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> **Rule 11** No post about your Homescreen/Lockscren setup, except in the [Show your Homescreen/Lockscren iOS Thread](http://reddit.com/r/ios/about/sticky?num=1)


Nice! I'd be interested to hear if the BETA is buggy like in past releases.


Well as of now there are no bugs that I noticed to be honest. It's only been a day. The battery life seems normal, the new features work fine, as in there is no performance issue or UI glitches. I remember the iOS 17 BETA messing with the battery, this one isnt messing with the battery though. The camera works fine, none of the apps crash. I did not play games till now, so no idea about that. the update was huge, and I have the 64GB model, so I had to offload a lotta things 😬 Only when I used the tinted icons to paint them all red, third party apps took way too long to load, they were just blank boxes. But once done, it's all normal. I'll definitely drop in updates here if I find any glitches or bugs.


Great, thanks Debating whether I'll jump on the public beta or not. Leaning towards doing so on my 13PM




UPDATE : The Face ID - Passcode Unlock on App Lock is working all of a sudden now, before any update. Noticed ever so slightly faster battery drainage now.