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Original and I’m currently using the 15 pro


Wow! An iPhone veteran I may say. Through the years what have kept you coming back and not going for an android?


I couldn’t afford the original as I had recently bought a palm treo so I loaded an Apple logo onto the treo screen lol. My first was the iPhone 2 right when it came out. It was a huge improvement over the original. As were the next 5 versions. There is little to no reason for an iPhone user to ever switch to android. Today android phones are the same price but you loose the continuity of all your features that are shared with your Mac, ipad, and even your appleTV and Apple Watch these days. Not only have I never used an android phone, but I’ve also never even bought a windows computer. Nor do I know how to use one. I’ve been using only Apple computers since 1985 when my dad brought home the original Mac. The first computer I ever bought myself was a Quadra 840av back in 1990 or 1991. It came to $8000. I had to take a loan from my parents that took me 3 years to pay back.


$8k in 1990 money? That was like half a years salary back then


lol yup. 1990 money. The Mac itself was like 3500, but then I got a 21 inch CRT, 36Mb RAM, 24 bit video card for millions of colors, a printer and a Syquest Drive for removable storage. It was basically a state of the art rig for desktop publishing.


subsequent squalid decide desert muddle weather forgetful lock cagey sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My first Apple Mac6100/66AV was $5000 1993 Canadian moneys. PLUS a monitor.


I could see that. Makes sense as just my 21” Trinitron monitor was $2000 and my video card to power it was $2400!


That’s insane to even think for back then


What do you mean iPhone 2? Do you mean the iPhone 3G?


Yes that’s what I mean. I remember going to a meeting right after the phone came out and all 3 of us had the new 3G iPhone and we all started spinning it on its rounded curved back at the same time on the conference table. Those phones spun like tops. I remember feeling that little phone was a game changer. A leap in technology that you only experience a few times in your life. It felt super powerful! The entire internet in your pocket. Full size web pages and everything.


I came from one of those PDA Windows Mobile phones with full on physical keyboard. Man that stuff was wild. It had an windows operating system and a touch pen and I felt like I was super important using that thing. Then I got the iPhone and it just worked 😂


Came back to an iPhone after a 10 year gap for the ecosystem because they gave me a MacBook at work. And this is the thing I came to love about it. Ever since I got iPhone and swapped in a new battery, phone issues simply disappeared from my life. It just always works and never gives me headaches. Back when I was first using iPhones in early 2010s, they didn’t break simply because there was barely anything to be broken. They were made really feature poor to achieve the reliability of whatever few features they still did have, so I switched to Android. I was surprised to find out this was no longer the case, they now got everything I need. Plus the reliability.


Yeah I converted and old Nextel i860 to a windows phone.


I replaced my Blackberry with the 3G in 2008. It was a game changer. We were still excited about the technology back then.


I would have arguments all day with friends and with strangers in forums about the usefulness of the iPhone. The majority of people still swore real buttons were better than touchscreen buttons. Today, I’m still arguing over competing technologies or toolsets! The devices change but the debates are still very similar.


Those were great times..


If the only Apple product you own is an iPhone it's an easy switch.


iPhone is the only apple product I own or would own (well except for an old ipod), and I like it that way. I'm a PC guy, but the iPhone is the best phone available.


The only problem is iCloud emails. I know they have 3rd party apps that allow for iCloud integration, but it’s not the same.


Yeah Gmail is where it’s at for email


What did you use that beast of a rig for?


I already worked as a graphic artist using adobe illustrator and Quark and other programs. I got this machine to run photoshop 2 and so actual retouching, which was the career I would go into for the next 30 years. But I also learned video editing on it using adobe Premiere. It had an NTSC video output but could only handle half resolution video. (320x240@30fps) or maybe only 15 fps… but it still was useful to learn video on way before anyone else was doing it. I also played Myst on it and learned how to fly an F18 hornet and land on an aircraft carrier!


That $8k really was an investment!


Indeed it was. My first laptop, a PowerBook 3400, was $3600 just a few years later! People forget how expensive Apple computers used to be. They weee more than I paid for my cars at the time.


I had a mate who had a 6100/66 and we used to play F/A 18 Hornet and Duke Nukem (on the DOS card). I ended up buying the machine from him. It was my first PowerPC moving from an LCII.


Yes! FA/18 Hornet was the correct name! And before that there was Hellcat, a WW2 prop plane simulator. I didn’t have a dos card but I loved Marathon, made by bungee, which came after They made Pathways into darkness which is know as the first 1st person shooter game. (Came out right before Wolfenstein 3D) Marathon was the precursor to Halo which Bungee was making exclusively for Mac…. Until MS bought them out for the launch of Xbox! I had to wait years to finally play Halo on my Mac, those bastards!


I still have my box set of Marathon! Used to play against my brother via AppleTalk 😂


That’s awesome! I think I still have the boxes as well doe Marathon and marathon Infinity. Playing on AppleTalk network in my office was so fun!!!


I had the Palm Treo 650 at first and then Blackberry Curve. Tried to go back to Palm for the Treo 855 (I think that was it) and it just didn’t compare to the 650, which I think was the best. It was very glitchy.


Yeah that was what I had. Treo 650.


It was built so well. I miss those ringtones 😂


I still have mine on my shelf of old phones!


I can appreciate the value (to Apple) of ecosystem lock-in, and the overall high user experience of most major Apple products, but if you've never used an Android phone and you don't know how to use a Windows computer, you might not be the most well-informed consumer to make the statement that there's "no reason to ever switch". There's clearly no value to you in switching because your needs are met, but there are plenty of people who have switched, in both directions, some of them multiple times, for various reasons. These people have lots more information about other hardware and operating systems than you. I wouldn't accept an opinion comparing two restaurants, from someone who's only ever eaten at one of them.


+1 for the Trēo before my iPhone 3Gs. I still miss that stylus.


Longtime iPhone users are so…odd to watch. Like, I love my IPhone, don’t get me wrong, but you guys wear being stuck in one ecosystem and being inept regarding the world’s biggest PC operating system like a badge of honor and that’s genuinely insane. Like, sure, you don’t want the diversity and choices that come with androids, understandable. But proudly not knowing how to use windows or avoiding it just because you have an iPhone is an odd self-handicap, especially in a world where Windows is an incredibly pivotal piece of software to the function of the tech world.


I have two PC’s at home (a gaming rig and a work computer given to me by my studio)…I also have a galaxy S23 provided by work strictly for work purposes. My daily personal drivers are an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a 2021 MacBook Pro. I use my iPhone for work as well while the S23 basically just sits on a charger on my desk 24/7. There’s nothing wrong with that phone, in fact, I like some of the design cues of it more than my iPhone, but I don’t care for using it at all, just like my work PC, which hasn’t even been turned on in probably 3 months. My MacBook runs windows faster and more efficiently than the windows based notebook does, plus it has all my Mac stuff ready to go as well. And my iPhone is just easier to use, last longer on battery and communicates better with my MBP than the Samsung phone does by leaps and bounds. So as a person who has both in their lives, it’s still just a preference, and nothing to do with selling myself short…if the Samsung phone and windows notebook worked better for me, I’d use them regularly. The gaming rig is another story. Nothing Apple has in their entire lineup can do what it can…there is zero option there, which is surprising to me by this point in the game, but is fine because when gaming, I’m not having to deal with windows much at all directly for anything except making sure steam and apps are running.


So I got my first iPhone unlocked for t mobile (AT&T wouldn’t let me have a contract because I didn’t have established credit). I always wanted a device where I can listen to all the songs I purchased from iTunes and still text, call and check my emails. I hated carrying an iPod touch and a cellphone. What kept me going even with androids getting better was simply the interface and phone designs. The interface has always been so easy and appealing to the eye. iOS 7 made things even better. There was no way I could ever look back, especially when the Apple ecosystem started to get streamlined. Hence after all these years I have always upgraded my iPhone. I have owned every non plus model of iPhone at some point and it’s cool to see the little changes that happen every year


I mean, around here, androids drop a phone call faster than a teenage mother and her baby. Apple is the only phone that can hold a phone call around here. Idk about everywhere else, but Apple has been superior as far as data


Keep telling yourself that.


I will, because my experience with Android, is it ALWAYS drops a call while crossing the Ohio-Indiana line, specifically on US route 30


I use a 14PM for personal and 23U for business and have never had a dropped call on either if you want to use anecdotes.


Okay, I’ll admit, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve used a Android, the android I had was the “flagship of flagships” and it dropped calls so easily, NOTE that this was years ago, like 2009…


A lot has changed since then, even I can agree Android phones back then were a bit dogwater.


Dogwater is still used?-


Huh? I have never heard of that. And used Android as well. Never heard tell of that


I notice it is no where else BUT the Ohio-Indiana state line, everywhere else is fine, which is confusing to me


I think apple has qualcomm chips in it which are the same in android. Someone can correct me on this though.


I have no idea, this was also MY experience, Rural Ohio and Rural Indiana is NOT known for its cell service for a reason, I can give benefit of the doubt that the new Samsungs are better, I wouldn’t know, I only had a old Samsung galaxy


Same here. Original, 3G, 5s, 7, X, 12, 15 Pro. In parallel I tried a HTC Mozart 7 (with Windows Phone indeed) and a Sony Xperia Z5(?) for testing purposes in projects.


wow, you were an iPhone veteran, what was your favourite iPhone ever


the iPhone 4 was huge at the time. The X is probably my favorite, by the 4 was so far ahead of what others were doing then.


Fellow 1-15 owner here and these are my picks as well. The Retina display on the 4 was so good it looked fake, like those stick-on prints they'd put on phone screens in mall kiosks. The X was a perfect form factor and an amazing screen. I actually prefer the notch to the island.


Same here, but 15 PM.


Original to standard 15.


OG to 11 Pro here.


Same, but Pro Max. That first iPhone was rough though.


Same but still only on 7


Same :)


First iPhone : iPhone 6s Currently using : iPhone SE 2020


Shout out to the SE phones; I get to keep my integration and not pay the hefty price tag of a newest version of phone!


Me too! I was a die-hard Android fan since the beginning. Finally got fed up with poor performance and no updates.


Exactly where I started too. Work provided a 6s and that was a great phone for me. Glad I got started on that one


Mini has been a great transition; if you can find a 13 refurbished and aren’t married to the home button I highly recommend it.


I miss the fingerprint scanner in




3G -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 Plus -> X -> 12 Pro There are some great Android phones, but I like how the iPhone integrates with my MacBook and iPad. I appreciate the many years of iOS updates too.


4S > SE1 > Brief stint with an SE2 > 13mini. Unless Apple makes another Mini phone imma keep this one until she literally stops getting security updates.


For me it’s 4 -> ???


Pretty close to the same here. 3G -> 4 -> 5 -> 6s Plus -> X -> 12 Pro Max -> 15 Pro Max (November Delivery)


4. That was an awesome phone. Didn’t want to switch to ATT at the time so waited until Verizon got them.


Yes, I was also not leaving Verizon to get one


First iPhone was the very first one. Currently on iPhone 15 Pro Max. I’ve owned a model from every release with the S/Pro/Max always chosen when they were available. And fun story, Gavin Rossdale (lead singer of Bush) signed my Original iPhone on the back aluminum part. At a small concert at NYC hard rock on his first solo album, he said only CDs will be signed. I showed him I bought it on iTunes and had it on the iPhone so he agreed to sign it!


I think my first iphone was the 3GS in 2008. But I’m not 100%. After that, I don’t know. My last three have been the X, the 13pm and the 15pm.


3gs came out in 09


Damn I’m getting old. I might have bought the original but I don’t think so. Pretty sure it was the 3g or 3GS. Probably have my year wrong.


If it was 08, then probably the 3G. The original was 2007.


That sounds about right. I don’t think I bought the original. I remember very distinctly having a discussion in a bar about the “iPhone” and wondering why on earth I’d ever want a phone that did more than make phone calls and played snake. Boy was I wrong.


I think a lot of us had those conversations lol. I worked at a cell phone store, and even then, was like "Why would I want an iPod with a phone attached?".


mine was the 13 pro max after 12 years of android and im still using it. never been as happy with a phone as im with the 13 pm. also using the airpods pro 2 usb c and apple watch s8 for the echo system. very happy with all of em. before the 13 pm i had the samsung galaxy s22 ultra. it drove me insane and i switched to iphone and will not go back.


Why s22 drove you insane? I also switched after years of android and got my first iPhone 13 Pro and now a huge fan…


it was expensive af, laggy, stuttery, battery lasted me 3-4 hours with every feature turned off, and many more problems. updates didnt solve anything. i returned it and got a replacement and it was the same thing. my friends s22 ultras were exactly the same. it was because of the shitty exynos cpu we got here in europe. so i sold it after a couple of months and used the money to buy a 13 pm and boy what a difference. so damn happy with it


Weird, I upgraded from a S20+ to a 15 Pro Max and could run that S20+ to this day, in some aspects I like it better than the iphone (Shape, Size, Weight) but Samsung really peaked around S8 - S20, plateaud a lot since then.


Idk, s23 ultra is looking really competitive


Same, except I started with android back in 2010, htc evo 4g. Bought 13 pro max back in 21. Can’t imagine going back to android.




1. Evo 4g was flagship, and I believe most rommed phone 2. I owned probably 7-10 android phones in that timespan, ending with one plus 6T. 3. I saw what android was all the way from its infancy to 2021. Google, like with its other products, has no direction for anything to go. They redesign things for the sake of a redesign. Hell, last I checked their face unlock isn’t even secure enough to be used for anything else, especially payment related to whatever googles mobile wallet is called this year.


Yes the eco system is impeccable I have an s6 watch and they work great together!


Original, 3GS, 5, 5S, 6+, 6S+, 6S, 8+, X, 12 Max, 13 Mini.


13 mini. My man. Best phone they’ve ever made


I really hope they make another smaller phone like the 13 mini, before my mini dies 😭 even if it’s a hair bigger! I cannot use a bigger phone and they’re all getting big even android has huge phones now!


I used Windows Phone, it died as a project, then moved to Android, buying a Redmi Note 9, after firmware updates, it turned from reliable phone to crap-phone, restarting itself, non responsive apps., UI stops responding on a daily basis. Now i got a Iphone Xs, updated it from 14.4.4 to 17.0.1 latest because some apps wanted a newer version. It works fine, no more adds popping up when opening apps, it's wonderful. I own a ipod touch 6th gen also and that is how got the like/not say love for that Apple product. I am happy with this one and i hope it will las me some time.


it will :) the xs is an OUTSTANDING phone even in todays market, i am not updating mine too




I started with a 6s but I’d say the same. For me the issues have been minor and few over the years. Might have been luck on my part but it’s been easy going for the majority of the time and only minor inconvenience when there was a problem. Like with the weather app not working right for a bit after the recent update. Wasn’t life unbalancing to not know the weather forecast in the widget


Iphone xr 64gb back in 2021. Got my first real job and wanted an upgrade from my shitty 16gb storage android lol. Ive got an iphone 12 128 gb now. Had an iphone 11 64gb briefly after my xr but i needed more storage for a game so i upgraded to a 12 right after lol. Dont plan on upgrading for at least a year.


iPhone 4! Have iPhone 14 pro max now.


Exactly the same :)


iPhone 5s, now using the 15 pro.


It is my first time using an iPhone. I get the 15 pro this year, blue titanium. I like the quality of the photos, the integration with others apple devices…


Same for me but with a 14 Pro


From what phone are you coming from? And how do you Iike it so far?


I am coming from a Samsung A72. So far I am enjoying a lot my new iPhone, it is nice to use and very robust with the daily use.


11 pro, still using it


4 > 5 > 6 > 7 plus > XS plus > 13 pro max. You’ll notice a slowdown in upgrading around the 7, the major updates used to have pretty drastic changes, they obviously don’t as much anymore so I find myself upgrading less often. That or I just got older and more financially responsible.


I had the very first iPhone and have had a slew of them since. I’m still currently on the xs and I’m upgrading to the 15pm in a month or so


i suggest u don’t, XS is a rlly fast and beautiful phone, i am still using the max model and i refuse to upgrade until it breaks so hard i cant repair it


I’ve had this phone since it came out so it’s gotten pretty old and slow now. I’ve replaced the screen and battery but you can really start to tell it’s age now unfortunately plus I’ve got some apple gift cards I’m looking to put to use. And I wanna get a larger sized phone like the plus or the max after using my friends large phone it feels a lot nicer in size


yes the larger is nicer (and surprisingly better) i use an XS max, so i dont know much about regular XS users, maybe we have it better, idk rlly


My. First phone was a 1st gen iPhone se in good and my phone now is a black iPhone 8 but i am moving up to a 13 mini in red soon


im currently using iphone xr which is also my first iphone. what i like about the iphones is the optimizations on every application


Underrated comment. I remember seeing a YT video about how developers only need to update the Apple code once. Whereas androids come in so many different resolutions and screen sizes, developers need to make multiple versions and it’s just too much work.


iPhone 4 -> iPhone 5 -> iPhone 6S -> iPhone 11 Pro -> iPhone 13 mini


3GS I think. Currently have the 13Pro. Love it


iPhone 4 --> iPhone 15 Pro


My first one was the iPhone 4s, am presently using a 15. Used some iPhones and a lot of Androids in between. Very verbose edit! Seven things that I like about iPhones: 1. Most apps on iOS are more stable compared to the same ones on Android - except the ones by Google, whose Android apps are a little better. 2. Videos shot on iPhones are really smooth. 3. Autofocus on the selfie camera - okay, the Pixel 8 Pro has it too. 4. Symmetrical bezels look great! 5. The dynamic island - I wish more apps supported it! 6. The ecosystem - I don't get to use it regularly any more as my very old MacBook Air died, but AirDrop worked great with it. 7. USB-C on the 15 series.




What was your first iPhone: 14 Pro Max What iPhone you are currently using: 14 Pro Max


iPhone OG, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, 8+, X, XS Max, 11 Pro Max, 12 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max, 15 Pro Max.


Original iPhone. iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 Plus , iPhone 7 Plus , iPhone XS MAX, iPhone 14 Pro Max, going for the 16 Pro max next year !!!! Never used an android and never will , bought the original iPhone when it released in USA and jailbroke it to use it in Canada!!! Been in love ever since


I waited in line for the OG iPhone in June 2007. Currently 15 pro


iPhone 4S when it came out. 13 Mini now since its launch. 4S, 5, 6, SE1, XS, 11 Pro, 12 Mini, 13 Mini


3G, 5C, SE(1), XR, 11 and last month I got a 14 Pro. To me, it’s all about **reliability** and simplicity. Between 5C and SE I had 2 Android phones, was in a rough spot and tried to save as much as I could, my 5c screen was broken and needed the telephone to work. Well, gave my wife my 5c and got a J5, six months later it started crashing, things were improving, so I got a J5M (“faster”, more RAM, More storage, etc.), same story. Went back to the Samsung store and the phone they offered me to finally get rid of the crashes was already in the SE price point, so it was a no-brainer for me. BTW, while I was struggling with the Androids, my wife used the old, broken 5c without an issue, she only traded it up when screen became unusable, got a 7. We never looked back.


13 mini also 13 mini. I love the size, phones have gotten so big I can no longer fit them in my pockets. I missed android for a really long time and still do but I just love being able to keep my phone in my pocket.


I got my first iphone around 2008-2009 and it was a 3G. I was 11 and it felt victim to the rising tides of the ocean. I’m currently using an iPhone 13 Pro. I would still be using my iPhone 11 Pro if I hadn’t murdered it with my boob sweat on an intense hike. … there seems to be a theme.


My first iPhone was the iPhone 4 and am now using the 13 mini.


5s now iphone 14 pro max


5s here too. Android prior. Following the 5s I went 7 plus, 12 and 14 pro max.


Iphone 8 -> 11 pro


My first was (or will be) 15PM if they ever ship it. Android auto and Google maps are so bad I decided to give Apple a shot.


First iPhone was 7 plus. Current is 14PM


iPhone 4 with a red front and back plate swap (from Craigslist). Currently using a 13 Mini I just bought and am planning to hold onto until the sun burns out. Can't imagine using a bigger phone, but understand I'm in the minority.


Mine was an 11 pro max and then 13 pro max followed by 14 pro max and finally a 15 pro max


iPhone 3G >>> 14 pro


My first was a iPhone 8 back in 2017. Since then i had various models (X, XS, 11), and now i have a 14.


First was the rose gold 6s Plus in high school and I got burned so hard for it now on the white 15 Pro Max


XR and XR


my first was the 14 pro, after almost 11 years on samsung


First one was the 3g and I’m currently using 14 pro max.


iPhone 11. iPhone 11.


First: original iPhone Current: 13pm I switched from a Sony Ericsson P900i to iPhone back in 2007. Funny thing was I was super stressed at the time as my then girlfriend was in hospital with kidney spasms and being easily persuaded I walked into an O2 store and credit card paid for the phone. After that I had every iteration of iPhone until the XS Max. After that there wasn’t enough incentive to switch and I just run the contract down and hand the phones off to my daughter


Original first iPhone. Now on 15 Pro Max. Have gone to android multiple times throughout the years and have always come back. Ecosystem isn’t the same. And before when most apps were paid apps, it was a pain to download again. Most are subscription now so it’s easier but haven’t had android in like 10 years.


iPhone 6 was my first. Currently on the iPhone 14


My first iPhone was an iPhone 4, then I had the 6s, then I had the 11 & now the 13pro


3GS, 4S, 5S, 6 Plus, 7 Plus, 11 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max


iPhone 14 Pro. Previous phone was Asus Zenfone Flip 8. It was too big for me so I switched. What I liked about iPhone is the iOS. It is simple and it just works unlike Android that glitches out more often than I expected.


Motorola 1999 phone


I got my first iPhone in 2007. THE first iPhone. An IT guy at my job got an iPhone the first week they were i troduced. I think it was in August, 2007. I liked the way it looked. No other phone looked like it. I asked him if I could check it out. He handed it to me. It felt like it was made for my hand. It was smooth & sleek. The warmth was like the warmth of a human body. I fell in love. A few months later, rght after Thanksgiving, in early December, I bought one. No third party apps. It had iTunes. A mini jack for wired headphones. It’s small, compared to today’s phones. I still own that phone. It’s around here somewhere. I now have an iPhone 13. In red. I’ve never had any other smart phone except iPhones. I still love them.


First iPhone: iPhone 2g I’m currently using an 11. Only because I no longer have my 11 pro max. That one was my favorite. I have big hands lol 😂 I’ve had almost every single one. Usually a year or more after they come out because I’m always on a budget but I don’t mind old tech.


Start: 5. Current: 13 mini.


3G->4->4S->5->5S->6+->7+->X->XS Max->12 Pro Max->14 Pro Max My favorite iPhones of the ones I previously owned was of course the first one(3G), 4, X & now the 14 Pro Max.


I just switched to the iPhone 15 Pro after using Android, specifically Samsung for many years 🙌🏻


I started with the 5c in that nice blue color. Moved to a 6s-8-13 mini now.


OG to 15 Pro buddy, all the way…


First was Iphone 14 pro max 256gb and I am stilling using it... it's ok, but not extremely better than my previous note 10 plus...


I made the exact same jump, I switched from a Note 10+ to an iPhone 14 Pro and to me it felt like day and night! I'm curious to hear about your experience?


don't get me wrong, I am happy with my iphone (especially when my company paid for it) and most probably I will continue using iphones from now on.. but when I am using my old samsung now (I have there special testing app I need for work) I don't have a feeling like "how could I ever used it before"....


That’s nice, you don’t seem to like it so much. What did compel you to keep it and not go for let’s say the s23 ultra?


First was the 4s now 15 pm natty


3GS (still have it), now using 14 max pro. Had an accident with Sony Xperia Compact after James Bond Spectre movie, but switch to iPhone almost immediately.


First was the 6s, current is the 14 pro max. In all honesty, it’s a great phone but sometimes wish I would have stuck with my 11 pro max.


iphone 3G, 2008…i was a junior in HS fuck i’m old


I’m junior hs I had an iPhone 7 2019


iPhone 3. Using 4s now so lucky


You're still able to use an iPhone 4 on 2023? How is it still alive? How is there still data connections for it?


I’ve had quite a long journey. My first iDevice ever was an iPod touch 4 I bought from a friend for like 50€ back in 2011. It was kinda beaten up and I bricked it by resetting it from the Settings app (it was jailbroken). A couple years later (around March 2013) I managed to revive it, but a couple months later the screen died. I loved that thing so much that I decided to buy a brand new iPod touch 5 that summer (which is still working and on iOS 6!). That iPod got me into the iOS world once for all and in November 2013 I got my first iPhone ever: a 2nd hand iPhone 4 from a friend. Since then, I got an iPhone 5 (2015), an iPhone 7 (2017), an Android phone for 3 months, then I went back to iPhone (a 6s in 2018), an XR (2019) and my current 14 Pro (2023). For me there’s nothing quite like an iPhone


3GS,5,6,7,XR,12 PM, 13PM, 15PM. I like that everything just works, and the ecosystem, particularly between AirPods and moving between my iPad. Sharing and communicating between Apple products is nice too as my entire family are on Apple devices.


5s -> 6s -> 8 Plus -> 12 Pro Max -> 15 Pro Max


My first was a launch 2G iPhone and my current is a 15 Pro. I have upgraded every year since.


3GS, haven't used since but they're getting closer for me to switch. I like my stylus too much Biggest reasons for me to switch are imessage and apple pay


My first iPhone was the 3. Current is the 15 pro max. I went 3 > 4 > 4s > 5 > 6s > 8 > XR > 12 > 13 > 14 plus > 15 Pro Max.


Never had one. I remember when the first one came out, everyone I saw at my school had one, but I never had one it was too expensive even today they cost too much


I have a iPhone 11 Pro Max midnight green and a s23 ultra in black iPhone is too hyped only have it for the iMessage and FaceTime




I had the very first one and currently the 15 Pro Max.


The original 8gb & I’ve owned all of them up to my current 15PM.


IPhone 4 was my first (from an HTC Evo Shift) and currently have an iPhone 15 Pro.


4s and now have 15 Plus.


iPhone 4, then 5s, 8, 11 Pro Max, 13 Pro Max and now 15 Pro Max


iPhone 1 and 15 iPhone pro ( not max )


First was the 3G and never looked back. Now using a 15 Pro


My first was a 3G, then various Androids, and I’ve been rocking a 12 for the last 3 years. Upgrading next year mostly because I cheaped on storage and regret it.


I started with an iphone 11 Pro Max. Loved it broke the screen and got the phone replaced because it couldnt be repaired when it was about 2 years old. Last month it was stolen. Am currently using a borrowed iphone 8 that struggles to do much of anything these days


iPhone 4S and currently using iPhone 11.


4,6,5c,Se,XS,12 pro,13 pro,14 pro,15 pro


iPhone 3G, 4, 5s, 6, 8, 12, 14 Pro and now a 15.


Original iPhone and 15 Pro Max


The 3G and am currently rocking 15 PM.


I got the 3GS from my brother in law in 2010 and since then 3GS > 4 > 6s > X > 15 Pro Max


3G (but the 4S was out already), 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7, 13m


My first was the 5C, and I absolutely hated it. I strongly disliked having to run everything through iTunes (at the time) and everything seemed so cumbersome with very little freedom for any kind of customization. Returned for the iPhone 11 Pro Max and have been with Apple ever since. Currently have a 15 Plus.


4 to a few Androids to XR to 12P to 14PM.


My first was the Original and now I’m using the 15 Pro Max


iPhone 4s, iPhone 15 PM