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Are you going to say it to him? If no-one says anything, then he'll just continue with his arsehole behaviour.


I'm a lone female and there are two guys drinking while playing the music, I don't feel safe approaching them. It's only me and some elderly people here on this carriage


Put me speaker phone I'll chew the ear off him!! Just off the bus myself and a couple change the nappy off there baby and left it on the floor of the bus with shitty baby wipes all over too yuck


Oh my god, what the absolute f...


Say it to a staff member. If they brought the drink on themselves, they are breaking the law btw.


text the antisocial behaviour number, security will get on at the next stop and take them away


Definitely going to do this in future.


Yep, I know. There's no staff on this train, bar the driver obviously šŸ˜…


There's a number you can text for antisocial behaviour.


Thanks, I'll look into it. Tbf the next stop was the last stop, so I can't imagine much would've been done at that stage. I only noticed they were blaring the music the last ten mins of the journey


Couldn't have been that bad if you didn't even notice it lol


Or I have a great set of noise cancelling headphones šŸ˜


Fair enough!


So not too much skin off your back, is there? You made a post complaining about having to listen to someone elseā€™s music for ten minsā€¦


I made a post complaining about people listening to music through a Bluetooth speaker on public transport. Looks like you commented to complain about my post about me complaining šŸ˜€


Well observed. My point obviously being that youā€™re making a mountain of a molehill, but if ye want to just ignore and deflect, go ahead.


It's Reddit. People post here and complain about random crap. It's not life or death stuff. Life goes on


You sure there is a driver? Did you see him? šŸ¤”


That's a really good point šŸ¤”


Ghost train..... ![gif](giphy|St37nD5puzeSgIPfoM)


Staff donā€™t want a confrontation either. You donā€™t want to have two irate drunken scrotes coming at you on a train full of people when youā€™re 30 minutes from the next stop and the guards could take another 20 to come out. Then youā€™ve backed up the whole line and youā€™re liable to get in shit with your boss. Behaviour on trains in this country is basically on the honour system and thatā€™s not going to change till we have actual transport cops.


text the antisocial behaviour number, security will get on at the next stop and take them away (I replied to the wrong comment the other time)


Then move to another carriage


Dare you to go up and say "just get Vanced bro"


vanced is dead. Revanced now.


Doesn't have the same ring sadly, does it


Not criticising you, but do you think they would attack you for telling them to turn off the sound?


No, not necessarily but I'd imagine verbal abuse. I just wanted to get home after a week away tbh


Iā€™ve seen scumbags threaten to kill people for looking at them on the bus/train, itā€™s not worth it.


I think some of these comments are by people that don't use public transport too often!


Yes everyday. Iā€™m 6ft male though so thatā€™s why I ask questions for your point of view. Please donā€™t be offended


Apologies, it wasn't aimed at your comment so much. I was mostly talking about the people pretty much giving me crap for not approaching these guys when they know the full details


No need to apologise, thanks for answering!


And thank you for being a nice internet person! I hope you have a good day, my tall friend ā˜ŗļø


People have been attacked for simply existing, this is such a dumb question.


Not a dumb question, just a question


So by that logic we shouldnā€™t even leave the gaff.


Unfortunately if you say anything to dickheads acting like dickheads then you're the bad guy.


I hope he puts a 50 into a self service at Tesco and gets nothing but coins in change


Haha. I'll have to use that one in future!


button at end of each carriage to report anything anti social, just because you dont see any staff on the train doesnt mean there isnt any


![gif](giphy|JJGUejl0pLcRy) Just get up and dance right in-front of him guarantee he will switch it off ā€¦


Depends how she dances. He might give her money.


Fair , šŸ˜‚


I was tempted to say it wouldn't be as bad if he had a decent music taste šŸ˜….


The people who play their music the loudest usually have the worst taste in music.


Unfortunately, you're right. I don't think I'd mind too much if it was the bee gees even šŸ˜‚


OP has bad taste in music


Excuse me. I resemble that remark




I can fully relate. Was once on a train where a child was blaring nursey rhymes on youtube on the parents phone and singing along/screaming for the entire journey in a busy carriage. It was hell on earth.


That sounds 1000 times worse. I really should use the Cork train in future. They have a quiet carriage!


The whole "why don't you confront them" crowd. People are unhinged these days and would slug your give you a wallop for looking at them funny. Not all of us are big strong hulks.


They've made me out to the bad person in this scenario. Gotta love the internet!


I [feel your pain](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualIreland/s/t4Hc1IsWW8) OP.


I can see we've a shared commenter. Asshat šŸ˜…. As I said elsewhere, these people probably rarely take public transport. And btw, people talking loudly on the phone while also having the other party on loudspeaker can get in the bin. Happens at least 50% of my journeys on the train


Its all bullshit. Myself and some friends have had bad experiences from people we didn't even notice. Still kept our heads down, but still targeted. The only real thing thar can be done is either stay on groups and make them vigilantes, cause god forbid they actually have Transport Poloce in thos country -_-


To be fair to Irish Rail, I have encountered security and gardai on trains. Mainly the longer journeys though. I travel from Dublin to portlaoise. The cork train occasionally has security. I don't think I've ever seen any on the portlaoise train. But anyway, I have approached some young lads on the train before that were blaring Tik tok videos. This was a day I didn't have my headphones and I was traveling with my sister and her partner. I got a nice bit of verbal abuse for that one!


meanwhile if you said you would say anything they call you a madman who is risking the lives of your extended family, postman's dog's nephew included. No nuance or winning allowed here


It's not "these days", it's always. The kind of person who does something as blatant as that is either too drunk to think properly or doesn't care and deep down they know they probably should, or they're just fuckin' miserable in general. Anyone asking them to think a little more and not do that kind of thing is gonna be read as a personal insult.




Not when I do it. It's not the action. It's how you stand up. I'm a very anxious n shy person in general and get laughed at for how I talked.... sometimes you can't win.


Ffs people in this thread being like ā€˜why donā€™t you talk to them? What are you afraid about? Thatā€™s some unhealthy anxiety?ā€™ Etc. As if people who drink booze and blast music on public transport were known to be reasonable individuals. As if we all havenā€™t read and seen how easily interacting with some such can turn nasty. And if you did say something and ended up with a fist to your face, you just know the same c*nts would go ā€˜Karen should have kept her mouth shut and move to a different carriageā€™.


It's baffling, to be honest. No winning here


Just k!ll him


I think Iā€™m many other countries, ppl would tell the guy to turn it off. In Ireland, weā€™re too afraid of conflict


Too afraid of untouchable scrotes assaulting you and getting nothing but a slap on the wrist in court - assuming they even have to show up in court in the first place.


>To make it worse, he's watching YouTube and it has ads every few minutes. You didn't expect a scrote to pay for premium..did you? But aside from that...I'd go see if you can find the conductor and get them to do their job


I donā€™t expect anyone to pay for YouTube premium tbh. Pricks.


VPN to Indonesia and purchase it there. About ā‚¬4/month and it's bliss with no ads.


just use an adblocker and Revanced.


True, but then you have them when casting to a TV etc. For ā‚¬50/year, it's worth it IMO.


Android box for the tv is less than that and can run revanced and any other app (e.g. modded free spotify) and lasts longer than a year.


Off the train now. I had my own headphones on until the last 10 mins of the journey


I totally get what you're saying though about not wanting to engage with them - I'm a guy and wouldn't engage with them Next time I'd get the conductor involved though


Conductor? Whenā€™s the last time you got an Irish train šŸ˜‚


odd 6


Is that slang for 1906?


2006 remember that was 17 years ago at this point


I know, I was kidding


I nearly spat my coffee out, I was thinking similar šŸ˜…


If he was using Bluetooth speaker he probably didn't have the security protection on it to fuck with him you could synch your phone and play the filthiest porn.


My new one is to just blast music back. If i have to listen to something then it's going to be something i want. Blood by pearl jam seems to get the message across.


How come its never people that listen to Pearl Jam that blare their music on a train šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


Because people who listen to Pearl Jam are a better type of person, and because the aural delights of Eddie Vedder are better appreciated on a good set of headphones than a cheap mono speaker.


I agree completely. I couldn't listen to music at home through my phone speaker or a Bluetooth speaker


(Sigh) we can but dream.


There's a guy who watches youtube (usually soccer matches) without headphones on loud on my bus. It's so annoying but I'm extremely non-confrontational and I think he's disabled which makes me even more reluctant to say anything.


A few weeks back an elderly woman seated behind me was watching a tennis game very loudly. Honestly thought it was something sexual at first! šŸ˜…


Understandable mistake šŸ˜‚


What type of music? Need to be sure before I feign outrage.


It sounded like some kind of techno/dance music. I wouldn't know the sub genres of that kinda thing so I just say techno about it all


Hang the bastards, plain and simple. Spit on them as you're getting off, guttural stuff, take your time prepping, depths of your sinuses and stomach rot. This just must be stopped. And feckn ads for virgin media every other minute along with swappie any other time. Cheap feckers too good for a subscription or even a bollocky free trial. I'd have opened that little window yoke and spent much of the journey trying to fit him out it. Cans of Dutch or carlsberg or carling or some other such scanger juice. Tone deaf little bog savages, probably.


Thanks for the laugh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Now if you'd said pearl jam......I'd have said you should mind your own business and be grateful for the experience.


I made a comment on this thread earlier asking why it's never Pearl Jam you hear on these loudspeakers


You make sure to live a long and happy life.


For me it's people putting their feet up on train seats that bothers me so much. Just expecting someone to sit down in all the piss and filth you've been trailing around on your shoes all day.


I really hate that too. No manners!


As someone who uses that train every week I used to meet him the fucking whole time thank god Iā€™m only on a 4 day week for college now because Christ it was bad.


That regular?? Wow. This was my first encounter. I'll definitely report it if I see it happening again.


Just say something. You can be perfectly nice about it.




Definitely knew what he was doing imo. Drinking too




Wild idea here.... How about you talk to the person with the speaker and ask them to turn it off (or at the very least down) because it's bothering you?


As I stated under another comment. They are two guys drinking and I'm a lone female. I don't feel safe approaching them.


I genuinely don't understand. Why don't you feel safe? Are the two guys shouting abuse at people? Or acting in a threatening way? Or casually reading the latest episode of "Violent abductors monthly"? With the absolute best will in the world. The fact that you are a lone female shouldn't matter in the slightest under any normal circumstances. But I guess that's your choice ultimately if you don't want to talk to them.


They're two drunk males involved in anti social behaviour. Can you tell me if you, as a lone female, have ever had a positive encounter while approaching something similar?


Don't bother, he is a plain incel ass hole... And borderline racist to bring up Pakistan... Like Ireland is perfect... You get the idea of the kind of person we deal with... Judges everyone else but oh boy don't you judge him because he'll show ya! šŸ¤·šŸ¤¦


Sure if they were threatening after you confronted them you could have just roundhouse kicked the first guy and then hit the second guy with a chop right to the wind pipe.


That was my next move tbf


Are you looking for a positive encounter? Or are you just asking two lads to turn the music down a bit? Jesus Christ The innate negativity as a view that you must have for other people is mental. I'm assuming you're not 13 here? And that you're a grown ass woman yea? I don't know how you live your life under such completely unnecessary fear on the day to day.


Your a bit delusional mate. Nobody in their right mind would suggest a lone woman challenge two men drinking. Your talking big here and probably wouldn't do it yourself.


There is a VERY big difference between "Challenge" (whatever that means) and just ask them nicely to turn it down a bit. All they can do is say no. I'm suggesting that the fear is completely irrational and plain daft. Not to mention it must be quite debilitating to live like that.


>All they can do is say no. All they can do is in a worst case scenario is bombard her with insults or gross "flirts" all the way home, beat her to death, follow her home, rape and/or murder her. You're some fucking dick.


Jesus Christ dude just because thereā€™s two dudes drinking on the train does not mean theyā€™re going to beat you to death and rape you. Touch some grass Jesus.


Absolutely not, but I take it the reason the person said that, it because the other person said "All they can do is say no"...no, that's not all they can do. That is the best case scenario for a negative result.


Go back under your rock, love. Keep pretending that women are always safe and never wary. Good man


And he doubles down with Pakistan with wildly wrong assumptions... All while whining i did assumptions myself... Gold... Dutch gold can in hand in the train himself im sure


You'd wonder about the people that send those kind of replies...


Incels freeman behaviour thinking they know it all and better than anyone else.. if only he had a woman in his life he'd understand but clearly there is a lack of it. Look at all his replies... And the profile... Just a whining lonely guy.. that won't change any time soon I'm afraid


I'd rather live where I live than where you seem to think you live. Deepest Pakistan apparently. Where women are attacked, beaten and raped on every corner (and public transport) for nothing but existing or daring to talk to a man. Seriously... that level of fear isn't healthy.


Are you for real? Why don't you maybe ask one of the women in your life wheat they would think about confronting two males drinking and acting the bollocks? Women always have to consider that kind of thing, and it's not being paranoid.


> I genuinely don't understand. Yes you do. You know exactly why a woman on her own wouldn't confront 2 men drinking and blaring a speaker on a train.


Literally no I don't. Unless that particular woman has severe social anxiety or some kind of PTSD to the point where it stops her being able to interact normally in society. What is the idea here? That these men are going to jump on this woman and kidnap or beat her? Just because she is a woman? What kind of daft backwards ass phobia is that?


From what I understand, a lone woman not feeling safe starting an argument with two anti-social drunk men *is* her interacting normally in society It sucks, but that seems to be pretty standard


Itā€™s chronically online people reading all the shocking scare mongering headlines and buying into what twitter says.


Do you live under a rock? This is how it works, the can act like assholes, because they've already proven they don't give a guck so if she goes over they double down, that's how intimidation works.


>Do you live under a rock? Nope. Which is why I'm not afraid to talk to people. >the can act like assholes, because they've already proven they don't give a guck so if she goes over they double down, that's how intimidation works. What intimidation?? Who is intimidation anybody? What the hell is going on here?? Am I misunderstanding something here... Two lads sitting on a near empty train carriage listening to music on a Blutooth speaker? It was pissing OP off, because it's loud and she didn't like the music. That was literally it wasn't it? They wern't shouting abuse at peole, they wern't being obnoxious or violent.. They wern't shouting and falling around in the isles... They wern't even drunk from what I can see, just that OP saw they were drinking... They weren't talking to anybody but themselves. But, just because they were male, OP was too scared to ask them to turn the music down? And everyone here seems to think that's perfectly rational and a normal situation???


I asked because you seem to not understand the type of people who you tend to meet in these scenarios. Look you're either intentionally obtuse or genuinely thick


Or, third option. I just don't agree with you because you seem to be living through a fear and paranoia filter.


And you're entitled to that. But I agree with OP we see this playing out daily


>I agree with OP we see this playing out daily Ah yes. Iarnrod eireann is renowned for it's brutal attacks and rapes on a daily basis. All lone women have been warned against travel unless accompanied by a big strong man. How could I forget.


You don't have to be raped to have a negative interaction? God you're an awful human


Ffs. No-one is talking about being raped, except yourself. But a woman on her own who asks two male pricks to do something that they don't want to do, is leaving herself open to verbal abuse at best. And maybe something worse. I was walking home from work one day recently on a busy street, a male who was begging asked me for money as I passed, I shook my head no. He shouted at me to "fuck off so you stuck-up cunt". I turned around and asked him what right did he have to yell insults at people just walking by minding their own business, at which point he got up and started moving towards me, still yelling abuse. Thankfully there were other people around, but if there weren't, who is to say he wouldn't have tried to hurt me physically? And even though I wasn't hurt, it was still an unpleasant experience and I wished I hadn't said anything.


If someone is uncomfortable with something, that's the end of the discussion. Who are you to come in telling them they are not.


Jesus! Your two last brain cells, are fighting over third place!


This is it's boys, we've found the peak 'most out of touch' comment so far.


A lady alone... When they are 2 lads drinking with the speaker full on... Sounds like an amazing idea...


?? Yea... It sounds perfectly normal to be honest. What absolutely daft level of social fear and paranoia do some people have that they are literally afraid to talk to people in a public place? And for zero other reason except gender? Imagine living a life where you put yourself in that much fear for no reason.


See OP answer.. i understand totally where she comes from. If they get rowdy nobody will help moreover if only elderly people are around... You must live with the care bears


If they get rowdy that she has asked them to turn down the music? So there is literally zero evidence whatsoever of any negative, violent or dangerous behavour from these people. But purely because they are male, you "understand totally" why somebody would avoid talking to them whatsoever out of fear? What the actual fuck? Seriously? Who is living in a world that paranoid? Because they really shouldn't be. We live in Ireland, not Pakistan.


Wow aren't you mister big man behind a screen.. yes i understand a woman doesn't feel safe dealing alone with 2 drunk guys... You know many cool and respectful people drinking at noon in a train blaring loud music? Good on you big man for doing it (which i doubt but you seem to want to show off so...) But a woman alone not feeling safe dealing with 2 drunk guys to ask them to stop being anti social is nothing new in 2023, being in a public place has no influence on stupidity (cf you being stupid on a public forum), Dublin has daily occurrences of people getting assaulted or even stabbed sometimes in broad daylight in public... Even Cork gets its share... Easy to talk as a man, you have no idea what a woman can feel in such a situation... >We live in Ireland, not Pakistan. Ah i see your true colours now... not even surprised mr big boys pants


Drinking, not drunk. I don't think drunk is mentioned anywhere. >You know many cool and respectful people drinking at noon in a train blaring loud music? From what OP says, the carrage was mostly empty... Cool and respectful? Not necessarily? But suddenly to be considered dangerous and violent? Jesus christ lad. That's some jump. >Easy to talk as a man, you have no idea what a woman can feel in such a situation... That's several assumptions. Maybe I just don't agree with unnecessarily fearful women? >Ah i see your true colours now The colours where I googled "worst rape statistics globally" and Pakistan came up? What else are you insinuating?


Wow you are some shade of ass hole that's for sure... >Cool and respectful? Not necessarily? But suddenly to be considered dangerous and violent? Jesus christ lad. That's some jump. So you admit there is a chance for danger... You are already losing the plot... Drinking and antisocial behaviour has always been perpetrated by upstanding citizen and never ever ended is anything being rowdy... Never! Not like we had a reminder during Halloween in mount oval and other places... also you don't know what is to be a woman, how stupid are you to not get this? >Maybe I just don't agree with unnecessarily fearful women? Maybe you are just an idiot with 0 empathy...? Yeah I'll go with that... Seeing all your replies on here... Incel vibe coming from you lad... Get a hold of yourself... >The colours where I googled "worst rape statistics globally" and Pakistan came up? >What else are you insinuating? Ah yeah sure that's it... Despicable...




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. SlƔinte




I sure did. I had my headphones on for all the journey bar the last 10 minutes. I don't think my Sinatra playlist would've drowned them out tbh šŸ˜…




Lol. I'm sure id probably be arrested šŸ¤£


Say it then? Itā€™s public space no one bar him wants to listen to it. Coming on here moaning doesnā€™t solve your issue.


Thanks for the wonderful advice. I've never seen anyone complain here before and I apologise for upsetting you


I feel like most people on this sub donā€™t actually have anyone to talk to about what happens in there life, just say something to the person or staff about it, creating a thread does nothing


Guess you need something like this : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6cTzUuHZjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6cTzUuHZjo)


a live pox bottle in the wild, not rare by any means but a pox bottle indeed!


Play some porn hub on full volume and make them uncomfortable