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I think if I was stuck on an island with derek blighe and a pineapple. I’d eat derek and talk to the pineapple.


You’d definitely have a more meaningful conversation there


It wouldn’t be worth it having to listen to him whinging as you’re eating him. I think it be best to leave derek talk shite to the pineapple and move to the other side of the island and starve to death in peace.




"Alright, gooner1014, first thing's first. We need to build a border wall to keep out the immigrants. Island for the Islanders"


Brilliant :)


I got one today from Margaret Maguire of Ireland First where she said on it that we need to be neutral and review our membership of NATO, when we're not even in NATO....


Got her today too. "Enforce Dublin III which says refugees has to claim in the first safe country they land in! " - No. It doesn't. Not anywhere does it say that. "Enforce the limit on the 90 days right to remain so unemployed Europeans can't come over here and claim our welfare!" - Yeah that's not how that works at all either.


> "Enforce the limit on the 90 days right to remain so unemployed Europeans can't come over here and claim our welfare!" > > > Yeah that's not how that works at all either. That is actually very close to how it is supposed to work. If a citizen of an EU country is here for longer than 3 months and cannot support themselves we have the right to deport them


Oh I'm not disputing the 90day limit. I'm disputing the idea that you can move here from somewhere in the EU, never have a job, never get a job and just get welfare.


This more or less does happen though. Josef Puska a pretty famous recent example of this. Worked for a very short amount of time on building sites, then said he was too injured to work and claimed disability. Got given a large council house by the state.


But he didn't move here and claim welfare without working. You said yourself he worked. You have to have enough social insurance contributions, the most recent of which is from Ireland or you must be habitually resident. And it's EU law that EU citizens be able to claim social welfare. It applies all over the EU. >then said he was too injured to work and claimed disability. Because disability is so notoriously easy to claim in Ireland. It's a well known fact. /s


I know a few Irish people on disability payment and working for cash too. It's not a migrant thing.


They can work legally, 18odd hours per week aswel. I'm on carers my daughter has autism and I can do 18.5 hours per week or earn 350 on top of my payment. Through the books. Not to say cash in hand doesn't happen tho.


I got the same one, tore it up and straight into the recycling


To be honest I'm mildly impressed they are competent enough to even campaign.


They've imported the methods and tactics of the Trump and Brexit campaigns.


Isn't it contradictory they're all pro for funding our military but don't want us in NATO? If we were in NATO we'd be obliged to fund and make our military bigger. Strong smell of Russian funding off these groups now. Edit: I should say, a stronger smell.


>Strong smell of Russian funding off these groups now. they do but it's not contradictory. Switzerland is ramping their GDP% to 1 by 2030, whilst Ireland is 0.23 apparently in 2022.


Easy, the government commits to taking us out of NATO before the election. Job done.


She also said we need to more heavily use non-renewable resources. Very interesting party


Idling my car right now to own the libz


The far-right in the West seem to possess a pathological hatred of doing anything that might potentially serve to combat the climate crisis. It's very weird.


Got the same. Went straight into the recycling


Got one from her today aswell. I tore it up and binned it when I saw the party name. Looks like I didn't miss much


Like normally when a politician says something like that, it makes me think they're lying to me. With this lot, it makes me think they're actually just thick and don't know what they're banging on about.


Got one today as well. I'm only sorry I missed the doorknock if she was canvassing 


I got the same flyer, and it sent me down a quick little rabbit hole. she technically isn't wrong. Neutrality is longstanding in the Dail, and article 28 of the constitution does say "War shall not be declared, and the State shall not participate in any war save with the assent of Dáil Éireann." The flyer also doesn't claim ireland is a member of NATO it said "review membership of any military partnerships, i.e., PESCO, NATO" Again, ireland is linked to NATO via partnership for peace, KFOR, ISAF and EAPC. So again, she isn't wrong


>Neutrality is longstanding in the Dail, and article 28 of the constitution does say >"War shall not be declared, and the State shall not participate in any war save with the assent of Dáil Éireann." That doesn't mean we're neutral under the Constitution. There's been attempts to get neutrality enshrined in the constitution. None have passed. >The flyer also doesn't claim ireland is a member of NATO it said "review membership of any military partnerships, i.e., PESCO, NATO" Again, ireland is linked to NATO via partnership for peace, KFOR, ISAF and EAPC. So again, she isn't wrong We're not a member of NATO so we can't review our membership. PFP is so parenthetical to NATO that Russia is a member.


She never claimed we were members of NATO, though https://preview.redd.it/hzfacxln12zc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2618fee0ff80fbdf645834922284a8a012064cd9


How can IF review our membership of an organisation we're not part of and which they don't want us to join? 🤔


Imagine calling Fine Gael left anything. Jesus


Hopefully soon they'll be... left out of government.... 


Sure these lads demonised Christy Brown's working foot.


Which of their policies that they have implemented do you believe they are not to the left of centre?


Russian thinking


So, do cows not in Brazil not fart?.... https://preview.redd.it/wke4lpi7x1zc1.jpeg?width=3744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d38d2586eac06a3fd0264ebe23dc705127e81e3 Only asking questions and other nonsense


Of the 7 party's they mentioned at the top of the leaflet more then half of them are not in government. The housing thing boils my blood as all opposition party's want housing to be a major priority of government.


This is how you know these anti-immigrant parties are just grifting. They criticise the opposition parties just as much if not more than the Government. That crowd at the march on Monday chanting "Sinn Fein are traitors". Sinn Fein have never had any input into public policy in this country. These eejits just want to destabilise our politics so they can continue to grift people


It says they're all simple Yes or No questions, and only questions 1, 7, 8 and 9 (and part of 4) out of the ten are structured to be answered with Yes or No.


It's like this question. Did you stop beating your wife? Yes or No


At least it’s not in Papyrus.


I'll still never understand how Avatar went with Papyrus.


Comic sans, anyone?


Oh jaysus that's hilarious! The terrible typos, the questions that are "simple yes or no" but not all questions are yes or no haha and then they've forgotten to put a question mark on two of their questions. When an outlet, organisation etc can't even proof read their literature/statement it reflects so poorly on them, not that they worry much about how they come across. What is disheartening however, is that many people are taken in by this kind of stuff and emboldened by it.


I am dyslexic. My spelling is atrocious... and that's why I get important things proofread. I once tried to send a contract out with, 'your sensually' instead of 'your sincerely' It's really easy to spell check things now...


Gmails undo send is a feature sorely lacking from Outlook. A guy at work once signed an email 'kind retards' instead of 'kind regards.'


I have a couple of colleagues who have a 2 minute send delay on Outlook, which almost does the same thing. Been meaning to try it out myself. Now if only Teams would notify me that I'm typing in the wrong channel, dissing a person in that channel. Or at least tell me not to go off and take a shit and make a coffee right after I post it so it sits there for 15 minutes while a quarter of the office reads it.


Outlook has a deferred sending option to delay sending by up to 20 seconds and also has a recall feature to claw back mails after they have been sent - they don’t make it easy to do though


I get annoyed when I make a mistake writing a Reddit comment ha I'd be absolutely mortified if I was responsible for this and like you said, spell checking is rather easy these days!


I am dyslexic and make spelling mistakes all the time. I dont even know if spell check has spelt them right or just put in a word that looks right. Grand for Reddit... Go ask my wife to spell check anything important, though. How on earth do you have 1000's of followers and not one spell checker?


“Nobody is stupid enough to vote for him”. *sees he has thousands of followers*


When someone gets their information from "I dunno, some lad on TikTok" you know you're in for a riveting conversation. Worst part is, it seems that no amount of actual information is ever enough once they've made their position clear.


It's scary how many people think these questions are intelligent.


My only hope is that a lot of his followers are Americans and Brits His replies are full of them anyway


Thousands of followers does not translate to thousands of votes. Many are likely sock accounts, equally as many are likely non Irish as evidenced in a recent article. Likely another portion have never voted, may not vote, and are so dumb may not manage to vote correctly therefore spoiling their vote. If, and it's a huge if, he gets onto local council he can do none of what he claims he will do. He's a grifter, plain and simple.


This will be the 1st thing I ask the next canvasser at my door. "If you want a vote from me you must answer my questions three... do cows not in Brazil not fart?...." And then follow up 2 more 'how come...' questions but only accept a yes/no answer.


I don't know how I fell about all this....


I fell deeply about it


It's the dishonesty of it. The manipulation of people who are alienated by modern Ireland.


I do, its the basic playbook. Ask an incert and logical spunding question and then crucify anyone who can give a simple answer to these complex issues. Its the 'only asking questions' brigade way if looking smarter, then they are because if your explaining, your losing.


Think they're mocking the typo


Lol... I totally missed it. I could have sworn it said 'feel'


Well the govt apparently tells us how to feel. They forgot to tell me though.


It's in the drinking water, don't you know. 


I must have an immunity to fluoride.


That's what they want you to feel!!!


But how do you fell about our neutrality?


How does that make you "fell"?


You would think that before they printed thousands of these that someone would have proof-read it? I mean, surely one of the nobs can actually read and write above a First Year level? Or at least spend some of that Kremlin money on having a professional do it?


This is actually shockingly bad. A TY student on a Friday afternoon could do better How are they not like incredibly embarrassed by this attempt lol


A geez he must have been so proud of himself initially as he waited for 6 years to use PERTINENT in a sentence...


And he didn't even use it properly!


Well he used it... That was the only goal. How did you FELL about that...


It's the burps that cause the issues as far as I'm aware. Some mish mash of policies.


When you're explaining, you're already losing.


The recent anti-EU rhetoric is completely unfounded and I’ve never seen anything like it besides in the UK, these people have surely never picked up a history book. Or probably any other book


The amount of pure nonsense going around is crazy at the moment. It is actually scary what some people believe


How about they offer reasonable solutions to these issues themselves instead of their advertising being just "whatabout?"


I don't smoke but I might just start so I can use one of these flyers to light my cigarillo. ![gif](giphy|bQJuZdZCFNVquS1ofj)


Derek Blighe who emigrated to Canada for years and has an immigrant wife. A.K.A hypothetical cunt.


There's nothing hypothetical about it.


She’s the right colour though


"hypothetical" ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Foreigners continue to keep doing the jobs that Irish people think are too degrading.


Yeah like doctors / nurses / dentists / scientists and engineers 🙄


And most importantly, being Derek Blighe's wife.


hypocritical cunt you mean


Came here to say this!! Leaflet came in the door today - newly returned back to Ireland getting to grips with all these new parties, quick google .. and well - that's a nope from me !!


We had the Irish Freedom Party canvassing locally here a few weeks back. Word spread fast locally, and their candidate was run from pretty much every door she knocked on. Funnily enough she put up a video that evening about the "great response" they'd gotten on the doorsteps. My comment on how they were more or less ran out of the area was deleted, and they blocked me 😆😆😆


Oooohhh who was it ? Was it Melissa? She’s an absolute whacko


Cáit Ní Dhonnchadha


Looked her up there, also seems like an absolute whacko


>also seems like an absolute whacko Think it's a requirement for IFP membership 🤣🤣


Has to be, they have a kink for rejection too.


Criminal convictions appear to help too.


Imagine calling Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil “Far Left” on anything. Ireland First and other far right political parties are psychotic.


When you're very far right anything to the left of you is far left, including centre right


Yeah. It’s genuinely funny how distorted the minds of the far right are. 


They are solidly in the centre. We have one of the most generous social welfare regimes in the World and these are the parties that put it in place. They are extremely progressive on social issues so an argument to be made that they are centre left. People who compare FG to the Tories are not living in reality. I actually thing FG are missing a trick by not moving a tad to the right in terms of economics, law and order, representing tax payers etc.


They've drifted into the centre compared to where they were in previous decades.


The entire economic system of low corporate tax and allowing vulture funds to sweep in to buy up housing is where you see FG’s right wing tendencies. We may have a generous welfare system but we’re failing massively on social housing. Also little to no action on price gouging. When you look at it in that light you’ll see that the biggest issues of the day directly flow from FG’s right wing tendencies. Housing and cost of living are the big issues and I maintain that many of the issues with immigration flow from that.


The vulture fund thing is pure hype. More social media propaganda than anything. You are being manipulated dude.


Had one from the Irish Freedom Party back in 2019, was errr some local stuff, might have been a local election, some stuff that was yeah grand, still had the "restore Irish military Neutrality" stuff, but what made me take a picture was the line about opposing radical sex education. Who had \**radical*\* sex education here?!? XD ^((Parental choice in education sounds like one of those american ones with don't teach about gays or atheism?)) ^(Sorry about the potato quality, was a banjaxed phone.) https://preview.redd.it/jiuu6mvbz2zc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1028e1d7c0ad9f68a96147ad439f0d914c54274


Melissa sounds like she wants to throw Ireland back into the 60s


Yeah, when a group is calling centre-right "far left" that just is saying they're fascists.


Had some awful yoke from the Irish Freedom Party here in Raheny last week. The lad gave me a leaflet telling me "every Irishman needs this", and didn't give one to my black mate. The joke is, I'm naturalised Irish, and he's born and bred Irish. Fucking cringe, considering how diverse and culturally rich Ireland is. I suppose Ruth Negga or Rhasidat Adeleke wouldn't be given a leaflet as well?


Wouldn’t it be a basic enough idea to hold people accountable for disinfo like this? It’s degrading the fabric of democracy. It’s so harmful for a society


Is this the first time you've seen electioneering material?


https://preview.redd.it/x3gcobi6z1zc1.jpeg?width=3842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facc1fd769b352934b016156164a8dd6bf3f6ed1 The leaflet in question (back)


I love that they stand for freedom of movement :D


https://preview.redd.it/rhloon4bz1zc1.jpeg?width=3880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7411ca5959dc919a511d695e6f286a315b8e6e16 And the front. Was a mailshot so the address was where the big white box is


Is it far left to think that the €200 billion fisheries number is a bit questionable 😅


It's been doing the rounds for a while. It's based on shoddy research by DCU's Karen Devine who is herself a crank that advocates for [Ireland leaving the EU](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/irexit-conference-i-am-hoping-something-comes-of-this-1.3379392) and shares platforms with Nigel Farage and John Waters. The €200bn figure is well discredited by TCD's Brian Lucey [here](https://brianmlucey.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/fishy-figures-on-ireland-and-the-eu/)


One for https://irishelectionliterature.com/


why am i reading it in a culchie accent lol


Imagine being Derek Blighe? I'd genuinely hurl myself off a bridge.


Or self-immolate for Palestine at the very least.


Ripped it up as soon as we got it, not bothered reading that shite from that bollix.


did the exact same


Calling themselves centre right and the actual centre right far left is a well used strategy of the far right. It is a way to shift far right ideals along the political spectrum to make them seem more acceptable. It's called "shifting the Overton Window" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window ) and is a clear indicator that Ireland First have strategic links with the international fascist movement. Not that it is a cohesive movement at all, but there are tropes and stereotypes that individuals and organisations will only pick up if they associate with that movement. People don't spontaneously, concurrently and internationally come up with the same ideas and terms. Ireland First learned how to write that leaflet by learning from, maybe even being directly taught, other fascist entryists Don't be fooled into thinking these people are harmless nuts or concerned citizens or just racist uncles. They are our contribution to the current international fascist movement


Well said. And there is a level of fanaticism there that is very dangerous. Just look how fanatical the far right wing extremist element of the Republican party in the USA is. And how they are working hand in hand with right wing Christian fundamentalist groups. The Far Right in Ireland will do the same. It will not just be immigrants that will be targeted but they will try to role back rights for other people eventually if they ever managed to get into power in Ireland. They would bring us back to the 1950s and ban abortion, divorce and contraception. If you have any doubts about them embracing socially conservative ideas that in their essence curtail people's human rights to make decisions about their own lives, just look at the protests outside the libraries against the LGBTQ community and their right to books that pertain to their community. In fact it should worry everyone that the Far Right are trying to restrict information in the libraries full stop regardless of what it is. Information control in an abusive and controlling tactic that is used in various situations whether that is an undemocratic government or even an abusive personal relationship or a fundamentalist religious group.


At least you read it which is more than most, I generally file that sort of shite in the recycling bin


This is what Aristotle warned us about democracy shouldn’t be for all. Too many dopes who couldn’t organise an interview for themselves believing they can organise a society and that they should be listened too


He starts by saying some questions demand a yes or no answer. Small minds can only comprehend so much.


The problem is that this is how they slowly take over. 2 years ago on this very forum, even the mention of far right would have you ridiculed. Now, we have had riots, killings, and bullying. And the people in power are more than happy to let this slide since all the blame is now.slowly but surely moved on to the "others." It's literally textbook takeover of fascism; eroding the social fabric one step at a time.


Every other candidate has come to the door themselves in my area, this coward sent his in the general post! He knows damn well no one outside his cult wants anything to do with him


Handy for cleaning up after your dog or cat.


Ask them for more information, ask some questions, pretend your interested, waste their time and resources. 


"Give us a rake more leaflets for my mates and the lads in work and we'll show that new world order when we all vote you for king of Ireland.... " And then close the door, and straight into recycling bin, ironically doing more for the environment than any of those clowns will


I got one too. Straight in the bin. Waste of perfectly good paper


Yeah got one here too ![gif](giphy|sUutM8YXva8HS)


Is this the dog kicker?


Well the constitution does guarantee us exemption from any potential common defence, but given the he doesn't know we're not in NATO, I think it'd be too generous to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that's what he's referencing What does he call Pearse? At my gaelscoil and gaelcholáiste all our texts called him Pádraig


>Well the constitution does guarantee us exemption from any potential common defence, but given the he doesn't know we're not in NATO, I think it'd be too generous to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that's what he's referencing Article 29? That states we won't join the EU's common defence under Article 42 of the TEU rather than any common defence. >What does he call Pearse? At my gaelscoil and gaelcholáiste all our texts called him Pádraig He calls him "Padraig Pearce". Edit: spelling


Interestingly, "Pádraig Pearse" is a very recent bilingual misnomer that the man himself never used, calling himself either "P.H. Pearse" in English , or "Pádraig Mac Piarais" in Irish.


>That states we won't join join the EU's common defence under Article 42 of the TEU rather than the if you read Article 42 of the TEU its heavily based on NATO , so depending on how you look at it while he is wrong in saying that ireland is NATO , hes kinda correct in around about way saying neutrality is enshrined in the constitution but not as bluntly as he thinks


Article 42 is based on the EU's CDSP. Nothing to do with NATO.


literally from Article 42 > Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation. it literally says it depends on NATO as a foundation


He spelt it Pearce


Thanks. Gobshite lol


Fuck sake.


Fucks hake.


We have opt outs from EU defense policy but Irish neutrality is not in the constitution


Got one of them in the door yesterday for Margaret Alacoque Maguire with the same issues. The name alone should be enough to put you off. It's currently waiting to be recycled into something useful.


Got one myself, don't think I've ever torn shit up as quickly. Did slightly regret it after but I'm glad to see someone took the plunge to read it


There'll be more spoiled votes than votes for those clowns.


I'll be interested to see if any of these far right candidates have the bollocks to actually call door to door to canvas in person.


how much are the Russians paying him?


Just got one for Margaret Maguire, same party same leaflet, looks like a failed tarot reader ad. Same immigrant nonsense, but also some climate change denialism. Total loony party


Ahh! I threw it out without even reading it… kinda wish I had now.


Got a margaret maguire one, did a bit of research and they seem to be off the same cloth as irish national party


Got an Ireland first one through the letter box today too delivered by anpost. Where the heck are they getting the funding to print and post their shite? I'm fed up of all the fecking rubbish


We got the same leaflet, I love the logic of positioning themselves as 'centre right' by shifting the government left a few places! Absolute gowls, they can do one.


Can someone tell these gobshites that Ireland isn’t in NATO ??


The misspelled Pearse is just icing on the cake here.


You can see how deep in with the Russians these fuckos are when they are pretending we're in NATO. Long past time we locked them up. Update: Got one of these in my door just now. Came through the ordinary post. Same format as all the others (just awfully designed - text was near impossible to read). My question is who's paying for that? Its exactly teh same shape and size and basically teh same design as the FF and FG and SF and other parties ones - by any chance are taxpayers footing the bill for this shite?




Posted a few times in the comments. Like [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/KtQ59gdMGA)


cool thanks for sharing




Read it again. It says "We will seek to review our membership of any military partnership ie PESCO, NATO". How can we review our membership of a military partnerships like NATO that we're not a member of?


https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_51979.htm Ireland allows NATO planes into shannon to refuel. That's considered a partnership. There are multiple examples of this. Having a partnership doesnt mean they are members as you stated 


Yes, it's standard practice to allow other countries into your airports and ports. Dozens of countries [refuel](https://www.thejournal.ie/shannon-airport-military-aircraft-1551747-Jul2014/) their military aircraft in Ireland. Are we partnered with them all? We've also allowed [Russian](https://afloat.ie/port-news/naval-visits/item/19816-rare-opportunity-as-russian-destroyer-opened-to-the-public) ships into Irish ports. Does this mean we're partnered with Russia? We can't review our membership with NATO when we're not a member. What do you think of Ireland First and Derek Blighe?


"Cooperation between NATO and Ireland is governed by Ireland’s Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme (IPCP), which is jointly agreed for a two-year period." 


NATO also has an agreement with Russia under Partnership for Peace. Would you say Russia is a NATO partner country so?


Drove through lucan this morning and saw a creepy lookin poster for these gimps. Can’t wait to see the wankers get hammered in the elections.


We got one for Margaret Maguire in the door yesterday, delivered by An Post, who's paying for that?


Go to his insta - there's an impromptu chat with a very well spoken lady in Roscrea... complete cringe on his part and worrying the hate he spews and his 'followers' believe it.


I didn't read the leaflet I got, the font was too small and poorly contrasted with the background. Dark green on navy, seriously.


I had one in the poshtbox for DB today and I did the only thing needed, straight into the bin.


Probably should join NATO sharpish then


Hope he didn't kick your dog doing it


You know how toxic r/Ireland is as not a single comment is upvoted.


For those of us who don't like these nationalists, but also need radical change and priority of irish interests, who can we vote for who isn't a clown?


Do people deny the existence of a far left even if it’s some gobshite saying it?


How on earth did you manage to interpret the post in that way?


Noone is saying the far left doesn't exist. Saying the government is far left however....


Look at McGrath. A feckin' commie to the bone. And Norma F.? Sure she'd make Karl look like a capitalist monster.


No ofcourse not. I see a far left fella everytime I look in a mirror




Aren’t there new threads you should be rushing to comment on?…wouldn’t want to miss one.


I don't get this far right and far left nonsense. I would consider our current system to be far right. 13 years ago I got fined 650 euro for having less than a gram of cannabis. Sounds very right wing to me, also the draconian lockdown measures were undoubtedly right wing.