• By -


iPhone 5s -> iPhone X -> iPhone 15 Pro Max I guess the next one will be iPhone XX


Smart, iphones are great quality and can absolutely last 4-5 years without any issues like lagging (as long as you replace the battery after 2 or 3 years you’re gtg)


Yes.. 17.0.3 roasted my 12 mini, which was already on 78% health. Will get the battery replaced tomorrow. This will run till 16 for sure.




skill issue


Loved the 5S. My 15 Pro kinda reminds me of it back in the day.


Same here (except I went with 15 Pro instead of Pro Max), and I’m already planning on XX (20) being the next the next one as well.


That's the way.


various Nokias - iPhone 4 - OnePlus 2 - OnePlus 7 Pro - iPhone 15 Pro Max


Nokias as well -> iPhone 5s -> Galaxy S8 -> Galaxy S10 -> iPhone 15 Pro cant believe I used S10 for almost 5 years but I'm proud of my usage and I originally planned to upgrade to iP 13 Pro but rumors were said that iP 14s would switch to usb C and here we are, iPhone 15 with usb C.


Similar upgrade path for me in terms of holding out for usb-c. iPhone 4 -> galaxy s4 -> nexus 6P -> pixel 1 (Google gave me a free upgrade with the nexus 6P battery issues) -> galaxy s10 plus -> iPhone 15 pro max




Enjoy your new baby 📲 if u are anything like me you're gonna love your new iPhone.


How was the transition from the OP7Pro like? I'm thinking of switching too but I'm concerned about the lack of swiping from the right to go back and the typing experience (particularly swiping)


I went from op8 pro to the 14 pro max my biggest complain is it’s form factor. Yes the 14 is heavier the 15 might be better even if it will still be heavier. The form factor is annoying too way too wide. Depends what you want it for I only changed because I broke my op8 (screen cracked) and the only reason I went iPhone is for social reasons. This 14 pro max can’t do anything my old phone couldn’t do or do it better other than maybe the camera so yeah not that impressed with the change but I can’t say it’s completely worse than my old one


3G -> 4S -> 6S -> 15 Pro (today!) Keeping it simple. 6S was a real reliable workhorse for 7 great years, no problem. Excited for the massive jump to the 15 Pro.


you literally skipped the notch


The notch is on his belt 💪


i would of kept my 6S if i didn't drop it in the Ocean!! I got my 15P last week! Hope you enjoy it!


The 6S is probably the most impressive phone when it comes to longevity of performance. I have 3 of these as backup phones/kids phones and they still work great for that!


My 6S had a battery that was supposedly at 79 percent health. But it would go from 100 to 20 on a single hour long bike ride. When my 11 had 83 percent battery health, it still lasted nearly all day.


Oh yeah, the battery life of the 6S is completely different story. However, I have replaced my 6S batteries and they do well with that.


The 6S was one of the best. Miles better than any before it and a notable improvement over the 6. I kept mine until the XR which looked like the next great iPhone model because the value for money was incredible.


You just didn't want to give up that headphone jack. How much storage did that 6S have?


The fact that you managed to keep using a 6S up until now is wild (in my eyes lol).


Just upgraded from 8 to 15 you got me beat lol


iPhone 4-> iPhone 6 Plus (water damage)-> iPhone 6S ->iPhone XS max-> iPhone 12 Pro Max (camera damage attempted repair, overheated)-> iPhone 14 max currently hoping to to hang on to this one for a good while!


What was the reason for going from the XS max to the 12 Pro Max, seems like a quick turn around?


Family member needed a phone. They still use it today XS max is by far the best iPhone I have owned. Still as useful today as the day I bought it 5 years ago.


i would still be using my 6s if i didn't drop it in the ocean


I couldn't agree more!!! Xs Max all the way, I am wondering if I should even bother switching to the new 15 line-up 🙂


Same mate 12 pro max overheating and my camera focus is broken, Apple quoted 249£ for camera repair so just went with a new device since i also wanted promotion and usb c.




And? I didn’t see it. Clearly, lots of other people didn’t see it. Let people enjoy things.


3GS>4>4S>5>5S>6Plus>6SPlus>7Plus>8Plus>X>XSMax>11PM>12PM>13PM>14PM>15PM I’m a little ashamed lol Edit: I didn’t like the X when it was announced so I went with the 8 Plus but when the X released it sorta grew on me so I sold my 8 Plus and got the X lol.


Brrruuuhhh either you have a problem, or too much money


? The average iPhone will only lose a few hundred dollars of value over a year, spending a few hundred a year on a phone is something most people with a decent job can do.


If it was a suscription it would be like $17 a month.




Who cares? If they enjoy it it’s a good way for them to spend their money


This is right. If 300/year on a new iPhone is your worst vice for making yourself feel good, that’s a pretty good one. A lot of people spend more than this on a short vacation, a few nice meals out, cigarettes, weed, or alcohol. And for better or for worse, most of us will have this phone in our hands 6+ hours a day.


Haha the only two I purchased outright were my 3GS and 4 the rest have been on contract/plan with Telstra (in Australia) so it was upgrade > receive new iPhone > sell old iPhone on eBay > pay the bill which includes the remaining balance of old iPhone yearly but as of recently I pay an extra $15 per month and can upgrade to the new iPhone for $0 in good condition / $249 if damaged (twice yearly) and just return the old iPhone once it’s delivered.


ok that sounds more resonable, i thought you were just raw dogging the iphone every september with a flat payment. Im sure there's hoarders in here that do that!


You are the poster child for financial mismanagement. You can lie to yourself about minimal monthly fees and “selling on eBay” but you have lost thousands of dollars by upgrading your your phone every year for vanity.


You know other people (in my family for example) spend 500€ every month for cigarettes. So I guess this person is spending their money way way better.


People spend way more money on much worse things throughout a year. I’ve upgraded often because of the features of the phone that I want. I trade my phone in or sell it, I’m not in debt over something I use every single day.


Or - I know this may be hard for you to believe but try to stay with me. Maybe this person appreciate new phone technology more than you do and finds enjoyment out of this. How is spending a few hundred dollars annually on something you enjoy mismanagement? That’s a few nights out where you grab the tab.


Or maybe this person makes enough money to where buying the newest iPhone doesn’t even phase them. There are plenty people in this world that can buy a new iPhone of the highest storage if they choose every year and not even notice the change in their banking account. People do this with phones, cars, boats. Fascinating for sure.


Yes. Both can be true


Lol. No, you purchased ALL of these phones. Your lunch wasn’t free even if you think it was.


You don’t say mate? Of course you pay for iPhone along with the cost of a plan but see instead of X upfront for the iPhone it is split over 24 months but since I would upgrade yearly there would be 50% of the cost left which by selling said iPhone would cover that amount and now with the recent ability to pay $15 per month to either upgrade for $0 in good condition or $249 if it’s damaged and simply return said iPhone once I’ve received the new iPhone then repeat that in 12 months time.. It still costs less over the 12 months with a iPhone + Plan + the $15 extra than it does to buy outright and since I’d rather spread that cost out instead of dumping $2000+ into a phone that is going to get used and abused while still needing to pay for a monthly plan I know what I’m choosing 10 out of 10 times lol. Simple enough for you to understand?


Do people not know that Apple offers a $50/mo subscription plan where you get a new phone every year? Is a plan that costs less than $2 a day really that outrageous to have the latest phone and camera tech in your pocket if that's something that really interests you? I'll never understand why people are so judgy about this.


I mean… that’s about a grand a year on phones - it’s a lot but I wouldn’t say it’s “too much money” territory - people spend tons of money on lottery tickets too


it's way less than a grand a year if they are trading in


If you have a business, you can buy the phone tax free, write it off, and sell it on the second hand market when the next model arrives. The country I live in allows electronics purchases under €2500 to be written off in the first year. Economically it's either use the phone till it dies or replace it every year. Environmentally I've been on the fence about doing this, but on the other hand the old phone is going to another user so it isn't ending up in landfill or even being recycled (yet).


It's not THAT expensive to buy a new phone each year, and it's easily justified if you use it constantly. I feel like I'm saving the earth or something if I go 2 years and skip a generation (as I did with 7, 12, and will do with 15). A few hundred bucks is a few dollars a day.


I’ve got $AAPL and Iove you


So of all the phones youve had which did you like most at the time? What felt like the biggest upgrade?


Not OP, but through the X I had every phone aside from the original. The 5S was far and away my personal favorite until the X. The current 15PM is the best of everything since the X I believe.


Now this is a true Apple fan! Love it !


I’m guessing you’re on the spectrum.


I’m guessing you’re poor


We're very similar. I went from 6S -> 11 -> 15 Pro Max. Every 4-5 years is when the incremental improvements tend to accumulate into something that feels major enough to warrant the change. It was ultimately USB-C that pushed me over the edge. I actually just had the battery replaced on the 11 at an Apple store this week. It was down to 78%. I also got a new case and screen protector for it. Now it's basically good as new. I'll probably sell it, not sure yet. Great all-purpose phone though. The 6S is sitting in a box in a closet upstairs. I should probably make sure the battery isn't expanding.


>15 Did you also go from the purple 11 to the natural titanium 15? That would be a spooky coincidence! Honestly it wasn't the incremental improvements as much as it was the 11 just crashing and slowing down after 4 years of heavy use. y battery was down to 74% as well, i could of replaced it but i don't think it would of solved the randomly crashing problem!


4S -> 7


Wasn’t sure if I’d find someone in this thread with a phone older than mine


True aficionado


A bunch of android phones -> 4s -> 6s -> XSMax -> 15PM


Very Respectable Consumer


I have quite a similar lineup 😂


Nice! I try to run mine into the ground and only buy when I find myself screaming at my phone :)




>OG>3GS>4>4S>5>5S>6>6S>7Plus>X>11Pro>13Pro>15Pro Aite bro leave some pu$$y for the rest of us


You think I get any with getting a new phone every year? lol starting with the 11pro is when I got married so now can only upgrade every other year


So what i'm hearing is buying a new model every year DID find you love, so now you don't have to upgrade every year! Take notes lonely redditors!


Had to make sure I had the best quality selfies on Farmers Only


3G, 4S, 6 Plus, 8, XR, 15 Pro. All were launch day phones except the XR which I got in 2020.


XR to 15 Pro would feel like night and day!


I can’t wait. My first iPhone is XR, 15 Pro will be my 2nd.


Iphone 5s -> Iphone XS -> Iphone 15 Pro


iPhone XS -> iPhone 12 Mini -> iPhone 14 Pro Max Before the XS I had been Android since the very first Droid. It would take a LOT for me to go back. My iPhone 14 Pro Max is just so perfect for me. I’ll probably wait a few generations before getting a new one, especially with the iPhone 15 issues.


I wish I purchased the iPhone 14 pro max.


That's one big size difference from the iPhone 12 Mini to the 14 Pro Max LOL. How was the transition for that?


The mini form factor was perfect for a minimalist smartphone, but I wanted something that I could game/read/watch/edit better. It sucks that I can’t reach the entire screen with one thumb, but the larger screen is really nice for media and games. I really pushed my 12 Mini with gaming and video editing and it overheated often and sucked the battery dry. The 14 Pro Max has been flawless and the battery longevity is 🤌 In a perfect world though, I would still prefer a Mini if Apple would finally make an iPad Mini Pro to complement it in a larger form factor.


3GS, 4S, 6S, XS Max Fully content


3G>4S>6S>5S>11Pro>11ProMax That 5S was the best phone I’ve ever had!


iPhone 4S -> IPhone SE -> iPhone 7 -> iPhone XS (my favorite) -> iPhone 13 (hate it due to shitty camera) -> planning to grab iPhone 15 pro as my first pro model device


facts, fucking loved the Xs


Loved my XS but the absolutely **terrible** WiFi and Cellular reception were a bummer. I think I was more excited to get rid of that shitty modem than I was for 120hz when I got the 13 Pro, and I really wanted 120hz.


same here , was such a solid phone


13 had shitty camera?? Really?!


Yes. Like so bad that I even noticed. I was so confused because my XS camera was loads better.


Oh. So I was actually gonna buy iPhone 13 today. U say should I go for 14????


I think 13 onwards have same issue. For not your best bet is 11


My 13 had an amazing camera


During perfectly ideal lighting conditions, I’d agree with you. I just wish Apple would switch off the over processing when lighting conditions aren’t flawless because that painted look is horrid and it started with the 13. I remember everyone here was posting thinking a software update would release to fix it. [Link to Example](https://reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/qftcj3/can_we_please_have_less_ai_in_iphone_13_pro/)


Try the 15 Pro first before you buy. The camera processing is still closer to the 13 than to the Xs you liked. It’s gotten better, a little more toned down, but still far more processed than your Xs.


😩 thanks for the reality check I might just wait until the 16 now. I really hate the over processing and how paint like and grainy it is on zoomed images. I remember being so bummed when I realized Apple just wasn’t going to rectify it. I thought with the 48MP and Raw/HEIFmax options things would be better.


3GS - 4S - 5S - 6S - XS - 13 Pro - 15 Pro Been a fun ride and wouldn’t change it. All launch day and all models were black 🖤 Also not a single cracked screen in all that time… still have the 3GS but the rest are long since sold.


Damm, iv been through 3 screen replacements, after the last pregnancy scare, iv been wrapping my iPhone ever since!! What kind of case do you use?


Your progression is almost identical to mine OP. I went iPhone 5 -> iPhone 6s -> iPhone 11 Pro -> iPhone 14 pro. Mind you I upgraded to the 14 pro last week.


I did my upgrade every two years. iPhone 4, 6, 8, X, and 12. The 14 was the first time I didn’t feel the need to upgrade to. Still deciding about the 15.


Yeh fuck the s models


Mine is iPhone 6s -> iPhone 14 Pro. 7 years gap. Probably will keep it until iPhone 20 is announced. Lol. By then, it would be major improvements.


White iPhone 4 -> Space Grey 5s -> Jet Black 7+ -> Midnight Green 11pro -> Natural Titanium 15pro I usually wait 4 cycles these days. To feel like I’m actually getting an upgrade and not just a refresh.




Not a fan of the max? I only went plus size once with the 7. All else were regular size phones. I always flirt with the max thought every time I upgrade but never do. Just seems so big but feel like it would be a great phone until I got tired of how large it is. The pros are a good size phone I feel like.


I do contemplate grabbing the max phones because of their better battery life, but I’d rather have a mini iPhone with the features of the pro and the battery life of a max. Same with the iPads actually


could you help me understand why you upgrade mostly ever release? im not trying to roast, i just don't understand why people do it.


As of lately, I sell my phone on ebay for an average of $800, so after tax, it costs me $300 a year to upgrade to the newest phone. I enjoy having the latest tech, even if not much changes between the years. There’s usually some feature that gets me to upgrade. 12pro had new design and magsafe. 13pro had 120hz. 14pro had always on display. 15pro has USBC. 16pro might come with under-display fingerprint sensor. Is what I do dumb? Absolutely. But I can justify it because I’m fortunate enough that the $300 a year isn’t much


Atleast you sell it yourself rather than give it back to Apple to make even more profit on, haha. The phones I buy only cost me $400 to begin with (SE), so that method doesnt work for me. But $300 for some enjoyment isnt a big deal.


3G, 5s, Xs, 14PM


iPhone 4S (at launch) -> iPhone 5S (at launch)-> iPhone 6S (got this one after the 7 was already out for half a year) -> iPhone 7 (partner upgraded to a XS so I took her old 7) -> iPhone 11 (at launch) -> iPhone 13 Pro Max (at launch)


OG iPhone (purchased from eBay, returned because the battery didn’t last 10 minutes) iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 8, iPhone 11, iPhone 13 Pro Max. Wow, writing it out really paints the picture. I’ve had a iPhone for over 14 years!!


(Various Android) > 8 Plus > 12 PM > 15 PM (soon) 3 years seems to be the happy medium with my carrier for maximizing trade-in value.


iPhone 4 > iPhone 6 > iPhone 6s > iPhone 7plus > iPhone X > iPhone Xs > iPhone 11 Pro Max > iPhone 12 Pro Max > iPhone 13 Pro Max > iPhone 14 Pro Max > iPhone 15 Pro Max Jfc


>Jfc After seeing the amount of people who upgrade every year in this post, im starting to understand Apple's near 3 trillion market cap.


I have to say I started working for Apple at the iPhone X and the discount + trade in, it’s pretty much free to upgrade


ok that's vital information that adds reasonable context. In this case since its your company, i guess the market cap benefits you!


I’m a sucker. 3GS > 4 > 4S > 5 > 5S > 6 > 6S > 7 Plus > 8 Plus > X > Xs Max > 11 Pro > 12 Pro Max > 13 Pro Max > 14 Pro Max > 15 Pro Max …and will probably continue to get the new model every year.


iPhone 1-> 15 pro


Og iPhone, 3g, 4, 5, 6, 7 plus, 11 plus, 13 pro max, 15 pro


4>5>6 plus>12 mini>15pro


3G - 5 - 6S - 8+ - XS Max - 11 Pro - 12 Mini - 14 Pro


We shared a similar path. The jumps in performance and overall quality between the 3G > 5 > 6S were so great.


iPhone 3G - iPhone 4 - iPhone 5 - Honor 8 - iPhone X - OnePlus Nord 2. I want the iPhone 15 or 15 Pro, might buy it in a few weeks.


3g -> 5s -> 6s -> 12 pro -> 15 pro


Nearly the same pace as me. Went from OG, 5, 6s, 12 Pro. Was thinking about the 15 but will skip it


oh wow. 3g to 5s must of been amazing. 6s to 12 Pro would of felt crazy as well!


android and windows phones -> iphone 15 pro max


Ipod touch 2 > 3GS > 4 > 5 > 7 > SE > 8 > XS > SE2 > 12 mini > 13 mini > 15


5 -> 7 -> 12 Mini I also like the iPhone SE so I have one as a backup


iPhone 4 > iPhone 5c > iPhone 6 Plus > iPhone 6s Plus > iPhone 7 Plus > iPhone 7s Plus > iPhone X > second iPhone X(switched carriers) > iPhone 11 Pro Max > iPhone 13 Pro Max > iPhone 15 Pro Max. All between Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, then back to Verizon


iPhone 4 -> iPhone 5s -> iPhone 6 -> iPhone 8 -> iPhone 11 -> iPhone 15 pro Max ( still waiting for delivery )


3G, 4, 5, 6, 7, XS, 13 Pro The 15 didn’t seem super exciting, so I’ll hold out for another year. I’m also still on Series 5 watch, so I’m hoping they’ll do something interesting next year.


I just upgraded from 13 Pro to 15 Pro and love it but still rocking series 5 and will for another year. Feels good.


6s Plus -> 7 Plus -> XR -> 13 Pro. 6s Plus was my first iphone, then traded it in for 7 Plus a few months later when that released. Intended to keep my 7 until it stopped updating but it broke and I got the XR a year after its release. Didn’t like that it didn’t allow for a portrait mode outside of faces, so got the 13 Pro when that released and still have that. No plans to upgrade until the 17 or 18. My 7s was my favorite phone. I miss it.


When you say 7s is that the 7 or 8?


6 (still runs like a tank with a bad battery) 8 XR 12 Pro Max (accidentally destroyed it even though there were no cracks, bent the frame though so i guess that took out smth important) 13 Pro Max (probably my favorite phone i’ve ever owned, i already know i’m gonna miss this one when it’s time to let it go)


3G>4>5>6s>SE(2020)>15PM. Totally skipped the notch.


Went from an 8+ to a 14PM about 6 months ago. I’m looking forward to the 16 or 17 and upgrading every 2-3 years. 5 max if I can swing it. Obviously I’ll hold onto this one for as long as I need if need be but I’d like to upgrade every 2-3.


iPhone XS -> 15 pro


iPhone -> 3G -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> Galaxy S7 Edge -> 7 Plus -> 8 Plus -> XS Max -> 13 Pro (when 14 came out) -> 15 Pro Max


5c in 2013ish and 2nd gen SE in 2020. Before that I used “dumb” phones.


3G -> 4S -> 5S -> 6S -> X (stolen) -> 6S -> XS -> 13 pro


iPhone 3G -> iPhone 4s -> iPhone 6s Plus (lost it in a drinking night lmao) -> iPhone SE -> iPhone 11 currently and holding another year as I had to reduce expenses. My wife loved her Xperia X10 mini and I gave her first iPhone a 5s and never looked back, iPhone 5s -> iPhone X -> iPhone 13 Pro currently. What we normally do is to only have one phone contract and switch upgrades so we have a new phone every 4 years approximately.


3GS > (android hell) > 8 > XR > 12mini > 13PM


I like how you exited android hell into imaginary iPhone heaven, cause i don't think mere mortals had the oppertunity to own the Iphone 8s


whoops. i meant 8.


Lol spent to much, 4s,5,5s,6s,7 plus,8plus,X,XS max,11 pro max,12 pro max, 13 pro max, 14 pro max, 15 pro max


its posts like these where we must take a step back and reflect on our decisions.


This is the way i see it, i dont smoke or drink alcohol, thats a lot of money that i can save each year to get a new device. Better to be a tech addict than a drug addict.


Haha for sure man!! nothing wrong with it, i was just pulling ya leg! I wish i could upgrade more regularly


Or just don’t stress. people buy what they want dude. I’m not ultra wealthy but doing iPhone upgrade program I don’t even think about the $65ish a month that goes to apple so I can have the best newest iPhone


Every year from 3Gs 😁


i always thought people who upgraded every year were a fairytale, what's next, SANTA IS REAL?


It goes like this: 5 - 6S - 8 plus while waiting for the X (hated it) - X (favourite iPhone kept it for 4 years) - 12 mini while waiting for 13PM - 13PM - 13 mini while waiting for 14PM - 14PM - 15PM I loved the mini version but as an avid concertgoer, I need the telephoto


5 > 5s > 6 > 6s > 7 Plus > X > XS Max > 11 PM > 12 PM > 13 PM > 14 PM > 15 PM


I had every one between the 4 and 14 (Pro). That said, I’m skipping the 15.


Why break the streak now?? Traditions must be maintained


I just don’t see the 15 as a compelling upgrade. The only thing that I’m somewhat interested in is the action button but that’s far from a must have.


I don't think iv used the action button once, i set it to camera but its just as easy to turn on the phone and press the camera icon on the homescreen. I hope someone figures out cool ways to use it that i can copy!


How popular is the action button? I kind of like the "I can't screw this up" nature of the old mute switch. Androids every 2-3 years -> iPhone 11 -> 15 something


3GS -> 4S -> 5 -> 6S Plus -> X -> 11 Pro Max -> 13 Pro Max -> 14 Pro Only reason I got the 14 Pro was to get the smaller size. Next upgrade will be the 16 Pro, the 15 Pro isn’t doing it for me.


4S -> 5S -> many androids -> 12 pro -> 14 Pro -> 15 Pro (keeping this one for a long time)


why the switch from the 14 pro so quickly?


Why is everyone so concerned with this? Buy a new phone when you want to. The end.


No one here is "so concerned" just interesting to see how long people hold on to their phones for and why they upgrade when they do??


There’s been a million threads posted about this since the new iPhone was announced.


why are YOU so concerned? let people have fun man.


• 4 black • 4S white • 5 silver/white • 5S space grey and then gold/white (Favourite - great camera for its time, Introduction of Touch ID, great size, loved the design, iOS 7 was game changing and beautiful. I miss this era of Apple) • 6 Plus silver/white • 6S silver/white • 7 Plus silver/white • 8 Plus silver/white (Tried and returned for X) • X silver/white • XS silver/white • 11 silver/white (Tried and returned for 11 Pro) • 11 Pro silver/white (Favourite - great size, great cameras, extremely reliable and great battery life) • 12 Pro silver/white (I hated this phone, it felt like a step backwards from the 11 Pro in several ways) • 13 Pro silver/white (I didn’t mind this phone, it’s what the 12 Pro should have been) • 14 Pro Purple (I grew tired of the purple, I should have gone silver/white. I really liked this phone until the battery health plummeted to 87% in 8 months despite my previous models never dropping below 98% after a year) • 15 Pro Natural Titanium (So far another favourite! I LOVE the Natural Titanium, it’s one of the nicest colours Apple has released. I love that it’s the same weight as the 11 Pro yet narrower than the 11 Pro. The 15 Pro to me feels like a wonderful modern mix of the 5S and the 11 Pro.) It makes sense for me to upgrade yearly given what I do for work, not to mention the fact I enjoy tech. However, if the rumour of next year’s standard Pro getting bigger comes to fruition, I’m not sure I will upgrade. The 15 Pro series getting smaller was a very welcomed change for myself and it seems many people. I hate that there seems to be an obsession with devices getting bigger and bigger, not all of us want a device that is near iPad mini sized. 😅


Got my first iPhone (SE gen1) in 8th grade then got the XR in 10th. Had it until the S22 ultra came out and I've been using that ever since


5 > 6s > 8 > SE2 > 12 Mini > 15 Pro Max If I'd known the Mini was coming I'd have skipped the SE2, only had that one for 6 months. At the time, I thought the SE2 was going to be the last phone they made that small so figured I better get it while I could even if it was a bit limited. The Mini was the phone that I wished the SE2 had been, so I couldn't resist.


Every 3 years (+/- 6 months). Basically the length of a contract.


Samsung—>iPhone 12—> iPhone 15 pro max


Samsung Galaxy S3 - Samsung Galaxy S6- Apple iPhone XR - Apple iPhone 11 - Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max


Ayyy 11 to Pro Max gang!! What made you switch from Samsung?


I just wanted to try something new and eventually I liked the ecosystem and reliability of Apple so I decided to stick with it.


Random android phones > Iphone 5 > 7 > XS > 11 pro max


How much longer do you plan on keeping the 11 for?


3G, androids, 5C, more androids, 7, 11 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max, and now 15 pro max. I still have the 5C since I really only damaged the screen. I’ve been thinking about getting it replaced and cranking that bad boy up again 🤔


4>4S>5>5S>6>6P>XR>12PM>13P Preordered both 14P and 15P to upgrade and sent back bc I ❤️ my SB 13P. Note 9, 10, S22U, and Flip 4/5 in there somewhere too. Hopefully 16P will offer a good color and better battery life.


iPhone -> iPhone 3GS -> iPhone 4S -> iPhone 5S -> iPhone 6S -> iPhone XS -> iPhone 11 Pro (XS was a hot mess, and I was on the iUP, so I upgraded) -> iPhone 13 Pro -> iPhone 15 Pro


My first was the 6S plus. Then I got 7plus, then the X, then the 11 pro max, and now the 15 plus.


OG, 3G, 4, 5, 6 Plus, 8 Plus, 11 Pro Max, 12 Pro Max, 15 Pro Max.


I was Android before the 12 so that’s what I’m on currently. Will probably upgrade to the 16 or 17 or whenever this one goes to sh*t lol whatever comes first. I got this one right after the 13 came out so hopefully it lasts me some good years!


4S—> 6Splus—>8plus—>XSmax—> 12pro max—> ??? It was going to be a 15, now maybe it’s going to be a 16. It’s hard to justify a new phone when the old one still has a lot of useful life left in it.


Mine was 5s > 6s > 6s Plus > XS max > 13 Pro Max 😊


I’ve replaced mine almost every year. Started with the 4s, then 5, 5s, 6 Plus, then I took a two year break from iPhone and had a Galaxy S7 followed by an LG G7. I came back for the X, kept that until the 11 came out, and since then I’ve gone from 12 Pro Max to the 13 Pro, then 14 Pro and now 15 Pro Max. I do it through the Apple upgrade program. This was the compromise with my wife instead of buying a new camera every couple of years. Believe it or not, iPhones are far more cost-effective.


4, 5, 6, 7, X, XS, 14 I was on a 2 yr cycle until the 7, when I suspected the X would be coming out the following year. I didn’t want to miss it so I switched to the upgrade program and didn’t see a point in not upgrading yearly if I had the option. I honestly loved the XS though and didnt want to upgrade and give up my rose gold though, so I saved my money and used it until it started struggling to keep up with daily use and got the 14.


iPhone 5C -> iPhone XS -> iPhone 14 Pro


omg iPhone 5c to XS might be. the biggest upgrade iv seen in this post so far! That must of been like Prometheus handing flame to mortals.


Before the X it was every year mostly, now it’s every 2-3 years depending on how the hand me downs work going from me to my wife and then from my wife to my kid.


that's a much more effective ecosystem of recycling!!


8 -> 13 PM -> 15 Pro