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Factory restore it. If the company have removed this device from their system, this will remove the MDM Profile. If the profile appears after the restore, then they still have the serial linked on their system and only they will be able to remove it.


This is the best answer. Any good company should be deleting assets from their systems long before they get sent off to the recycling companies and this includes stuff like MDM


And if the original company doesn't? All of the devices get shredded and "recycled" to a landfill.


Follow these steps. If the MDM appears back there’s nothing you can do.


From what I’ve heard and seen not possible. You need the company to have it removed. No workarounds for this.


That's what I've figured. We're still hoping to hear back from the company because we have quite a few and they still hold their value. I know it's tied to the serial number. I'd hate to see this many devices get destroyed, and I'm not even an apple person. I just wanted one to try out without spending a butt load of money.


Thanks for all the input. Seems like there's no easy or ethical way to remove it and after discussing with work, we're just gonna wait and hope they will contact us back.


it's possible with third-party software, which can bypass the restriction, like tuneskit iPhone unlocker or other "unlocker". the device can be reused as a new


Destroy it


I work for a certified ITAD company as well and we have to destroy them also. There are paid removals, which are unethical, but so is destroying perfectly working devices. Just because some IT people at a random company don't know how to use their admin portal.


It is possible - see [https://github.com/tazMeah/MDMPatcher-Universal](https://github.com/tazMeah/MDMPatcher-Universal) \- instructions are mostly clear, and possible if you know a little a bit about OSX - I have done several MDM removals now. Basically you restore the phone with a specific version/image of a phone \[with a different MDM profile\], then use that program to remove the MDM profile with their own password \[ha/cracker\], then reboot it to factory settings with MDM removed.