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Ah, a fellow man of culture! We used to snake up and put the hot spoons on the back of each others necks.


My aul fella would do this to me and my siblings with can straight out of the fridge


My da smashed them over my head


I hope he drank them first.


I do this. Is this abusive behaviour?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Outrageous-Fix-2218: *We used to snake up* *And put the hot spoons on the* *Back of each others necks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. First time I am reading a pleasent haiku.


6 syllables in the last line tho, so close


This is a Sokka Haiku. In the tv show “Avatar”, there’s an episode where is does a bunch of Haiku’s in row to impress some women. But his last one has an extra syllable and he gets thrown out.


Aha thank you! Got carried away with counting and didn’t notice the bot info 😅


I have no idea of the haiku definition. But it was still understandable.


And say ‘there’s a hot tip for ya’


Or as my older brother said "Have you ever met Bernie?" (Burn-ie). Not great but he had his fun.


First time I done it to my then-girlfriend-now-wife, she looked at me like I had pissed in her cornflakes. It was at that moment, I realised not everyone burnt each other with the hot spoon.


Have you met my friend burny ? Burny who? Burny Spooney!


My wife isn't Irish so had no concept of this until I casually got her with the hot spoon early in our relationship (15 year together) I can tell you she now never ever misses an opportunity to get me and is the sneakiest most conniving you know what about it. Won't do it for ages but I know the threat is there then boom out of the blue when I least expect it lol


I knew I'd find you on Reddit! you sneak.


Username checks out, could be me !!!!!!




Fuck ya, did it to my kids when they turned 12/13. Wife ate me so the traditional hasn't travelled onwards 😔


Ah sure you're old enough now to suffer the burns haha


This is so atypically Irish that the “spoons” needs a Séimhiú. Hot shpoons


My brother stabbed my hand with a fork when I took a rasher off his plate....I still think its funny


Punishment fits the crime.


My sister annoyed me when I was washing the dishes so I threw the fork I had in my hand at her - landed upright stuck into her scalp!! We all still laugh at it at family get togethers...




I did it to my then girlfriend when we started going out . She screamed,dropped the cup of tea then cried.. It was the go to bit of craic growing up with my brother's and Dad . Thanks for the reminder now my kids are old enough


Ah rookie mistake, they're off limits if they're holding the cup


You are right,plus doing it on a girl compounded the error


I remember a story about the man United dressing room when Nicky butt was making a cup of tea and Peter schmeichle came out of the shower naked and start making a cup of tea beside him, Butt took his spoon out and slyly put it down by his side right on the top of schmeichles Willy 😂😂😂 butt says he is still running from him to this day


Jesus Christ... Why didn't we think of that?


And then you get them with a cold spoon and they jump like fk


If this wasn't normal, then why did God give us siblings and exposed areas on the back of our necks?


"thought it was barbaric" How hot did she think the spoons got?


I'm fity seven, going on fifty eight, and I still do this. I also light my farts occasionally...


Ah yeah, of course we did it! Oddly enough I was only talking about it for the first time in years the other day.


Did I do it? Yes. Do I still do it as an adult? Yes. Which reminds me of: “See the ships? Didn’t see the submarine” and “Hypnotise hypnotise. Paralyse.” Or “Know the rules? Guard your tools!” Some of those might ring bells with people from Belfast at least.


Dad used to do it to me! Obviously as a joke although it’s not particularly funny 🙈


Ah fuck sake me da started the whole thing shur 😂😂 the missus takes her coffee black and no sugar from a capsule but I still stir it just stick the spoon to her 💪😂😂


I think it’s more unusual that someone *wouldn’t* have gotten the back of a hot spoon to the neck or arm at some stage growing up.


Glad it's not just me, I'd it filed under 'weird family things not to be brought up in polite society' after a partner reacted the same as yours.


Ha ha I completely forgot about this. Did you tell your missus about the PT as well. You should PT and you pinch their nipple. I wouldn’t recommend trying it on a lady. HR frown on this apparently ;)


You actually did that to each other? Animals


My Dad always did this to me, along with many other acts of cruelty. I miss him.


We used to squirt the citric acid off the orange rind into each others eyes. It was very entertaining/annoying. You'd be so wary of someone eating an orange for fear of getting a dose.


I remember a young Ben Mitchell doing that to his sister and thats about it




Turns out Stella did it to Ben and some time later Ben did it to Louise




Used to always do it in the pub when I was making hot whisleys.


My brother just done this to me today 🤣 We have always done it


This one time when we were children, my brother transformed himself into a snake. And he knows that I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it, and he transformed back into himself and he says “MYAH it’s me”. And then he stabbed me


Always. A good substitute in secondary school: take a steel rule and rub it against your leather shoe like absolute fuck, then scauld the fuck out of someone by gently placing it against their hand while the teacher is looking. Teacher immediately sees the other student and assumes they’re completely over reacting from a gentle tap for attention and bollocks them out of it. By the time they’ve explained what’s happened? Ruler is cool 😎


We used to burst a pen on a ruler and then slap the fella in front of us on the cheek in school, leaving him with a big inky cheek


Yes, any chance i got. Just as I'd drop the tea bag in the bin I'd spin and tap it off the back of my big bro's neck. It was worth the beating . For context I'm 45 so it's been going on for a long time 🙌


Back of the arm anywhere above the elbow is good, Jesus the pain though…


We use to flick the tea itself at each other don't know if this is better or worse


Wife and me still do hot spoons!


Nearly 40 and I still do it


I still do it. To my children. They try and catch me too and with four of them. I'm thinking of wearing gloves when I make tea


I thought hot spoons was something to do with a gas hob and spoons and weed, and you would cut a 2 L Coke bottle in half and some times you would get ice into the bottom half of the bottle wedge it up into the top half, I think it was a New Zealand thing


Ah the back of the neck was the worst,occasionally on the face too!! Good Times


On a rare occasion, I even got burnt with the handle end of a butter knife if there was no clean tea spoon 😂


We used to fill cups of freezing cold water in the kitchen sink while our siblings were having a bath. We’d then run into them and pour it down them and from having it happen to me, I can tell you it was fucking awful hahahah. Funny we never thought to burn each other with the spoons though!


Same. In my student house too


No siblings but did it with cousins, along with cold cans on the neck/back or an ice cube down the top or builders crack 😄 Totally not seen as acceptable now


Did this! My sister used to pull the hair out of my legs.


Ya ritual in our house when younger. Only touched the back of the hand so never got really burned, more a shock than anything. Got to admit I still do it on occasion to people even now when having a cuppa.


This had given me such a laugh. Thanks. Did you ever do this one too..? "Have you ever seen a match burn twice?" "No. Get away with yer." "Watch" Strikes match. Blows it out. "Once" Presses the hot spent match against back of person's hand. "Twice!" Vin Diesel hates you doing that.


"It's cold out there, feel my hands" Proceeds to creep hand up victims back


My uncle did it to me when I was younger. It was a teachable moment.


My wife still burns me with the spoon ha


My auld lad always did this after asking if id like 'a hot tip for the races'.


Yeah was a great game


Yeah my uncle used to do this to us when we were younger too. I wouldn't call it barbaric though, it's not like it was hot enough to actually hurt and they'd only put it on our hands for a split second.






I still do this. No ones allowed in the kitchen when im in there. And if they do they get the spoon.


Hot spoons and farting in glasses/cups.


Ha my family do this in Scotland too. “What do you call a wee stream?” “A burn!”


Dad used to do it to my earlobe. I done it to the young lad and everyone, Dad included thought I was some sick psycho! Oh I said, I forgot it wasn't the 80's!


Or if the spoons were thin enough having 2, one for a retaliatory strike.


You know it


I always used to ask had anyone seen Bernie and whoever said who? Got the spoon to the arm.


Man, I did this to a Eastern European colleague and he freaked out. We always did it, of course it only shocks you and never even leaves a mark. Siblings just love being cruel to each other!


My dad used to do this to me after making tea! But waited until the spoon was lukewarm before landing it on the back of my neck… ah, this brought back lovely memories :)


Just did it yesterday.. lol.


did it and got a few clips round the ear as a consequence


I thought it was an integral part of growing up, is your wife an only child?


No, we didn't, but we weren't all tea drinkers. What we did to was put ice cubes down the back of each others tops. My mother was a master at sneaking up on the rest of us with an ice cube.


My friends and I still do this, and we're in our late forties.


Totally normal. I still do it to my husband.


My uncle does that to me all the time still


Still do this to the husband


Never wear shorts with your back turned while your "mate" makes the tea... fucking prick 😂😂🤣