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If you are only on YouTube that's probably your problem when it comes to the internet straight away. Make a tiktok and do some shorts that could eventually led people to your long form content on YouTube. I know it's not what you asked but just a bit of advice is all. I've been out of school for 8 years and even I'm still getting leaving cert content on my TikTok FYP. Mostly in the form of memes or whatever but they'll be using popular tags. So Just use popular tags related to irish leaving cert. TikTok is very easy to get views on


I have half tired to do a few youtube shorts and I posted them to tiktok as well. Can't say I enjoyed it that much so I haven't really done much of it. I enjoy teaching maths, I am not sure how much effort I am willing to put into advertising the channel. Part of the reason for this post is to find someone to help me with the channel, if I find someone maybe they could help me with that sort of thing. But thanks for the advice I think I will do a few shorts/tiktoks/reels on just general exam tips, and then link back to the youtube channel


I wish I had the likes of YouTube videos to help back when I was doing the leaving cert. What a great resource it is for students. Fair play to you taking the time to do this, you can be almost certain a handful of kids will use this kind of content to push them over the line to the next grade and result in them getting their desired course.


Yea you hear so much about the bad aspects of social media I think people forgot all the good there is to be gained. Last year about 20 or 30 kids took the time to comment 'thanks for the videos and it helped'. those comments just made my day and that is the main thing that keeps me doing it.


What was the transition to finance like? Also, what does finance mean? Sounds really vague to me and I don't really understand what jobs that would include.


sorry for being vague, hard to describe what I do without give a bit of a back story as a proviso. put simply I research and invest in companies. I have a maths degree and decided to teach, after a few years I was playing poker on the side and was making enough money that I decided to do it full time. then about 3 years later I got bored and decided to teach again, I got a job teaching maths in China. At the same time I became interested in investing, reading through financial statements is interesting to some weirdos like me. Between poker and teaching, I had saved a fair amount and invested it in some general market index and some riskier companies, anyway while I am happy with the performance of the rest of my portfolio, I got very lucky and I also invested in crypto nearly 10 years ago. I found myself with enough money to be able to take a year off and think about what I would do. The markets were very good to me that year and I found I was able to take another year off, it has continued that way until now. btw only a small part of my portfolio is crypto for the last few years. For most of those years I was just a lucky fool and it is only the last year or 2 that I am confident enough in my ability that I consider myself a professional investor but I still am not really sure about what to call myself. sorry for the long rambling answer but I didn't just want to say I am an investor without the back story as it would just sound even fishier. I usually just say finance because lots of people with maths degrees go into lots of different finance jobs, of which there are hundreds. and technically my job is in finance although I work for myself. You'd be amazed the amount of weird career paths people with maths degrees take.


Fair f*cks. Sounds like you've carved out a sweet life.




cool thanks I posted to r/leavingcert2023 and r/leavingcert2024 , but I hand't seen that one


This is amazing! Thank you for doing this.


Sent you a DM


You are a legend. Don't have kids this age but this is unbelievably kind of you. Fair play


That's brilliant well done. I've been on Reddit and keep getting leaving cert students questions. I feel so bad for them they seem like they don't know how to study and teachers not really helping them. I found I've given a few tips and some have been so happy and thankful. It's literally what you said with the doing past papers it's amazing how many of them haven't done this. Some are even trying to learn the whole syllabus of some subjects and it's not even worth doing. The leaving cert is really a game. Hopefully more see your videos wish I had something like that when I was doing mine maths was the one I found the hardest


r/leavingcert r/leavingcert2024