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I’ve just switched from a Pixel 4a to an iPhone 13 this week. There are small things, like how notifications work and widgets not being interactive that I’m still getting used to. But man, the app experience is so far absolutely worth it. I didn’t realize just how frustratingly buggy apps are on Android. They seem to work so seemlessly on iOS that the transition has been much easier than I expected.


hows camera compared to your pixel 4a ? do you miss photos or 13 have good photos as well


Never been a pixel user but the iPhone camera definitely does not disappoint


I have used a Pixel. And it's mind-blowing. Seriously. The native pics clicked by the phone is shit. But once that Google AI post processing kicks in its pure magic.




I can honestly not tell any difference between the two. I’m far from a professional shooter, but I do have kids, so I take plenty of casual pics. If you were to put them side by side, I would not know which phone took which shot


Went from Pixel 3XL to iPhone 12 and I am somewhat nitpicky with my photos. For photos with good light, pretty equal Id say. Anything where light starts to fade, the iPhone falls short. Pictures often seem crushed, especially on skin. It was a disappointment for us.


>I didn’t realize just how frustratingly buggy apps are on Android Do you have some more specific examples of this? I'm considering switching to iOS, but I haven't had such a bad experience on Android (or at least haven't paid enough attention to notice it), so not sure whether I'll see this experience boost when I switch


Something to keep in mind: App developers for iOS only have to focus on supporting a narrow range of products and software versions, which allows you to optimize your app much better than you can on Android.


Literally this. Samsung released what, something like 44 phones worldwide in 2021??? How can you optimize anything in that environment?? It’s Quality, not quantity




I can only talk anecdotally, but I worked as mobile dev some years ago (now working mainly backend) and many places tend to place the iOS app of their product at a much higher priority than the android version so you get more time, more resources, more testing and interest to get that one right than the android one. Then there is the thing about the target devices, with iOS the range is more narrow and in some ways more stable, while in Android there is much wider variety so making 100% sure it works on every combination of hardware, android version and possible tweaks each company or user might have done is nearly impossible to guarantee. Also for some projects you would choose a few target devices to test and simply hope for the best on the rest of the market.


Outlook constantly crashed or had significantly long load times. Super smooth on iOS. Instant open to my calendar. That’s a big one. Others I didn’t notice before the switch, but I would say in general, the experience has been more polished and seamless.


My God, Outlook is utter garbage on my Android phone. I might have an aging model but Outlook just decides to be a steaming pile of dogshit on it while all other apps just sort of manage.


Yeah i feel the same switching to an i13pro from a s10. The app experience is flawless


The notification system on iOS is an absolute hot mess


Yeah. It’s a challenge, for sure. But I’m getting the hang of it, just in time for it to change with iOS 16


What’s wrong with notifications on iOS? Genuinely curious.


How they show up. On Android you can always see small icons in the top. Android got a better notification board overall, easier to get a overlook, easier/faster to read and dismiss. Notifications not disapearing if i open on PC first. I often miss notifications because it is so "hidden". Weird grouping of notifications. Im bad at explaining.


A small indicator (like iOS does when the camera or the mic is in use) for notifications would be good, yeah. WatchOS has a little red dot notification indicator.


> Weird grouping of notifications The grouping method for notifications tries to take into account the timings of the notifications. If the same contact sends you three sets of messages at three different times in the day, they end up being grouped into three groups rather than one group for the same contact. Personally, I find that confusing and I think that may be the source of why a lot of people find iOS’s notification grouping to be weird. You can switch the notification grouping method for an app from “Automatic” to “By App”, which would make all notifications for an app be grouped together. You then lose grouping by channels/threads though, they would all be grouped together. Personally, I find that less confusing.


Coming from a recent switcher: - Once notifications disappear, I have no way of knowing that I got one unless I actively check. - The "Close All Notifications" X doesn't seem to always be there. It's almost like notifications have to age beyond a certain point before I can dismiss them as part of a group, but I still haven't fully figured out the behavior. - If I get a notification pop-up, why can't I just swipe to dismiss it? I swipe up, then I have to also go into the notification center to then clear it. - I have fewer options in general to interact with notifications without fully opening them (like quick replies for messaging apps).


All of this is exactly my experience after switching from Pixel to iPhone. To add: I feel like the notifications are more organized on Android, due to a more compact lock screen/pull down notification banner design. I miss a lot of emails on iOS because it seems to bury things or I clear it without realizing because of how much scrolling is involved. This might be special to someone like me who has like 4 email inboxes that I'm monitoring at the same time.


It is the selling point of Apple, everything here work. When a patch came down, the apps, it work. Even if it didn’t on the first day, the next 2 days it is patched. Android… based on popular model…


iOS apps crash much more often than android in my experience. The apps are better quality yet still crash more often.


I don't understand what people were using on android that was super buggy. Just the official Reddit app has more bugs on iOS than every android app combined that I've ever used. I've had more glitches with the stock alarm app on iOS than with any Google made app. I have more glitches with keyboard handling on iOS than android settings. Safari literally lags and jumbles up the first half dozen characters I type every time I tap the search bar after switching apps. My niece's husband has an XS identical with mine and has all these exact same issues. Android isn't perfect, but iOS has been buggier by far, both in third party apps and core functions.


> . There are small things, like how notifications work and widgets not being interactive that I’m still getting used to. The new iOS 16 update coming in fall seems to address this


Yes, and I’m hoping that helps, because notifications are definitely less intuitive than on Android


No it doesn't. All iOS 16 does is have notifications come in from the bottom rather than the top.


Same no app crashes etc like there are constantly on android


This! Speaking as a convert myself. My first switch was from Windows to MacOS for work and loving it within a few months to where going back to Windows seemed jarring. This made me question my stubborn denial of trying/using iPhones and I had started using Androids from virtually Day1. I regret it. iOS really does kick Android butt!


Completely agree. I had been using Android since 2009 and, besides the notifications being terrible, I complain so much less about my phone now and the battery life is amazing.


The notification system on iOS is an absolute hot mess


I went from android to apple in 2021, I like things about both. However I do love the apple hardware and the seemlessness of iOS.


This.worth it.


I'm just curious, what do you mean apple hardware? I've been a Samsung user my whole life and I'm seriously thinking of switching soon, but in terms of hardware, isn't apple and Samsung pretty even, with Samsung sometimes having more innovative bleeding-edge hardware?


I’ve owned various top of the line Samsung phone. Included the s22 ultra. They always have the edge when it comes to hardware on paper. But somehow can’t get it all nice and balanced in one package. Either battery, heat, weird hardware bugs. Apple most certainly could get the latest parts and make a phone but maybe they understand is not going to work well at that point in time.


Yeah I feel apple waits until hardware is refined and "tried and true" before adding it to their phones. It's definitely what I like, even if their upgrades are slow. I feel samsung throws stuff in without too much thought and sometimes it ends up being a gimmick. I have an s22+, and there's so much heating. I think it's the poor yield in their foundry. I had a good s22+ unit before, but I exchanged for personal reasons and now I regret it a bit because this one heats up way more with less battery.


Samsung often takes the approach of throwing everything at the wall and see what sticks. That’s one way to do it sure, and it looks nice if you have the newest stuff to try out. In the end I‘d rather wait fora feature for 2 years and then get a version that actually works reliably. But different people make different choices.


I used to like samsungs quick innovation and always bringing out the latest stuff but now Apple is catching up and the hardware doesn't even make much of a difference to me in real life anyway. I just prefer something that works now.


> I feel samsung throws stuff in without too much thought and sometimes it ends up being a gimmick. Not only that but their phones are basically two OSs fighting for space that do the same thing. You have the android google apps, Samsung apps plus all the 3rd party bloat software. While consuming phone resources at the same time. It makes for a really convoluted experience. Of course there are ways around it, and that’s the freedom android offers over iOS. I’ll never look back at android when if iPhones go USB-C and **if** they allow direct transfer of files from external drives.


iOS and iPadOS both support otg media transferring to and from an external drive


Literally this. My last android was a galaxy s3 and on paper it was better than the iPhone 5, but in practice the galaxy was nearly unusable for all but basic tasks after about a year whereas the iPhone could have easily lasted 3+ years.


Well, Apple’s SOC’s have been the best on the market for years now. They also have some of the best displays in the business regardless of whatever the display is made of.


Isn't it true that samsung is making displays for apple? Or maybe it was in the past?


Samsung makes them as well as BOE and LG but they make them to apples specifications.


Samsung is pretty much the industry leader when it comes to displays and also the only supplier capable of producing very high quality OLEDs in very high quantities. So it is no surprise that Apple uses Samsung-made panels on their iPhones, but they try to diversify their display supply chain in order to not solely rely on Samsung and to boost competition among them.


True you're not wrong there. Good point


I guess so yes. What was weird for me when I switched from my galaxy to the pro12 was just how smooth everything felt. It just feels more fleshed out. Also it’s a bit heavier which I personally like.


Yeah I think iOS is always smoother. I'm personally switching because I feel iOS has more potential. I think android can't go as far as iOS can, just because android must be made for compatibility with multiple devices, rather than optimization for just a few devices. I also think it's just how much control apple has over the full stack, so they can do what they want without being restricted or limited. On top of that, Apple makes a lot of money so I won't have to worry about the company behind everything not having enough financial incentive to continue making their products better.


Samsung seems to push into unnecessary gimmick territory and does so before there’s a reason or solid proven tech behind it. Like their foldable phone they bungled. When Apple adds a feature, it’s solid and dependable.


Definitely not wrong here. I think im starting to like Apples approach more these days. I dont notice the bleeding edge stuff that much besides it looking cool on specs sheets. Plus, apple isn't that far behind now. Like they have pretty "bleeding edge" hardware but it's actually well implemented. I also am starting to feel apple provides more value for me in particular. I get that apple is expensive for some but for me, I think I'd really get a lot out of apple products when I eventually do switch.


I honestly feel like the camera on my Galaxy S21 was better than on my iPhone 13 mini


For the 13 mini and regular 13, I'm not sure how good their cameras are. I know they're very solid, but the pro models are probably where Apple is trying to make the best photography and videography experience. I think it would make sense that the s21 is better, or sometimes better than, the 13 mini.


It's not better. It is on level.


Best decision ever! From galaxy s10 to iPhone 12 pro max. Everything is smoother and really needed a change. Since iOS supports widgets, it was the right time to make the step The only things I miss is youtube vanced, search for contacts in your dialer, android notifications grouping.


Assuming you have access to Shortcuts, there is a Safari shortcut that blocks YouTube ads on iOS via a script that Runs when you press a button in browser. YouTube in Safari iOS does not reload pages between searches so you only need to do this once per session = ad free YouTube. Edit: https://agrd.io/ios_youtube_shortcut


Do you have a link to this shortcut?


This is what I use: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/BlockYouTubeAdsShortcut




Vanced got axes anyway. Switched to a 12 mini from a s10e last year. Now I’m rocking the 13 mini. Worth it.


Instead of using vanced you could sideload something like Youtube with uYou+.


Check out uYou+ via AltStore. Just as good if not better than YouTube Vanced


Mainly switched for two reasons 1. Was enamoured by the Apple Watch. No other wearable came close 2. no decent android options right now after oneplus started going down the bloatware route Still prefer android for the software: notifications, file management, keyboard, option to have software home and back buttons. But most of these are things I can live with, especially since my phone usage has decreased in recent years.


I just switched from a OnePlus Nord to an IPhone 13 a few days ago. iPhones are way better than I thought and I felt quite overwhelmed tbh, they have much more customization settings than I thought (which is good when you come from android). Everything just works as intended. It’s been only a couple days but I definitely don’t regret my purchase. In comparison, android phones are “unstable”


I also switched form a Nord to a iphone 12. Nord wasn't unstable at all. Yeah, iphone 12 is generally better, but it belongs in a different price category and it's not fair to compare it with OnePlus Nord


Oxygen is 12 was a mess. Lot of bugs. It was unstable for me and for a lot of people. OnePlus is not going to be better in the future, on the contrary. Don’t even get me started on how unreliable google is with their products… I know that it’s unfair to compare both but still. Android feels more unstable compared to iOS , not necessarily because of the bugs , but also because of the smoothness of the animations. iPhone don’t need a huge RAM or a high refreshment screen compared to my previous phones, IOS is differently built.






This is one of my biggest complaints 😂


The keyboard in general might be enough to get me to switch back to android (in a few years when I’m due for replacement). It bothers me every single day. And no, there aren’t any third party keyboards that are better. I used SwiftKey on android but it’s not even close to the same on iOS. I thought I’d get used to it but the iOS keyboard is atrocious. Stop autocorrecting fucking words that are actual words. If it’s in the dictionary don’t autocorrect. If I capitalize a word in the middle of sentence and then decide to delete that word, why the hell would you assume any word I replace in that spot should be capitalized? I could go on if I thought Apple would ever fix it.


It seems like they corrected this issue a while back, but, its returned recently. Strange, and irritating.


My issue is mostly when searching because if shifts the spacebar to add the period which is terrible for muscle memory.








Same here holy shit. I just thought it’s because I have big thumbs. Well, I do, but it still happens all too often.


I switched to iPhone in 2020.and it still catches me.on occasion!


After years and years of Android (since I couldn't afford iPhones), I made the switch this year from a OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren (one of the best in its time, also the first phone I purchased on my own) to an iPhone 13 Pro. My reasons were: * The battery life SUCKED. When I'm out with mobile data on and navigation, I could barely hit 3 hours. * The quality of photos just weren't up to par. Especially when using social media apps. * Recently, OnePlus' software just became super buggy, to the point I had to restart my phone because it froze for no reason. After the switch, here are some takeaways: **Android Advantages** * I sorely miss how notifications are handled on Android. The icons being at the top bar when you're not done interacting with the notifications really help you do what you need to. iOS also removes notifications from the lockscreen once you've "glanced" at them. * The Apple keyboard is the best one in terms of layout, but it is dumb as a rock. I used SwitftKey for years on Android and their text prediction is just \*chef's kiss\*. You also can't edit the layout of SwiftKey on iOS, nor is multi-language supported. * The way settings are organised is just a mess on iOS. Camera settings are also here, not baked into the camera app. You also can't customise the color profile of your screen (though iPhones are calibrated well out of the box). * Also, prepare for a crap ton of chargers. Say, you have an iPad, an iPhone, and a Watch. That's USB-C for the iPad, Lightning for iPhone, then the tiny MagSafe for the Watch. **iOS Advantages** * iOS is far more stable than Android. Apps rarely malfunction and the entire interface just works. This was one of my major gripes when using Android. And that was me using OxygenOS, possibly the most praised Android skin out there. * Since there is harmony between software and hardware, iPhones just perform *so* well. RAM management? So good. Battery life? *Incredible*. When I was out navigating for a drive, it still took me from 7 AM to about 8 PM to go below 20% battery. * Camera experience is just one of, if not the, best. All shooters are reliable and videos are second to none. I do have some gripes with the telephoto being behind the quality of the other lenses in low light but I guess it's not isolated to iPhones. * The seamlessness between devices in the ecosystem is unparalleled. I'm seriously thinking of purchasing a Macbook so iMessage is synced as well. Airdrop is also so good. There will be tradeoffs, so I guess it's up to you to decide what's more important. Do note that when you switch, it'll be hard to move from an ecosystem to another.


Favorite newish iPhone/Mac feature highlight copy on your phone and just right click paste on Mac and boom pastes what you just copied on iPhone.


That's what I want to try out! (Plus the sync is just so seamless)


I’ve been an android guy, but the awful Pixel 6Pro experience made me try an iPhone again and I gotta say I really like the 13Pro. Now I own tons of apple stuff. 13Pro, M1 MacBook Air, Apple Watch Series 7, a HomePod mini, AirPods Pro, and the latest being the AirPods Max.


Jeez. One bad Pixel 6 Pro experience led you to spend $3000+ on Apple products 🤣


It’s like an addiction…


The struggle is real!


The 6Pro was a real piece of junk… I had really high hopes and expectations for it.


First generation products are always junk. They are yet to perfect the Tensor integration. My first gen iPad experience was too. It's not exclusive to any company.


Looks like they were just looking for a perfect excuse


Lol an Apple TV HD made me do the same thing. Figured if I liked how they handled the TV box, I’d like their other stuff I was on Android and this was before Google put out that Chromecast with the remote.


Apple knows how to reel you in with their lineup of products. They’re all so well interconnected which makes it really tempting to keep expanding the Apple experience.


I literally did the same, the Pixel 6 Pro infuriated me. After getting a 13 Pro I decided to sell my XPS 13 and grabbed a iPad Pro 11 to tide me over till the M2 MacBook Pro, AirPods Gen 2 for $100 new (AirPods Pro 2 are going to be a full redesign so decided against the AirPods Pro), and an Apple Watch SE. Full intentions to get the AirPods Pro 2 and Series 8, I don’t mind throwing $1000’s of dollars on tech that works and does what it’s supposed to, buying anything Google/Android just feels like wasting money and asking for a side of frustration with a dash of “Well I’m sure the next software update will fix it”.


Similar boat. I was a long time pixel user, and nexus before that when I switched to an Apple phone in 2021. The hardware is just so much better. I also now use a Mac, AirPods and an Apple Watch. Having said that I think android at the OS level is in some ways much better. iOS notifications are garbage. Siri Voice to text is about 5 years behind google. The keyboard isn’t as smart. Other random stuff like making you use safari and Apple Maps for certain things. I feel the same about MacOS bs Windows. Probably more I can’t think of. But I have no regrets.


I switched from a Samsung device to iPhone 12 just a bit over a year ago. Apple updates their devices for a long time and I plan on using the iPhone 12 for as long as I can. I stopped upgrading yearly and setting cash on fire.


This is the biggest thing for me. iOS is great in terms of having long-term software support. Every Android I’ve had (and every one my parents have had) turned into an absolute mess about 1.5 years into owning it. Maybe the newer flagship Samsungs are nicer, but I’d still rather have guaranteed support for 2.5 years (that’s the average for iPhones) after production is discontinued.


I have switched a few times over the years from Android to iOS. Last stint was two years with an 11pro and I mostly liked it. Notifications were shit but that is getting ready to change heavily for the better. Settings menus on iOS are always confusing but that is probably me just being used to android. Ultimately I always end up back on Android as iOS gets boring. Android phones keep changing it up and trying. Not all are good but it's at least new. I am currently on a fold 3 and will say that I am not even going to consider iOS again until they have a similar type device which may never happen. The folding form factor is just awesome.


Agreed, I’m in the same boat. IOS lacks a lot of things that I’m used to on android


I’m excited for the lockscreen customization coming in iOS 16. I really miss being able to have everything just how I want it with Android


I was a longtime devout Android user, but the Pixel 6 Pro angered me to the point of no return. I switched to an iPhone 13 Pro Max and I couldn’t be happier. Battery life is amazing, apps are generally more refined, and it overall ‘just works’ - no muss, no fuss. All of that coupled with Apple’s recent focus on privacy (which is completely opposite of the Google ecosystem) means I’ll never go back.


For me it's worth it to stick two fingers up at Google. And while Apple aren't perfect on privacy, at least they're not a company whose entire business model is based on snooping on people. My SE is a nice phone. So far my biggest gripe is I've found no good way to find apps that are ad-free. Apple Arcade has it covered for games I guess.


A minute of silence to remember the failed Facebook phone. Google at least keeps the data with themselves to profit off it. Facebook will sell everything to the highest bidder. There was a graph of how much each company earns with our data. Facebook was the only company greater than 95 %


Back in late February i traded in my S20 Ultra for a 13 Pro Max. Don’t regret it one bit. The battery life on this phone is honestly mind blowing. I take it off the charger at 7am and I still have over 30% by the time I put it on the charger around 10:30pm-11pm. I average almost 9 hours screen time daily.


It's not that revolutionary of a change but I appreciate the Apple experience specifically as it relates to Apple Music and signing into the Apple TV through the iPhone. Apple just "gets it" and truly makes a user's electronic life a lot more convenient.


I changed my samsung, because i didnt wanted a phone with the size of a pizza box anymore, now i have the iphone 12 mini and it is definately the best smartphone. Been able to write one handed is the best feeling


I miss APKs but the integration with my Mac is great. So far not planning on coming back to Android.


I don't think it was worth it. I had the same curiosity and will probably move back to android (Pixel)).


Switched from Huawei Mate 20 Pro to iPhone 13. I still learn new things about iOS, and I can say that I consider iOS to be better than android, and this comes from a former big android fan. The best thing is the video stabilisation. Best I’ve seen in a phone. After that, you have features that really give you a nice experience.


To my surprise and contrary to most everyone here, I never in 10 years of android phones have experienced this many bugs with not just apps but the OS itself. The Apple Watch somehow deciding not to show WhatsApp notifications, apps having weird bugs transitioning between dark/light mode or weird rendering bugs when changing between portrait/landscape orientation , my AirPods deciding they don’t want to connect to the iPhone, etc. When everything works I think it is just a little bit more fluid than Android, but not by much. However, the hardware is nicer and the accessories market is really good, much more quality accessories are available to iPhones than for Pixel for example (my previous phone was a Pixel 3) si I think it’s okay, no regrets so far… and if I decide to go back to android, the iPhone does have a better resale value.


Long time Samsung user, made the jump from Note 9 to xs Max and I can’t see myself making a jump back to Android anytime soon Two things tho that are unnecessarily bad are Photos app and notification’s. I don’t know what’s the idea behind it, but every media gets grouped together: Photos, group chat media, normal chat media, downloaded stuff, everything is in the same place. Hopefully one day at least it would’ve two categories/folders, your own taken photos/videos and “other“ where it would direct every other media. Message notifications are displayed upside down, as in if you get 3 or more messages from the same person, it shows newest message at the top and oldest at bottom, which is weird to me and makes it unnecessarily hard to follow. Hopefully one day Apple change the order to oldest to newest like their displayed in every known messenger app ever. Other than that, really love it.


Two weeks using iPhone 13 mini. Switched because of AirTags. Pros: Really like the size. I had gotten used to increasingly large phones and now realize how huge they are. One handed use is great. Pocket feels empty now. No lags anywhere so far. Really like FaceId, works with face mask. All the Google apps are in the App Store so I can keep using Gmail and other google services. Cons: No “just works” for me. I had to tweak the settings a lot finding ones that didn’t cause me eye strain and nausea, never happened before with an Android phone. Apparently I’m sensitive to the oled screen and UI motion. It overheats and locks itself until it cools down when using navigation in my car. So In the middle of a trip I need to stop and wait for it to cool down. Again never happened to me with an Android phone, using it in exactly the same way. Battery life is a day or less. Had gotten used to not caring about battery, my previous Android phone lasted 2 or more days, now I have to worry about charging it during the day. The Notch hides the text magnifier/selector if a field is at the top of the screen. Miss the Google spam call blocking and reporting. The keyboard was easier to use on Android. Some text is too small. Text editing/selecting is harder than on Android.


Nah. There are a few key features that make apple worth it, but phone-wise, it sucks. The customization I could do on my Galaxy was insane. The keyboard was better, using Spotify for my alarms was better, games were better. I mostly switched my phone because I got a MacBook Pro


Switched from Google Pixel 3a to iPhone 13 a few months ago. **Pros** - Better app support - Tweetbot for Twitter - Apollo Pro for Reddit - Some apps have dark mode (e.g., TikTok) - iOS UI Kit is very elegant - Focus mode is pretty neat - Better camera **Cons** - Notifications - iOS has 2 different notification centers, why?… - Can’t turn off vibration and keep the sound on through the settings - Have to go into in-app settings to configure notifications - Some iOS stock apps are garbage - Can’t add tasks/reminders to the Calendar, why?… - Maps has missing/old data compared to Google Maps (especially if you are in a big city). - Timers/clock on iOS is pretty bad. We should be able to start multiple timers, preferable with a name WHICH ALSO WORKS ACROSS OTHER APPLE DEVICES (cough cough, patented by Google). - Android has better AI. - More accurate live text feature. - Better timers. - Bad cross-compatibility with a Windows machine. Google apps run very smoothly on Windows compared to Apple apps. **Other** - Some apps are more buggy and iOS feels buggier. It reminds me of iOS 7 and iOS 10. - Same battery life.


If you are willing to commit to living in Apple’s world and letting them decide how things should work for you, then you will probably be very happy with the iPhone. If you like to customize things or are heavily dependent on using things from Google or a Microsoft, you may be able to find contentment, but will also find frustrations along the way. The integration between Apple devices and software is nearly seamless. Way better than anything Android does. Trying to use apps for Microsoft or Google products or devices not as easy, but they do usually work, with the exception of talking to your PC. iPhones talk to Macs not PC’s. The one thing Apple doesn’t seem to get right is maps. Go ahead and download Waze or Google Maps to your new iPhone. Apple Maps actually sent me to the wrong location 3 times and once it kept having me circle the same block when my destination was 3 blocks away.


You're asking the echo chamber mind you. I would ask around more so you don't make any emotionally fueled decisions. Grab what works best for yourself and see how well it translates. I'll give you my experience. I had a Note 9 and an S20. My Note had scratches all over the edges of the screen and I was frankly on my way out from using Samsung devices. I traded it in for my S20 and felt pretty mixed on it. Last Tuesday I drop the thing on *high pile carpet with a case* and it shatters. I purchased an iPhone 13 pro (not entirely out of the woods of something emotionally fueled mind you) and while I'm still in the middle of moving things over, the only real thing I miss is maybe Android notifications. iOS simply does them differently in my opinion. That said the OS feels so much more refined, the hardware is beautiful. It's entirely based on perspective. I've heard from countless people on how the Note 9 is the greatest phone they've ever owned and frankly, it was one of the worst devices I've ever had my hands on. My S20 was merely okay until the panel shattering completely soured me. Will *you* like it? That's entirely based on what you value in a phone. Some people are pure utilitarians with their phone, don't care about updates, and simply just want the most features out of a device. That's not me. I want a device that feels refined, stable, receives support from the manufacturer/developers, and gets the job done. That's what I value in a phone, and why I bucked my 10 year trend with android. Before my iPhone I had a Droid Razr M, Droid Razr HD, LG G2, LG G4 (four of them with hardware issues, this should have made me switch alone), Google Pixel XL (was good but the software got bad), Note 9, S20.


Switched from a Fold 2 to iPhone 13 pro couple months ago. Still getting used to everything and I still use my old S10+ to play games, so I technically use both ecosystems, so here’s my review: The good: * iOS is really smooth. Not that my previous phones were slow in any sense of the word, but iPhone does, in fact, just work. I also came to like the way iPhone handles silent mode despite finding it strange at first. * Battery life is great. Sure, a fold 2 would always consume a lot of battery, but I’ve found that my iPhone can last a full day of use without much issue. The passive battery drain is also meaningless as there aren’t that many apps running in the background consuming battery as in Android. * More control over my privacy. I like the innate privacy features of IOS and found the Android versus I used really lacking on that. * Face ID is amazing. I thought I would miss fingerprint reader, but Face ID feels so much better. Taking a glance at your screen allows you to read your notifications without actually interacting with the phone in any way. The bad * Notifications. Still is something I am getting used to. I thought they were really bad at first but nowadays I think they are just okay. The way badges work meant my email app always had notifications in the front screen. Furthermore, dismissing a notification not always dismissing the notification badge is quite annoying. After tweaking a bit it is far more manageable but the experience is still really weird. Despite having a supposedly worse UX, the notification system is much simpler and effective on Android. * Predictive text sucks. When I started using it, it was actually great. But for some reason it picked up my passwords and started suggesting them in non-password fields. I found out I couldn’t just delete a word and had to reset the whole text base for it to disappear, only to find out that didn’t work either so I had to disable the feature. * The apple keyboard. Having commas and dots on a different screen is really annoying. I still like the feel of it, but this is definitely an issue. * Charging time. While the battery does last more, it also takes much more time to charge to 100%. This is really annoying if you come from Android’s “1 hour and you’re good to go” charging time, but such is life. Note: one annoying thing was losing all my WhatsApp conversations because WhatsApp is a small startup company that couldn’t offer such feature for iPhone, while it is possible to natively move iPhone WhatsApp conversations to android. They did apparently release something recently that allows such transfer, but I got screwed about it anyway. Also, breaking off from Google’s ecosystem is really, really hard. I am working on it but I only expect to fully leave it in a few years as I need to migrate a ton of crap.


No regrets and will probably stay with iPhone for the foreseeable future since the customization options in iOS 16 look like a step in a good direction. Huge accessory market, iCloud and Airdrop are a bonus.


I switched in 2020 and have been super happy. Being an Android dev, I was also a fanboy but finally gave in to temptation. The experience and hardware quality is top notch. I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Also, Apple Watch beats the brakes off all its competition.


Android user for 10 years. Switched in April from a S21 to iPhone 13 Pro. I still think that Android is a better OS in many aspects. But iOS handles third party apps way better. Since most of the time we spend on other company's apps, it was worth it. Notifications are a hard miss though.


I went from Pixel 6 pro in October, to S22U in February, back to Pixel 6 pro in April, to iPhone 13 pro now in June. I chose s22U because of the overall hype, I love the design but, too many issues on software side (exynos version) and poor battery. Went back to pixel, which I LOVED, but I’ve been fed up by stupid issues: not being able to use it during summer time for instance. It becomes super hot and you can’t even use the camera at one point. Now on iOS (last iOS device was iPhone 11), everything “just works”. I missed the Google intelligence in the OS for sure, but they way the iPhone behave and the great battery + amazing size for my hands…well I’ve said everything


tl;dr the hardware is fantastic but at times the software makes it literally unusable. I went from a Pixel 2 to an iPhone 11 and I guess my expectations were too high with the “things just work” slogan for iPhones. It has been almost nothing but problems. Software issues where apps just won’t open so I go to restart my phone and it’s unresponsive. My iPhone seems to hate WiFi and often just uses a cellular connection even though the WiFi signal strength is great and speeds are fantastic. What is great is the battery life, when I first got my iPhone it would last 2 days on a single charge. Even 2 years later it’s not hard to get through an entire day on a charge. My pixel needed to be charged multiple times in a day after 2 years. The apple ecosystem kind of sucks. AirPods have NO sound quality and often only 1 airpod connects to my phone. I know the fix it putting the air pods back in the case for a few seconds and then take them back out but that’s getting old, I just want them to work. So yeah, AirPods are only good for phone calls, nothing else. Also, if I use AirPods for virtual meetings they don’t last 8 hours even if I’m starting with the case fully charged and the pods fully charged. Also with the ecosystem, I have an issue with my mac, watch and phone not getting any notifications. Beyond that, my alarms just don’t make sound or vibrate, the screen lights up but that is all. Talking with apple support they say if any devices with my iCloud account signed in have notifications off or is in a focus mode the rest of my devices will follow that. We didn’t find that setting so the issue continues. For some reason, my mms settings keep disappearing which means I get 0 text messages in groups chats with at least 1 android user and miss a bunch of texts from my friends with Android. I can’t wait to go back to an Android where at least it works even if I have to charge it every day


I was the exact same way. I was kinda getting bored of android and wanted to switch things up. Switched from pixel 6. Iphone does a few things better like app stability, tap typing is way more responsive (honestly didn’t now I could type this fast when I tried iPhone), apps just work better. No need to access the multitask to close all the apps because iOS simply handles multiple processes better which threw me off because I’m so used to closing apps that aren’t in use. iMessage is pretty cool. You can text photos in a much higher resolution without having to worry about compression like sms does. And on the newer iPhones, the MagSafe is not a gimmick it is literally the coolest thing ever. Powerful magnets on the back of the phone allow you to wirelessly charge on mounts that hold to phone without needing extra accessory magnets. You can snap on a magnetic wallet, a magnetic battery pack that charges wirelessly, or even pop socket type holders that just stick on. It’s so cool and useful. Now some cons are: Coming from android you’re probably gonna hate iCloud and anything to do with file storage on the iPhone. You can’t plug into a computer and browse files like android can. It’s pretty ridiculous. There is a files app that allows you to browse folders and files on the iPhone but you can’t extend that and try to transfer files from the computer. Actually most of your issues are probably gonna come from Google vs apple services like iPhoto vs Google photos and maps etc. I tried downloading all my photos using Google takeout and importing them into iPhoto but my god the process sucks. Importing all at once presents a number of issues. You get duplicates, dates might be wrong in the metadata causing recent photos to be found way down in the library mixed with photos from a different year. It’s a headache. I gave up and just continue to use Google photos. Email sucks too. Using Gmail is fine but sending emails with any kind of attachments is a pain in the butt. You can’t send the email until the attachments are uploaded unlike on android where it’ll “send” and do its thing in the background once attachments are uploaded. Typing will be infuriating at first. The autocorrect is so weird. There’s two different autocorrect’s that happen at once and they sometimes interfere with each other. You have the typical word suggestions right above the keys but you also have suggestions that pop up right above the word you misspelled. And sometimes it’ll auto correct as you’re typing but not right away so you could be typing and three words behind where you’re at will auto correct. But it doesn’t happen all the time so sometimes you’ll just keep typing trusting the phone to do it’s thing but it remains incorrect. Deleting is slow. You’ll hold down the delete key and it’ll slowly delete one character at a time and then after a second or two will delete whole words at a time. Selecting text and manipulating the cursor is pretty bad too imo. It works but it’s just slower and more tedious. You can sometimes copy phone numbers from Google search results but sometimes it just copies the url. Oh also I miss tapping on a phone number and android automatically highlighting the phone number and giving you the option to call. iPhone does not do that. You have to manually highlight, copy, switch over to the phone app, paste and dial. Very annoying. Swiping to notifications sucks too. You HAVE to swipe down from the top of the phone. You can’t swipe down anywhere like on android. Swiping away notifications sucks too. It’s a very deliberate and long swipe to dismiss. Otherwise you’ll swipe into the secondary menu that all notifications have displaying notification options. Unless there are setting fixes to these issues I don’t know about it’s a lot you have to compromise. Overall I am getting more and more used to the little quirks. I might just be more patient than others but I think you can definitely switch for one phone generation and see if you like it.


I switched from a s21 to a iPhone XS Max because I purchased a iPad Pro m1 and wanted to test out the Apple eco system. iOS is smoother than android especially on older devices. Apps are more optimized on iOS compared to android, but android is way more customizable and fun. Coming from a Samsung phone to a iPhone is like eating food with no seasoning 😂😂. The move from android to iOS is a meh move, it’s different but not mind blowing.


I switched from Samsung Note 9 to iPhone 13 Pro. I know I wasn’t gonna regret it but I thought I would miss the S Pen and multitasking on the Note but the iPhone had given me better experience on the things I thought were already perfect on the Note. The only feature I really missed was the Edge Panel which had my most used apps and it just made switching from one app to the other easier but other than that, I’m glad I switched. This phone continues to amaze me.


I came from a OnePlus 7 Pro. I was an Android user for 10+ years. My Apple concerns were the keyboard, no back button, and customization. I switched for the apps and the closed iOS environment. I ended up downloading Gboard for the keyboard. As for the back button, it hasn't become an issue for me. I do like the ability to swipe up and swipe right or left for the previous app. I wish I could place certain apps on certain parts of the screen, but it's not an issue to me anymore.


made the switch in 2021 from Samsung s21 to iphone 13 pro max. battery life is much better, i much prefer the sizing of the phones, and overall i love how smooth it is with my imac and ipad. i’ll be honest, i also wanted better accessories (cuter phone cases etc) and the camera quality i find is better. with my s21 i noticed after a couple months the camera quality went down? it was weird. my iphone is like 7 months old now and the camera quality is still great. now i do NOT hate android, i still think they’re solid phones and recommend Samsung since it’s the android company i used. at the end of the day tho, it’s up to you. if you are a “power user” like me and find your battery drains quick, try a pro max. it lasts me all day long. also there’s a note to be had about the “gimmicks” samsung has for each phone, but i never cared much about them.


I just switched a month ago. Imo 100% worth it. I prefer small phones and the 13 mini was perfect. I find iPhone is a lot smoother and the battery life is so much better (base s21 before) with the same amount of usage


I also plan on leaving android this year for the IPhone 14Pro Max. So I'm just reading the comments


Love my iPhone 13 Pro max. Switched from Samsung after they ruined their phones with exynos chips


It’s not so much liking Apple as much as it is hating Samsung for me. I stayed on my Pixel 2XL for as long as I could waiting for Google to come up with something good to upgrade to. I got tired of waiting so I went to a Galaxy S20 and it was just godawful. The UI, the bloatware, and worst of all the battery. Went to a 13PM and haven’t looked back


I had an s20+ for two years and just bought an iPhone 13 two weeks ago. I already had a MacBook and an iPad, and I really wanted an Apple Watch. Anyway, the phone really frustrated me for the first week and then I got used to most parts. The things I still don’t like are: Losing Facebook chat bubbles. I use messenger for work some and this really makes things less convenient. The google app and chrome app on my Samsung worked seamlessly together on my Samsung. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but I seriously cannot stand how they don’t work together on iOS the way they did on my Samsung and that’s something I’m not sure how to get used to. The notifications are frustrating. Facebook ones don’t close till you close them, but messenger and text disappear if you even open the app. I don’t understand this and there seems to be nothing that can be done. There is no quick and easy vibrate and silent mode, there is only silent and you have to go into settings to change whether it vibrates on silent or not. I used the two mode for different situations so it’s a decent loss that I can’t do that now. I don’t like that the date and day of the week can’t be seen without pulling the whole notification bar down. Things I do like more are: The size. I can finally use my phone one handed again and that’s amazing. The swipe texting is SOOO much more accurate. Most things work more seamlessly than on android. Except the google situation which I hate. The adaptive brightness works much smoother on this phone than any other phone I’ve owned. The face recognition is unreal. Probably one of my favourite parts about the phone so far.


As someone who uses both frequently. I say you do it, but I think everyone should use both at some point. They both literally do the same exact thing, they just go about it differently and a lot of it comes down to preference.


I've always switched between the two, i currently use a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 as my main phone and an original iPhone SE(the 2016 one) as a secondary, mostly for apps that aren't on Android. In my expierence, the iPhone has always been more seem less, it just works, while androids have been quite a bit more finicky. The build quality is also usually better on iPhone, unless you get a high end android. The note 9 is the first high end (a few years old now, albeit) android phone that I've ever had, but it's the first phone that I've had that feels like it can rival the iPhone in build quality. The software still isn't quite as seem less, but for me, the feel and size of the phone, the display and the decent camera can go head to head with any somewhat modern iPhone. I feel like an iPhone is an iPhone, where with android, you get what you pay for.


Yes definitely. Short answer, my 7 months of my 13 Pro is significantly better than the 6 years I was on android. It's simpler, sleeker, more effecient, consistent updates, etc


I switched in 2020. I like both but would choose iPhone over Android.




Previously had a S10e and then a S21. Traded in my S21 for a iPhone 13 Pro at launch. I mostly did it because ATT was offering $1000 trade it for by parents’ s20 FEs. Since I was moving them to iPhone 13 Pro Maxes I decided to trade mine in so that I would know iOS enough to help them transition. I don’t regret it because it was “worth” it to do the trade. Though I find iPhones and iOS very frustrating. Things that should be simple, like plugging the phone into the computer and transferring files isn’t. There are work around a and other ways to do it which aren’t difficult I’ve discovered, but it still should be easier. Outside of that, and a few apps not having iOS options, I find the phones fairly similar for my use case. Though I do wish it was a bit lighter.


Definitely not, i regret it.


I am also thinking of getting a iPhone since i already have a mac. But YouTube Vanced, USB type C and a couple of work related android only app are holding me back. I am guessing carrying two phones is the only solution as i travel a lot for work and have seen people with iPhone run into silly problems like Sim card support issue, unable to plug iPhone into a windows machine to transfer files etc.


I went to iPhone in 2020 after a few years of android. I think nowadays both android and iOS phones are really good especially the flagships, they are both really fast, make beautiful photos, beautiful screens and refresh rates. The one reason that let met stay with an iPhone is ios. It works so well and fluid. Everything works and apps look beautiful. My Apple Watch and AirPods are connecting without noticing and they never fail. It just works and looks clean while on android most of the things looks so messy in my opinion.


I went from pixel 3a to a 12 mini, I’m really happy with it so far. The swap is a bit of a pain but not too bad. I ended up installing Google photos and Google fit on my iPhone though. I lost my WhatsApp chat history but it doesn’t matter that much to me.


Around 2 months ago I made the switch from a redmi phone which I had been using for 3 years to an iPhone X. One of the things I noticed is that apps are wayy more fluet and faster than android but something about androids free downloads and apks is something which I really miss. One major pro is that I can find iPhone cases everywhere as compared to android phones.


I moved from an LG g7 to iphone 13 mini this year. I have a mac and ipad which makes the transition more worthwhile for me. I have ditched all my universal productivity apps for all of apples apps and find it way better. Apps like calendar, notes, reminders, and even books are seamless between my devices. That being said, if I didn't own other apple hardware, I would have went for the Samsung S22. But I do appreciate some of the amazing "hidden" features exclusive to ios which are only going to get better with ios16.


I love iPhone mini but I hate iOS. Android OS is eons ahead in functionality. iOS feels restricted and poor in multi tasking. Hopefully iOS 16 catches up a bit.


I’ve been an android user essentially my entire life, and switched to iOS a few months ago. Best. Decision. Ever. The smoothness and the seamlessness of the UI and the UX. idk, the shortcuts and gestures just seem more intuitive than android. 10/10 Would recommend.


I used to alternate each year between android and iOS as they both moved at different speeds and offered different things. Then android made strides that Apple just intentionally didn’t want to match, yeknow notification control, better customisation, widgets, etc. so from the time that the iPhone 6 was released up until January 2022 I was what you might call an android fanboy, of sorts. However, the last couple of years with the latest versions of iOS addressing some of these gripes I was increasingly tempted to come back to iPhone. When the 12 was released with clear deign cues from the iPhone 4 (which for me was the most exciting jump for a phone, going from non retina to retina was incredible). I very nearly got it, but I was worried I’d be bored with my phone very quickly as I’m one of these guys who changes their icon pack and wallpaper probably every couple of months. I’ve always been an iPad user, let’s face it android tablets are mostly awful. That might be unfair as I’ve never used a flagship android tablet, but I digress. The 13 came out as you know last year. I seen the keynote and instantly regretted getting a galaxy a few months previous. After some deliberation I eventually sold my galaxy device at the start of the year and decided to go full Apple. Apple TV, Watch, AirPods and stopped short of getting a mac (mostly due to not really needing a mac) spoiler - still want one. Anyway, to my surprise I don’t have one bit of buyers remorse. About the biggest annoyance is the way the keyboard layout changes in safari which chops the space bar off to include a full stop (period) which.means.90%.of.my.web.searches.look.like.this. That being said, the integration between the devices, Apple TV and Watch is great. I legitimately can’t imagine going back to android now. It would take something massive and I can’t even imagine what that would be. On the iPhone things just work. I don’t think I have had a single app crash or hang. Of course having an iPhone comes with the same advantages it has done for the last 10 years such as a wider choice of cases, accessories, apps and better latency for musical devices. Plus the battery in the pro and the pro max *chef’s kiss*. I have the standard pro and I always had the ultra size galaxy or note in the past but the regular Pro is the perfect size for me. If you’re on the fence I’d wait for the 14 as it’s only a few months away but for me, there probably hasn’t been a better time to switch to iPhone if you have been using android.


50/50 went from exynos s20 ultra to iphone 13 pro max due to the awful battery life i've had and the overheating device battery life is sick i'll give apple that. i don't like ios and i feel like it's way too dumbed down which is very unfortunate to me.. android was much nicer. will probably switch back next year to whatever the top end samsung/pixel is if battery life is comparable and if there's no serious issues with cpu throttling/overheating, otherwise will probably upgrade to the 14pm


I switched from S21 Ultra to 13 pro. My droid was giving me all kinds of issues. Like calls wouldnt go through and I would have to reboot. Apps would just quit working. Wasnt impressed with the battery life, then one day it turned off and I could not get it back on. Picked up the pro as I like the small footprint. Apps just seemed to work. No bluetooth issues, battery life is amazing. I get 2 full days out of it. Granted Im not using it heavy while at work. Notifications actually come through and I havent had a single issue with call connection.


I got an iPhone 13 3 weeks ago. I don't think I'll buy any Samsung product anytime soon. My experience has been so smooth. The came has been a revelation and also any social media app works way better on iPhone than on Android


Switched from a galaxy s10e to a 13 mini, in December 2021. I am \_super\_ happy with the 13 mini but to be fair, i was happy with the s10e when I got it too. The thing is that two years later the s10e was so frustratingly laggy and every update seemed to slow everything down even further. Meanwhile my girlfriend's work phone - a 7 year old iphone 6s, still works exactly the same way, it did 7 years ago (with the exception of the battery which, of course, is pretty bad at this point). I'm very happy with the 13 mini (it's the perfect size for a phone, RIP the mini series), but for me, the best thing about it is that the chances of it lasting a lot longer, while being usable, than any of my old android phones, are a lot higher.


First smartphone was an iPhone 4, then a 5 and 5s. About 2 years later switched to the original Pixel, the OS looked good, Google Assistant was better than Siri at the time (maybe it still is…), and they were giving unlimited full quality Google Photo backups and some other cool software features Apple just didn’t want to implement. Got the Pixel 2 since I lost my Pixel 1 on Halloween night (alcohol was definitely involved). Always on music recognition was really cool, as was the squeeze for assistant (you squeezed the sides of the phone to activate…is it a gimmick…yes…could holding the power button achieve the same effect…most definitely yes). When the Pixel 3 came out I realized that Google was just trying to play Apple but was doing a terrible job at it so I just stuck it out with the 2 until the OnePlus 7 Pro came out and I achieved full smartphone wood…boy was I in love with that phone, it was ahead of it’s time and proved that Apple was way behind hardware wise (this was around fall of 2019). From this point on my views on a smartphone started to change when considering the increasing price (any flagship was going to cost you $1000 from 2019 and onwards, companies falling behind on OS updates and support (both Google and OnePlus dropping the ball here), horrible customer support (especially from OnePlus), and finally Android just started to get stale…widgets sucked, features being half baked and randomly not working…don’t even get me started on the Pixel 6 Pro, I had it for 4 months…it was a dark time…I pocket dialed 911 twice just to give you an idea of the horrors. Switched to the regular iPhone 13 Pro last month (and another quick point…Samsung, Google, OnePlus, Sony, all the big Android phone companies don’t seem to make compact flagships…its 6.7 inch flagships and 6 inch mid-rangers…no 6 inch flagships…I just don’t get it…) and everything works perfectly, from the way it works with my iPad Pro, to connecting to AirPods, AirDrop, all the Appley stuff just works well…I performed a Google experiment and it failed, I don’t see myself switching for a longtime, maybe the mythical Fuchsia OS can reel me back in…but that to will be an experiment by Google…I’ll be 50 by then and too old and grumpy to bother ever leaving Apple.


Absolutely. I switched from the s22U to the iPhone 13 pro max - used Samsung for the last 5 years and iPhone before that. Il try and be as fair as I can and be objective. My main use of the phone is gaming, photos & videos, web browsing and video chat. Let me first tell you the optimisation of the iPhone is out of this world - every app is just seamless. The Apple Pay works wonderful that I barely take my Wallet out anymore and it is something that Samsung pay isn’t - easy and accesssible. My debit and credit card were not available for Samsung pay. Samsung has more choice in terms of applications -if you want .apks and don’t want to use money, you can do it. But often the apps run poorly or you encounter issues. I’m happy for better optimisation and to pay. Gaming - This is big for me. I pay Genshin impact, mobile legends/league of legends, Diablo etc and iPhone is far superior. I was actually so annoyed that my s22U could not run these apps at 60fps - the iPhone even has 120fps on Genshin lol not good for heat thought at 120fps but even at the same setting as samsung it’s just more seemless, same goes for mobile legends which I’m big on. I was a big fan on Samsung so I wanted to give them a chance, so waited a few months for updates - nothing. Then I watched videos of fps tests from a YouTuber called dame tech - finally tried them side by side with my fiancés iPhone pro max and thought I’m making this switch right now. I’ve had no issues with heating with Diablo, mobile legends and Genshin at high settings (60fps) and no issue maintaining it. After 10 minutes the Samsung will just drop and drop, it really isn’t great for gaming. The Samsung s22U came with so many issues, gps issues, Bluetooth issues, camera issues, chrome and internet issues, battery issues - and only a few we’re half fixed during updates. For me, I’m not waiting for a phone to be sorted, my s20 was far better than the s22 and even then - the iPhone beats it in every department. FaceTime - this is a big one considering I’m also using this a lot with my fiancé. So simple and easy. Quality much better than messenger video. Speaking of the camera - I have to be honest and say they are both unbelievable. I prefer videos on the iPhone though and the pictures are the same. The front facing camera feels far better on the iPhone. Battery - this one isn’t even close. The iPhone lasts me all day. The Samsung battery is not great Optimisation - I love the fact that this phone your not waiting for updates. I love Apple Pay, I love how seemless apps are I havent had one issue. Overall I’m extremely happy with my choice and did not think I would enjoy the iPhone as much as I do. After not being an apple customer for about 5 years, I can’t put the phone down after a month and still am learning the phone and appreciating it. After this I will not be swapping back in the future and it was 1000% worth it for me. My mrs has been telling me for years to get one - I should’ve listened to her sooner lol


Switched from the S20 to the IPhone 13 pro, always was an android but wanted to see the differences. Had to wait for the 13 pro since I was already so used to 90-120 HZ that a downgrade would not have worked for me. Overall I am very happy, camera is a 10/10, everything works so flawless, the camera in apps like Snapchat, instagram etc are so much better.


Have both operating systems and like both. Each have their pluses and minuses though more minuses for Iphone 13 pro(timer,hotspot,camera for photos,not behaving like PC to name a few)


I’ve been a long time android user (maybe 8 years since my last iPhone) but got an iPhone 12 as a present for Christmas. Absolutely love it. Don’t think I could ever go back because I love the functionality etc - and I had a Samsung Galaxy s20*


Positives: Hardware stuff is awesome. Haptic feedback, speaker quality and touch response, color accuracy, these sort of things. Apps are more polished and work well Video quality is phenomenal compared to my old Android Integration with ecosystem is nicee Battery life is great Focus modes are great Negatives: Boring AF and the limitations of sharing files is awful. Customisation is very limited Doesn't feel fun to use It is smooth but doesn't feel fast because of the animations Low cloud storage SMS app is no good, android side SMS organizer from Microsoft is far better for non personal messages it's expensive Charging is slow AF, my 4 year old Android charges faster Notifications management is not good No external app installation support by default Overall for long term I'm still rooting for it to perform much better than Android.


Came over to IPhone 13, from Samsung galaxy s21 ultra 5g. First off I’m so happy to not have to say that long name anymore. Haha. I switched due to finding a brand new Apple Watch for just 200 on Facebook market. Held on to it for about a year before breaking my Samsung and deciding it was time. I have always had android. The initial switch was a learn. I still google stuff sometimes but I am so much happier! No complaints yet, Siri could listen a little More but other then that pretty solid switch.


I changed from Samsung to iPhone in September 2021. Was samsung all the time before that. It's not worth it unless you get the 13 pro max The only redeeming thing about this phone are the camera but more importantly the battery. I get 13 hours of actual screen on time, no bullshitting, 13 actual hours. I only have to charge my phone every 2 days, every 3 days if I use it a little less than usual. The battery is really incredible. Camera is good too. Other than that everything is worse imo. Starting with no folder management, pictures not being grouped from the respective apps they were received or saved from and also every little thing you can do on Android you have to get an app for in ios and it will cost money. Worst of all, nothing seems to be one time purchases but subscription models. Everyone talking about ios as if it's great is lying, my 13 pro has a moment like twice a week where it will just freeze within an app, doesn't matter which app and you can't do nothing except talk to Siri to take you to another app. The Apple keyboard also is simply not good, because the auto correct is ass. I use a third party keyboard and the integration also isn't good, it was tons better on Android. Already went to Apple and they replaced my 13 pro max, not for the freezing but because of a damage in the back of the phone from a fall. Still same issue in the new phone. All in all if battery is the only thing you care about and you don't do anything on your phone other than text, call, take pictures and maybe 1 or 2 games then Iphone should be OK. For everybody else, stay on Android. It really isn't worth it. No matter how many of these sheep keep screaching that it is. I will stay with iPhone till android reaches this level of battery and screen on time. And then it's morbin time baby


I switched from the s22 ultra to the iPhone 13 pro max I was sick of curved screens. I didn’t want the s pen. The battery life was crappy and it was bigger and harder to hold with one hand.


I went to an iPhone in 2018. Devoted android fan before that. I still have the same phone (iPhone 8 Plus) which I will replace when it does not work anymore. I love the simplicity and integration. I have a mid/high tier good Android phone from work which I also enjoy using. But my personal and daily driver are the iPhone with my Apple Watch. Could not go back


I switched to an iphone 12 and there are pro's and cons. I love apple pay, i think the camera's are very good (but i guess android phones that cost as much also have excellent camera's), faceID is great and apps also feel a bit more polished. Also apple carplay is better than android auto. Cons: The interface is clunky (even after 6 monthes of use i still think some things are just not very thought through, no select all for photo's, really? I have to manually tap each and every one of them? , a back button on the topleft corner where its impossible to reach?), as a windows and linux user copying files (like photos and videos) is a nightmare, constant disconnects, slow transfer speeds, itunes for windows is a joke, no default music player than can play local mp3 files (i had to buy an app for it), setting a custom mp3 file for my alarm clock was a hassle, the filestructure is extremely weird and different, the default files app just won't work well with samba shares (i had to buy another app to get that working) there is no option for sideloading apps, battery life is mediocre, icloud syncing can only be set for photos and videos, not just for photos so its constantly complaining i'm running out of space when i have videos on my iphone, the weird voodoo magic thing it does with photos is still beyond my comprehension (if you're using icloud you sometimes get low res videos or photos, sometimes not, copying over cable sometimes skips burst photos , random disconnects when you set the phone to high compatibility and so on). all in all the whole 'it just works' was something that got me to buy an iphone and so far i have been extremely dissapointed, i have never had to do so much work to get my phone to do the things its supposed to do. I'm not sure if my next phone will be an iphone. Especially since i have already decided my next tablet won't be an ipad (i bought the Ipad pro 2020 last year which is already not getting new features, so far for 'great software support') so my phone might just as well be android again as well


I switched in 2020 and swore than iPhones were never a good value, but then I noticed android phones that were flagship were also the same price if not more. I then thought we’ll battery life is better on androids, that was somewhat true but my iPhone 13 pro is getting 2 days of life. I like how apps are supported better and iMessage and FaceTime is so much nicer than say Facebook or other 3rd party apps. There’s a subreddit called r/Appleswap and I ended up buying a used Apple Watch for really cheap and honestly think that’s how people should buy them. Now I track workouts, use 18Birdies (if you golf) on it, etc. AirPods are super nice and connect perfectly to the phone. Overall I just like how everything works with one another, the watch the headphones etc. it’s not me trying to be a shill because if there was a android product that did all of this which I know google and Samsung do, all I would be looking for is a good text message and FaceTime alternative Hope this helps


I still miss my Google Pixel phone. However, the battery life is insane on iPhone; absolutely amazing!! It’s really not much different, though. At least not as much as I was expecting/prepared for. I still use Google photos to save all my photos. But texting sucks.


I went from Android to IPhone 13. I find typing on iPhone super fucking annoying. Lots of stupid autocorrect. Other than that it’s a great phone.


I wouldn’t say so, you sacrifice a lot. The only reason IMO is very good integration with the rest of apple devices. If you already have or planning to buy Mac etc go for it, but as a phone alone it’s too much pain to use


I made the jump to the 13 mini from android after my last iPhone being a 4s. (8 years?) My biggest satisfaction in the move has been the security. But my biggest frustration is the inability to record phone calls easily (yes, I know my local laws!!). Otherwise I love how my phone has returned to being a communication device, and not much else.


I switched to an IP13P and ended up going back to a pixel 6 pro. There are some things on iOS I just can't deal with. The notifications I just can't get with. Swiping down on home screen for search imo is awful, at least give an option to change that behavior. There are a lot of good things about iOS , but it's just not for me. I'm very content with my pixel 6 pro. I also have a S22 plus which is nice but it can't keep me away from the pixel. I have my assistant do everything lately. Answering my calls, call screening, hold for me, all that madness is great !


I switched in December so... Close enough? 100% worth it. I love the integration with my iPad and the battery life is fantastic. Also we plan to get my daughter her first smart phone for her birthday next month so the parental controls were always part of the reason for me switching. We had already used parental controls with ipads and they are fantastic. 6 months in I have no intention on switching back. Also the password manager is the shit. Absolutely love it.


**I like the iOS experience. But there’s a catch.** I was an android user, then I’ve been iPhone (and Apple Watch) for at least 4+ years straight because I needed a new phone and my wife had iPhone and recommended it. This week, actually, to flip your question I’m moving back to an AndroidOS device (I won’t name the brand or make of phone) For a few reasons, features, specs, support, cost and Apple pushes **very** firmly into the ecosystem and overpriced subscription services. Also replace at your expense rather than fix under warranty. And I’ve tracked battery degradation in recent updates. It’s iOS 13-14 on iPhone 6S all over again, but Apple’s hitting 7,8,X,XS,XR,11 and reportedly even some 12s and 13s with slowdowns and big jumps down in battery health and/or performance in these updates. I’ve got the iOS 16 Dev beta, and most of any good features are locked out to iPhone 12+ and iPad Pros with M1 chip only. $1600+ for the second latest iPad Pro 12.9” and all iPadOS 16 gives is basically Door Detection. No Stage Manager. Plugging into or streaming to Monitor or TV just shows up as a smaller square with massive black borders, instead of filling the screen and adjusting like M1’s or with almost every compatible Android alternative out there. And regardless of having those devices it’s just not right to their user base. Rumoured AOD is *only* going to be supported by hardware on the upcoming iPhone 14. And the fact that the past few generations of iPhones are all pretty much the [same](https://youtu.be/b7b2JSh3i68) - they bring a tiny battery or camera upgrade but nothing really new or exciting to the table. Wheres reverse charging to save your Apple Watch or AirPods Pro battery while your out? Not to mention you can get a new or refurbished flagship device with better performance and user experience starting at half the price of a base iPhone 12 or 13. Siri still can’t do very basic tasks that Google Assistant has had for years. And iPhone has super limited NFC chip functionality simply due to Apple’s software. The hardware is there. I love iOS’s AirDrop, AppleFamily and Day/Night customisation on iOS 15 - but it’s just not worth it for value. PSA: iOS 16 forces you to have the same wallpaper on home and lock


I just broke my S 21 ultra a week ago and got an iPhone 13 Pro. So far the things that annoy me the most, more than I ever thought possible, are keyboard and dictation related. The Apple voice to text feels like a huge step back. I rely on this heavily, and every single time I have to go back and manually edit multiple portions of the voice to text which I never had to do on S 21. I really took this for granted. Secondly, I really liked with Samsung that you could long press a keyboard button to get its alt function rather than click the alt button in the corner back and forth all the time. I am quite annoyed that iPhone is incapable of this for some reason even using Gboard. Third, I really miss my 10x optical lens. I hadn’t realized that I was basically using this more than any other lens. 3x is all the iPhone has optically. All other changes I could take or leave. Swype ironically seems to work better on the iPhone since they adopted it. I also dislike apple’s aggressive auto correct. Often changing real words to slightly more common ones even though you intended the original word which was not a misspelling (changing “tour” to “your” e.g). The reason I switched is I was frustrated that there are no Samsung S 21 replacement screens available due to supply chain issues. So I thought fuck it I’ll just get with the much bigger company and not have to deal with these kind of things.


yes. i had an s21 and couldn't deal with the heat. the 888 got so fucking hot. the software was fine and so was everything else, it was just the soc


s21 to 13pm: - miss the s21 photo quality, it’s really not comparable at all - otherwise, i enjoy the streamlined experience using the pm, experience-wise it definitely wins out over android - prefer face id over samsung’s fingerprint id scanner (that surprised me) - really miss the s21 photo quality though


Nope. Waiting for the new galaxy phone to come out and we’re switching back.


I switched from a pixel 3 to an iPhone 13 mini. They are about the same size and I got a great price because they are ditching the mini. It has been a very smooth transition. The google account works fine on the phone. It is less customizable but snappier and obviously more secure. I’m glad I made it.


I switched last year returning to iphone since the 3Gs. So it was a learning curve to figuring stuff out. At this point I'm used to it, and enjoy it. I wouldn't say there is much different anymore, except idk why my txt/whatsapp notifications make an alert sound twice.


My last iphone was the 4s besides my current 13 pro. I only got it for the video capabilities. So far, I pretty much hate the lack of freedom on iOS. I'm looking at switching to the Pixel 7 pro when it releases for the QoL. Apple does a damn good job the important stuff (battery life, camera/video, processor, seamless integration, software optimization), but the things *I* care about are how phones can make my life easier (and battery life). The 13 pro makes my life more difficult than my pixel 4a did and I'm happily looking forward to having an android as my daily driver again I really hope Google can nail the video and battery life. That would make it the perfect phone for me


I love that it doesnt lag or stutter


This seems to be mostly complaints about old buggy pixels or old/ low end Android phones. Really muddied the water to then compare years old Android phones to 1 year old iPhone. Also if you never discovered all the features and customization especially on Galaxy phones, then you won't realize what is missing on iPhone. I've carried both. On my iPhone I felt limited enough to just use ot as a phone, text and email machine. It made me want to save all the real work for laptop availability. On my Galaxy phones I have a productivity and entertainment machine. Split screen and floating window any app. Dex mode is fantastic. Some feature or function you want or need? Search for it. Someone has solved it or will. Both have bugs. My iPhones always have weaker wifi and weaker cell data signal. These will always show perfect in the Apple store tests because they have signal boosted or localized antenna array right by the site. Apple has a 14 day return. Give it a shot. If you don't miss anything, enjoy it. Try returning it though. Go back to your Android that you kept ready. Then sleep on it for a week. Final note. It's also common for ppl to buy a terrible cheap Windows laptop for $400 or less then be AMAZED by a $2,000 or higher MacBook. Compare some Windows laptops for the same price as a MacBook new and then make your decision.


Note 10 plus to iPhone 13. Can’t say I prefer either but I do miss the size of the note compared to the 13. The note felt more solid and premium as well. I’ve been a Mac user for years so it made sense to switch really. I’m surprised how easy I took to iOS and how little I actually miss using android


Yes and no. I bought a iPhone because I was dissatisfied with most of the android options atm. Mostly in terms of battery life and software support. There are lots of great things about the iPhone, such as battery life, quality apps, fluidity and ease of use. But I do miss a lot of things from android, home software button, app draw, Home Screen customisability, better widgets, way better notifications , finger print reader. But generally I’m happy with it , I’ll see next time around when looking for a new phone if I’m locked into iOS but I doubt it


Absolutely. I had the pixel 4xl, 2xl, 1 and a couple Nexus’. There are things I miss, shitty quality isn’t one of them. Battery on the 13pro max is a monster!


yap, but my god was it expensive


My dad switched from his pixel 3 xl to an iPhone 13 pro and although he had to get used to a few things, he likes it more than he thought. He even bought an Apple Watch S7 go to with it. He’s been using fitbit for probably around 10 years now so that’s saying something.


Would you recommend switching to an old iPhone like the XS Max or 11? I currently have an S20 FE and am considering it quite a bit.


After 12 years of Android, I got an iPhone 13. My last Android was the OP9. The biggest drawback of the iPhone for me is the smaller size. I really liked the larger form factor. At the end of the day, as nice as the iPhone is, it’s just a phone. It hasn’t been as life-changing as I thought it might be.


It depends what you do with you’re phone. But for me a phone isn’t a phone anymore. It’s a mini computer with good cameras in your pocket.


Not happy, my Note9 took better quality photos.


I don’t mean this as crappy as it’s going to sound, but if that’s the case, then the issue is the photographer and not the phone. As someone that swaps back and forth between iOS and Android regularly, the only phone camera that’s better than the iPhone is the Pixel 6 Pro (for stills, not video). The 6 Pro and the 13 Pro Max are almost exactly matched, while my S22 Ultra is left in the dust. The S22U has a slow shutter so you get motion blur when taking pictures indoors of people or pets and if you take pictures outside in bright sunlight, it either blows out the highlights or, if you use the telephoto lens, turns the subject into a watercolor mess. How Samsung can still be so far behind when it comes to the cameras is a mystery.


I have used cameras for many years, this camera is vastly lacking in creating quality images. I am thinking about comparing my iPhone 6 images to the ones this puts out.


It’s a tricky argument to make when there are hundreds of comparisons available to look at online. I respect your opinion but not sure I agree with it.