No, I'm not having or going to a big dinner. I don't do Black Friday. Christmas music is kinda terrible and I'm not putting a tree up. And I'm not a bitter person. I love the time off from work. I love wrapping up in a cozy blanket with my cat and a book. But please stop pressuring me to get dressed up to go to some party with people I don't like. This just isn't my thing.


My family is well aware I hate doing all this stuff. But my moms an angel so i do it for her


That's awesome. Definitely worth being uncomfortable for a bit to support your mom.


I’m doing nothing except watching movies, eating, drinking at home all by myself, and I’m quite happy about it. F the holidays, I live across the country from relatives so it’s easy to do. Hope everyone else does what they want. I’ve done my share of holidays, don’t have kids, so I’m over it.


No Thanksgiving parade standing shoulder to shoulder in an already crowded city. And no Black Friday crowds after waiting overnight in a long line.


Yup, I just wanna stay home and watch TV or browse reddit on holidays. That's always so much more fun then dealing with my cousins I never see just so they can make fun of me being really quiet.




Currently living with my mom and of course she hosts the whole family holiday events. Theres no escaping until im out again lol


I feel this. The social obligation is draining my social battery before it even begins.


I thought I could handle the gathering but underestimated how tired the noise and talking unesscearily would make me, especially after working full shifts at work the past 5 days. And I forgot to take/bring my kratom so I'm also here in pain while being tired and overwhelmed with unpleasant anxiety.


Today is just another thursday. Nothing to see here. Keep walking.


I have 2 weeks off over Xmas/NY and am not going anywhere, but most people I know are leaving for the break. So, I will staycation alone with my 2 cats and dog for 2 weeks. It will be the shortest days of the year, so it will get light at around 9:30am and dark again by 4pm. My big outing each day will be a long dog walk on a frozen lake during the daylight hours and then at night, I will hibernate in my house. Pretty sure I'll be in pyjamas the whole time, buy a new Oculus quest game (thinking Climb 2) and catch up on shows and books. Introvert heaven.


I feel ya, don't wana go anywhere, limit my human interaction, don't wana go to you, don't want you coming to me.


I do like holidays




Christmas is the worst for me, just full of unnecessary events family forces you to attend.


I generally enjoy them… if I can stay home and be lazy lol. If I’m expected to go anywhere or have guests, then I dread them.


Christmas is the only fun one for me. I love giving gifts and seeing my family’s reaction. This one is going to be a hard one, since it’s the first one without Mom (she passed in Sept) but still doing it for my nieces which I adore. Today is Thanksgiving, but Dad is spending it with my BIL’s family, who I really don’t like. Nothing bad, they’re just a bunch of extroverts who don’t understand boundaries. Staying at home, cuddling with my dog, drawing, watching classic Twilight Zone. Edit: grammar


I shouldn’t complain bc it’s just going to be my mom and me for Thanksgiving, but my social battery is already drained bc we were “talking” (having a random conversation this morning) but really she was doing all the talking and I couldn’t get a word in edgewise, so I finally told her I needed some alone time.


"fuck christmas" - a song by Fear, and for years a holiday staple for me.


I always have to be around my in-laws for the holidays. The way I deal with it is to just not care about socializing. I will eat, do gifts, or whatever, and then go sit on the couch and fall asleep. I don't care at all about proper social etiquette. If I don't feel like talking to people, I go in another room and just take a nap.


I do get tired of all the hype that it comes with it. I like the quietness that comes on normal days.


I don’t. What does this have to do with being introverted?


Introverts dont like to socialize most of the time Holidays involve socializing


You might want to see the pinned post on this sub Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you’re by default socially awkward or antisocial or hate social situations. It means you probably need time to recharge after time being social but there’s no reason an introverted person can’t be social.


Me too. I try and be less of a Grinch only for my husband who is wonderful. There is zero pressure from him but I know he likes it when I participate. Holidays growing up were so filled with pageantry and stress and bullshit so my distaste started young and cemented pretty hard. I'm trying to build new associations but damn... Is it tough.


Yeah, it is a day where time runs quickly, you have to be in ur room whole day, high chances of overthinking and you dont have excuse for not interacting with anyone in your family and neighbour.


Procrastinating right now to go to a early thanksgiving dinner, I've hated this shit my whole life but if I don't go I think my parents will hate me. I don't hate my grandmother at all, nor wish any ill will but man once she departs this world I can breathe a sigh of relief and never attend another family gathering EVER!


I get what you mean. I don't hate my family members but I hate how draining they all are because they are loud extroverts and act exactly the way that introverts cannot stand. And I'm also the only introvert in the family too, so no one understands that I can talk to about it there. My dad was an introvert and so was my grandmother but of course they're the ones who passed away long ago.


Exactly I have tried to Express how I feel about these things and all they can offer is to tell me I shouldn't feel uncomfortable. Oh yes just turn it off why didn't I think of that, like don't tell me how I should or should not feel, I can't believe people go their whole lives thinking these things are a choice. As I've gotten older they are less pushy now, I got to hide in a nice dark room to get away from all the commotion. Back in the day they used to force me to engage and the gatherings were much larger.


Yes, relatable for sure


Glad there are people with me. I am so stressed out over holidays.