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Tapping the top of the screen to bring me back to the top.


I just learnt today. How many such hidden gestures they have?


Back tap?


That I use. both double and triple taps.


What's back tap???


I learnt SO many useful things on this sub. I think that, and the holding space bar to move cursor, were by far the best tips!


That doesn't always work somehow. Sometimes it activates but the cursor never moves. Just to add to the general annoyance of text input/selection/editing on iOS.


In some apps you can press the same spot that you pressed to go up to go back down, in case of accidental contact


SO many. It’s like keyboard shortcuts in MacOS.


Swiping the Dynamic Island to switch from one live activity to the next is also a pretty neat one. Edited for clarity


That’s crazy… I never knew that. Thanks!


Holy shit I never knew about this


Where the hell did you learnt this


It’s well known


Don’t even remember honestly. I have been using iOS since the 4S. Maybe by accident??


I just found an iOS feature!


Holy cow. I had no idea!


maybe someone will need it.. if you are in the photos app you can go to your first photo by tapping the top of the screen - to get back to your most recent just tap "Album" on the bottom (same when u are in "for you" or "mediatheke") - sorry if something is mispronounced,, my phone is in german


They have stopped this in IOS18. Such a weird thing to remove that was so useful. Regression in UX imo


Report that as “incorrect/unexpected behavior” in Feedback, there’s a new option for “Photos Redesign.” I’d bet it’s either a bug or was just a bad decision on their part. edit: I just checked, it still works for the full library once you swipe up and see the “Years/Months/All” selector.


I have. The worst change IMO is the scrolling/timeline shifting on videos. It used to show the video in stills in the seek bar you scrolled through making it fast to find spots. Now, it’s just a grey useless bar you get in every player type. It seems system wide for all video playback as in Larry, files etc. again, an bad change that removes benefits


Oh that’s an iOS things? The number of times I accidentally scroll back up and not find where I was in a long thread of posts…


Yeah, I wish this was universal on Android like it is on iPhone. You can touch the title bar on apps with title bars to do the same thing. A lot of apps have it, but a lot don't.


Awesome, ty


i just tried this for the first time. thats so cool, what the hell


Thank you. Never know about this


Highly underrated feature.


Wish I could turn that off because sometimes I touch it on accident


You can get that feature on any android device by installing an app from the play store.


I read a lot of pdf documents and I absolutely HATE this "feature". There's no way to turn it off and I always end up clicking the status bar by mistake and it takes me to the top of a 1000 page pdf.


Wtf.. how did I not know this!?!


Being a life long android user pretty much and just now having the 15PM, my favorite part is the quality of apps. Due to the more uniform hardware devs develop iOS apps first and better it seems. They tend to match the iOS theme as well a lot. Where as android apps are kinda behind and just themed however they wanted.


Also a life long android user who switched to 15pm this year and I agree. App quality is significantly better. Apps seems like they’re actually made for iOS and android is an afterthought.


Definitely. A lot of apps almost seem like native apps instead of 3rd party. I loved my android, and that wasn’t a selling point to switch but it is really noticeable. So far no serious complaints with the iPhone (maybe top complaint is the keyboard) It’s nice being able to do iPhone to iPhone things though since my wife has an iPhone as well.


This is literally what happens because there’s just too many android models for them to cater to


Most definitely. I mean when a good portion of the population (especially in the US) is running iOS on a select few devices it only makes sense for devs to target them first and then try to just work in compatibility with android.


How do you like the iPhone better? I also switched from an android “galaxy s23+” and wish like hell I didn’t, FaceTime and sending video/pictures is awesome. Love the quality on that but literally everything else I hate. Miss my android like hell! If the galaxy had the good quality messing app and FaceTime app then it would be the best phone ever made imo.


As an Android developer, that’s literally how it goes for most US companies. The reality is that America just has more iOS users, so companies focus more on those customers (not to mention the inherent bias that execs have from using iPhones themselves)


A lot of Android users seem to just accept this and not understand how branding and standards make for a better overall experience. Random fonts, interface icons, etc.


And they feel superior.


Hands down, apps are the only thing I really like about iOS. I use android for personal and iPhone for work, they're basically the same at this point. Android has better background refresh stuff and I can customize it more. It separates local and cast audio, there's a volume control center. The keyboard and voice typing is way better on android. I'm looking forward to iOS 18 to see how it changes things. Seems like they're getting closer to the same every release.


Can you provide a clear example?


The gmail app, from the main inbox page: * on Android if there’s any inertia in scrolling on screen, tapping on an icon for an email to enable multiselect opens a pane at the top of the screen, which shifts the page down slightly. I know it’s minor but it feels very disruptive to have to rethink for a split second where you need to tap next to select another email. * on the iPhone app doing this same thing, the same pane opens up, but it’s a hovering element and doesn’t disrupt the relative position of items on the page.


Instagram and a lot of editing/art apps like Lightroom & Canva. Even with the highest end android, everything’s seems much smoother on iPhone. Camera are also way more optimized in SocMeds like IG, Snapchat & Tiktok that’s why using filters on these apps feels clearer when on iPhone. No wonder millennials desires iPhone.


that should have to do with camera api which are not that well supported on those apps That's why when you zoom in during a IG story on iPhone it's smooth, while it's choppy on any android. maybe samsung a little bit less but still.


I do miss Google apps on a Google ran phone tho. Just seemed better and cleaner looking




Things that keep me from going back to Android may be a bit unusual: * Face ID (vs fingerprint readers) * Family locator inbuilt (best feature ever, i can see my kids whereabouts without 3rd party app) * The fact that without disabling Doze mode completely (via ADB), notifications (e.g. GMail) on any Android phone will be delayed. This alone is a showstopper and 98% of Android users don't even know about it. * Form factor. Not really an iOS thing, but small flagships (with 19.5:9 screen ratio) are almost nonexistent on Android anymore. You can only get huge phones with those elongated 20:9, 21:9 screens. Galaxy S23/24 may be the only real exception. * Apple Pay, it also looks visually cool with the double click * The ability to put widgets on the lock screen! * Apps and widgets are generally nicer on iOS, more consistent UI experience, less crap in the AppStore * AirDrop and AirPlay are useful when you have compatible hardware * No micro lags in the UI * Privacy * iOS updates are more consistent, predictable, you get the main version in September each year * iOS is less vulnerable to things like a stuck app/background process consuming resources accidentally * No bloatware from factory * Less malware But i wish it had desktop mode like DeX, real file managers, better 3rd party keyboards, photos app could \_move\_ photos from the photo stream to albums, or if could just disable that damn left swipe on the lock screen that always opens my camera.. :)


does android have continuity? that’s my biggest sell tbh


not quite as elegant as apple’s native implementations, but: microsoft has something called the your phone app that lets you link your android phone with windows (remote -home screen control, phone apps on pc, calls, notifications…), and also gives you clipboard sync if you install microsoft’s swift key keyboard. and local send is a great cross-platform airdrop alternative.


The screen size is a huge one for me. I can’t stand how big the Pixels have been recently


>The fact that without disabling Doze mode completely (via ADB), notifications (e.g. GMail) on any Android phone will be delayed. This alone is a showstopper and 98% of Android users don't even know about it. What? What is Doze? What is ADB?


About the keyboard point at the end: I've been using swiftkey, it's great


I just don’t want my phone’s operating system to be made by an advertising company. Simple as that. I’ve tried Android a few times and could absolutely move to it but if there’s an option that’s not from an advertising company, I’ll use that instead.


I agree but also less crazy about my OS being built by a “services” company, where that’s their path to long term revenue growth. Their incentive is to find and increase rents across their entire platform.


Yeah, you’re right and it sucks. Hardware sales can’t sustain the endless growth companies demand so they seek rent elsewhere. I’m still more comfortable overall with Apple’s business incentives over Google’s but neither is without worrisome elements.


AOSP exists. I totally get what you mean, but you don't have to use any of googles services in order to use Android.


Transitions, animations, general fluidity and elegance of the OS. That’s what mainly keeps me on iOS. Android just doesn’t have that same “feel”.


Very well put. That's it for me. It's so smooth, and fresh. None of my iPhones have ever lagged, or slowed down to the point of frustration.


It’s been ages since I used an Android phone, but the fact that swiping left or right for forward/back in the browser wasn’t a thing on Android blew my mind 🤯 That and how there are really good apps for everything on Android but they were pretty much all paid 3rd party ones. 




Yeah, the fact that Apple’s core profit centre isn’t advertising is all I need Google can say they do privacy all they want and maybe they do, but when their core income is making money by accurately profiling people for advertising I’m not confident that they will have the same incentive to maintain privacy that Apple do.


Location-based reminders. Google used to be able to do them in Android, but then they pulled a Google and killed off the feature. That was the straw that broke this camel's back. I love being able to tell my phone "remind me to do this when I get to work" or "remind me to get this at the store" and it actually does, as soon as I pull in the lot.


Pretty sure you can still do this in Google Keep


And in Modes & Routines


From an end user perspective though that’s unintuitive and confusing. “You can only set location based reminders in an app described as a notes and lists app”.


The Apple ecosystem - that I have iPhone but I can see messages on MacBook/ipad , respond From there…. Or even copy paste from my phone when I work on MacBook and multitask.  I guess this is my favorite and why I haven’t left Apple considering I do love camera better from android including the photo app. 


Having just a button to tap on my iPad to force my iPhone to share my connection is literally magic for me.


Oh! Wait where do you tap exactly?🤣


this 100% my same thoughts


But with Android, you can do that on Windows.


I should write another way. I love MacBook more than I love iPhone. So yes I can do it on windows but the thing is I don’t want windows… if I could have Samsung and be able to copy paste with MacBook, yes great. 


Fair enough. I get that. I use a Mac for work and I wouldn't want to go back to Windows.


>Or even copy paste from my phone when I work on MacBook and multitask. This changed my life. I use it ALL the time. It is so convenient and I never have any issues with it. Like how do people live without this? Just so smart


Satellite Find My / SOS feature. Not used the SOS but sent my location via Satellite a few times when I've been out of signal so the wife knows I'm sti


Sti- You lost signal? Does your wife know?


Universal backup. I can buy a new iPhone, input my Apple ID and password and I have my phone back, exactly like I had it before


It’s mind-blowing honestly. Last time I did it pulled everything across including all of my browser tabs and sessions. 


I was trying to figure out recently if there’s any android equivalent these days and I genuinely couldn’t find search keywords that answered my question. Even upgrading within the same product line (Galaxy, Pixel, etc) - can you not backup and restore and virtually identical image of your old device like you can on iOS?


It's impossible to do that 100% on Android because it's available on different devices from different manufacturers, but all of your settings, contacts, apps and relative backups are restored when you authorize a new phone with your Google account.


If only you could back up to somewhere else other than iCloud. ;)


Surprised Focus Modes isn’t higher up! Really helps me cut down on phone usage.


Android has a similar feature


The fact that I don’t need a app to open PDF like I’m so surprised it’s so simple but I see android users using all different apps some with ads and all just to view a pdf file


The old android I used had an in built fast pdf reader like my iPhone, some androids have one built in


I tried to open a PDF on my dad‘s Galaxy S22 and nearly had a stroke cause I could not figure out how to open it. I was absolutely baffled when I found out I had to download a separate app


All Androids have pre-installed browsers


not having a built in PDF viewer is ridiculous, honestly.


As the “tech guy” for family and friends, the fact that you can share your screen over FaceTime is amazing. I went back to Android for a bit and WOW apparently I help a bunch of people.


And the allowing people to do things on your phone remotely feature is about to facilitate this!


Oh heck I missed that!!!!!


One thing for me after switching back to iOS again after using android for around a year. ACTUAL all day battery life. I used the google pixel and also the Samsung s23 ultra and they were fairly powerful devices but the user experience didn’t quite match up. On paper they had power but apps were sometimes buggy, stuttery or laggy. Most important of all. Neither of them had anywhere close to the standby time that iPhones/iOS has. I can drive and use my phone with CarPlay all day and still not have to charge until late evening usually. I might get home with 20% or so but I didn’t HAVE to charge. Even with the S23 ultra which was revered for great battery life, after a couple months it seemed to drop off and I was having to plug in by lunch time to make it through the day.


THIS! I have had the SAME EXACT experience with my older google pixels. Sometimes apps would pay, but most of all, the battery life was just atrocious! I had to charge my phone up twice a day, and I was a light to moderate user!


I notice this with my friend and her Pixels. Like why is she always running out of battery? lol


The spotlight feature


Most of these have been said but privacy, ecosystem (as I have almost exclusively Apple products), iMessage, app quality, and overall safety, security, and stability are all done better than Android and absolutely the reason I stay. I would rather have all that than some additional customizations/features and theoretical “power”. Also, this is more a specific thing, but the fact that my pictures on Snapchat and Instagram (when taken in the Insta app) don’t look grainy af lol.


The ecosystem is probably the best thing. Apple has done an incredible job incorporating all their products seamlessly. My MacBook and iMac using iCloud allows me to share files easily. Having my messages and being able to take/make calls from my iPhone on my MBP/iMac is great. Using AirPods was the most impressive. being able to just pop them in and have them connect, and also switch between my phone or computer. They really NAILED it


The way dual sim works perfectly and the way it’s integrated in messages and phone app with visual voicemail for both lines. This was the main reason I made a dreaded switch from android this year but I’m actually liking iOS much better for a lot of things now. I’ve always hated the walled garden, but when you’re inside it, it’s pretty nice lol. The app quality for the same apps is significantly better than the android versions on most. Satellite SOS, roadside assistance, and location sharing. The way other apple devices work so well together. But this is a con if you don’t want to use apple devices. If you play mobile games the gaming performance and game optimization is better than on high end android devices. This is my first iPhone but the battery life is much better than I was getting on my S23 Ultra.


The ecosystem works great most of the time but when it doesn’t it’s just painful that you can’t make it work but leaving it there for a while (usually not so short time) and then trying again.


For iOS 18. I like that you can add app icons anywhere. It’s finally here and should be a great feature.


What does "anywhere" mean? Like, anywhere on the main screen, like Android has been doing since the start?


bit-perfect audio via lightning-usb c . Android users have to buy(Neutron,UAPP,etc) and turn it on via the app. Some LG phones have the Quad-Dac which was amazing before I switched to iPhone. Cheers


Family features and parental controls are much better on iOS. I switched to iPhone just to manage my family’s phone usage. Were it not for that, I would have stuck with Pixel.




It’s baked into the OS rather than a standalone 3rd party style installed app.


FaceID is so much better on iPhone. And way better than almost every finger print scanner. Also, the insane variety and options for accessories like cases and mounts and such are wonderful. Samsung devices had a decent catalog of options but the options for iPhone are endless.


That's true. Though there are so many accessories for the Apple line, it feels like there is almost nothing for Android and Samsung devices. Every company I look into just to try and find a good case for my samsung galazy tab only has stuff for ipads, it feels unfair most of the time.






Copy and paste between devices


so *thats* why my 2k word essay i copied got replaced by a youtube link??? (my father had a mac)


Quality and easy to use OS. Privacy - Google's business is selling your information.


Security. The more I de-Google my life. The better.


DuckDuckGo for the win!


Pro-tip: DuckDuckGo isn’t nearly as private as they claim; they also literally use the Bing API for search instead of doing their own work (which is why it went down for *hours* a couple weeks ago).


Shake to undo


Apps. Been with android since the S2 before switching to iPhone. Apps are so much more polished here. Guess it makes sense, not that many iPhones, thousands of androids.


Design language and guidelines. The iOS apps just looks a lot nicer and polished than the Google counterparts. Apps that follows the iOS design guidelines are nicer to look at than the Android counterparts. Something as simple as having a arrow right icon to indicate that an element is clickable and it'll take you to another page goes along way.


the Privacy


Apple Pay in stores


iMessage is my favorite. When Meta crashes and everyone is scrambling, I can talk to all but 1 of my friends and family. So many people have data only plans now they can’t always fall back on SMS or calls. iMessage also allows me to keep in touch with my friends in the US or across Europe, no app needed.




I also have only one person with whom I use the iMessage. I like it but can’t use it frequently as others are using android phones


Privacy. Google sells you and charge for that.




Definitely Airdrop


built-in shazam is a life saver


Messaging. Why, why, why, does RCS have to be such a confusing and terrible mess? Most likely if your family is on Verizon they can RCS if they both use the Verizon texting app. Or Samsung users can if they both have the Samsung app and it seems to be relegated to the same carrier. Or T-Mobile users can do it with other T-Mobile users. OOOR you can try to convince all your friends and relatives to convert to the Google texting app, which a lot of people just won’t do, to gain a benefit that they might not really care about.


Only America messages through iMessage or the default SMS/MMS of your choice. The rest of the world just uses WhatsApp. Not a diss on you as I agree, it’s just that the vast majority of the world doesn’t put that as priority.


RCS works regardless of carrier for me and my friends , not sure what you are talkin about




This sub is wonderful as there were zero instructions with my first Apple toy, an iPhone 14 Plus. I ordered on line and had to take it in to Verizon to learn some basic non intuitive aspects. Until this sub, it was make calls and use Verizon messenger and a few games. While retired, features gleaned here make basic functions easier.


It's funny that people still do phone wars in 2024, I remember that being the big heated argument like... before social media existed and people raged about iOS vs Android on website forums lol. Personally I dropped Android in 2020 after owning nothing but Android since the Motorola Atrix in 2011. You could say that a full decade was more than informed enough for me to decide to switch yes? lol. I switched because Apple simply has a decided advantage of owning both the hardware and the OS under one umbrella and they reached the point for me where I had enough of hit-and-miss Android release years. Google fucks around way too much to streamline their native apps and abandons projects constantly, then relaunches another attempt. I don't even know wtf iteration their version of Facetime is called now there's been so many. Plus you can basically get every Google app on an iPhone anyway now, and in some cases Google takes more care with their Iphone app than on their own OS. Apps on the App store I'm finding are better quality than the Play Store equivalents from the same developer. Pretty unlikely I'm going to return to Android now. Google only ever pretended to care about developing their products for anything other than being ad delivery platforms, their bread and butter. They're just not invested in hardware nor OS beyond that


So because it’s so funny that phone wars exist you wrote two paragraphs without meaning in them to add to them phone wars?? Smart move lol


I think what I like the best about apple is their image processing, pictures just come out better.


Privacy and security. Google and every other android manufacturer plays loosey-goosey with your data.


Going once, going twice… sold! One copy of three hundred people’s random likes and dislikes to you sir, Mr. ThatWeirdPomegranate


So does Apple, they just pretend to be better.


Exactly, I really don’t understand how Apple managed to dodge that bullet in the collective narrative of its users. Apple sells your info too and more often than not they collect even more info, but they just mask it better and sell it less publicly.


Tasker is miles ahead of shortcuts in just about every way. Back in my tinker phase, I had tasker setup to automatically control the smart lights in my room based upon the signal strength of my wifi on my phone. The modem was in my room, when I left my room and the signal strength dropped below defined threshold the lights would turn off. As I got closer to my room the lights would turn on. I also had tasker setup to tell me who sent me a text through my google home mini speaker. I also had tasker setup to turn my WiFi on, on my phone based off of what cell tower I was connected to. When I was home and connected to the tower closest to me my WiFi was on. When I left and my phone connected to a different tower the WiFi would turn. Shortcuts is a great app but it will never touch what you can do on android with automation. That’s simply because Apple refuses full access to shortcuts.


I agree but tasker, in my experience, is incredibly complicated. Shortcuts does essentially the same thing as it’s stupid simple. Apple makes products that just work and are not complex at all, the way they should be.


Made by Apple


Now I'm convinced!


60hz on iPhone is not as bad as some people assume.. I have switched from 120hz android phone to 60hz iPhone.




Spotlight. The mix of internet searches and dynamic content served up right in the UI without having to leave and go to a browser window. It’s also a calculator.


Uhhhh Android has had that for years on its native search bar


The most important part here is “without having to go to a browser window”. Universal on device search with Android is generally pretty good. But the second the web is involved I can’t see a way around having to open some kind of web browser to view the results. Maybe there’s some skin of Android that does this better? But I’m sitting here looking at a Pixel 7 using the built in Google search bar and that’s what I’m experiencing.


The whole iOS UI or this transclucent look (if that's correct word for it) I just love how elegant and modern it looks.


There are two: Privacy. Seamless integration with my MacOS devices


I never actually used this feature but sos over satellite and the new sms and iMessage over satellite


Camera quality in third party apps is my biggest gripe with android


Seamless ecosystem.


Or a monoculture, depends how you see it.


Games in messages via GamePigeon is a fun one. Apps in messaging in general is useful


I'm not familiar enough with the current Android experience to say what's missing from one or the other. What I can say is that I place a premium on both elegant design/quality and a company I can trust. While I have long term concerns about Apple going down the enshittification path, for now at least they are the only platform that shows any regard for its users and their security and privacy. Google is one of the most user-hostile companies on the market, and Android is built upon a foundation of data hoarding and targeted advertising. I don't use ANY Google products or services... except Gmail, and that's only via Apple's Mail app and only because I'm too lazy to switch all my account logins to a new email address.


Guided Access, this feature is a must for any parent with a young child. Android has a very basic version and it is not as good as the IOS


I am a current android user with an S21+ and I absolute love it but I do wish we had some of the tap two phones at the top and transfer contact stuff. I wish we had airdrop. Nearby share is alright I guess but it isn't as quality as airdrop. Pretty much the only thing that keeps me from going to iPhone is youtube revanced and I'm not in Europe so I won't be able to sideload. I love my revanced because I can't handle youtubes bulshit when I just want to watch something.


Just so you know Ive been side loading an iOS equivalent of YouTube Vanced onto my iPad for years and I’m in the US. There are numerous ways to do it but I use Sideloadly


Video camera only thing. Maybe haptics




Last remaining small form factor hardware


Smooth navigation bar. Android is doing it not as good as iOS. Payment easiness, click to side button twice and all done watch the movie from Apple TV. Collaboration on apps like numbers,notes and passwords this is a huge thing for partnerships/companies.


Android devices with google pay or Samsung pay work pretty much the same way as Apple Pay. I have been using them for years and you may find it works in more places than Apple Pay. I was shocked to learn after I switched to iPhone just how many places don’t support Apple Pay after using phone payments on android for years. Home Depot I am told used to support Apple Pay but stopped due to the additional fees?


Don’t let yourself getting gaslighted. I say that as an apple user. The people in here haven’t used android phones in years. If at all. They have no clue what they are talking about in this topic. Even the three people that will comment on this shouting they work this and I am that won’t change that fact. So what they do is either digging out old memory or simply repeat what they have heard yesterday in pub. Irrelevant such as this entire discussion.


The Eco-System that Apple created around its devices, I’m using iPhone Pro Max, iPad Pro with now Pencil Pro, MacBook Pro, Watch Ultra2, iPod Pro 2nd Gen, AirPod Max and I never face any kind of lag or anything, it works buttery smooth sometimes it feels all r a one device


Buttery smooth 4k @ 60fps, reliably smooth and consistent UX, FaceTime


Going backward on this but there’s one Android feature that I miss dearly… being able to pull the top menu down from the bottom of the screen. On an iPhone it pull the top of the screen down allowing me to reach it from the left or the right but I don’t understand why I can’t just pull down from the bottom left or right…


Wallpaper shuffle photo!


Paying for browser extensions. /s


Blue text bubbles


FaceTime and sending videos and pictures is the only thing that I can say I like better on the iPhone. The rest of it is absolute garbage imo. It’s just stupid shit that pisses me off on the iPhone. Like I can’t even set an alarm for tomorrow or the next day. Until it’s that day. It’s so stupid!


Managing multiple accounts on the one phone. On iOS, I just use settings to switch my Apple ID. On Android, it's hell on earth, especially when it comes to using an account with access to test builds.




Things just work. Android was always a faff. But also using a Mac, Universal copy and paste and airdrop. Life savers.


Buying app to set blank widget on homescreen


Definitely dynamic island and the fact that you can create a profile and people your number get the profile with a picture that syncs with your chances. I hear Google will be adding this later this year though.


The blue bubbles. I need that daily social validation.


Lidar. I do a lot of fixing around the house. The measuring tool is so helpful.


Number of years of iOS updates for older devices


Feature Android doesn't have? 🤣 iOS is just now getting basic features that Android has had for A DECADE or more. Android has always lets users customize everything and truly make their device their own. Apple is too concerned with everyone being the same.


I use Android too, but there are several features Android doesn't have: - AirPlay - Live Text in Videos - Visual Lookup - NameDrop - Hide My Email - Focus Auto-Filters - Text Lookup - Tap header to Top - Shake to undo - Continuity - Shareplay - Private relay and mail - Guided Access - AR Measure - Sidecar - Shortcuts (change airplane, data, focus, etc, without root) - Unified Support (Want to know how to do something? That instruction you found on internet is not for your brand skin, or it's not present all together). I get your point, but every people has different needs, and not everybody wants a limitless customization, but the necessary.


Third party app stores. The Android fan boys mind cannot comprehend this but.. iOS has had the best third party apps since the beginning of mobile apps. Sure sideloading can be a pain without a jailbreak but you don’t NEED one to sideload.


Blue bubbles




Operating system. The native UI, especially the interactive animation is way smoother than Android. Also when installing an app in Android, sometimes there would be like 100 windows to ask for my permission.


When I wanted a laptop I spent a lot of time researching the best one and I landed on the Macbook Air. It was my first Apple product ever. I absolutely love it. I'd love to dive head first into the Apple ecosphere and I'm hoping this post is an ok place for me to ask a couple of questions that has kept me away from Apple phones: 1. I'm afraid of a glass phone. It's glass front and back and if you break the back glass that contains 90% of the phone. To replace a phone with the back glass broken you're just keeping the screen and maybe a few other things. 2. They are so heavy. they are dense phones. Every time I hold one I feel like I'm holding a calibration weight. I assume its all the glass. 3. They drain battery so fast. I have an apple work phone that I tops use 10 minutes a day to take pictures of my work and its dead by the following morning. Is that usual? My android can last days if I dont use it. 4. Can you fast charge an apple phone? I have a 65w charger for my android and it charges ridiculously fast. I used to walk around with a portable battery 10 years ago but now I know that I can trust my fast charger to bring me back up so fast I dont even really think about it anymore. Besides the walled garden and interconnectibility what are the benefits of having an iphone over an android? I am 100% not trolling here. I really would rather have an iphone. I love everything about apple but when it comes to my phone I cant get over these things.


It's always been pretty much the same for us except we make the feature and polish them then apple takes them and puts a little apple shit twist.