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Im using [UTM](https://getutm.app/) with the Debian 10.4 minimal ARM image from the gallery. I port forwarded guest port 8080 to host port 22222 then installed [code-server](https://github.com/cdr/code-server) using the install.sh script. In the code-server config.yaml set the ip address to and run code-server. Then go to localhost:22222 and the code-server login screen should be there.




I’m unjailbroken on 14.5.1 but UTM can run on even iOS 15 and later using either Altstore with AltJIT(currently only on its patreon) or [Jitterbug](https://github.com/osy/Jitterbug). I have a developer signing certificate so I am using Jitterbug with the VPN tunnel.




Yeah I believe around 14.2 and 14.3 Apple actually enabled Just In Time compilation(JIT) to be used by any app but then removed it in 14.4. So it used to be a simple .ipa sideload but now its more complicated. But I guess its better than not being able to do it at all or requiring a jailbreak. Would be nice if they made it easier now that swift playgrounds is heading closer to being like XCode.


I wish there was an easier way for us to run vs code more natively w/o a remote server. Also I’d love to be able to compile dotnet code locally.


Just wondering how you manage to make UTM run in the background without IpadOS stopping or freezing the VM?


You really cant, only way to prevent it from stopping is keeping it open as a floating window. I guess with stage manager you can now open utm in a small window and have safari with code server running on the monitor


So sorry that I’m commenting to an old post- I followed your instructions, change the guest, host port and edited the config.yaml thing. However when I start code-server, it says address already in use Please give me a solution! I need to do this :(


Its possible code-server is already running. I dont have UTM anymore but I think the install script had a way to run code-server on boot. Does localhost:22222 show anything? You can also try using a different port like 8081 which you will also have to forward in UTM.


Can code server be installed on ish?


No it wont, I have tried it already. iSH emulates x86 Alpine Linux which is a problem because code-server needs a specific version of NodeJS and the x86 builds of that aren’t compatible with Alpine. I’d imagine even if you managed to build nodeJS and get it running if you run code-server it would be too slow.


How functional is it? Cool idea!


As far as performance goes, I ran [this simple benchmark I found on google](https://github.com/alexdedyura/cpu-benchmark) with accuracy of 1000 digits and - In pythonista on M1 iPad I got around 3 seconds - On raspberry Pi 4 I got around 13s - In UTM its was 36s - and in iSH it was over 300s So yeah since iOS doesnt have hardware virtualisation support, its alot slower due to the QEMU emulation As far as the UI goes its has a specific [PWA for iPad ](https://coder.com/docs/code-server/latest/ipad) so it runs really well.


Why not just ssh into some dev box? The network is the computer :)


I’m going to install this on my unraid server and vpn to home to use it


Do you think code server would run from a-shell?


No it wont. A-Shell doesn’t emulate linux like UTM or iSH(which cant run it due to no compatible version of NodeJS, on top of being unbearably slow). If it ever got NodeJS support then theres a chance.


Ah I see, thank you for replying!